How to do the Last Supper and then the Passover 2 days later Instructions
Last Dinner on the 12th of Abib Instructions
Passover on the 14th of Abib Instructions
Meditation before Passover
10 minutes before sundown April
PROOF from the analysis of Christ’s Blood Sample:
PROOF from Christ’s Blood Sample 40:40 (the Blood Sample that was taken from the West Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant),
SHOWS ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC PROOF of only 24 chromosomes in Christ’s blood sample, composed of:
23 normal chromosomes from His mother’s side,
but instead of there being 23 more chromosomes from His Father’s side, (given that all human beings have 46 chromosomes),
there was “only”1 Y chromosome from a non-human male, found in the Blood from/on the West Mercy Seat.=
The Blood on the West Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, contained only 24 Chromosomes, instead of 46.
“AND” the dried Blood when put into a liquid Petrie dish, the BLOOD WAS “ALIVE” after circa 2000 years, which “normally” is impossible.
The Location of the Ark of the Covenant:
The Ark of The Covenant is “inside” the Garden Tomb grounds, below The Place of the Skull, precisely under the Golgotha Crucifixion Site,
45’ underground,
inside Zedekiah’s Cave (the priests hid the Ark of the Covenant inside Zedekiah’s Cave in 536 B.C.).
The Ark is hidden behind a solid impenetrable man-made stone and mortar wall, see> 27:40
The Blood of Christ, ran down (onto the West Mercy Seat):
1.) Christ’s/Yahushua’s blood ran down from the nails in his feet, down onto the Stake, down onto the rocks at the base of the Stake.
2.) Down through the split rock crevices under the Stake, and
3.) onto the Ark of The Covenant West Mercy Seat see> 38:00, and 38:33.
On the east side of the Mercy Seat of the Ark you had the dried blood of bulls and goats as priests only applied blood to the East side.
But on west side of the Mercy Seat of the Ark see 49:49 you have only the dried shed blood of Christ/Yahushua. Video Archive
Editor’s Note:
Truth shall spring out of the earth. Psalm 85:11.