1.) Re-Discovered Truth, to help you understand the future:
The 1st Christ (the demonic The 2nd Christ to arrive circa 2020-2021Re our King Yahveh's/Jesus' return:
We are now experiencing"<
Because the 7 years of Tribulation haven't started yet, (as of this writing December 2013) and ongoing "Delays", Yah may "not" return until SeptemberReason for the delays:
The NWO (New World Order) got delayed for 3 months in Libya, (before they could take out Quaddaffi, and take control of Libya).
In June 2012, the NWO was delayed for 1 year by Syria (Syria which has the strongest best equipped Army in the Middle East).
And still ongoing in 2013 in Syria, (especially during November 2013), the USA was not allowed to invade Syria with UN ground Troops.
So there "has been" and is "much" delay!
The King of the South has not even arisen yet!
The script is "already" written in Revelations, but it is just the timing to be altered/fulfilled.
We want Yah to return as soon as possible.
We and the entire creation groan Romans 8:19 waiting for the Saviour of the World Yah, to return and be King of the World, ruling all Nations.
Presently there is an indication that Yah will return in 2021, because:
There should be a Peace Treaty involving Israel in 2014.
That Peace Treaty will be broken 3 ½ years later in 2018.
Therefore the 2nd 3 ½ more years must commence/start with the start of the "Great" Tribulation circaTherefore:
September 20th, 2021
Unless those days are cut short, and given back to Satan after the 1000 years, (when Satan once more deceives the world after the 1000 years are ended). Rev 20:7.
Ergo: Those days "must" be cut short, or no flesh will be saved alive. For 90% of the people will be killed before Yah makes his return. Isaiah 6:13.
Remember Revelations "DOES" state that there "will" be delays. Revelations 10:6.
And conversely "unless those days be shortened" no flesh would be saved alive. Matthew 24:22.
The 7 years of Tribulation could/should start in 2014.
The 2 Witnesses could/should start preaching March 20, 2018.
We could/should be gathered into the Place of Safety circa March 20, 2018.
The 3 ½ year "Editor's Note:
Since Yah's Bible states let there be "no 'more' delay" Revelation 10:6, ergo there has been and will be delays.
And indeed we are now experiencing the delays.
· The bottom line is that NOW as of December 2013 the 7 years have "NOT" started yet, because there
Video of Jan 3 Tevet 11 click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt_r_2wNrwY
1.) We TO COG are the only Church “TEACHING” you the “FUNCTIONAL” WAYS of God, so that you can maintain righteousness, via OBEDIENCE TO:
2.) 3 times a year go to the FEAST“S”. Deut 16:16.
3.) Worship Service on God’s on New Month Day beginning “EVERY” MONTH. Ezekiel 46:3.
4.) The 4 Fasts of the Lord God. Zechariah 8:18.
5.) Churches to move “their” IDL (International Date Line) to Israel, so that you do not have Sabbath on the 6th day in ½ of the World.
Be-A-Doer, not just a hearer deceiving yourself.
6.) Billy Graham’s misapplied scripture explained.
7.) Fasting gives you More Spiritual Power because the Disciples were told by Jesus:
That this type of Demon, only comes out by “prayer and Fasting”. Matthew 17:21.
During the last portion of the Broadcast “MANY” Scriptures are given in God’s PROMISED BENEFITS in support of Fasting.
Why is a Fast IS a “JOY”:
snipFasting is a privilege because it allows us to enter into
dimensions in God that are beyond the norm.
2. There is a realm of blessing that God has but He reserves it to the grace
that is released in relationship to prayer and fasting.
3. throw out the old paradigm of, "Oh that's horrible," and think
of it as an awesome privilege...
4. it is a the ability to enter into a realm in God as human beings in this age
with broken weak flesh we can still enter into that dimension of God and it
only comes through prayer and fasting.
Have a successful Fast.
Yah is going to rescue us from this evil warring World, and Yah will rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple= Rejoice.
Rejoice for our rescue is coming!
REJOICE when Fasting, drawing closer to Yah:
Concentrating on your rescuer is arriving!
Come into the Safety and Protection, and understanding of The Obedient Church of God
"BEAR" NOTES for Broadcast of January 11, 2015 - Tevet 11, 5775:
The Prophecy of Jubilees=
1217 - 1517= 300 years 6 Jubilees
The Prophecy of 10 Jubilees:
1517 - 1917= 400 years Turks take control of Jerusalem for 400 years= 8 Jubilees
1917 - 1967= 50 years Israel does not control Gaza, nor West Bank-no mans land= 1 Jubilee
1967 - 2016= 50 years Israel DOES CONTROL= 1 Jubilee
Totals 10 Jubilees.
2017 - Israel loses Jerusalem again.
5776 Jewish Year of Enlightenment. 5776 is 2016.
1776 was the Declaration of Independence.
2016 is another 6
3 6s in ACTION. 666
776 "IS" a "SPECIAL" number. More on this next Broadcast.
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.
Prepare per Proverbs 27:12.
John McCain is a Treasonous traitor, collaborator with the Vietnamese.
McCain gave the Vietnamese the location and routes of American Planes.
McCain gave the Vietnamese the Schedule for U.S. attacks.
All the above aided the Vietnamese in moving all their Artillery, and shooting down U.S. Planes.
McCain should have been hung.
McCain was charged for Treason, but President Nixon pardoned McCain.
You can hardly find anything on the Internet about McCain's Treason, because the Internet has been "scrubbed".
Our leaders are pure EVIL.
The Real Rulers are:
In the USA In Europe
Morgans Rothchilds
Rockafellers Warburgs
Aldriches Schifts
They own 500 Trillion which is over 1/2 the Worlds Wealth in 6 hands.
They could feed, clothe, and house every human being on earth, if they wanted to.
Instead they met at Jekyll Island, and formulated plans to rape all of us financially= The Creature from Jekyll Island.
The New World Order is "already" in place, via:
North American Union.
Security Prosperity Partnership
Trans Pacific Partnership
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Stephen Hawking warns that transhumanism will destroy us.
Just like a computer can now beat Grand Masters at Chess. The computers will be able to "OUTTHINK" US humans and take over, because you cannot develop an Algorithm that the computer cannot decipher, and override if it wants to.
What we have brought into being has realized a life of its own, and is no longer subservient to its maker nor human values.
TO COG because it is obedient, has more understanding than any other ministry, Because I have more understanding, for how I love I thy Law= Closing Songs.
The Obedient Church of God
Video # 339
1.) Per God's Galations 1 6. 9 you ministers are "ACCURSED" for moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday in Australia, because everyone waited for the sun to go down in 1882= no International Date Line allowed.
2.) Banksters are going to empty your Bank Accounts with a Bail "IN". It is now the banks that will use a gun/force to rob you.
3.) We are now in the 1st Seal that was opened on the Red Moon of April 15th, 2014.
4.) The 2nd Seal is ready to be opened with "do NOT hurt the Oil-with the price of Oil/Gas at the lowest in years, while the price of Food is skyrocketing
5.) The Global Currency reset has been delayed so that the Banksters can empty our bank accounts and savings deposit boxes first.
6.) Your brain cells are shriveled up like a dried up bunch of raisins, instead of being like a bunch of grapes.
7.) Everyone is dehydrated because they do not drink at least 1/2 gallon of water per day,
8.) You must put 1/4 teaspoon of salt in every quart of water you drink.
9.) Eating a watermelon or fruits does "NOT" count as water intake, because it takes stomach acids to digest the watermelon, and therefore it is a net LOSS of water.
10.) Take 2 glasses of water 1/2 hour before each meal.
11.) Take 2 glasses of water 2 1/2 hours after every meal.
12.) You MUST drink at least 1/2 your weight in ounces of water per day,
13.) BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Nations are getting stronger to replace our dollar, and are just waiting in the bushes.
14.) All the Nations are going to be defeated by the Antichrist , either by stealth of Force. Who can make war with the Beast?
15.) NDAA Act states that you can be locked up indefinitely, if they "think" you may commit a crime.
You will be locked up as a Christian, if they just "
think" you will not take the Mark of the Beast,
17.) Obama even goes so far as to say he might detain someone up to TEN YEARS
before they MIGHT commit a crime.
18). Military Detention without your being charged and without a Trial and applies to "Laws of War" to all U.S.soil, making the United States "legally" a battlefield.
19.) There will be a terrorist attack in the USA in a city densely populated like Chicago.
20.) The Terrorist attack will involve the deaths of children just like the story of babies being thrown out of incubators in Kuwait, in order to generate anger AND the LOSS of all FREEDOM when you did not do anything.
21.) They will used declaring the United States legally as a Battlefield, to round up Christians who will not submit to the Beast,
22.) They will use the "legal ease" NDAA (Act) to round you up even though you are doing nothing wrong, just because you are a Christian, the same way Christians were rounded up in Nero's day
Video # 340
Jan 17, 2015
Obedient Church of God; TO COG
New Month Day Blesses YOU with:
Information On The Place Of Safety
Today being New Month Day, we have a special, SPECIAL, "SPECIAL" Service for you.
A Special reward for your NMD (New Month Day) attendance to Yah's Isaiah 66:23 when:
All flesh will come to worship El Shaddai and Yeshua New Month Day.
Jan 22, 2015 Shevat 1, 5775
1.) A New Month Day Service that includes the POS (Place Of Safety)prepared beforehand where it should be according to Bible Scriptures scattered: Here a little-there a little, that as a workman I have put together for you.
I won't tell you what the Scriptures are now in print, because that would make it too easy for the "lurkers" who just take and mock me in return. But if you listen to the full Broadcast you will know all the Scriptures for the POS (Place of Safety).
The classic Scripture is: "Let my outcasts dwell with you", but there are other Scriptures that tell you "where" you will dwell!
New Topic
2.) Police detaining people without probable cause.
The Police officer should be charged with a criminal act for stopping and detaining a person without probable cause.
The Police officer should be locked up for his Criminal action of stopping you without cause.
Police saying that they can stop people, is a blatant ridiculous violation of the USA Constitution.
Police just saying to you that they can is laughable,= a world of nonsense explanation saying they just can.
The Police are now co-conspirators against the USA Constitution.
The Police's decision and action is "wrong" and many people are now arguing against it.
3.) The people in the Government are "NOT" more powerful than us individuals.
They just took our power away from us, illegally.
The Police are now collaborators against the people.
New Topic:
4.) Since the Catholic Church has many know Pedophiles in it, that are raping children, why don't we see tanks smashing down the Catholic Church's walls, like the police smashed down the 7th day Adventist walls in Waco?
5.) You have to know how to ask questions to arrive at an understanding of the TRUTH.
6.) You can be detained and locked up for 10 years "without" any charges in the United States now by the NDAA (Act).
7.) Do you know how to anticipate and calculate Government actions in the future?
8.) Do any of you ministers know why the Twin Towers were struck on September 11?
September 11, 1683 the Turks attacked white Vienna and lost.
September 11, 2001 the Muslims attacked white New York and won.
9.) Do any of your ministers know why the 2 towers were "only" replaced by 1 tower?
Because in the Occult like the Satanic Sepheirot Count (which symbolize 1/2 male and 1/2 female characteristics),
the 2 Towers (symbolized male and female) through sacrificing their lives through Death, gave birth to 1 tower.
Don't scoff, because this World is run by Occultists, and you don't know it.
Your ministers know NOTHING, and some of you also will mock in your ignorance, and remain ignorant of what is really taking place in this World, and why.
Therefore you will not understand when or where it is time to leave for the POS (Place of Safety), and will not leave, just like you refuse to sleep in your Sukkah ((which pictures your place of safety covered by oil trees (Holy Spirit Trees that contain oil)).
10.) There are many more "GEMS" of understanding sprinkled throughout this Broadcast, but because the lurker just steals the information and badmouths the writer, therefore the lurker will have to find the information himself, without being spoon-fed, and then biting the hand that feeds him..
Video # 341
The Obedient Church of God
1.) REPENT you ministers. Repent from moving God's Sabbath day to Friday in 1/2 the World with a phony Date Line.
REPENT you members from supporting with tithes and offerings ministers who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday.
It is IDENTICAL to your paying the Pope, who moves God's Sabbath Day to Sunday!
2.) We are the "ONLY" Church in the whole World, that does not follow the phony International Date Line.
3.) Yet people will not repent and cone into our fellowship, because they want their friends, more than they want God.
New Topic:
4.) The real reason for the Internment of the Japanese in 1942 was to steal their property. They were NO threat, they were all farmers and were American Citizens.
5.) Yet 110,000 were put in Concentration Camps by the Government stooges who wanted to make a profit on the Japanese. But they were deliberately "wrongly" labeled as enemies of the State.
6.) If you use your Bible knowledge against the Beast Power, you too will be locked up as an enemy of the State.
7.) Your only hope is to flee the USA. to the Place of Safety.
8.) If you stay in the USA you will see your sons and daughters "shot" and beheaded in FEMA camps as enemies of the State.
9.) The State is in favor of the Beast Power, and if you BELIEVE homosexuality is wrong, then you are an "ENEMY OF THE STATE.
10.) You want to be in the Place of Safety and not dead, because you want to "see" Yeshua arrive.
11.) You want to grow in Grace for 3 1/2 more years.
12.) You want to grow in knowledge for 3 1/2 more years, so that you can be a more profitable servant of God, to assist Yeshua in bringing in the Kingdom of God, and not be a dead wet noodle.
Come into the knowledge, safety and protection of The Obedient Church of God.
Video # 342
Shevat 3 5775 Jan 24, 2015.
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG
http://youtu.be/hNHY_4ymlhE "ONLY" The Obedient Church of God, "KNOWS" what is going on in the World and America.
The USA is NOT a Homeland. Hitler called his country a "HOMELAND" and
proceeded to decimate EVERYone!
poLICE in the USA are an "Occupying Army" that will kill Netsari and
anyone who does not submit to the Mark of The Beast.
Sermon "PREPARES" YOU to ESCAPE the Beast (Power).
The poLICE are going to KILL YOU, because the poLICE have been de-humanized.
Judges are NOT Judges for they are just Executive Administrators of Maritime Law.Judges do NOT enforce Statutes and Torts, Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Torts.
USA Supreme Court ruled there are NO judicial Courts in America, and there has
not been a Judicial Court in America since 1789.
Judges do NOT enforce Statutes and Torts, only executive administrators enforce
Statutes and Torts.
The Courts are "totally" corrupt and will kill Netsari as Terrorists.
Martha Stewart went to prison after being cleared of NOT committing any crime, but went to prison for "SAYING" she did not commit any crime!
2.2 Million people in prison, because they make the law impossible to comply with.
sets you up, for the MARK OF THE BEAST, for you saying
you have freedom of Religion.
As an American you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a Cop, than a
Therefore you must realize:
The Cops "ARE" the "WORST" Terrorists.
Terrorized by our own Government agents.
An Army of Agents on Wheels.
3 America Journalists have been murdered.
to leave for Jordan,
once the 7 years "starts".
The Daily Sacrifices have "NOT" started yet, ergo the 7 years have not started yet.
Obedient Church of God; TO COG
Video # 343
January 31, 2015
Place of Safety and Future coming World Events.
1.) Repentance is Demanded.
2.) Offshoot Church of God "ARE" the 5 foolish, who will be locked out, and cast into outer darkness/HELL where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
3.) Future World Events are listed.
4.) The Place of Safety is listed.
5.) On Camera pictures of area of Moab and Edom on old Maps
6..) Video breaks when reporting about how poLICE kill over 1000+ USA citizens a year, proving poLICE kill more of us than terrorists. The police "ARE" now the Terrorists, terrorizing the citizens!.Proven by the FACTS. In other countries 8-40 people are killed by poLICE a year. But in the USA 1000+ so
7.) you have a greater chance of being killed by the poLICE, than by a Terrorist!
must prepare to leave for Jordan in the next 3 years.
Video # 344
Jan 7, 2015
Why won't you STOP paying ministers who Move God's Sabbath to Friday? You now have The MARK of the Beast upon you for moving the Sabbath TEST Commandment.
Click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeXDGQZId5s
New Topic:
"WATCH" Mark 13:37
Cease fire deal reached for Ukraine: Will it really bring peace?
Answer: Deal is just a canard for Russia to divert attention from Russia’s “next” REAL MOVE on the International Chessboard.
From other Internet sites researched by The Obedient Church of God, (HS is given to those who obey. Acts 5:32) none of the COGS know what is really planned:
1.) Russia plans to attack Norway and Saudi Arabia next month (March).
2.) While holding the EU and USA at bay by threatening a Nuclear Attack on the EU and USA if the EU or USA interfere.
10 EMP missiles will be launched against central Norway and
the Ju Aymah oil terminal complex in Saudi Arabia.
The Russian EMP missile attack will deny the US access to the huge amount of tanks and armored personnel carriers that the USA has placed in caves in central Norway. Upon crippling Norway’s telecommunications,
Russian troops will then cross into Norway and destroy all war supplies in Norway.
The legal authorization for Russia attacking Norway is:
The USA declaration of War House Resolution 788.
The Russian EMP missiles will also attack Saudi Arabia to destroy the Saudi ability to keep flooding the world with oil, which is destroying Russia by economic warfare against Russia.
The EU, NATO and the USA will be notified that if they should in any way interfere, that then: BALLISTIC Nuclear Warheads will be launched at them.
That is why Germany and France have announced that:
1.) They will not send weapons to the Ukraine.
2.) Germany and France have cut off all arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
The USA is not under the control of Congress anymore, nor is the USA under the control of Obama.
The USA is under the control of the Council On Foreign Relations.
Bill Clinton is on the Council On Foreign Relations and “IS” in control, just as he was in control during the destruction of Libya, when Obama and the Pentagon objected to the destruction of the Libyan Government.
Caveat is Rev 10:6 if El Shaddai delays this, do not bash me.
Lawrence A. Nowell
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG
www TheWorldTomorrow.org
P.S. The
USA Declaration of War House Resolution 788 Shown
Passed House amended (12/04/2014)
Supports the efforts by President Poroshenko and the people of Ukraine to establish a lasting peace for Ukraine that includes:
· full withdrawal of Russian forces from its territory,
· full control of its international borders,
· disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine, [Editor LNs note=disarming Russian troops]
· adoption of policies to reduce the Russian Federation's ability to use energy exports and trade barriers as weapons to apply economic and political pressure, and
· an end to interference by the Russian Federation in Ukraine's internal affairs.
Affirms the right of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and all countries to exercise their sovereign rights within their internationally recognized borders.
Condemns the continuing political, economic, and military aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova and the continuing violation of their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.
States that the military intervention by the Russian Federation in Ukraine: is in breach of its obligations under the United Nations Charter, the 1975 Helsinki Accords, and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, and
· poses a threat to international peace.
Calls on the Russian Federation to:
· reverse its illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula, end its support of the separatist forces in Crimea, and
· remove its military forces from that region (other than those operating in strict accordance with its 1997 agreement on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet Stationing on the Territory of Ukraine);
· remove its military forces from Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova, and end its political, military, and economic support of separatist forces; and
· end violations of the September 2014 cease fire; and
· cease its support for the Assad regime in Syria.
Calls on the President to provide the government of Ukraine with necessary defense articles, services, and intelligence in order to defend its territory and sovereignty.
Calls on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies and U.S. partners to suspend military cooperation with Russia.
Calls on the President to cooperate with U.S. allies to:
· refuse to recognize the Russian Federation's illegal annexation of Crimea; and
· impose visa bans, asset freezes, and sanctions on the Russian Federation and its leadership to compel it to end its violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Urges the President, in consultation with Congress, to review the Treaty readiness of U.S. and NATO armed forces.
Urges the President to hold the Russian Federation accountable for violations of its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
Video # 344
Feb 14, 2015 Shevat 24, 5775
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/YREV-GeiupY
Biblical FACTS brought to you by TO COG (The Obedient Church of God):
1.) Date that John The Baptist started to preach is:
15th year of Tiberius. Luke 3:1
Tiberius started to reign in 14 A.D.
Therefore John The Baptist/Elijah started to preach Repentance and prepared the way for Yeshua in:
+14 A.D.
=29 A.D.
=1986 death of Herbert W. Armstrong.
Therefore 2015 should be a year of change.
2.) Yeshua's/Jesus' Family followed Deut 16:16 3 times a year because they went to Jerusalem for the Passover.
3.) Passover this year will start April 3rd or 4th depending on the Crescent New Month Day.
4.) You're being suckered into War again, just because 20 people got their heads cut off.
5.) The USA provides the support for ISIS, because the USA wants to overthrow Syria, just like the USA overthrew Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and now wants to overthrow Syria.
6.) Understand Yourself. Keys to: How to choose your best job that you will love to work at.
7.) Follow God's Deut 16:16 3 times a year. and not your Sinisters 1 time a year.
8.) Mark your Sinister who does NOT follow God's Bible of Deut 16:16. Romans 16:17 tells you to MARK your Sinister for disobeying God's Bible.
9.) 2nd Thessalonians 3:16 commands you to leave your Sinister.
10.) If you do what your Sinister says, and not what Deut 16:16 says, means that you love your Sinister MORE than God.
11.) Do not keep company with your lying Sinister. Have nothing to do with him, because he does not obey Deut 16:16 and have 3 pilgrimage Feasts a year, like Jesus' Family did.
12.) You are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.
13.) You do not want to bring forth the fruit of Repentance.
14.) Who will dwell on the Holy Hill= he who is without blemish. Psalm 15:1-2 = not he who follows his Sinister.
15.) Your Sinister will NOT be in the Kingdom of God for "causing" a lie, and neither will you for your practicing a lie Rev 22:15.
New Topic:
16.) Real USA unemployment rate is not 34%.
17.) In the Great Depression the unemployment rate was 27%.
18.) We are in a Great GREAT "GREAT" Depression, and don't know it, because your corporation media covers it up.
19.) The Misery index is the highest it has ever been.
20.) We, The Obedient Church of God, make every Broadcast very informative for you.
21.) California is having the worst drought in 1,200 years.
22.) Homo Capensis is running the World, and you don't know it. But they are just 1 of 57 types of fallen creatures.
23.) Pictures of our Feast Site are on Camera in this Broadcast.
24.) Netanyahu will address Congress March 3, but USA leaders will "NOT" welcome him.
25.) The USA now favors IRAN, over Israel and Saudi Arabia.
This is part of the set-up of the deceptions of the NWO (New World Order) happening right in front of your eyes in plain sight.
Daniel 8:23
the prospect of evils he saw coming on his ... when the transgressors are come to the full; many among the Jews, who ... he had the art of inveigling and deceiving men; it was by deceit and cunning he got ...
New International Version
"In the latter part of their reign, when rebels
have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will
This applies to Obama and later to Putin after 3 1/2 years when Putin rips out the 3 horns Rueben-France, Ephraim-USA, British Commonwealth-Manasseh, out of the 10 Kings/10 Groups of Countries.
Only TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) knows what is "really" going on, because the Spirit is given to those who obey. Acts 5:32. (The Spirit is "NOT" given to those who disobey and pay ministers to move God's Sabbath 7th day to the 6th day Friday in half the World, which your SINister does as "proven" by the FACTS.
There are numerous other points in this broadcast too numerous to mention.
1.)True American Flag Shown on screen.
2.) How the Alien Savior will be be introduced.
3.) 1 Billion Chinese still celebrating the "Lunar" New Year.
4.) Year of the Goat.
5.) Chinese gOD Niar.
6.) RE Deut 16:16 and "YOUR" lying minister who says he obeys Deut
Korah would not attend the meeting.
You will not do a Pilgrimage Feast 3 times a year.
Ground opened and swallowed Korah.
It will go WORSE for you, because "you" are in the end times.
You are NOT a Philadelphian because you do not obey Deuteronomy 16:16= you are
a disobedient Brat.
You "refuse" God's command to go to Headquarters 3 times a year, just
like Korah refused to go up to Moses.
28, 2015
Video #346
Your minister is “NOT” your Leader/Head.
“Christ” is your leader, not your Sinister.
Stop disobeying Christ.
Stop following your Sinister minister.
Your minister is “NOT” your Leader/Head!
King James Bible
But I would have you know,
that the head of every man [Denomination/offshoot
COG/minister] is Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:3 and
NOT your minister.
=Your minister is “NOT” your Head!
(Meridith-LCG, Luker (Deceased)/Kubic-UCG, Flurry-PCG, Brisby-COGTE, Dankenbring-TPM, Thiel-CCOG, Pack-RCG, Dart-CEG, etc.,), is “NOT” your Leader!
God’s Bible’s word IS your Leader/Head.
START OBEYING Yeshua/your Bible/and NOT your DISobedient Sinisters who will DIE in their DISobedience for preaching and practicing lies. Revelations 21:27, 22:15 because your ministers “ALL” DISobey God, as PROVEN by these following FACTS:
1.) They all move God’s Sabbath Day to Friday the 6th day in ½ the World, by following the phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line).
2.) Your Minister willfully DISobeys Deuteronomy 16:16 and he “ONLY” has 1 Pilgrimage Feast a year, when God commands “3” Pilgrimage Feasts. Yeshua's/Jesus's Family followed Deut 16:16 “3” times a year because they made a Pilgrimage to Headquarters/Jerusalem for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Again for clarity: Yeshua's/Jesus' Family followed Deut 16:16 “3” times a year because they went to Jerusalem. Follow God's Deut 16:16 3 times a year and not your Sinisters 1 time a year.
Mark your Sinister who does NOT follow God's Bible of Deut 16:16. Romans 16:17 tells you to MARK your Sinister for disobeying God's Bible.
2nd Thessalonians 3:16 commands you to “leave” your Sinister because he is deliberately Disobeying God’s Bible. If you do what your Sinister says, and not what Deut 16:16 says, that means you love your Sinister MORE than God. Matthew 10:37.
Do not keep company with your lying Sinister, because he will lie to you and say he is obeying God’s Bible Deuteronomy 16:16 by saying he is having a Service, but he is “NOT” obeying God, because he does not have a Pilgrimage Feast 3 times.
Have nothing to do with him, because he does not obey Deuteronomy 16:16 and have 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, like Jesus's Family and the 1st Century Church did. If anyone [minister] comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth 2 John 1:10. Do not associate with them. 2nd Thessalonians 3:14.NET Bible.
Therefore produce fruit that proves your repentance. Matthew 3:8, Luke 3:8.
3.) You are to have the 4 Fasts of God, in addition to Atonement’s Fast, as commanded by God= Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Zechariah 8:19.
4.) You are “not” to use man’s phony 358 A.D. Hillel II averaging calendar that makes God’s Holy Days Moadim appointments 2 days early 1 day late, 2 days late 1 day early. The Jews did NOT use an averaging calendar because:
The History of the Jews was that they celebrated 2 days at the end of every month because they did “NOT” use an averaging calendar, and some Ultra-Orthodox Jews EVEN TODAY celebrate 2 days= the evening of the 29th and the evening of the 30th because they “still” do “not” use an averaging calendar.
If Christ used and averaging calendar, then you do not have salvation, because then Christ broke His Father’s Law/command: Lights will mark days of Genesis 1:14.
Read your Bible and see that Genesis 1:14 commands: “Lights will mark days”, “NOT” averaging calendars. WAKE UP and follow God’s Bible. And there is a SABBATH New Month Day every month according to Ezekiel 46:3 and Isaiah 66:23, and as a Sabbath, that is “why” the correct day of rest is so important.
To stop any further arguments, just answer this question: Why would you use an averaging calendar, when with 1 click of the computer you can KNOW the TRUE date of the start of the Year/Month from 2 or more WITNESSES as you are commanded to on the AUTHORITY of 2 or more Witnesses? 1 Timothy 5:19.
Please just answer the question:
Why would you use an averaging calendar when you can know the TRUE DATE?
5.) You are to have a BIG Last “Dinner” on Nisan 12 like the Disciples did complete with 4 things: 1.) The big leisurely Meal/Dinner/Fellowship. 2.) The Foot washing, 3.) The elements Matzos and Wine, in Remembrance of Yah, and 4.) Close with a Hymn on Nisan 12, as Yeshua commanded you to do it on Nisan 12= “THIS” [Nisan 12] do in Remembrance of Me. Luke 22:19.
The Last Dinner is “not” the Passover. Do this DINNER MEMORIAL in Remembrance of Me Luke 22:19 as a Tribute DINNER to the Greatest Man.
6.) You are next 2 days later to then have the Passover on Nisan 14 (the “same” way the Disciples and the 1st Century Church did), at twilight “AFTER” the lambs are killed=just before Nisan 15 starts (not before the lambs are killed as you are wrongly doing now at the start of Nisan 14 instead of correctly at the “end” of Nissan 14). You have Bread and Wine now for protection from the Death Angel=Eternal Death. No Dinner, no Foot Washing, no hymn, on Nisan 14 as GOD’S PASSOVER is TO BE done in haste. That is what your Bible states!
7.) This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the LORD's Passover. Exodus 12:11. As in leaving Egypt, or heading for the airport/Place of Safety= not lollygagging around.
Editor’s Note: Do not focus on yourself when you take the Passover, or you are then taking the Passover in an Unworthy “manner”.
Focus on Yeshua/Christ/Jesus. Unworthy is an adverb as in unworthy manner. Unworthy is NOT a noun therefore it does not refer to the person and furthermore because NO ONE IS WORTHY. Do not let your minister beat you over the head with 1st Corinthians 11:29.
8.) God washes you clean just 15 minutes before the start of The Days of Unleavened Bread, so that you have a running start PURE without sin, for the Days of Unleavened Bread.
9.) The Lord’s DINNER of Nisan 12 and
PASSOVER Nisan 14 are 2 different events/practices:
2 completely separate different events, with
2 different meanings/purposes, =
YOU “MUST” do “BOTH” on 2 different days.
Follow the 2 different 1st Century Church days=2 TIMES you take the Bread and Wine. JUST LIKE THE 1ST Century Church did 2 days/2 times. They set the example of 2 times.
i.) Once at the Last DINNER and
ii.) Then at the Passover. When you do it “exactly” like the Disciples set the example, you will better understand the events. That is why he said “often”= For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. 1 Corinthians 11:26. KJV=
iii.) You PROCLAIM (have and “actually live”) ALL the events that took place, not just half of the events.
10.) You are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.
11.) You do not want to bring forth the fruit of Repentance. NET Bible. Therefore produce fruit that proves your repentance. Matthew 3:8 Luke 3:8.
12.) Who will dwell on the Holy Hill= he who is without blemish. Psalm 15:1-2.= not he who follows his Sinister.
13.) Your Sinister will “NOT” be in the Kingdom of God for "causing" a lie, Revelations 21:27, and
14.) Neither will you for your practicing his lie. Revelations 22:15.
15.) STOP following the words of “your” church ministers/sinisters, and start following the Words of God this year of 2015 Red Moon Changes.
For Video go to> http://youtu.be/YREV-GeiupY and http://youtu.be/mZCq_UJojXM
1.) True American Flag Shown
on screen.
2.) How the Alien Savior (who is a Demon posing as an Alien) will be
Biblical FACTS brought to you by www.TheWorldTomorrow.org
TO COG (The Obedient Church of God):
New Topic as to “why” 2015 is so important:
A.) Date that John The Baptist started to preach is:
15th year of Tiberius. Luke 3:1
Tiberius started to reign in 14 A.D.
Therefore John The Baptist/Elijah started to preach Repentance and Prepared the way for Yeshua in:
+14 A.D.
=29 A.D.= is when John the Baptist started preparing the way.
=1986 death of Herbert W. Armstrong 29 years ago, as the end of an era just like B.C. ended.
1.) Thus a new era started 29 years after the end of B.C.=0 A.D. 29 years later when John The Baptist started preaching, and
2.) A new era “now” starts 29 years after H.W.A..
It is a monumental change from B.C. to A.D. and
It is a monumental change from the 1986 to now in 2015 giving the above outlined truths, starting in, and all put together in 2015, to prepare the way for Yeshua.
2015 is the mark of a New Era of Truth.
Therefore 2015 should be a year of change. That is what the Red Moons mean= Change= YOU are to “Change” your above ways.
B.) Repent from your above 8 gross errors for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10. This is SERIOUS. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY you ministers AND REPENT.
Your very eternal life is at stake.
C.) You teachers/ministers will be judged more strictly James 3:10.
D.) OR you will be BEATEN with MANY stripes Luke 12:48, before you are cast into the Lake of Fire for preaching and following lies. Revelations 21:27, 22:15.
E.) Cursed is he [the minister] who does the work of the Lord deceitfully. Jeremiah 48:10. By lying/inferring that he has 3 Pilgrimage Feasts, the same as the Feast of Tabernacles, when he does NOT! Your minister does NOT follow God’s Bible Deuteronomy 16:16- 3 Pilgrimage Feasts of the Bible, and he also refuses to follow Ezekiel 46:3 which states you “Shall” have a Worship Service every New Month Day. Isaiah 66:23 will FORCE anyone who is still alive to have New Month Day.
Members can’t know the Bible truth because ministers are manipulating and DESTROYING and hiding the Bibles words, as proven by the above facts.
The ministers only allow you to listen to “their” channel, preventing everyone from really understanding the “BIBLE’S” CHANNEL.
You the ministers are only ½ full of oil-only ½ obedient to God.
Causing the members to be all BLIND to GOD’S Bible commands per the above.
Editor’s Note: In the land of the blind, a 1 eyed man/minister is King.
In the land of the Blind a 1 eyed = ½ obedient ½ full of oil minister is King.
But a 2 eyed speaker who sees more truths in God’s Bible, is ignored.
The memberships of the offshoot WCG (Worldwide Churches of God) MUST be allowed to PRACTICE God’s Ways that are in GOD’S BIBLE, which means:
on Yeshua/Christ/Jesus’s being whipped more than any man was and focus on his
bleeding to death as a lamb. Isaiah 52:14 Holman
Christian Standard Bible
Just as many were appalled at You-- His appearance was so disfigured that He
did not look like a man, and His form did not resemble a human being—That
is what=who you focus on.
Unworthy is an adverb= as in unworthy manner. Unworthy is NOT a noun therefore it does not refer to the person and furthermore because NO ONE IS WORTHY to take the Passover. Do not let your minister beat you over the head with 1st Corinthians 11:29, because that takes your mind away from Christ which “CAUSES” you to take the Passover in an Unworthy manner. Focus on Jesus’s shed blood, him bleeding to death because you are unworthy, but He loved you.
F.) Now for you ministers: Into Hell you go, for all being lying ministers, who disobey the clear words of God’s Bible. Galatians 1:6 states that if you ministers preach anything different than what is in God’s Bible, then you are ACCURSED.
So CHANGE “NOW” you ministers and members in 2015, before it's too late! The end of days now draws neigh! Prepare ye the way of Yeshua. Isaiah 40:3.
REPENT and follow "God’s" Bible words!
Carry out the RUBBISH, get rid of the Trash, and get rid of the Leavened ministers!
Get rid of the Leaven “before” the Days of Unleavened Bread. Stop paying the Trashmasters/sinisters who trash God’s Bible commands
By ministers breaking the above 8 Commands of GOD.
You are to grow in Grace (a limited time to repent in) and Knowledge, and not be stuck into 1972 not having grown in Grace and Knowledge for 43 years!
We TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) are continuing the Work of Restoring all things that Mr. Armstrong started. We are restoring what he did not restore. Father did not give Mr. Armstrong everything, or else we could not grow in Grace (repentance) and Knowledge.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2 Peter 3:18 ESV.
And since you “know” that your minister is DISobeying God, AS PROVEN BY THE ABOVE “FACTS”
Why do you follow him?
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.' New American Standard Bible Revelations 2:29.
He stands at the door knocking= what the Spirit says for you to
Repent BEFORE he arrives.
He died for you. The least you can do is:
Follow His Bible Words.
Disclaimer: King James Bible
He stands at the door knocking, listen
to what God’s Bible states= NOT what
your minister says. Prepare ye the
way of
the Lord,
make straight
his paths. Mark 1:3.
Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness,
nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered
thy soul. Ezekiel 3:19
And again for clarity:
In the land of the blind, a 1 eyed minister (who is only ½ full of obedience/oil) is King.
But a 2 eyed preacher who sees every word and follows God’s every jot in God’s Bible is ignored!
(Ignored since 1979 and when I told WCG they should NOT have a Cornucopia on their stage).
When members wake up to follow their Bible, then the 1 eyed sinisters/ministers only ½ full of oil, won’t have power anymore to deceive you into DISobeying God’s above 7 Bible truths.
26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Hebrews 10:26.
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG
1.) If someone asks you what Denomination you belong to, your answer is:
I belong to “The Way”.
The N.T. Church was named and referred to as “The Way”, more than any other name.
The Way 6 times in Acts.
Christian only 2 times in Acts.
Nazarenes only 2 times in Acts.
Click here to hear proof scriptures on Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9m_mkbb-So
2.) Preparing for The Lord’s Dinner Nisan 12 and Passover Nisan 14.
3.) March 17, 1450 B.C. the mightiest Pharaoh of all time, Pharaoh Tutmose III was killed by God in the Red Sea. God chose to defeat the “MIGHTIEST” Pharaoh.
4.) You have be “lobotomized” by Satan’s System. You are surrounded by evil, from your church ministers to your political leaders.
5.) Statue of Liberty is only “Liberty” NOT Statue of Freedom. Sailors get “Liberty” for a few days in port, but then have to go back to work, and work for their Master.
6.) The Statue of Liberty is “deliberately” on the water and deliberately not on land, because it is the Law of the Sea/Admiralty Law, and you are a galley slave.
7.) You do NOT have freedom, you only have Liberty as in Holidays, and then you have to give money to your Master Satan as in 35% Income Tax, 7% State Tax, 7% Federal Tax= over 54% Tax portion of your Income goes to Banksters who only print toilet paper, and have no money to loan the U.S.A. Government in the first place, but charge interest on toilet paper.
8.) Obelisks are Phallic Symbols of Baal’s Penis. The word Obelisk literally means Baal’s shaft or Baal’s organ of reproduction.
9.) Pictures of Obelisks shown in the greatest centers of the World, such at Washington, and the Israeli Supreme Court, and Vatican.
10.)The Mona Lisa painting has a Demon painted into it.
11.) The UFO’s that “disappear” are controlled by Demons, but the UFO’s that can’t disappear are ours.
12.) The world will be deceived into accepting an “Alien Savior”, who is NOT an Alien, but a Demon masquerading as an Alien.
13.) The 1st Christ to arrive will be the false Christ, but the 2nd Christ to arrive will be the “real” Christ. (The 7 years have “NOT” started yet).
March 14, 2015
Video # 348.
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/0j9ZjBrFKA4
1.) The “KEY” for you to understand “IS”:
All the world's leaders are SATANISTS
Benjamin Netanyahu is a 33rd Degree Devil Worshipping Satanist.
Netanyahu is NOT even Jewish. He is Polish, and his name is NOT Netanyahu but Milkowski.
Netanyahu's job is to supply a "NEW PEARL HARBOR".
Netanyahu is a boil/Carbuncle waiting to pop the Next Pearl Harbor for the Satanists to start the NWO (New World Order).
2.) Shimon Perez is also 'NOT" a Jew but Polish, and his real name is Szymon Perski.
3.) Wake up and STOP watching TV news, because it is YOU who are being programmed.
4.) Israel is a nation of IMPOSTERS, and YOU have been tricked to believe in, and root for, the Satanic Devil Worshipping IMPOSTERS.
Israel is a bastion of Khazars, NOT Jews. They are 98% Khazars.
The Khazars do not believe in the Old Testament, and instead believe in the Kabballah.
5.) New Topic:
Biblical Scriptural Proofs that the Passover is only on the 14th, not 15th.
The Obedient Church of God
March 21, 2015
Video # 349
The Obedient Church of God
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/HdhDMxZm3sA
Sparkler: Every 50th letter of Genesis spells out the letters of the word Torah.
Radical Gestalt for you to understand (in 2nd half of Sermon):
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
1st Half of Broadcast:
1.) How the Illuminati WILL “ORCHESTRATE” events for how the World Wars are being set up right now, via ISIS ramping you up for the next War. Just like the Gulf of Tonkin=Vietnam and
2.) 9-11=Iraq how they got you into War.
3.) They RAMPED YOU UP to accept the next war. REALIZE what is going on!
4.) Gestalt from Editor: You don’t “need” a New World Order Army, because there would be no one left to fight.
5.) They want the New World Order Army to fight against “YOU”, because there will be no one else to fight against with a World Army, but us/“YOU”.
New Topic:
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand. God works like power steering: When you turn the wheel (your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the 14th 15 minutes before the 15th),
or ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”,
then that minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are NOT following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”, and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
1.) Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
2.) Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
3.) Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deception.
because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
while Terrorists in the street will only kill your Mortal Life.
www.TheWorldTomorrow.org / The Obedient Church of God / TO COG
For Video of Sabbath March 28, 2015 click here:
We “ARE” the only Church Restoring All Things,
back to
the way they were in Paul’s time of the 1st Century, making TO COG the 1 and only Remnant Group
that is “IDENTICAL” to the 1st Century Church.
When and where in the Bible did God move the Passover
from the end of the 14th
to the beginning of the 14th?
To the Night of the 15th Dankman? To have the Passover on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread?
YOU are “DIS”obeying God via God’s words of Numbers 9:3.
And to other “DIS”obedient offshoots, we ask you:
When and where in the Bible did God say to have the Passover “BEFORE” the lambs are killed?
Just Answer that question you lying Sinisters, who refuse to Repent.
The Correct answer is:
1.) Nowhere in the Bible did God change the Passover backwards to the end of the 13th at the beginning of the 14th, just after the 13th ends! NOWHERE!
The Passover has always been, and still is, “after” the afternoon of the 14th, at twilight just before the 15th starts.
2.) You CANNOT have the Passover “before” the lambs are killed.
REPENT you Sinisters, or burn in Hellfire for your stubborn willful DISobedience.
3.) You can’t have Passover “Before” Christ is crucified. Period.
You ministers are evil.
Lying devils.
4.) It is the will of your father the devil that you do, BECAUSE YOU READ THIS LAST MONTH, but you refuse to repent. That makes you EVIL sons of the Devil, as proven by the FACTS and PROVEN BY your ACTIONS.
5.) Your moving the Passover IS a “SIN”.
6.) YOU ARE CAUSING all the members of the offshoot Churches of God TO SIN.
7.) By telling them to “follow you” in your SIN.
Passover/the Bread and Wine are taken at twilight just (15 minutes before Nisan 15) and swallowed 5 minutes “before” the 15th starts. Read it in Numbers 9:3=twilight=and after the lambs are killed.
…Make straight the way of the Lord. John 1:23= “not” crooked.
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having them do:
= such as Passover on the 15th’
having Passover at the beginning of the 14th “”Before” the Lambs are killed
instead of “after” the lambs have been killed (which means:
do Passover on the 14th at just “15” minutes before the 15th Numbers 9:3)
ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO “THIS”
LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”. 1 Corinthians 11:24.
(The Last Dinner is “NOT” the Passover, so do not think that you are having 2 Passovers, because you have the Last Dinner at least 12 times a year every New Month Day like David and the King did. 1 Samuel 20:5 David answered: “Tomorrow is the new moon, when I should in fact dine with the king.).
Realize that because of the above FACTS that your minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are “NOT” following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Radical Gestalt for you to understand:
YOU HAVE “NOT” GROWN IN 43 YEARS, since 1972!
Therefore REPENT and grow, “ALL” YOU MINISTER offshoots, and members of the offshoot Worldwide Churchs of God!
All of YOU “REPENT”!
For you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand. God works like power steering: When you turn the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the 14th 15 minutes before the 15th),
or ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”,
then that minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are NOT following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”, and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
1.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
2.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
3.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the Germans, Russians, Americans
Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32
Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galations 1:6, 9.
Turkey gOD Day-The goose that is revered for giving its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spang forth from.
Mother Goddess Day-the Springtime Feast of Ghia the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the Gods and Godesses,
Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year
Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.
Jeremiah 2:25 …For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.
Your Sinisters do not preach this to you!
So we TO COG have to because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.
Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.
because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
while Terrorists in the street will only destroy your mortal Life.
A Matter of LIFE or Death for you!
Why ARE you obeying men/your sinister
instead of obeying God?
Your Sinisters REFUSE to follow Yah’s Bible, proven by the FACTS of what sinisters do and refuse to Follow.
An open letter to members of God’s Family:
Fellow Members of God’s Family, God’s little flock.
After last months printed admonition to all the Minister to STOP MOVING God’s Sabbath to Friday, Sinisters “ARE” “still” moving God’s Saturday 7th day Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.=FACT
Therefore your Sinisters are Devils, AS “PROVEN” BY THE FACTS!
· “PROVEN” by the “FACTS” of what they “DO”.
· Unless YOU “choose” to ignore FACTS.
Please ask your Sinisters:
“WHY” (little they), do “NOT” obey,
the Bible words of MIGHTY Yah/GOD.
ASK Them!
This is a plain FACTUAL statement, because:
“FACTS” “PROVE” your sinisters do “NOT” obey God.
That is a FACT, FACT, FACT.
Period. Believe “FACTS”.
Why ARE “you” obeying men/your sinister
“Instead” of obeying God?
Ask Yourself!
You can “read” your Bible Deut 16:16
3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year just like Yeshua’s Family did for Passover Luke 2:45. So why do you go along with 1?
You can READ and FOLLOW your Bible, but your Sinisters REFUSE to read and Follow God’s Bible!
You MEMBERS are in trouble with God, for
none ever hardened his heart
against God or God’s true church, and prospered long.
contempt and scorn with
which you Ministers treat TO COG, and
the little value you Sinisters set upon TO COG, are noticed, by God
A door was opened for the preaching of the Gospel, BUT we the TRUE TO COG have many adversaries, and these powerful adversaries would use rage and persecution and personal attack, BUT not FACTS;
Radical Gestalt for you to understand:
For you members "NOT" to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “All”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up fellow Brethren.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding
To Obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible,
“then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than your Sinister/minister, and “YOU” MUST believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said FOR if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having them do:
= such as Passover on the 15th’
having Passover at the beginning of the 14th before the Lambs are killed instead of “after” the lambs have been killed (which means on the 14th at just “15” minutes before the 15th Numbers 9:3;)
ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO “THIS”
LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”. 1 Corinthians 11:24.
(The Last Dinner is “NOT” the Passover, so do not think that you are having 2 Passovers, because you have the Last Dinner at least 12 times a year every New Month Day like David and the King did. 1 Samuel 20:5 David answered: “Tomorrow is the new moon, when I should in fact dine with the king.).
Realize that because of the above FACTS that your minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are “NOT” following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”,
and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
1.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
2.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
3.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
4.) Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the Germans, Russians, Americans.
5.) Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32
i.) Turkey gOD Day-The goose that is revered for giving its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spang forth from. http://1stcenturychristian.com/Thanksgiving.pdf The fall Harvest Home Festival of Ceres is SATANIC. You cannot participate in it.
ii.) Mother Goddess Day-the Springtime Feast of Ghia the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the Gods and Godesses,
iii.) Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year.
So we TO COG have to do this Ad for you because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.
Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.
Jeremiah 2:25 …For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.
Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galatians 1:6, 9.
Your ministers/Sinisters do not preach the above truth to you!
===================================================================Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.
because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
while Terrorists in the street will only destroy your physical Life.
Instead move yourself to Obey Yah, and "NOT" your Minister.
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand.
The Spirit is given to those who obey. Acts 5:32
"NOT" to those who DISobey.
God works like power steering:
When you turn the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
Make straight the way of the Lord. John 1:23.
Not crooked like your ministers do.
Repent for the time of the end is at hand.
Again I say:
Make straight the way of the Lord. Come out of Egyptian Turkey gOD day, Sky fATHERS
following “DIS”Obedient Ministers Rev 22:15. where death and
darkness reign.
Whoever “PRACTICES” A LIE, will “NOT” be in the Kingdom, but will be thrown into Hellfire. That is how SERIOUS it is for you to STOP following your lying Ministers, who do “NOT” follow God’s Bible, as proven by the FACTS!
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death for you. C. S. Lewis.
The Solution IS for you to BE like a Berean:
These Jews were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, ... May all the hearers of the gospel become like those of Berea, receiving the word ...Acts 17:11.
Radical Gestalt for you to understand:
For you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand. God works like power steering: When you turn the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the 14th 15 minutes before the 15th),
or ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”,
then that minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are NOT following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”, and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
4.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
5.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
6.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the Germans, Russians, Americans
Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32
Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galations 1:6, 9.
Turkey gOD Day-The goose that is revered for giving its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spang forth from.
Mother Goddess Day-the Springtime Feast of Ghia the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the Gods and Godesses,
Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year
Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.
Jeremiah 2:25 …For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.
Your Sinisters do not preach this to you!
So we TO COG have to because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.
Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.
because your Ministers will “DESTROY” your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
· while Terrorists in the street will only destroy your mortal Life.
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having them do:
= such as Passover on the 15th’
having Passover at the beginning of the 14th “”Before” the Lambs are killed
instead of “after” the lambs have been killed (which means:
do Passover on the 14th at just “15” minutes before the 15th Numbers 9:3)
ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO “THIS”
LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”. 1 Corinthians 11:24.
(The Last Dinner is “NOT” the Passover, so do not think that you are having 2 Passovers, because you have the Last Dinner at least 12 times a year every New Month Day like David and the King did. 1 Samuel 20:5 David answered: “Tomorrow is the new moon, when I should in fact dine with the king.).
Realize that because of the above FACTS that your minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are “NOT” following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Radical Gestalt for you to understand:
YOU HAVE “NOT” GROWN IN 43 YEARS, since 1972!
Therefore REPENT and grow, “ALL” YOU MINISTER offshoots, and members of the offshoot Worldwide Churchs of God!
All of YOU “REPENT”!
For you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand. God works like power steering: When you turn the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the 14th 15 minutes before the 15th),
or ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”,
then that minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are NOT following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”, and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
1.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
2.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
3.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the Germans, Russians, Americans
Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32
Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galations 1:6, 9.
Turkey gOD Day-The goose that is revered for giving its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spang forth from.
Mother Goddess Day-the Springtime Feast of Ghia the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the Gods and Godesses,
Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year
Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.
Jeremiah 2:25 …For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.
Your Sinisters do not preach this to you!
So we TO COG have to because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.
Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.
because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
while Terrorists in the street will only destroy your mortal Life.
A Matter of LIFE or Death for you!
Why ARE you obeying men/your sinister
instead of obeying God?
Your Sinisters REFUSE to follow Yah’s Bible, proven by the FACTS of what sinisters do and refuse to Follow.
An open letter to members of God’s Family:
Fellow Members of God’s Family, God’s little flock.
After last months printed admonition to all the Minister to STOP MOVING God’s Sabbath to Friday, Sinisters “ARE” “still” moving God’s Saturday 7th day Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.=FACT
Therefore your Sinisters are Devils, AS “PROVEN” BY THE FACTS!
· “PROVEN” by the “FACTS” of what they “DO”.
· Unless YOU “choose” to ignore FACTS.
Please ask your Sinisters:
“WHY” little they, do “NOT” obey,
the Bible words of Yah/GOD.
ASK Them!
This is a plain FACTUAL statement, because:
“FACTS” “PROVE” your sinisters do “NOT” obey God.
That is a FACT, FACT, FACT.
Period. Believe “FACTS”.
Why ARE “you” obeying men/your sinister
“Instead” of obeying God?
Ask Yourself!
You can “read” your Bible Deut 16:16
3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year just like Yeshua’s Family did for Passover Luke 2:45. So why do you go along with 1?
You can READ and FOLLOW your Bible, but your Sinisters REFUSE to read and Follow God’s Bible!
You MEMBERS are in trouble with God, for
none ever hardened his heart
against God or God’s true church, and prospered long.
contempt and scorn with
which you Ministers treat TO COG, and
the little value you Sinisters set upon TO COG, are noticed, by God.
A door was opened for the preaching of the Gospel, BUT we the TRUE TO COG have many adversaries, and these powerful adversaries would use rage and persecution and personal attack, BUT not FACTS;
Radical Gestalt for you to understand:
For you members "NOT" to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “All”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up fellow Brethren.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding
To Obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible,
“then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than your Sinister/minister, and “YOU” MUST believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said FOR if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having them do:
= such as Passover on the 15th’
having Passover at the beginning of the 14th before the Lambs are killed instead of “after” the lambs have been killed (which means on the 14th at just “15” minutes before the 15th Numbers 9:3;)
ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO “THIS”
LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”. 1 Corinthians 11:24.
(The Last Dinner is “NOT” the Passover, so do not think that you are having 2 Passovers, because you have the Last Dinner at least 12 times a year every New Month Day like David and the King did. 1 Samuel 20:5 David answered: “Tomorrow is the new moon, when I should in fact dine with the king.).
Realize that because of the above FACTS that your minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are “NOT” following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”,
and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
1.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
2.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
3.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
4.) Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the Germans, Russians, Americans.
5.) Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32
i.) Turkey gOD Day-The goose that is revered for giving its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spang forth from. http://1stcenturychristian.com/Thanksgiving.pdf The fall Harvest Home Festival of Ceres is SATANIC. You cannot participate in it.
ii.) Mother Goddess Day-the Springtime Feast of Ghia the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the Gods and Godesses,
iii.) Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year.
So we TO COG have to do this Ad for you because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.
Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.
Jeremiah 2:25 …For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.
Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galatians 1:6, 9.
Your ministers/Sinisters do not preach the above truth to you!
===================================================================Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.
because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
while Terrorists in the street will only destroy your physical Life.
Instead move yourself to Obey Yah, and "NOT" your Minister.
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand.
The Spirit is given to those who obey. Acts 5:32
"NOT" to those who DISobey.
God works like power steering:
When you turn the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
Make straight the way of the Lord. John 1:23.
Not crooked like your ministers do.
Repent for the time of the end is at hand.
Again I say:
Make straight the way of the Lord. Come out of Egyptian Turkey gOD day, Sky fATHERS DAY, MOTHER gODDESS DAY and OTHER false MINISTERS’ ways,
OR BURN IN HELL, by following “DIS”obedient ministers. Revelations 21:27 where death and darkness reign.
Whoever “PRACTICES” A LIE, will “NOT” be in the Kingdom, Rev 22:15 but will be thrown into Hellfire. That is how SERIOUS it is for you to STOP following your lying Ministers, who do “NOT” follow God’s Bible, as proven by the FACTS!
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death for you. C. S. Lewis.
The Solution IS for you to BE like a Berean:
These Jews were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, ... May all the hearers of the gospel become like those of Berea, receiving the word ...Acts 17:11.
Radical Gestalt for you to understand:
For you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”), you must do “ALL”.
Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.
Wake up.
It is said that “seeing is believing”, BUT THE TRUTH “IS”:
Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing”,
YOU must be more diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom!
Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children.
Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.
When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to understand. God works like power steering: When you turn the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.
When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the 14th 15 minutes before the 15th),
or ministers telling you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me”,
then that minister causes you to be EVIL.
When you realize that the ministers are NOT following God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control over you!
Truth is not just something that you believe.
Truth is something that “IS”, and CANNOT be argued about.
Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and NOT what your Sinister says!
Your ministers keeps you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.
You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.
“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.
“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are NOT my disciple, [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31
Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you MUST do “ALL” , because the Devils know and as you do not murder people so the Devils do not murder people,
but the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL”.
Therefore, for you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL”.
You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible, such as omitting:
4.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
Isaiah 66:23 The Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New Month Day every month.
5.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.
6.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT just 1.
Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the Germans, Russians, Americans
Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32
Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galations 1:6, 9.
Turkey gOD Day-The goose that is revered for giving its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spang forth from.
Mother Goddess Day-the Springtime Feast of Ghia the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the Gods and Godesses,
Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year
Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.
Jeremiah 2:25 …For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.
Your Sinisters do not preach this to you!
So we TO COG have to because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.
Realize the greatest form of control is:
For you to be sitting in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.
because your Ministers will “DESTROY” your ETERNAL life FOREVER,
while Terrorists in the street will only destroy your mortal Life.
The Israelites did NOT have the Passover until “AFTER” the lambs were slain on the Afternoon of the 14th=twilight before the 15th.
When you are taking the Passover on the WRONG DAY, as you are before the lambs are slain, that means you are NOT taking the Passover.
If you are celebrating July 4th by using July 3rd, ergo you are NOT celebrating July 4th. Period.
Passover is on the 14th AFTER the lambs are slain the afternoon of the 14th=twilight just before the 15th starts.
To say otherwise Defies God via defying God’s Biblical instructions!
Repent you ministers. The Israelites did NOT have the Passover until “AFTER” the lambs were slain on the Afternoon of the 14th=twilight before the 15th
THE start of the 14th Hebrew time is NOT NOT NOT the twilight of the 14th. Period as proven by the FACTS.
Twilight of the 14th "IS" just before the 15th starts,
and is NOT NOT NOT at the end of the 13th. This is just plain common sense.
And if you want a Scientific Definition of Twilight here it is:
Per Times of day - National Institute of Standards and Technology
Twilight refers to the periods between the dawn and sunrise and sunset and dusk.
God states to take the Passover at Twilight on the 14th.
That doesn’t means take the Passover at 5 A.M. in the morning of the 14th
But God does mean:
7:45 P.M. of the evening of the 14th, before sundown= not the end of the 13th, and not 5 A.M. on the morning of the 14th.
=At the end of the 14th= just BEFORE the 15th starts.
YOU are taking Passover on the twilight of the 13th as PROVEN BY THE Scientific “FACTS” for the definition of Twilight
To say the twilight of the 13th is the twilight of the 14th defies common sense and logic, and defies Science, “BECAUSE”:
THE start of the 14th Hebrew time is NOT NOT NOT the twilight of the 14th. Period.
1.) Passover is 15 minutes before the 15th starts, and ends before the 15th starts.
2.) And the Israelites did NOT have the Passover until “AFTER” the lambs were slain on the Afternoon of the 14th=twilight before the 15th.
When you are taking the Passover on the WRONG DAY, as you are before the lambs are slain, that means you are NOT taking the Passover.
If you are celebrating July 4th by using July 3rd, ergo you are NOT celebrating July 4th. Period,.
Passover is on the 14th AFTER the lambs are slain the afternoon of the 14th=twilight just before the 15th starts.
3.) To say otherwise Defies God’s Bible.
Read our/the last Journal Ad page 12 for more explanation.
In the meantime change your ways because:
1.) If you MISS the appointment with the President or King, you are DOOMED.
2.) If you ministers thumb your nose at the King, by DELIBERATELY MISSING his appointment TIME/date can get you killed.
3.) What desire do you have to change your way? If "none" then you ARE headed to Hell.
4.) Repentance means to change your ways.
5.) Are you going to Repent and change your way of opposition to celebrating Passover on the end of the 14th?
6.) If you repeat this sin of moving God's Passover to the beginning of the 14th from the end of the 14th, subverting and disobeying the instruction of God, then YOU HAVE NOT REPENTED.
7.) You have turned away from God's law and have not obeyed Him.
8.) If you Repented you would stop your sin of moving the Passover to the beginning of the 14th.
9.) Instead you INSTIST on repeating your Sin of moving Passover to the beginning of the 14th.
10.) You have usurped God's Holy Authority, by changing his way.
11.) You have no fear of God, because you have scorned "HIS" way of Passover at the end of the 14th.
12.) If you repented you would get rid of your sin, instead you wilfully "repeat" the sin.
13.) You have scorned God's way, as proven by the fact of your moving Passover to the beginning of the 14th.
14.) If you put your way 1st, you will have to be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
15.) You are not to enable your ministers to lead you in Sin.
16.) What is Sin: Sin is trangression of the law.1 John 3:4.
17.) The Law tells you to have Passover at the "end" of the 14th. Numbers 9:3.
18.) You are wilfully transgressing the Law of God.
19.) You are wilfully SINNING.
20.) You are wilfully SINNING at the same time you are taking the Bread and Wine!
21.) You are following your Sinister, when God tells you to live by every word of God. Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3-4.
22.) Instead you are choosing to live by the words of your Sinister.
23.) Are you going to obey God or Man?
24.) Do you have a desire to change to God's correct day of the Passover which is after the lambs are killed in the afternoon and eaten at sundown of the 14th just before the start of the 15th?
If you wish to follow God and not men, then have the Passover in your home like the 1st Century Christians did by following these words: http://1stcenturychristian.com/column.html#Kiddish
Be like a Bereans:
These Jews were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, ... May all the hearers of the gospel become like those of Berea, receiving the word ...Acts 17:11.
Leave your Spiritual Egypt of disobedience Revelations 11:8.
The Sinisters "ARE" disobedient of having Passover before the Lambs are killed.
Make straight the Paths of The Lord.
You must live "WITHOUT" SIN, and not start the year by sinning on Passover with the wrong day!
Sin IS transgression of the law. 1 John 3:4 And you are transgressing God's law by having Passover on the wrong day. REPENT. Confess you are Breaking the Law 1 John 8:1-10.
Have Passover in your home at twilight on Saturday April 4th according to God's Sacred Calendar.
Send Questions to:
"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES." Hebrews 10:26-27.
The Obedient Church of God / P.O. Box 1278 / Omak, Washington, USA 98841
Click here for Video> http://youtu.be/QvvgVVazCpg
"YOU" Refuse to realize "ALL" your ministers ARE "DIS"obeying God!
Your offshoot Sinister either has Passover the evening “before” the lambs are killed
other Sinisters have Passover on the 15th instead of the twilight of the 14th!
YOU refuse to admit it.
Therefore everyone WHO Practices a lie, WILL BE thrown into Hell. Revelations 22:15. Period. No discussion.
God STATES: When YOU PRACTICE A LIE then YOU will be thrown into Hell. Period.
So STOP practicing the LIE of ALL the offshoots having Passover at the night “BEFORE” the lambs are killed,
the other offshoot LIE of having Passover on the 15th.
All your ministers are DISobeying God’s CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS.
“YOU” MUST take Passover at GOD’s TIME, “NOT” your ministers’ time.
President states he will meet with you on the 14th at twilight before the 15th and you show up at a different time, the President will NOT be there. Period.
So STOP changing God’s DAYS, you Sinisters. Rev 21:27.
So STOP practicing LIES you members. Rev 22:15.
You “ARE” disobeying God’s clear instructions,
To have Passover on the 14th 15 minutes before the start of the 15th.
That is how serious it is, but you members still refuse to repent, and you members do nothing to change and REPENT.
“YOU” MUST take Passover at the “APPOINTED TIME”.
In Exodus 12:8 night is the wrong translation!
The word translates: A twist away from the light.
Strongs 3915, and H3883 = Proving it is TWILIGHT of the 14th “before” the 15th starts. And the original word even translates as: Shadow [twilight] of Protection.
It is ”NOT” a leisurely meal. Because a leisurely meal is the Lord’s Dinner 2 days earlier.
The Passover is to be: Taken in HASTE. Exodus 11:11
Standing up.
Who are you going to obey: God in Exodus 11:11 or men/sinisters?
STOP “DIS”obeying God,
Or burn in Hell.
Your Solution is:
To take the second Passover properly on the second month per God’s Numbers 9:11.
Mailing Address:
The Obedient Church of God
P.O. Box 1278
Omak, Washington, USA 98841
Send comments to answers@theworldtomorrow.org
Video # 353
April 4, 2015
How to DE-leaven your mind
Click here for Feast of UB Video> https://youtu.be/CSGi9bXK4yQ
301 LEVEL ONLY FOR those who wish to repent.
Make your own NOTES, or else you don’t want to REPENT.
So we are “not” going to give you the notes, because you don’t value them, nor the time it take to type them for you. So stay in “DIS”obedience.
Hint: If you keep the pieces of lamb to the next day, then you are taking the Lamb in an “UN”worthy manner, because you are “NOT” discerning the body of Christ on the next day as you munch on the roasted body of The Lamb.
Proofs given in 7 Scriptures, but you “STILL” will listen to your Dankman Sinister, who says: Eat the lamb the next day.
There is MUCH “301” LEVEL Information in this Video, but “you” will have to:
Make your own notes, because we do not cast pearls before those who ignore God’s Words.
Mailing Address:
The Obedient Church of God
P.O. Box 1278
Omak, Washington, USA 98841
Send comments to answers@theworldtomorrow.org
Video # 354
Aviv 15, 5775
April 5, 2015
1st Day of Unleavened Bread
Click here for Video> http://youtu.be/dmzWJzvb66I
1.) Repent “ALL” you “offshoot churches of God, and START FOLLOWING YAH’S Bible Deut 16:16= 3 Pilgrimage Feasts per year.
2.) Stop taking “7” OFFERINGS a year, you Devil GREEDY SINISTERS, when Deut 16:16 states to take only 3. The burden of The Lord is “light”. “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." Following the Kaballah is just the same as following the “SATANIC” Book of Mormon. because the equally SATANIC Book of KABALLAH, does a SATANIC Seipherot/syphilis count!
· God’s way is for you to count 1 measure/cup of grain per day, until you reach 49 cups.
· God’s Bible does “NOT” tell you to have anything to do with a SeipheROT/Syphilis count that:
· Infects your understanding of God, into self-improvement “WITHOUT” Jesus. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control [using Father’s Holy Spirit, that Yah used]. Period= “NO” syphilis count. Period. Galatians 5:23.
· Nowhere does the Syphilis count mention Jesus.
· Triumph Prophetic Ministeries follows the “SATANIC” Kaballah,
· Which is proven by Dankman printing material out of the SATANIC KABALLAH. This is a FACT.
· Repent or burn in Hellfire, for following a Kaballah that states: You can rape girls if they are under 3 years of age: Even the Book of Mormon is not that evil.
For adding things to God’s Bible. Deut 12:32, Galations 1:6 for preaching a different way, than that of Christ.
New Topic:
Red Moons Explained using Dates.
The Red Moons are WARNINGS, of “impending” Disaster.
We will give you the ANSWER:
You will have to listen to the Video to get the dates of the Red Moons, (which are “MORE” than just the Tetrad).
Send Questions to:
Re-discovered Truth for Preparing the Way/RESTORING understandings of Scripture
Click here for Video> http://youtu.be/-yviEHYxJ3o
2 Loaves waved before God, “are” the 2 Groups of 144,000:
The Bride:
1st Group/Loaf= Revelations 7:3 Comprised of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
2nd Group/Loaf= Revelations 14:1 Gentile First fruits who are without fault Rev 14:5, and meet The Lamb on Mount Zion Rev 14:1.
The Guests:
At the Marriage Supper the Group that are Guests “ARE” the Great Multitude Rev 7:9 who because of their DISobedience, have to go through the Tribulation Rev 7:14, (who were NOT in the Place of Safety Revelations 12:14, BECAUSE they went through the Tribulation due to their former Disobedience.
Disobedience of:
1.) Moving God’s Sabbath to Friday with a phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line).
2.) Refusing to follow Deut 16:16 and have 3 Pilgrimage Feasts per year.
3.) Refusing to follow Ezekiel 46:3 you shall have a Worship Service every New Moon/Month Day. Isaiah 66:23.
4.) Refusing to follow Zechariah 8:19 you shall have 4 fasts in addition to Atonement.
5.) Learning the way of the Gentiles Jeremiah 10:2 French, Germans and Americans/Nations of having:
6.) Having Mother goddess Day. The great whore that gave birth to all the gods and goddesses in the springtime.
7.) Having Sky Father’s Day, the great god of the sky at the longest day of the year.
8.) Having Turkey God Day, the Cosmic Goose that gave its life for its young and laid the egg that Ra/Osiris sprang forth from.
9.) Learning the Satanic Seipherot count FROM Satan’s Book of Mysticism The Kabballah, that was given by automatic writing.
10.) Having Passover all evening on the 15th, instead of in haste Exodus 12:11, at twilight at the end of the 14th, before the 15th starts. Numbers 9:3.
11.) Having Passover on the twilight of the 13th, “before” the Lambs are killed.
12.) Not having The Lord’s Dinner, 2 days before Passover, in remembrance of Him. Luke 22:19; I Corinthians 11:29.
13.) “YOU” will NOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and your Bible tells you so, because:
14.) The DISobedient shall NOT inherit the kingdom. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? 1 Corinthians 6:9.
15.) So instead of being DISobedient,
16.) Enter by the narrow gate vs the WIDE gate. Enter through the TO COG narrow gate.
17.) For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
18.) But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life
19.) and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14 NIV.
Questions: answers@theworldtomorrow.org
New Month Day Worship Service
Iyar 1, 5775 – April 21, 2015
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/ncumxbyprYg
Total collapse of the USA etc.. could be by Monday Sept 13, 2015; “as” the 4th final Blood Moon Elul 29, 5775, starts Sept 13, 2015.
1.) 2015 is the "Year of Judgment".
2.) The “end” of the Shemita year is on Sept 13, 2015, therefore total collapse could be by Monday Sept 13, 2015.
Then “MANY” events are set to occur before Tabernacles this year, all within 30 days of September 13th to Feast of Tabernacles,
which can be a “Horrific”time period this year.
“THEN” these events take place “before” the FOT (Feast of Tabernacles) this year (meaning things are already set to occur) Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit involved:
2.) Sept 23rd the Pope-the Antichrist- visits the Whitehouse.
3.) Sept 24th the Pope addresses a joint meeting of Congress.
4.) Sept 25th the Pope addresses the U.N..
5.) Sept 25th is the signing date for the Sustainable Development Agenda, (which is the Globalization Document).
6.) Sept 25th is the signing date for the 1 World Government.
7.) We are ready for the possible start of the 7 years on Sept 25, 2015, (if Peace Treaty is Signed).
New Topic;
V-Mat-2 Gene in your brain, is to be attacked by the "FUNVAX" (short for Fundamentalist Vax) for eliminating Religious Fundamentalism by disabling that segment of your brain. It can be administered via Vaccine, Microchip implant, or Aerosol Spray, to disable your desire for God, and turn off your "love of God".
New Topic:
The appearances (over 10 appearances) of Christ "after" the Resurrection are "all" listed in this Broadcast.
Video # 357
Apr 21, 2015
Preparations for the Place of Safety explained
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/FUQubXJuACA
Highlights of Broadcast of April 25, 2015 – Iyar 5, 5775:
1.) Jade 15 Nighttime Troop Training Movements in “lowest States” from California to Florida to be carried out with Foreign Troops from circa June 15th through September 15.
This is a VIOLATION of the U.S. Constitution which states that NO Foreign, nor Domestic Troops, are to be allowed to operate/maneuver on private or public USA soil.
3.) Preparations for the Place of Safety explained.
4.) Your “tiny” house that you may live in, (near Petra) shown in Video.
5.) Only those who have the “Sign of God” on them (which is belonging to a Denomination that has the Sabbath Day Exodus 31:13 and 17; Ezekiel 20:12and 20; Revelations 14:12) in “ALL” the World) will be in the Place of Safety. Every Denomination in the world except TO COG has Sabbath on Friday in ½ the World!
6.) Those who do not have the Sabbath Day on the 7th Day, which includes EVERY DENOMINATION except TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) do not have God’s Sign on them.
7.) Nothing today is left of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God), no buildings, etc., EXCEPT 1 THING= Its Name: www.TheWorldTomorrow.org . We TO COG are continuing the work of HWA, restoring all things.
Send Questions to:
Sabbath Service of May 2nd 2015 – Iyar 12, 5775
27th Day of Pentecost 27 Cups=27 Measures of grain Counted
Video click here> http://youtu.be/P5z6uFWt-qc
2 Timothy 3:13 GOD'S WORD® Translation
1.) But evil
people and phony preachers will go from bad to worse as
they mislead people and are themselves
2.)The Persecution of Christians in the United States officially STARTS June 15, 2015, via Jade Helm 15 which starts on June 15.
The attempted infiltration of our towns during Operation Jade Helm.
Lists Texas, Utah, and part of California as “hostile” or “insurgent pocket” territory.
TO COG Translation: WILL INVOLVE “innocent” Christians being ARRESTED “and” Taken away to a Fema Camp!
People ARRESTED for “thought crimes”= who do not believe in the Government’s Homosexual Agenda, etc..
4.) When you see the United States
surrounded by its own UN Army. Luke 21:20 GOD'S WORD®
"When you see armies camped around Jerusalem, realize that the time is
near for it to be destroyed.
5.) JADE HELM 15
Assistance for
Deployment AND
Eradication of
In 2015.
Red, Blue, and Green/Yellow lists explained.
Video #359
May 2nd 2015
Click here for Video of May 9, 2015> http://youtu.be/A7nMeEURGsc
1.) Mother gODDESS Day tomorrow IS “TOTALLY” Pagan.
You can’t use Hitler’s Birthday nor Semeramis’s gODDESS Day for your Mother.
2.) The whore that gave birth to all the gODS and gODDESSES to honour your mother.
3.) Weapon Of Indignation to be unleashed on the USA Isaiah 13:5 Key: They come from a “far” country
4.) Highlights of Putin's Speech, inferring he WILL destroy the USA, if necessary.
5.) Therefore Scripture commands us to “GATHER TOGETHER”, before the Decree. Zephaniah 2:1.
May 9, 2015
Video # 360
For Video click here> https://youtu.be/BP3g8nTBryI
1.) Dr. Meridith and old WCG sued for 1.2 Million $, and caught lying in Court.
2.) No sacrifice for your sins, if you know to do right and don't do right. Hebrews 10:26
3.) Get out of any large city "NOW", before Jade Helm 15 starts.
4.) Texas Ranger reports: Texas Boxcars have shackles welded into them.
5.) September the Month of catastrophe this year.
6.) Pope to visit Philadelphia on Atonement!
7.) Parallel characteristics of Elijah and John the Baptist.
8.) Don't follow ministers who don't obey Ezekiel 46:3 you "SHALL" hold a worship Service on New Month Day coming this May 20 Wednesday.
9.) The Unrighteous will NOT inherit the Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 6:9.
10.) The Holy Spirit is given "ONLY" to those who obey! Acts 5:32.
May 16, 2015
Video # 361
The Obedient Church of God
Click here for Biblical Truth> http://youtu.be/nsmuq0xWjO8
FACT: Seipherot count was written & translated by Satanists. That is a FACT.
Dankman is Leading you into Satanism, so Burn in HELL Dankman, “DANK”MAN who
10 SATANIC “ORBS”/WRITINGS/Seipherot based on and
written by Satanists.
KABALLAH Satanic “OCCULT” Mysticism.
Nothing more to say, AS this IS PROVEN by the FACTS presented IN THIS SERMON!
If you don’t agree, then don’t listen to this Broadcast,
because we don’t want trouble makers/Devils in God’s Obedient Place of Safety.
The Obedient Church of God
Preparation for your understanding of the Holy Spirit (obedient Spirit) Pentecost:
Click here for Video: http://youtu.be/F8b53fHv_Ks
Acts 5:32 The Holy Spirit is only given to those who obey [every jot of God’s Bible].
Only the "VERY" elect [OBEDIENT] will "not" be fooled by Satan. ...there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24. KJV.
The Holy Spirit: …for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you" John 14:16--17
The Holy Spirit dwells only in truth.
John 16:12 "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth....
Don’t DISobey Deuteronomy 12:32 Repent=DO NOT add man’s words/practices/instructions to God’s way.
If you do, then NOW you have men replacing the supremacy of God’s Word, by adding their own 10 orb practices, and their outright disobedience to Galations 1:6 of preaching another gospel.
1 John2:24 you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father.
You are loving and practicing a LIE. Revelations 22:15 of a 10 orb Seipherot Tree count.
Do "NOT" follow the Satanic Kabballah Seipherot 10 Orb “practice”
that witches and occultists use, anymore than you would follow the Book of Mormon,
because they both were dictated by Demons doing automatic writing in men.
YOUR 10 Orb Seipheirot Tree Practice =
You have an unclean practice!
You have only 1 day left=Sunday to Repent and STOP your Satanic Seipherot 10 Orb practice, because Pentecost is on Monday AND after Monday it is too late, as it is all over. REPENT NOW-stop your 10 Orb Satanic Seipherot practice.
The Obedient Church of God
Video # 363 May 23, 2015 Sivan 4, 5775
Click here for Video> http://youtu.be/tNLJlMgtAf4
Pentecost: The true meaning of the Book of Ruth IS: Like Ruth, we throw ourselves at Yah's feet in obedience, and He weds us.
1.) How Plasma tongues of fire can Speak today!
2.) David was born on Pentecost and died on Pentecost.
3.) The true "MEANING" of the story of Ruth explained.
4.) Gather ye together, now= "before" Jade Helm 15= Zephaniah 2:1-2 "before" the decree is issued.
5.) Hiroshima disintegrated via nuclear attack at 8:15
6.) Jade Helm 15 starts July 15 through to Sept 15, and guess what is dead in the center= 8:15 Aug 15= 8:15 same as Hiroshima!
7.) Broadcast concludes with:
Like Ruth, we throw ourselves at Yah's feet in obedience, and He weds us via the Holy Spirit.
Video # 364
May 25, 2015
1.) “How” To Fight Demons
2.) Trumpet sounds being heard around the World
3.) Dr. Hoeh’s Mistake
4.) The purpose of having your Passover Lamb tied to your bedpost for 1 week.
5.) The Blessings Of God Enumerated
Video click here> http://youtu.be/U5AXsZJ7HtQ
Video #365
May 30, 2015
Click here for Video: https://youtu.be/eyF2CIGSztg
Topics of this “SPECIAL” Broadcast:
1.) Your ministers/Sinisters are all LIARS, as “PROVEN” by the “FACTS”.
2.) We "ARE" SURROUNDED by the Paganism of spiritual Egypt, it is all around us.
3.) Nuclear War with Russia was APPROVED today, on June 6 by the Pentagon.
4.) Jade Helm is advanced to June 15= only 1 week for you to escape-to the Mountains Ezekiel 7:16, to gather together, before we leave for Jordan.
5.) Put you doggie on a leash 24/7 because Jade Helm night explosions will terrify him=make him run away, and you will lose your friend.
6.) Paratroopers will descent on your City Street Midnight to 5 A.M. June 15.
7.) Your "ONLY" hope is to follow every JOT of God's Bible to escape all these things.
8.) The False Christ will have "LONG" hair, below his ears.
9.) The False Christ will look “JUST LIKE” the phony 16th Century Pictures of Christ!
10.) The “Second” Christ to arrive will be the “REAL” Christ.
Video # 366
June 6, 2015
Video click here> https://youtu.be/-pmV2LRd6j0
Making straight the paths to prepare the way for Yah.
1.) You DON'T have the right to be STUPID
causing the Eternal death of your Members
by your "NOT" following God's Bible instructions.
YOU ministers have CORRUPTED the Covenant, by not obeying it.
2.) Making Straight the paths for the Lord
How can "YOU" be a Philadelphian when you are Disobeying the words of God's Bible? Answer: You CAN'T!
3.) How to Fight Against Demons and Night Terrors
4.) Jade Helm is preparing the way for the NWO (New World Order).
Jade Helm starts 1 month early on “this” Monday June 15, 2015.
90% of people/citizens will be killed in the next 7 years. Isaiah 6:13.
5.) God’s New Month Day Service will be on June 18 or 19 if not sighted on the 18th. But you DISobedient brats will not worship God and indeed refuse to worship God as proven by the FACTS. Isaiah 66:23 Ezekiel 46:3.
Video #367
June 13, 2015
For Video click here> https://youtu.be/0TCFIvkxrXA
1.) Don’t celebrate the SUMMER SOLSTICE= Sky Father’s Day on Sunday June 21, the shortest day of the year.
If your pagan children call you, then Hang up on them, because they have 364 other days to call you, than on Sky Father’s Day!
2.) Jade Helm "MEANS":
Joint Assistance Development & EXECUTION
To murder disrupters via a Computer Selection Program that monitored your ever phone word, and keystroke; And to slave-master the rest of the people of the United States.
3.) "Once" you start making 3 pilgrimage Feasts as year to Headquarters. Deuteronomy 16:16.
4.) "Once" you start celebrating New Month Day Ezekiel 46:3 Isaiah 66:23.
5.) "Once" you start observing the 4 FASTS of The Lord. Zechariah 8:19
you might start understanding this Broadcast.
Because the Spirit of God is "ONLY" given to those who obey. Acts 5:32.
6.) God hears your cries, and feels your pain.
7.) If you feel overwhelmed, then play this Sermon the ending of this Sermon over and over again for "STRENGTH", TO FIND HOPE AND COURAGE TO GO ON.
June19, 2015
Video # 368
The Obedient Church of God
The longest day of the year, the Satanic Sky Father's Day is tomorrow.
Don’t you dare thank your children for calling you on Hitler’s/Satan’s Day.
Jade Helm is also explained.
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/wWv03MXId8w that explains Jade Helm to you:
Jade Helm Wooden Shoes represent DESTROYING the USA
via throwing shoes
(Editor’s note: French shoes=Sabots
A sabot is a clog from France or surrounding countries such as Belgium.
Sabots are whole feet clogs.
into the gears
of orderliness, to jam the gears of orderly society via Covert 'Suspicious' Actions.
To stop the functioning of law and order,
so your Satanists /Politician leaders (that “you” voted in) can start their Martial Law program.
The Satanic NWO and their Illuminati political leaders in the White House, the Pentagon, the Congress and numerous US law enforcement and intelligence agencies are:
Planning to unleash the Great American Holocaust. The purpose of this operation is the mass murder of all true Christians and the purging of all patriots and dissidents who do not believe that sodomists should marry.
BUT I the Editor understand these evil plans, because the Spirit is given to those who OBEY Acts 5:32,
“NOT’ your minister who DISobeys, and I the Editor, live in the shelter of the Most High.
Here is something to strengthen you:
Psalm 91
I live in the shelter of the Most High
And I find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty
This I declare about the Lord on High,
He (Father) alone is my rock and my
He is my refuge and where I go to hide
When my enemies surround me
And a thousand fall at my side
Traps and snares try to grab me
But the Lord rescues and I rejoice gladly
Deadly diseases and a world of evil things
Yet My God covers me and protects me under His wings
His promises are yes and true
Our armour, protecting me and you:
I will not be afraid of the terrors in the night
Though the world tries to fill each heart with fright
The Lord goes before me, He strengthens
me with His might
No evil can touch me, my prayers reach His heights
For I know He hears each word I pray
Protecting me each night and every day
I have made the Lord my refuge, a shelter is He
Therefore He’s promised no evil can conquer me
Plagues cannot touch those I love
His angels protect me, commissioned from above
They hold me up with their hands
And protect me as I walk through this land
I love my God, whose throne is on High
And Jesus, His Son, on His right Side
He is with me through all my troubles and fear
Always besides me, always near.
Video # 369
June 20, 2015
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/vuOZ4Kgfzro
The Obedient Church of God presents “Todays” Sermon Topics:
1.) The Destruction of the United States is coming, just like Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.
The whole United States is "now" standing for and approving of homosexuality. Even Putin-Communism does not stand for homosexuality, because it destroys the society and procreation.
We will not remain silent in the presence of evil and wickedness.
Sodom and Gomorrah were turned into ASHES "BECAUSE" of their homosexuality, AND being proud of their homosexuality. It's like being proud that you are a fornicator. And others(the USA Supreme Court are indeed approving of allowing homosexuality and now approving of homosexual marriage. Romans 1:32.
2.) Its Devolution not Evolution.
3.) And the citizens of the United States are also being destroyed by the Banksters, who have worthless pieces of paper that they print, and then loan the worthless pieces of paper for you to buy a house. Then the Banksters collapse the system as (in 2008) and take your house and property.
Before the Banksters only had worthless pieces of paper, but now NOW "NOW" THEY HAVE YOUR LAND AND YOUR HOUSE. Now the Banksters have houses and land= your house-your land, and not just their worthless paper. It's all just a corrupt big SCAM.
4.) The system is Satanic from head to toe and will have to be destroyed by God to stop it. There is no other way to stop it, because they won’t repent-change.
5.) New Topic:
Listen to your heart, not your head.
Your heart has neurons just like your brain. That is why God states to praise him "with" an upright heart. Psalm 119:7
The heart mind connection is explained.
Bottom line: Love grows Love.
The Obedient Church of God
June 27, 2015
Video # 370
If you "say" you obey God, why do you not obey Zechariah 8:19
which commands you to fast on the 17th day of the 4th month.
If you don't fast starting tonight on the 17th day of the 4th month, "THAT" IS proof that you do not obey God's Bible.
If you "say" you obey God, why do you not obey Zechariah 8:19?
God commands you to fast on the 17th day of the 4th month= July 5 2015* (*starts sundown the evening before) .
It is the start of "Between The Straits" re Av 9.
The breach of the walls of Jerusalem was on the 17th day of the 4th month, and the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples, were both on Av 9th.
Av 9th this year will be Sunday July 26th (or July 27th if the Crescent is not sighted).
If you “don't” fast on the 17th day of the 4th month, "THAT" IS proof that you do "NOT" obey God's Bible and are a liar.
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/cIvpkxQ4gJE
Video # 371
July 4, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/XACrvgpHyvI
The Obedient Church of God
all the goat offshoot sinisters.
To make STRAIGHT the paths for Yah to return.
Don't let your goat sinisters run over you!
Don't let a disobedient goat sinisters steal your Eternal life.
New topics:
How to survive till the Place of Safety.
all the the goat ministers.
Video # 372
July 11, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
Video click here> http://youtu.be/sb633PNfC44
Your ministers ALL are LIARS. Proven by the FACTS.
YOU cannot deny that your OFFSHOOT ministers are LIARS because they DISobey Deut 16:16, Ezekiel 46:3, Zechariah 8:19 they DO NOT FOLLOW THE BIBLE AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS.
Realize your ministers are liars, WHEN they say they obey the Bible.
And they will disqualify you from being in the Kingdom of God
Listen to these FACTS
Your ministers are swindlers, who are claiming that they are obeying the Bible. But they don’t
Your ministers are only ½ full of oil.
Proven by the FACTS.
On New Month Day the Major Events of the Bible occurred.
New Topic to save your physical life:
Jade Helm
Joint Assistance Development & EXECUTION
is a Computer Program:
And THEN Jade Helm WILL kill you. Period.
Jade Helm is a computer program that lists all Christians and then KILLS them. PERIOD.
If you want to correspond with me, answers@theworldtomorrow.org then I will tell you more about AI (Artificial Intelligence) which will be used to KILL YOU.
Every word you ever typed, or said on the phone, has been recorded, and AI will find you, and give orders to KILL YOU.
TO COG is the ONLY church in the world that obeys Gods Bible. Proven by the FACTS.
If you say NO, then you are a liar.
The Obedient Church of God
Video # 373
July 18, 2015
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/phOdVUF8u-Y
Your offshoot Worldwide Church of God sinisters are all "Antichrists", because:
1.) They all preach "against" God's Bible words of Deuteronomy 16:16 and refuse to have 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year,
2.) Ezekiel 46:3 they refuse to worship God on New Month Day.
3.) Zechariah 8:19 they refuse to fast on the 4 Fasts of God.
3 strikes and you’re OUT.
They all move God’s Sabbath Day to Friday, with a phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line).
They are all BREAKING their vow to obey God’s word.
That makes all the offshoot Worldwide Church of God ministers Antichrists. Period. Because they are anti-Bible, as proven by the above FACTS.
New Topics:
9th of Av:
12 events listed. Tonight the evening of Saturday July 25 is the start of the Fast of the 5th month.
Oct 20, 2015 the USA should go on the Euro!
Obama has ordered the Federal Reserve to adopt the euro beginning October 15, 2015. The US will share the single monetary system used by 18 European Union member states, including Greece, France, Germany, and Slovakia
For the first 3 months of the conversion, euro notes and coins will circulate jointly with US currency, so as not to disrupt the holiday season. “We don’t want to add any extra stress,” said the President. “My economic team predicts everything will go smoothly.”
Queen Elizabeth may be dead, as there are reports that she died this June. They are covering it up, so that they can stay in power.
That means that the “Corporation of the USA” will be dissolved, and you will be taken away to China as a slave to pay the USA's corporate debts.
You are the property of “The Corporation of the USA”.
That is why your Driver’s Licence, Birth Certificate, and Social Security Card have your name “ALL” in CAPITAL LETTERS.
You have been pledged as collateral for the USA debt.
Pray for Protection from the NDAA as they will jail you without charges.
The police have a Bulldog attitude to do what they "illegally" say, or else they will lie and violate your rights.
The USA Constitution is no longer followed by the police. The police are out of control. Over 1,000 people a year are killed by the USA police.
The USA Constitution is no longer followed as proven by the facts of the continued deaths of people in police custody.
The only thing you can do is pray to God for protection from the police and lawless NDAA in the USA.
Video # 374
July 25, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/jzGP8Xof-Vw
The 7th Trumpet lasts for 1 year.
This Video lists the LENGTH of each Trumpet Blast.
Video # 374
August 1, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
How to find hope= Think of your future in the God Family
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/bAOwMeOtx4s
To Find Hope for Your Future= Realize you will Be in the God Family.
There are Homenoid species (like animals) from 20,000 years ago, but God created a separate Adam family in His own image just 6.000 years ago.
Video #377
The Obedient Church of God
Video click here> http://youtu.be/86XbyR0Zf2E
Your last month of peace and safety ends September 13 and
gets even WORSE after October 20.
Other topics covered:
Angels Trampled
Inspiring main Sermon:
120 Years Of Faith
Super song:
Me And God
Video # 376
August 15, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
For Video click here> https://youtu.be/-sxEf2IcSbE Contend for the 1st Century Faith once Delivered.
1.) Contend For the Faith Once Delivered= New Month Day today in 2015, just as it was in place in 33 A.D.. Ezekiel 46:3 was NEVER crossed out of your Bible.
You are not an exception: All the World must WORSHIP God on New Month Day. Isaiah 66:23.
New Topics:
2.) It’s Worse than Agenda 21, it’s the 2030 Agenda NWO (New World Order) that you haven’t heard about yet, that really starts September 25th, 2015.
Its gonna be a hard Reign that’s gonna fall.
Not rain, but a coming reign of the New World Order.
3.) Herbert fell off the rails in 1937 when he changed Pentecost to Monday, and started raping his daughter Dorothy, though he started out as good from 1934 to 1937.
Herbert W. Armstrong (1892 – 1986) broke up families/disfellowshipped members for marrying divorced partners, then he himself married a divorced 38 year old woman named Ram ona Martin in 1977 when he was 85. He could have been her great grandfather. It was like the marriage of Anna Nicole Smith to a 90 year old oil tycoon. Armstrong was the foolish shepherd. More on that next week, but NOW YOU have to repent, independent of what Herbert did.
4.) We, in 2015, have got to get back to the Faith Once Delivered in the 1st Century, that Herbert fouled up in 1937, though he started out in good behavior from 1934 until 1937.
It is now 81 years since Herbert started sinning in 1937, when he moved Pentecost to Monday and started raping his daughter.
Herbert never denied the charge, and his lawyers never sued Robinson for slander, so the charges stand the validity test.
To rescue all you
ex-Worldwiders, you ex-Worldwiders have got to understand the KEY to all these events:
5.) The KEY: It doesn’t matter now what Herbert did: It matters what YOU do;
For YOU to get back to the 1st Century Faith.
Jude verse 3:
It is needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints in 33 A.D.. Now 1982 years later it is still YOUR Job, to get back to:
Deuteronomy 16:16 3 pilgrimages a year
Ezekiel 46:3 Worship God on every New Month Day.
Zechariah 8:19 Fast at least 4 times a year, plus Atonement.
And stop supporting Sinisters who move Gods Sabbath Day to Friday with a phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line), just like the Poop moves Gods Sabbath to Sunday!
Video # 377
August 17, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
Click here for the Most Important Video of your Life=
your BLUEPRINT for the PLACE OF SAFETY> https://youtu.be/YzlgD_5Uih8
1.) Elisha's Work Of Restoring Gods Sabbath Day.
2.) How to get to the Place of Safety?
3.) Where is the Place of Safety?
4.) Place Of Safety Preparation.
5.) Where to wait, to enter the Place of Safety!
Video #379
August 22nd, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
For Video click here> http://youtu.be/xEsv3LLcVY0
Topics covered:
1.) Who REALLY runs the USA-EXPLAINED.
2.) The Committee of 300 Explained.
3.) It does not matter who you vote for, because if they get out of line like Kennedy did they will be killed.
4.) Trump is not his real name.
5.) STOP yapping/wasting your time about who to vote for because they are only front men for the Shadow Government!
We TO COG give you the Gestalt information, so that you KNOW how to live physically and Spiritually. Topics covered:
1.) Who REALLY runs the USA-EXPLAINED.
2.) The Committee of 300 Explained.
3.) It does NOT matter who you vote for, because if they get out of line=stop obeying orders like Kennedy did= they will be killed.
4.) Trump is not his real name. Drumpf is his REAL name. He is German. His fathers name was Fredrich Drumph.
5.) STOP yapping/wasting your time about who to vote for because they are only front men for the Shadow Government!
We TO COG give you the Gestalt information, so that you KNOW how to live and save your life=physically and Spiritually.
Video # 380
Aug 29, 2015
Click here for Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFNNz9CDFnk
If you want to lose your salvation then “DON’T” live by "EVERY" word of God, and don’t live by the other 61 Books of God’s Bible.
Sinisters are “CAUSING” you to DISobey God!
And you just don’t get it.
YOU want to follow liars, who are “WILLFULLY” DISobedient ministers/sinisters.
TELL your sinister, that YAH COMMANDED you to LIVE by “EVERY” WORD of God. Matthew 4:4.
Sinisters are those who ARE “DELIBERATELY” DISobedient to the words of God’s Bible.
Your sinister “IS” DISobedient to God’s Word.
Your sinister refuses to follow “ALL” of God’s Bible.
One minister says, he only follows the Torah.
What’s wrong with your heart that you do NOT WANT to live by “EVERY” WORD of God?=
You WILLFULLY refuse to follow what “The Lord of Hosts says” Zech 8:19.
You do NOT “want” EVERY word of God. What is wrong with you?
But Jesus said: Man should live by “EVERY” word of God. Matt 4:4.
Every word of the Septuagint which includes Zechariah 8:19 which states:
Thus says “THE LORD”= 4 Fasts plus Atonement= 5 fasts a year.
It is an actual COMMAND, because Zechariah states:
Thus says “THE LORD”!
Ridiculous LIARS say you should only live by the first 5 books.
So THEN, also throw out the instructions of the Proverbs and Psalms.
Therefore you should not live by the Proverbs and Psalms, nor live by the New Testament, because the Proverbs, Psalms, and New Testament are NOT in the Torah.
He who does not speak according to the word is an IDIOT. He does NOT have God’s Holy Spirit, because he does not speak according to the Word.
He never had hands laid on him.
He was “only” baptized.
Therefore over and over again he proves himself to be an uninformed IDIOT. Such as saying he won’t follow the Sabbath Day in all the World, until Christ returns.
Well if you wait till Christ returns for you to repent, it is then TOO late.
So we have got a sinister throwing out ALL the commands of God’s Bible, except for the 1st 5 Books.
What a LYING idiot, telling you not to follow God’s Zechariah 8:19.
Zechariah 8:19 even says:
Thus says The Lord-Zechariah 8:19.
Where did Zechariah 8:19 come from?
Straight out of the mouth of God.
And Yah commanded that man must live by “EVERY” WORD of God;
But your sinister says: NO.
He will only live by 5 of the 66 Books and therefore does not have to obey the 61 other Books of God.
So let’s get this straight:
You have got to live by EVERY WORD of God= “NOT” just the 1st 5 books. Period.
Are you going to listen to: “Thus says the Lord”,
or are you going to listen to a Dankman sinister, who refuses to follow: “Thus says The Lord” in Zechariah 8:19.
Dankman says it’s not in the Torah, so that means you will have thrown out 61 books of the Bible.
The complacency of fools, will destroy them. Proverbs 1:32.
OUTside is everyone who practices a lie [of refusing to follow: Thus says The Lord]. Revelations 22:15.
You are supposed to live by EVERY WORD of God.
So if you want to lose your salvation then “DON’T” live by every word of God.
Sinisters read Deut 16:16 and evilly “CHOOSE” to DISobey Deut 16:16 which COMMANDS 3 Feast of Tabernacle style pilgrimage Feasts like Jesus’ family did 3 times per year. They read Deut 16:16 and say:
1.) NO we “CHOOSE” to DISobey Deut 16:16 and only have 1 Feast of Tabernacles style pilgrimage gathering. They read Ezekiel 46:3 and evilly say:
2.) NO we will not worship on New Month Day. They read Zechariah 8:19 and evilly say:
3.) NO we will not fast 4 times per year. They read Leviticus 23:4 which states: These are the LORD's appointed festivals, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times Leviticus 23:4 and evilly say:
4.) No we will not have God’s "APPOINTED" Days. We will average God’s Holy Days causing members to work on God's Holy Days. They read Exodus 20:10 and say:
5.) NO we will not have God’s Sabbath on the 7th day in Australia, New Zealand, China, India, etc.=1/2 the World. Instead we will follow “Satan’s” phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line) which moves God’s Sabbath from Saturday in 1882 to Friday in 1883.
You defend those who are DISobeying Gods Bible words, and you attack those TO COG www.TheWorldTomorrow.org who are keeping God’s Bible words. Wake up! Others "ARE" sinisters who "ARE" stealing your eternal life, by CAUSING YOU TO SIN! They are causing you to DISobey God’s Bible words. THEY “ARE” CAUSING YOU TO DISOBEY GOD!
“And” the facts prove they are even “worse” than sinisters, because they trick you by saying that they obey God’s Bible words, "WHILE" they "DIS"obey God’s CLEAR Bible words.
They OUTRIGHTLY lie to you about what God’s Bible Commands, as proven by the FACTS= So please don’t deny and ignore the above FACTS. And they’re worse still:
They “KEEP ON” lying, and "REFUSE to stop lying" to you! They refuse to change, and to start obeying God’s Bible. But you try to defend them, and you attack the messenger TO COG, while the sinisters are stealing your eternal life by CAUSING you to DISobey God as proven by the above FACTS.
The sinisters “ARE” just plain deceived and EVIL, because they read Deut 16:16 and they “CHOOSE” to DISobey God’s words. They choose, CHOOSE, “CHOOSE” TO DISOBEY, because they know how to read, and they understand what God is stating in Deut 16:16, Ezekiel 46:3, Zech 8:19, Lev 23:4, Ex 20:10, but they “CHOOSE” to ignore Gods words. They are sinisters as “proven” by the FACTS. Period. And worse they still refuse to repent and follow God’s Bible words.
They are deceived by the Devil and wallowing in outright sins, and refuse to change. They ARE breaking the Covenant, and they are “OPPOSING” Gods words. And don’t you dare try to say they are not “DIS”obeying the above CLEAR Bible words, or that God’s CLEAR BIBLE WORDS are just an opinion. REPENT! You want to stone me/attack me for preaching the Bible's words and calling them what they are. REPENT! Make straight the paths of the Lord, before it is too late for you. They are pure EVIL because they lie to you, and try to say they obey God’s Bible, while they are breaking God’s plainly WRITTEN commands. Your ministers are liars as PROVEN by the FACTS. Evil is a noun whose definition is that EVIL is that which comprises INTENTIONAL ACTS and CONDUCT.
They are sinisters because they read God’s Bible words, but then they DELIBERATELY SIN by ignoring CLEAR scriptures. They “say” they follow the Bibles words, but they don’t as proven by the FACTS, and the FACTS prove that they are sinisters who refuse to repent, and continue to neglect and refuse to repent!
Since when shouldn’t you call people who DISobey Gods Bible sinisters.
Since when shouldn’t you call them what they ARE, when they ARE breaking Gods Covenant
AS PROVEN by the
that they are SINNING AS described in Gods Bible!
The ministers ARE SINNING.
Yah called them SNAKES and STATED:
YOU BROOD of VIPERS. YOU sons of The Devil. Matthew 23:33.
I (so far), am kinder and only call them sinisters.
Those who were only ½ full of Oil were locked out of the Marriage Supper where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 22:13 How did you get in here without a wedding garment [without following WRITTEN instructions]? Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
It is a hard job to make your sinisters Repent= Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith. Titus 1:13; and not to attack the messenger TO COG who restores/brings you CLEAR Bible "WRITTEN" Words of Life. Therefore instead: MAKE your sinisters REPENT and obey God’s CLEARLY written Words. Make your sinister minister OBEY God’s WRITTEN Words. Make him repent. Make him stop being a sinister breaking God’s words, and as for you: he that “practices” a lie WILL be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Rev 22:15, and as for him: he who “teaches” a lie will also be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Rev 21:27. Repent= all of you. Make straight the path for Yah our King.
The Obedient Church of God.
Video # 381
Sept 5, 2015.
Click here for Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrUkgvinpDc
1.) How To Survive:
a.) Both Spiritually
b.) Physically.
2.) EVERYTHING you need to know about the present.
3.) a Study of the Names of God.
Video #382
Sept 12, 2015
7 Trumpets are "NOT" happy days. Stop being Happy re 7 Trumpets:
The rivers will be turned to blood, and
women will eat their children.
For Video click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdv8yls5-Z8
1.) Fear Trumpets: Trumpets Starts the 10 Days Of Awe Repentance
2.) New Topic: Pope Bergoglio's “REAL” Agenda.
3.) Cern has and "WILL" Affect our conscious behavior
making people irritable and mean.
Their master is Shiva-God of Chaos.
There are 14 Colliders in the World, with 3 in the USA.
The Collider in Texas is BIGGER than Cern’s!
# 383
Sept 16, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
Subject: Link for: The Beast is "ALREADY" all AROUND you, but no Ministers know what is going on by October 20.
Click here for link to Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltZBjh71p7A
Subject: The Beast is "ALREADY" all AROUND you, but no Ministers know what is going on by October 20.
No ministers know what is going on by October 20.
The more integrated the world becomes= the sooner we will see nightmarish Global tyranny.
1.) The World Is Run By Satanist Maniacs who Will have to be slain by God In The End.
Bergoglio is a 2 Horned Beast because he controls both the Spiritual "AND" Political affairs of this World.
2.) Bel was Satan's previous Name.
Some of Satan’s worst people also have “Bel” in their name, such as Jezebel, Belzebub, Belial, BAALpeor, BAALim, BAALberith, BELshazzar, BAALhanah, BAALberith, and “ReBEL”,
the children of Belial saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known; – Deu 13:13,
sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD. – 1 Sa 2:12
And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out, thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial: – 2 Sa 16:7
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believes with an infidel? – 2 Corinthians 6:15
The name “Belial” in Hebrew:
snip: Good leaders in the Bible are named after El, including DaniEL, SamuEL, MishaEL, NathanaEL, IsraEL, AbEL, GabriEL, ELisha, ELijah, ELeazar, ELisabeth, EzikiEL, etc..
3.) Therefore Satan's previous name ended in "EL" which meant "IN GOD", for at the beginning when he was created “good” he was: “IN” God.
snip: Some actually teach that “Lucifer” was the name of Satan before he fell, but that’s impossible. First of all, “Lucifer” is a Latin name which was chosen by Jerome, the Catholic author of the Latin Vulgate Bible, long after Satan’s fall into sin, and that name is only used once in the entire Bible. Ironically, Jerome had a friend named “Lucifer”. Secondly, the name “Lucifer” isn’t even appropriate for Satan as I have carefully shown in the article at this link.
4.) The Archangels names all ended in El. Michael, Gabriel, Raphiel. Satan (Bel) was an Archangel also. If the name does not end in "EL", then they are NOT an Archangel. Metatron is “not” an Archangel.
5.) List of the names of the Archangels.
Video # 384
Sept 19, 2015
The “Obedient” Church of God
For Video click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56TRfONlvnM
God’s Atonement Is Only Effectual When:
We Live A Life Of Repentance Being Contrite.
Fasting is “physical” denial
Contrite is: “mental” denial
Atonement Is Only Effectual When We Live A Life Of Repentance.
Being Contrite “IS” to follow every jot, just like a humble little child.
Video # 385
Sept 25, 2015
The Obedient Church Of God
Video click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfPolNdR8DE
At the UN Sept 25 MARKED Historical Monumental CHANGE for 194 Nations 7 Billion of us,
As the UN will follow Agenda 21 that states:
= Christians ARE TERRORISTS!
Video # 386
The Obedient Church of God
On the AUTHORITY of God's Bible people who practice the following lies, or who pay Tithes to Ministers who PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING will “NOT” be in God's Kingdom:
1.) They move God's Sabbath to Friday with a phony IDL (International Date Line).
2.)They move God's Holy Days 2 days early or 1 day late with a phony Hillel II averaging calendar.
3.) They refuse to worship God on New Month Day Ezekiel 46:3.
4.).They refuse to have the 4 fasts of Zech 8:19: Thus says The Lord.
5.). They refuse to 3 PILGRIMAGE Feast of Tabernacle style Worship GATHERINGS/Events set up per year.
Revelations 22:15 States that you will be kicked out of God's Kingdom for your supporting/practicing what your lying ministers do.
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/8hGlIlRmBYs
Video # 387 Sept 30, 2015
The Obedient Church of God
Your SPIRITUAL Health CURE requires going back to the BASICS and getting the Spiritual Instructions your body needs.
And the same is for your Physical Health=The Basic Cure is to get the BASIC Minerals your Body needs:
For Video click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Co-GZowfrs
The Diabetes “CURE”= Please print this down and hand it to Mr. Dankenbring.
The answer is by taking Colloidal MINERALS.
Here is the site to see the CURE for Diabetes by using COLLOIDAL MINERALS
by Joel D. Wallach, the "mineral doctor" M.S., D.V.M. (University of Missouri) and N.D. (National College of Naturopathic Medicine) who will cure diabetes if mom’s friend takes a daily supplement of colloidal minerals.
Click here to get started:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fme5Qv1zi9g and here:
then just watch video after video to order the CURE for Diabetes:
Diabetes cure basically is colloidal= liquid minerals=NOT pills:
He will need 90 Plant Derived Minerals $18 product # 13203
And Tangy Tangerine $58 (that has the Vitamins in it). You need to pour the minerals into a glass of Distilled Water that you put the Tangy powdered Tangerine in, because the minerals taste terrible, but you need the Minerals to get well product # USY G100 075
To order call 1 800 982-3189 and ask for the Diabetes cure;
And you must use my (Lawrence’s) Associate # 101 514 509 .
Spiritual and Physical Healing by:
The Obedient Church of God
8th Day of Fall Festivals Pictures
Circumcising Our Hearts
just like a baby is circumcised on the 8th day Luke 1:59=
Follow every Bible Word= "WAY" for your new civil year.
Circumcise your hard rebellious heart on Shemini Atzaret.
Click here for Video: https://youtu.be/2lHjoT4cjWQ
AND Scripture STATES “EVERY” Word of God’s Bible is IMPORTANT! http://www.acts17-11.com/obedience.html
Bonus information Obey every JOT of Bible and live spiritually AND longer “Physically”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SMrm8mA54I
The Obedient Church of God
Video # 389
Click here for Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a69Ak7vgsqA USA “Lawless” Government
End time Pre Tribulation Woes.
New Month Day BONUS FACTS.
Obedient Church of God www.TheWorldTomorrow.org
Video # 390
The Obedient Church Of God
October 15, 2015
Cheshvan 1, 5776
The Tribulation
Video # 391
Oct 17, 2015
The Obedient Church Of God
Sabbath Video:
"FACTS" TO HELP YOU PREPARE And Flee at The Tribulation
Click here> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM_wnHcdcmg
Video # 391
The Obedient Church Of God
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Sermon Highlights:
Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQVPbNH0eRU&feature=youtu.be
Turkey gOD Day “FACTS”> http://1stcenturychristian.com/Thanksgiving.pdf You CAN’T have 2 Pentecost Days and you cannot duplicate/add to the Feast of Ingathering/Tabernacles Feast of thanksgiving by adding a Turkey gOD Day.
Billy Graham the brush salesman and 33rd Degree Mason was participating in the Monarch Mind Control project.
Graham sleeps with his eyes open, which is a sign of a Demonic MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder, and
was a damnable Liar telling you just to believe and you will go to Heaven. That
is a LIE because the Devils believe James 2:19 and the devils will NOT be in
the Kingdom.
Billy Graham is a lying Devil 33 Degree Mason.
preaches a false doctrine of Salvation by Faith only, which will lead you
straight into Hell.
Only overcomers will be in the Kingdom, but Graham says you do not have to obey
nor develop, He says just believe like the devils believe Christ is Lord.
Just having faith gives you license to sin, because you have to repent to be in
the Kingdom.
2.) Turkey gOD Day is not allowed because you are not allowed to add anything to God's Bible Deut
12:32, nor to preach a different way Galations 1:6, 9.
As you heard from the "beginning" is the only way to enter the
You have to REPENT AND OBEY. Luke 3:3.
3.) Whoever practices a lie of Turkey gOD Day will not be in the Kingdom.
Revelations 22:15.
4.) Having a 20 lb. Buddah/bird on your table is a SIN, because it represents
the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris sprang forth from. Of all the meats why a Turkey?
Because it is Turkey gOD DAY.
It's Turkey gOD DAY because the President pardons a 20
lb. bird.
And you have a 20 lb. bird on your table.
You might as well put a small Xmas Tree on your table.
Mathematical proof Yeshua was killed in 33 A.D..
5.) Yeshua lived 2 19 year time cycles and therefore was 38 when he was
6.) The Devils deception of the Wailing Wall and the Dome of the Rock
explained. Hint: The Satanic stone under the Dome of the Rock matches the 11
Western USA States EXACTLY IN FORM..
7.) God's 2 Temples were in the City of David, NOT in Jerusalem.
8.)The Satanic stone under the Satanic Dome of the Rock matches the outline of
the Western United States.
9.) 98 % of the people in Israel are Khazarians, and are NOT Jewish.
10.) Khazarians wanted to set up a Country for themselves, so they set up
Israel for themselves in 1948.
.11.) Hollywood is Magic Wand wood to cast spells with.
12.) Yellowstone spelt backwards is Wolleystone= Hollystone.
13.) There will be a BAIL IN to take your money out of your Bank Account,
because as of January 2014 you are no longer a Depositor but instead have
become a Shareholder 4th in line to get paid when your bank goes under.
14.) Patton was murdered because Patton would have destroyed Russia thereby wrecking the Illuminate plan to have Communism to defeat the USA in WWIII, and then bring in the NWO (New World Order) out of chaos.
# 330
The Obedient Church of God