.) Did you know there are 3 different types of Hell?The Bible uses 3 different words for Hell, (Hades, Gehenna, and Taratoo). Unfortunately the King James Version and most other versions of the Bible do not make the distinction, and just translate everything as the word Hell.
But the Bible states that there are 3 different types of Hell.
The first is Hades, which is where the Irish put there potatoes every year = into the ground.2.) The second is
Gehenna, which is derived from the name of the Valley of Hinnon, which was outside of Jerusalem, and served as Jerusalem's garbage dump. That dump burned continuously as new garbage was added to it daily. But the garbage "itself" did not burn forever. It simply burned up and was no more. It became ashes.New garbage was added and the fire kept burning, but yesterday's garbage was utterly consumed and turned into ashes. This is why the Scriptures state: the wicked shall be "ashes" under your feet when you are living "on this earth" as a Spirit Being (after you are resurrected), because the wicked will have been burned to ashes, "not" writhing alive in an everburning hell.
This is what ultimately is going to happen to individuals that do not repent and choose the happier lifestyle, which can only be achieved by living the exact Bible way-Jesus' way:
These individuals choose their own lifestyle by breaking the 10 Commandments, including the 4th Commandment, which states: "Keep the 7th Day (Saturday) Holy", (God rested on the 7th day Saturday, and sanctified Saturday the God made the 7th day as Holy, and not the 1st day of the week "SUN"day the day of Baal the Sungod). Men changed God's commanded day from the 7th day to the 1st day. These individuals would continue to make everyone around them miserable, including themselves, by their breaking the 10 Commandments and choosing their own days and ways. Sunday was not put into force by men (Constantine) until 329 A.D.. 1st Century Christians were also thrown to the lions, tortured and burned alive by the Romans if caught worshiping on Saturday instead of Baal's day. Yet we have Christians today who give away their eternal life for the pot of soup (as Esau did) just because it is more convenient for them to go to services on SUNday. The only thing that Jesus can do with such an individual is burn them up, so that these individuals do not make all the other spirit beings, and themselves, miserable for eternity by fighting over days and ways. That is why one must follow the Bible "exactly" as written, and why it matters to follow the Bible "exactly" as written.
***Editor's Note:True freedom comes from inner respect for yourself and for/to God. To achieve inner respect you must live by God's ways to develop the character that gives you the inner respect. Then you are truly free, because you are now in harmony with God's Universe, and the way God created you to fit into His Universe, and the way He created you to be.
If you try to create what you think is Freedom, outside of the Universal Laws
(of the Bible), you will never be happy. This is because God created you as a component
of the Universe. For you to function happily as a gear in the Universe, you have to have
God's peace and understanding, which can "only" be gained from complying within the
parameters of the designed model you are. You are only a human, and do not have the intellect,
or the eons of billions of years of experience to even know "how" to live happily.
Therefore people who think they will gain happiness when they are free to do whatever they
want/think, are sadly mistaken.
Freedom, and hence ultimately happiness, and inner self respect: Come "only" by fitting in
step with the Universe, and not by doing whatever you want.
Freedom outside of God's ways is Slavery to self-will and you will "never" have enough, and
will never be happy. Hence Freedom is Slavery.
3.) The third is
Taratoo, which is a place of imprisonment for Lucifer, and the fallen angels, so that they can no longer cause pain and suffering in the Universe.As you can readily see: These are the 3 separate words and 3 "types" of Hell, that are "all translated as the same word Hell", in the English Bibles.
Satan wants us to believe that "we" will be in everlasting punish"ing", but that is his fate, and not ours. For us it is everlasting punish"ment" = eternal death by fire, not eternal punish"ing", if we choose to disobey God and do not follow what is written and insist on our way and thereby create chaos in the Universe.