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1.) Re-Discovered Truth, to help you understand the future:

The 1st Christ (the demonic The 2nd Christ to arrive circa 2020-2021Re our King Yahveh's/Jesus' return:

We are now experiencing"<

Because the 7 years of Tribulation haven't started yet, (as of this writing December 2013) and ongoing "Delays", Yah may "not" return until SeptemberReason for the delays:

The NWO (New World Order) got delayed for 3 months in Libya, (before they could take out Quaddaffi, and take control of Libya).

In June 2012, the NWO was delayed for 1 year by Syria (Syria which has the strongest best equipped Army in the Middle East).

And still ongoing in 2013 in Syria, (especially during November 2013), the USA was not allowed to invade Syria with UN ground Troops.

So there "has been" and is "much" delay!

The King of the South has not even arisen yet!

The script is "already" written in Revelations, but it is just the timing to be altered/fulfilled.

We want Yah to return as soon as possible.

We and the entire creation groan Romans 8:19 waiting for the Saviour of the World Yah, to return and be King of the World, ruling all Nations.

Presently there is an indication that Yah will return in 2021, because:

There should be a Peace Treaty involving Israel in 2014.

That Peace Treaty will be broken 3 ½ years later in 2018.

Therefore the 2nd 3 ½ more years must commence/start with the start of the "Great" Tribulation circaTherefore:

September 20th, 2021is the earliest, that Yah our Brother "mathematically"Caveat: But when the tiEditor's Note- Deeper Understanding 301 Level Caveat for Bible Scholars:

Unless those days are cut short, and given back to Satan after the 1000 years, (when Satan once more deceives the world after the 1000 years are ended). Rev 20:7.

Ergo: Those days "must" be cut short, or no flesh will be saved alive. For 90% of the people will be killed before Yah makes his return. Isaiah 6:13.

Remember Revelations "DOES" state that there "will" be delays. Revelations 10:6.

And conversely "unless those days be shortened" no flesh would be saved alive. Matthew 24:22.

The 7 years of Tribulation could/should start in 2014.

The 2 Witnesses could/should start preaching March 20, 2018.

We could/should be gathered into the Place of Safety circa March 20, 2018.

The 3 ½ year "Editor's Note:

Since Yah's Bible states let there be "no 'more' delay" Revelation 10:6, ergo there has been and will be delays.

And indeed we are now experiencing the delays.

·       The bottom line is that NOW as of December 2013 the 7 years have "NOT" started yet, because there 

1.) click here for> October 6, 2007 Stating that Yeshua/Christ Jesus will arrive as above

193.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 5, 2013  
Jan 5, 2013

Jan 5, 2013 - 


Highlight of January 5 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 5, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 22, 5993
Jan 5, 2013
Highlights of January 5 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 5, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:
1.) You are "ALREADY" DESTROYED, "God" states it in Hosea 4:6:
God's people "ARE" DESTROYED for lack of Knowledge... I "will" reject thee... You shall be "NO Priest" to Me.

You and your lying ministers "insist" on celebrating your:
Sky Fathers DAY
Turkey gOD DAY
No adding Days Deut 12:32; Galations 1:6, :9.
Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World.
Because of your lack of Knowledge, you celebrate:
Mother gODDESS DAY, the mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES, on Mothers Day.
Sky fATHERS DAY, leading to the longest day of the year, on Fathers Day.
Turkey gOD DAY, Osiris-Ra sprang from the egg that the Cosmic Goose laid.
You might as well have a Buddah on your table. Why don't you have a lamb, or Venison.
Answer: Because you have been deceived into the "Harvest Home" Festival of the Devil.
Why do you celebrate God's Sabbath on Friday in half the World using the phony 1883 International Date Line!

Answer: Because you lack knowledge of the Satanic origin of all the above
Therefore: You are "ALREADY DESTROYED for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 TheWorldTomorrow.org January 5th, 2013.
"YOU" add Satan's days and refuse to follow/add God's Meeting Days:
Refusing to celebrate God's New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3
Refusing to attend the Feast Site 3 times a year. Deut 16:16
Refusing to have God's Sabbath on the 7th day in half the World (using the 1883 Date Line that changed God's Day).
New Topic/Gestalt Understanding
Only God's TO COG OBEDIENT PEOPLE "KNOW" the Secret place of God:

The secret place of the Most High "is" His Truth "every jot" that you abide in-
This "Secret Place" has been discovered by TO COG;
(while all other Ministers "refuse" to go there-as proven by their "DIS"obedient actions and their refusal to/refusal to repent-therefore they are the 5 foolish virgins who will be kicked out of the Marriage Supper).

His truth shall shield you, but you do NOT want His truth/His Habitation (God's every jot OF Ez 46:3, Deut 12:32; 16:16,);
TO COG has chosen to live by every word of God, and not 1 way of Satan/man=to make Elohim TO COG's Refuge:
Psalm 91:
Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge - literally, "For thou, O Jehovah, (art) my refuge." The Chaldee Paraphrase regards this as the language of Solomon, who, according to that version, is one of the speakers in the psalm: "Solomon answered and said, 'Since thou, O Lord, art my refuge,'" etc. Tholuck regards this as the response of the choir. But this is unnecessary. The idea is, that the psalmist "himself" had made Yahweh his refuge, or his defense. The language is an expression of his own feeling - of his own experience - in having made God his refuge, and is designed here to be a ground of exhortation to others to do the same thing. He could say that he had made God his refuge; he could say that God was now his refuge; and he could appeal to this - to his own experience - when he exhorted others to do the same, and gave them assurance of safety in doing it.

Even the Most High thy habitation - literally, "The Most High hast thou made thy habitation;" or, thy home. On the word habitation, see the notes at Psalm 90:1. The idea is, that he had, as it were, chosen to abide with God, or to dwell with him - to find his home with him as in a father's house. The consequence of this, or the security which would follow, he states in the following verses.

New topic:

The 7 years has "NOT" started yet, but the NWO (New World Order) is all ready for you:
Your new television will watch "you" and listen to you because there is a camera and microphone in your new TV.
Your new phone will access your every word and send it to a database.
Your Windows 8 will delete files on your computer that it doesn't like.
Street lights are watching you.
The highways have pavement that have mini EMP devices in them, to disable your car.
The whole World is set to monitor and control your every thought, word, and action.
The Beast is all set
to arrive.

January 5 2013 Service
Sermon Highlights:
194.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 12, 2013  
Jan 12, 2013

Jan 12, 2013 - 


Highlight of January 12 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 29, 5993
Jan 12, 2013
Highlights of January 12 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tevet 29, 5993 Sermon:
Dynamite information that the Illuminati have been running this country since 1778= that is why the Great 1778 Seal of the United States of America from 1778, and your 1 Dollar Bill HAS "NEW WORLD ORDER" written right on it (shown near half way mark of Video). Nearly "ALL" the Corporations-everything you buy and see on Television is produced by the Masonic Corporations.
Only Yah can destroy all of them to save us.


Mourning (dressed in BLACK) MOURNING for the Eternal Death of my friends AND the death"S" of  Ministers who won't change.

Your Ministers are leading "you" into Hell, by their Disobedience to God's Bible, and "you" are following them like lemmings.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: ... The man who is fit to enter the kingdom of God on earth, shall also enter into that in heaven. Be not deceived... 1 Corinthians 6:9.

Dressed in Black until they repent,

to "show" we are in mourning for them and "YOU", to make a statement of their-"your" condition, that they-


my friends, 


That is how serious this is, for the time of the end is "NOW" at hand, repent!



January 12 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
195.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 14, 2013 New Moon 
Jan 14, 2013

Jan 14, 2013 - 


Highlight of January 14 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 1, 5993
Jan 14, 2013
Highlights of January 14 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Shevat 1, 5993 Sermon:

January 14 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
196.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 19, 2013  
Jan 19, 2013

Jan 19, 2013 - 


Highlight of January 19 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 19, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 6, 5993
Jan 19, 2013
Highlights of January 19 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 19, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Shevat 6, 5993 Sermon:

January 19 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
"YOU" will be beaten. There is no ecumenicalism of just trying your best:
If you did not know all of God's truths, "YOU" COGS (all of you Church of God offshoot member & Ministers
be BEATEN by God.
Because you should have searched the Scriptures.
The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey.
Oil is God's symbol of His Holy Spirit.
The 5 Virgins who are kicked out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness/Hell did not have enough oil/Holy Spirit.
So "WHY" do you still refuse to obey?
Why do you celebrate Turkey gOD DAY?
Mother Goddess DAY?
SKY Fathers Day?
Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World with the phony International Date Line?
Hebrews 10:26 States:
NO sacrifice for your sins, because you now know.
So into the Lake of Fire you go, as worthless, disobedient brats.
197.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 26, 2013  
Jan 26, 2013

Jan 26, 2013 - 


Highlight of January 26 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 26, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 13, 5993
Jan 26, 2013
Highlights of January 26 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 26, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Shevat 13, 5993 Sermon:

January 26 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Sermon Highlights:
1.) "YOU" broke God's Heart, by your "dis"-obeying Genesis 1:14 via YOUR moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the world and also for nearly 2,000 years (since 358 A.D. using Hillel II's phony averaging Calendar)"YOUR" HAVING God's/Elohim's Sabbaths 2 days early-1 day late and 1 day early 2 days late!!
2.) "You" voted for DEMONS!!! The Demon inspired Romney.
that "all" your leaders are "SATANIC",
Devil Romney who believes in following the Devil Moroni;
Devil Obama who believes in following the Devil Baphomet!
The Sigil of Baphomet—of the Church of Satan, continues to be used among Satanists with the 2 fingered "Goat Sign".
To "see" your leaders using the 2 fingered "Goat Sign" click here> http://1stcenturychristian.com/Worse.html
Wake up and realize this whole world is Satanic.
Because all the World's Leaders
give the Devil's Goat Sign.
198.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 2, 2013  
Feb 2, 2013

Feb 2, 2013 - 


Highlight of February 2 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 2, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 20, 5993
Feb 2, 2013
Highlights of February 2 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 2, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Shevat 20, 5993 Sermon:

February 2 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Positions for Prayer. Learn to pray in positions that reflect your purpose:
Standing with arms raised for praise of God.
Prostrate on the ground for repentance.
2.) The Illuminati Neocons (like Patton did) "WANT" to have a WW III; Because they planned it since 1871 when Albert Pike stated that they would cause 3 World Wars:

Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:

  • 1st World War must be brought about to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
  • 2nd World War must be formented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
  • 3rd World War must be formented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the Nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
3.) Their goal "IS" that
get into a War with Russia and China,
so that they can then win and take over the "whole" World,
but they will lose, because Yah's Bible states they will lose, and this will end up in the USA going into captivity.
Only Yah can save us, during and after
Editor's Note: Remember, this was written in 1871,
and the 1st 2 World Wars have transpired exactly as planned in 1871.
Only Yah can save you in a Place of Safety, if you are spotless now.

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
The "ONLY" congregation on the face of the earth that keeps God's 7th Day Sabbath in "all" the World
which is Elohim's
"Mark" of Protection on "you" .
God's "MARK" on you
Exodus 31:13, 17--Psalm 5:6--Isaiah 8:16, 18--Ezekiel 20:12, 20--Revelations 14:12. 
All the other Churches of God
"profane" Yah's Sabbath Day in 1/2 the World & "suppress" the truth= Romans 1:18
Take Vengeance upon the COGs that obey not. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8, 9.
Mark that minister and withdraw from him. 2 Thessalonians 3: 6. 
What evil thing is this that you do [the COGs], by which you profane the Sabbath Day? Nehemiah 13:17
No phony 1883 International Date Line allowed
by which
your Church
moves Yah's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
199.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 9, 2013  
Feb 9, 2013

Feb 9, 2013 - 


Highlight of February 9 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 27, 5993
Feb 9, 2013
Highlights of February 9 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Shevat 27, 5993 Sermon:

February 9 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) You can't sing a song to Elohim, unless everyone is singing the "SAME" words.
And you can't worship Elohim, unless everyone is following the "SAME" words.
2.) Right now it's not the COGs (Churches of God), its the COC (Cacophony Of Chaos), with hundreds of different divisions "all" believing something different= not the COGs Churches of God.
3.) There is only 1 true Church, and that is "PROVEN" by the FACTS. That Church is TO COG.
All the other Churches move God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World,
just like the Poop moves God's Sabbath to Sunday.

New Topic: Petra is the Place of Safety
It is "singular", therefore there are NOT MANY,
there is only 1 Place of Safety
Proof that: "Not only is Petra the Place of Safety" but also:
Today's Sermon explains that if you are a Christian, Yah will meet you physically in Petra (just like He met with the Disciples in the Upper Room after His resurrection).
Biblical Proof you will be in Petra:
1.) Your place "shall" be in the Stronghold of Petra. Munitions of the rocks is a mistranslation because:
The Hebrew word Metsad means stronghold or fort, and the word Selah is the word Petra in Hebrew.
Ergo: Stronghold of Petra. Isaiah 33:16.
2.) Elohim will feed you physical bread/manna in Petra. Isaiah 33:16 for 3 and one-half years, just like He fed the Israelites in the Wilderness for 40 years.
3.) You will have to get dual Citizenship for Jordan, and take a great Eagle= large transatlantic plane to Jordan. Wings of a great Eagle. Jeremiah 48:28 You shall fly like an eagle and spread your wings over Jordan-Moab. Jeremiah 48:40.
He gathered us out of the lands from East, West, North and South, and
we had no city to dwell in,
so Yah led us forth by the "RIGHT WAY"- RIGHT JOTS AND TITTLES, to go to a special city for a dwelling place. Psalm 107:2-7.
4.) "Once" you are in Jordan , the people of Jordan will shield you. Isaiah 16 states that God tells the Moabites to "shield His outcasts". Isaiah 16:4.
Editor's Interjection:
5.) First: You who dwell in (have dual Citizenship) Jordan, will then leave Jordan, and dwell in Petra. Jeremiah 48:28.
6.) But after you are hidden in Jordan, the Jordanians will tire of you and kick you out of Jordan. Zephaniah 2:3.
7.) You will "then" have to flee Jordan. They make threats against you. Zephaniah 2:8-10.
8.) Yahveh will intervene and you will plunder the Jordanians, the same way that the Israelites plundered the Egyptians. My people shall plunder them. Zephaniah 2:9.
9.) .) You will flee via the "BROOK OF THE WILLOWS-Wadi, and enter Petra. Isaiah 15:7-9.
In Hebrew the term "Brook Nachal" means a stream, as in a stream in the Willows. There is an area next to Petra called Wadi al-Arabah which means "drainage area of the Willows".
10.) In the meantime back at your home Country: The sinners of the Church of God (Zion) are afraid still stuck in the USA, Britain, etc. in the devouring fire (Nuclear War). Isaiah 33:14.
Editor's Note: Hydrogen bombs that blast cities only leave radiation for 1 month, it is the plutonium Nuclear Reactors that have a radiation half life of 100,000 years, "not" the Hydrogen Bombs, therefore you sinners will survive if you are out of the Blast Zone-5 miles from ground zero, and away from any damaged Nuclear Reactors.
Editor's Note:
Only the 5 Faithful Virgins will "have left beforehand" to be out of harms way, FOR THE USA WILL BE DESOLATE. Ezekiel 14:13-14; 16.
11.) All the World's Peace Treaties are collapsing, for the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly. Isaiah 33:7.
12.) Only he who walks righteously, will be in Petra. Isaiah 33:15.
When the mountains are destroyed you will visit the town of Wadi-Musa for a little while when you are in and out of the caves of Petra. Jeremiah 48:28.
You "make like the dove".
Editor's Note: "Flit" around and go back and hide in the cave's mouth.
13.) Let the inhabitants of Petra sing. Isaiah 42:11.
Editor's Note: Currently there are only a few Bedouins in Petra and they have nothing to sing about.
We on the other hand have much to sing praises about, because we have been kept from the "hour of trial" that comes on the whole earth. Revelations 3:7; 10. BECAUSE WE HAVE KEPT EVERY JOT OF HIS BIBLE, and not added any days.
14.) Yahveh will lift Himself up and go to Petra. Isaiah 26: 20-21.
200.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 13, 2013 New Moon 
Feb 13, 2013

Feb 13, 2013 - 


Highlight of February 13 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 13, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Adar 1, 5993
Feb 13, 2013
Highlights of February 13 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 13, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Adar 1, 5993 Sermon:

February 13 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Sermon Highlights:
1.) The Qualities of Yeshua/Jesus.
2.) Jesus said "NO" to the Devil.
3.) Jesus could have slipped and fallen off the 200' high Pinnacle of the Temple that Lucifer literally picked up Jesus and set physical Jesus 200' above the ground.
4.) But Jesus hung on for dear life and answered: "It is written".
5.) Will you, when your physical life is in danger from the NWO arresting you, be brave enough to answer them by saying "NO" to them, when your life is held in the balance?
That is the "way" you should answer the NWO (New World Order)
when they tell you that "all" "THEIR" roads/religions lead to the Kingdom.
You tell them "NO"! It is written that you only acknowledge God's ways and NO OTHER WAY.
There is only 1 way to eternal life and that way is only via Yeshua/Jesus.
Prepare yourself to say
to the NWO.
Sermon Highlights:
1.) The Qualities of Yeshua/Jesus.
2.) Jesus said "NO" to the Devil.
3.) Jesus could have slipped and fallen off the 200' high Pinnacle of the Temple that Lucifer literally picked up Jesus and set physical Jesus 200' above the ground.
4.) But Jesus hung on for dear life and answered: "It is written".
5.) Will you, when your physical life is in danger from the NWO arresting you, be brave enough to answer them by saying "NO" to them, when your life is held in the balance?
That is the "way" you should answer the NWO (New World Order)
when they tell you that "all" "THEIR" roads/religions lead to the Kingdom.
You tell them "NO"! It is written that you only acknowledge God's ways and NO OTHER WAY.
There is only 1 way to eternal life and that way is only via Yeshua/Jesus.
Prepare yourself to say
to the NWO.
201.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 16, 2013  
Feb 16, 2013

Feb 16, 2013 - 


Highlight of February 16 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 16, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Adar 5, 5993
Feb 16, 2013
Highlights of February 16 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 16, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Adar 5, 5993 Sermon:

February 16 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Adar 5, 5993 Sermon:
1.) The 4th dimension explained (along with the 1st 3 dimensions) how Yah walked through the wall of the Upper Room.
1st Dimension: a straight infinitesimal narrow line that you can only move forward and backward on.
2nd Dimension: a straight infinitesimal narrow line that you can also move sideways on.
3rd Dimension: a straight infinitesimal narrow line that you can also move sideways on and up and down on.
You can "drop" in on anyone who lives only in the 1st and 2nd dimension, by just dropping down into their dimension from your 3rd dimension,
because their 1st 2 dimensions do not have height. 
You can watch them in their dimension without them seeing you, because you are above them, and their dimension does not have height.
Likewise the 4th Dimension can watch and enter the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dimension that we humans live in.

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, �Peace be with you.�

37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. Luke 24:36-49 New International Version (NIV)

The Upper Room.

While the disciples were still discussing these earlier appearances, Jesus suddenly appeared amongst them. As has already been mentioned, Luke tells us their first reaction was one of fear, thinking this was a ghost. But the account is adamant that this was no apparition. Jesus encouraged them to touch him and examine his wounds. He even ate a piece of fish! (Lk 24:36-43.) Yet Jesus hadn't just walked into the room. John (20:19-23) tells us that the doors had been locked when he appeared, because the disciples were afraid that the Jewish authorities would be after them next.

Doubting Thomas.

John goes on to relate that Thomas, one of the Twelve, was not present when Jesus appeared. On being told what had happened he was frankly incredulous, declaring there was no way he would believe it unless he could put his own finger in the nail marks and his hand in the spear wound. A week later Jesus appeared again, and promptly quoted Thomas' words back at him, inviting him to do as he had said. Again, the doors had been locked. Thomas' resistance collapsed, and he fell at Jesus' feet, acknowledging Him as Lord and God. (Jn 20:24-9.)

2.) TO COG names the "NEXT" POOP as Cardinal "Pertissio [Peter] Pierreto Bartoni

3.) Actual COG named "GRUMPS" = God's Remnant Under Much Persecution.
God's Bible states to pray that your flight not be in Winter,
which means you should prepare NOW to live near Petra,
to take the Wadi into Petra later (when the time comes).
The USA is now just like Nazi Germany in 1937.
4.) You have to familiarize yourself to prepare "HOW" to FLEE because God's Bible states not in Winter, ergo: = Spring Summer Fall. That means that members will be leaving at different times of the year to meet together in Petra.
You have to know what you are doing "NOW".

5.) Apply "NOW" for your dual Citizenship for Jordan, so that you will "not" have your FLIGHT at the last minute in Winter. Matthew 24:20.
Editor's Note: The 7 years has "NOT" started yet, but you should visit Petra now with a 30 day Visa, to familiarize yourself/to prepare.
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Editor's Note: It is not necessary to go to the $400 a night Hotels.
202.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 23, 2013  
Feb 23, 2013

Feb 23, 2013 - 


Highlight of February 23 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Adar 12, 5993
Feb 23, 2013
Highlights of February 23 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Adar 12, 5993 Sermon:

February 23 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:

Highlights of Sermon:
1.) The Sardis Era of "Church of God 7th Day" is "OVER".
2.) The Philadelphian Era of "The Worldwide COG" is fulfilled & "OVER".
The Gospel of the Kingdom has already been preached during the Philadelphia Era by H. W. Armstrong who during his ministry reached more people with the Gospel of the Kingdom that all other ministries in the World combined.
Herbert W. Armstrong is the "only" Minister that went to all the major important Kings of the Earth.
The Philadelphian Era "WAS" fulfilled by Herbert W. Armstrong, Radio Church of God, Radio Luxembourg, WCG.
3.) The turnabout Laodicean Era was fulfilled by "Grace Communion International" & the turnabout is completed and "OVER".
We are "NOW" in the Era of the "Short Work".
It is now the Romans 9:28 "Short Work" being done by TO COG.
TO COG is restoring "ALL" Things.
1.) NO Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World.
2.) NO Mother gODDESS DAY allowed.
3.) NO Sky fATHERS DAY allowed.
4.) NO Turkey gOD DAY allowed.
5.) New Moon Day re-instituted as Ezekiel 46:3 commands.
6.) NO hiring Restaurant Workers on God's Hallowed Sabbath Day.
7.) Attendance of Feasts 3 times a year Mandatory as Deut 16:16 commands.

Other Topics:
1.) Your Computer and phone can now be
and "taken away" from you
by Homeland Security, if you live within 100 miles the Borders of the USA.
This includes "ALL" of the sea coast and 100 miles of the Mexican and Canadian Borders, of the continental U.S.A.. This affects 197 Million citizens, because most large cities are within 100 miles of the USA borders.
2.) If you speak against any USA leader, or Policy, "you" are designated as Belligerent.
3.) According to the NDAA Act, because you spoke against any USA policy, you are Belligerent and can be locked up.
4.) Any Belligerent person can be imprisoned indefinitely by the USA Military,
5.) The Health Care Act page 1001 "MANDATES" that you "MUST" have a chip put under your skin.
6.) As of March 24th, 2013 you MUST make an appointment to have a chip put under your skin.
7.) Welcome to Hitler's Germany USA, and in fact
Your only hope now is,
the return of Yeshua.
203.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 2, 2013  
Mar 2, 2013

Mar 2, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 2 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 2, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Adar 19, 5993
Mar 2, 2013
Highlights of March 2 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 2, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Adar 19, 5993 Sermon:

March 2 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) You don't have to wonder or argue anymore about when Yeshua was born:
Proof by the "Stars" that Yeshua was born September 11, 3 B.C. between the lady's waist and knee, being under her feet on "precisely" September 11 just as He will come back on Trumpets.
2.) Pope was given the "Seat Of David" for June 2013 Jerusalem, and now owns the room of the Last Supper in Jerusalem.
He will distribute the Bread and Wine in the "same" room that Yeshua did=just as Yeshua did 2000 years ago.
Editor's Note:
This is "MONUMENTAL" and he will deceive many this summer, as if "he" is Jesus. He is really JeZeus.
3.) A Secret agreement between Jerusalem and the Vatican was made in 1992.
4.) March 22 this month should have "another" False Flag event, such as:
A.) Deliberate San Francisco quake to be caused by HAARP.
or B.) A giant gas explosion at a refinery, etc..
or C.) A New York City tunnel collapse giant explosion.
or D.) The collapse of the Hoover Dam, caused by HAARP.
or E.) A massive Nuclear Reactor event in Hanford, Washington or New York, etc..
or F.) An Alien encounter.
Because it is 33 years since the Georgia Guidestones were placed by the Illuminati in 1980,
plus 3 22 on the "Skull and Bones" Flag= March 22, 2013.
5.) Wrap your wallet that holds all your Credit Cards, Drivers License, and Passport, in Tin Foil so that you cannot be tracked by Satellites.
6.) The Black Popes who rule the White Popes take an "EVIL" Blood Oath signed in their own blood from above their heart.
7.) The "actual" words of the Extreme Oath and Induction of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order). The Oath is to plant insidiously the seeds of jealously and hatred between Countries to create Revolutions and Civil Wars. And The Oath states that anyone who does not accept the Pope will be executed:
"He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated".
8.) The "Vatican Agenda" written papers explained and read to you.
9.) The Vatican is "stealing" the old city of Jerusalem, and most of East Jerusalem also.
The Poop will be ruling Jerusalem with the U.N..
10.) Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, 78, (Italy) Vatican Secretary of State, and camerlengo of the Holy See. Bertone holds the second highest position in the Catholic Church, beneath only the pope. Born December 2, 1934, in Romano Canavese, Italy, could be ,
oops we meant pOO, oops we meant a "zero" not a Hero P0PE =
Peter the ROMAN from Romano= the next Poop. The Anti-P0PE who will "allegedly" clean up the Vatican's
Mess of Homosexuality and
Money Laundering,
and will be the Anti-Poop who will then go on to deceive the whole World.
The Anti-Poop will be "just like"= "will" do like Joe Tkach Sr. did.
There is a twisted "duality" evil farce at play here.
11.) The Anti-Poop will be with the Man of Sin Obama leader of the UN, brought back to life/healed from a Deadly Wound. All the World will marvel at the 2 of them.
12.) All the World will want to take from the Anti-Pope this June, the Bread and Wine in the Room / from the Room that Yeshua originally gave the Bread and Wine to "HIS" Disciples.
13.) Roman Catholics could "flood" into Jerusalem this June, and take over the Old City.
14.) Make sure you have your Passport "NOW" today, and apply for Dual Citizenship in Jordan, so that you can be ready to leave before/in the spring/summer of 2015. With the USA's budget crisis, staff will be cut in all the processing departments.
15.) You want to leave in the 1335 days, and not the last second of the 1290 days. It sometimes takes over 6 months to a year to go through all the hoops to have Dual Citizenship, so that you are not kicked out of Jordan after 3 months, back into a FEMA camp in the United States.

Visas obtained in Jordanian consulates are valid for 3-4 months from the date of issue, and can be issued for multiple entries.

Tourist visas allow a stay of up to one month initially. However, this period can easily be extended for up to another two months.

After that date you must exit and re-enter the country, or undergo immigration procedures.

If your visa has not been renewed properly by the time you leave Jordan you will have to pay a fine at the border. If you plan to stay for more than two weeks in Jordan, you will need to register at the nearest police station.

16.) FEMA Camps are the same as the Jewish Ghetto of Nazi Germany.
Get out of the USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/England etc.. You must get your papers in order NOW!!! It is the same now as 1936 Germany in the USA.
17.) Make your "Flight in the spring of 2014 or summer, not in the winter:
Matthew 24:20 = NOT in Winter.
New International Version (©1984)
Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath.

New Living Translation (©2007)
And pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the Sabbath.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)
Pray that your escape may not be in winter or on a Sabbath.

Get your Application papers for Jordanian Dual Citizenship "NOW".

204.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 9, 2013  
Mar 9, 2013

Mar 9, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 9 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Adar 26, 5993
Mar 9, 2013
Highlights of March 9 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Adar 26, 5993 Sermon:

March 9 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:

1.) You "already" have the MARK of the BEAST on "YOU" because you support a church that moves God's Sabbath to Friday using Satan's phony International Date Line.

2.) You "WILL" go into the Tribulation for YOUR sin of supporting a church that moves God's Sabbath Day to Friday and calls Friday "HOLY". Calling the profane HOLY. Ezekiel 22:26.

3.) The Mark of God is the Sabbath Day,
Ezekiel 20:20
Exodus 20:12
Exodus 31:13, 17
Isaiah 8:16 Your SEAL of God.

and "YOU" DESTROY God's Sabbath Day in half the World by your following a phony International Date Line that moves God's Sabbath to Friday, just like the POOP moves God's Sabbath to Sunday. So like the POOP, into the Lake of Fire you go.

4.) HAARP caused all the birds falling from the sky, fish washing up on the beaches, whales washing up on the seashore.
This can be proven by the 120 degree triangulation pattern of the kills, that lines up to cause the Madrid fault to split the USA into 2 halves from the Gulf Of Mexico straight up to Lake Michigan, and then fill with sea water.
5.) Christians will be rounded up by the USA Police State with Roadblock & Checkpoints.
6.) FEMA, TSA (Transport "in"Security Agency) & the DHS (Department of Homeland "in"Security) have:
1.2 BILLION 40 cal. hollow point bullets purchased by the TSA (not by the Army).
1,000+ FEMA camps (future Christian prison Nazi ghettos) "now" set up waiting for you in the USA.
$385 Million more given Dollars given to KBR for even "more" Prisoner Camps in the USA.
102,000 Rail Boxcars standing waiting for with shackles in them.
20,000 Semi-Trailer Truck 40' long Container Trailers with shackles waiting for you.
30,000 Guillotines in storage in Atlanta waiting for you.
500,000 plastic (burnable) 4 person family sized (husband, wife, 2 children) Coffins in Atlanta waiting for you!
7.) CONNECT THE DOTS and "REALIZE" the Beast USA power is going to massacre Christians, who don't take the Mark of the Beast. 
8.) Hugo Chavez the President of Venezuela was "poisoned".
9.) Every country in the World cooperated with the USA to torture people using "Extraordinary Rendition" but Hugo Chavez leading Latin America was the only group that did not co-operate, so he had to be killed. He had to be killed as a warning to the other Countries Leaders.
10.) The Beast is going to "pull something" on March 22nd.
Pray that your flight not be in Winter or the Sabbath.
Winter ends March 21st= Pray that your flight not be in Winter.
The Sabbath is on March 23= Pray that your flight not be on March 23.
= Flee on March 22 Friday.
11.) Obama itinerary is on:
March 20 Israel
March 21 Palestine
March 22 Israel
March 23 Jordan (Petra?).
12.) Because:
The same Army unit that "massacred" the people of Fallujah in Iraq (the 1st Infantry 3rd Brigade) is now "standing by" inside the United States under the Title: CMFR (a take off on Smurf) standing for "Consequence Management Response Force", to invade and take over American cities, and round up anyone who does not swear allegiance to the NWO-Beast USA.
13.) There are "ALREADY" TSA Gestapo checkpoints on highways all over the United States.
14.) Obey your Bible "IF" you want Michael the Archangel to gather and protect you "IF" you follow every jot of Yah's Bible, because you are only "HOLY" if you follow every jot of Yah's Manual the Bible. Daniel 12:1=
No Sky fATHERS Day
No Turkey gOD Day. Daniel 12:1
No moving GOD's Sabbath to Friday  
205.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 14, 2013 New Moon 
Mar 14, 2013

Mar 14, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 14 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 1, 5994
Mar 14, 2013
Highlights of March 14 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 1, 5994 Sermon:

March 14 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:

TO COG (The Obedient Church of God)
is the "only" WCG (Worldwide Church of God) offshoot that is following God. The rest of the Worldwide offshoots "ARE" the 5 Foolish Virgins, who will be locked out of the Marriage Supper and cast into outer darkness for their DISobedience.
1.) We Worship God on New Moon Day. Ezekiel 46:3 states that you SHALL=MUST Worship GOD on HIS New Moon Day. You "shall" worship on New Moon Day. The gates to the Temple were opened on New Moon Day for you to Worship.
Question: How can you Worship on New Moon Day without a Worship service?
The next points of  your other sins:
2.) You support organizations that move God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World. GIVE YOUR HEAD A SHAKE! YOU ARE CAUSING PEOPLE TO WORK ON GOD'S SABBATH. And you are celebrating the days of the Devil:
You can't worship God with a Turkey gOD on your table on Turkey gOD DAY, the same as you can't celebrate to God using Hitler's Birthday.
3.) You and your Satanic church celebrate Mother gODDESS DAY, the Spring March 21 Mother Earth Gaia Festival.
4.) You and your Satanic church celebrate Sky fATHERS DAY, the longest day of the year.
5.) You celebrate Turkey gOD DAY, the Cosmic goose that laid the egg Osiris-Ra sprang forth from.
YOU "WILL" BE locked out of the Marriage Supper and cast into outer darkness. BECAUSE "you" REFUSE TO REPENT.
You are supporting Churches that move God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World, by following Satan's phony International Date Line. Wake up-Give your head a shake, and admit that you are moving God's Sabbath to Friday, JUST LIKE the Pope moves God's Sabbath to Sunday. ADMIT IT. Repent!
Re all the offshoot COGS:
Where the body is, there the Vultures will gather, means:
Where the WCG was, there the Vulture lying offshoot groups will start up.
Re Singing Hymns:
Sing out in Praise to Father and Yeshua on New Moon Day.
As we have told you for years now:
You still give sacrifices today, for the fruit of your lips is your sacrifice. For years we have been telling you that you must give the sacrifice of lips in lieu of an animal offering.
Now for the fruit of your lips:
Wouldn't it wonderful if you sang out and "Told Father you loved Him". Sing out with the fruit of your Lips.
Re The sign-letters of YAH are spelt out in your DNA analysis and the structure forms the shape of Y^H.
Re The new POOP is a Jesuit, which is THE WORST SATANIC BLACK Pope, WHO said in his "Vows" that he would lie to you to deceive you the Goya.
Re The new POOP's name is Francis which is a "girls" name. Francois (Frontce Swaah) is a "MAN's" name.
Re: Thirteen Bloodlines run the World.
They are Satanic because they give their homage to Lucifer via their Illuminati and Masonic affiliations.
We know 99.9 % of the Corporations and Leaders have the Luciferian agenda and affiliation, especially in the media.
Our only hope is Yah coming to save us. Therefore we close this Broadcast with:
"He'll be Coming Round the Mountain (Mt. of Olives) when He Comes"
Yeshua's Chariot.
206.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 16, 2013  
Mar 16, 2013

Mar 16, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 16 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 16, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 3, 5994
Mar 16, 2013
Highlights of March 16 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 16, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 3, 5994 Sermon:

March 16 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) "YOU" already have the mark of the Beast on you because you pay Denominations tithes and offerings who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World, just like the Pope moves God's Sabbath to Sunday. You might as well pay tithes and offerings to the Pope, because both Denominations, yours and his, move God's Sabbath Day and cause people to work on God's Sabbath Day.
2.) Rediscovered Truth-Bear Note:
The Sign of God on your hand is your eating unleavened Bread. Exodus 13:9-10.
3.) The 10 Commandments Tablets were "Blue" Sapphire Stones.
4.) The 10 Commandments had writing on "both" sides.
5.) 70 of the Elders saw God, but only Moses was allowed to approach God.
Major Highlight Point 5.):
99% of the COGs have Passover on the wrong evening after the end of the Nisan 13th at "the start" of Nisan 14= That is wrong!
TPM has Passover on the start of Nisan 15= That is WRONG!

The Correct Time For Passover

Passover elements are to be taken on Nisan 14 "BEFORE" Nisan 15 starts,

Leviticus 23:5 Commands you to take Passover on Nisan 14, 
or you are disobeying God and

sinning right at the start of the Days of Unleavened Bread!!!

TO COG has Passover in the evening twilight before "the end" of the 14, on Nisan 14, "before" the 15th starts= That is right.

Because God stated Nisan 14 in Leviticus 23:5 for Passover,
but "after" the lambs had been slain, because you obviously cannot partake of the lamb before it is slain.
Nisan 14 ("BEFORE" the sun goes down on Nisan 14) at twilight "IS" the time God commands you to take the Passover.
That means that you MUST finish the Passover "BEFORE" Nisan 15 starts,
or else you are taking the Passover on Nisan 15,
which is defying the clear commandment of God to take the Passover on Nisan 14.
So in America on Wednesday March 27 (per God's sighted Crescent moon) is God's Passover "BEFORE" the sun goes down.
At suppertime "BEFORE" the sun goes down below the horizon
so that it is still "ON" Nisan 14,
that you take the Bread and the Wine elements.
Passover is before 7:52 P.M. DST in Townsend, TN,  in the USA.
Click here for sundown time in your area> http://1stcenturychristian.com/Sundown.html 
Do not disobey God.
Do not have Passover on the 15th!!!
207.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 23, 2013  
Mar 23, 2013

Mar 23, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 23 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 10, 5994
Mar 23, 2013
Highlights of March 23 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 10, 5994 Sermon:

March 23 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Passover is on Nisan 14th "PROVEN" according to your Bible Leviticus 23:5.
Passover is NOT at the start of Nisan 14.
Passover is NOT at the start of Nisan 15.

Passover "IS" at the end of Nisan 14 at twilight, "BEFORE" Nisan 15 starts.
Leviticus 23:5 "MUST" be followed. You cannot take the Passover on Nisan 15, because then you are disobeying God's Bible!

You MUST take the Passover Bread and Wine elements at the end of Nisan 14 before Nisan 15 starts, so that you are covered by the Blood before Nisan 15.
You put the blood on yourself at the "same" time the Israelites put the blood on their lentil and 2 doorposts.
and you "watch" on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread;
IF you wait until the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread to put the blood on yourself or your doorposts, you are being disobedient, and it is too late, because you did not know what time the death angel would strike on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, so you would be very foolish NOT to put the blood on you and your doorposts "before" the Day of Unleavened Bread started.
The point is right after you kill the lamb you put the blood on the doorposts,
and right after you kill you now take the bread and wine "before" the 15th starts.
The 15th is for "Watching",
the 14th is the Passover. Lev 23:5.

Don't confuse the "Death Angel" passing over on the Day of Unleavened Bread with the Bible stating to take the Passover on the 14th.
You take the elements on the 14th,
so that you are "Prepared" for the Death Angel passing over on the 15th.

2.) There are only 2 kinds of people in the World:
Those who obey God
those who dis-obey God.
That includes the 5 foolish virgins who have some things right, but the rest of the things wrong.
3.) They even move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one half the World by following a phony 1883 International Date Line.
4.) What are you going to do if the Governments of the World agree on "another different" Date Line that moves the Sabbath to Sunday? Would you still follow it, like you now follow the Date Line that moves God's Sabbath to Friday?
The answer yes, because you are already 1 of the 5 Foolish Virgins, that moves God's Sabbath to Friday in half of the World.
You know, we all start out as God's children, but some of us turn into Hitler's, by choice or neglect.
5.) Did you know that Hitler is your 32nd Cousin, so you are in the same family as Hitler. Being DIS-obedient to God.
6.) Hosea 4:6 God's people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE.
7.) TO COG is here to RESTORE ALL THINGS. Romans 9:28.
8.) Nisan 14 "IS" the day to put the blood on the doorposts and to put the blood on yourself, before, BEFORE, "BEFORE" the 15th starts. Leviticus 23:5 "COMMANDS" YOU TO!

9.) This year Wednesday March 27 is the same day that Yeshua was crucified on!
10.) This years Passover is on the identical day of the week!
The same day of the week that Yeshua was crucified.
11.) We prove that to you by the Timelines of the Great Pyramid-Giza Pyramid-God's Monument to the Truth. Isaiah 19:19.
12.) Wednesday IS the Passover both in 33 A.D. and 2013.
13.) Nisan 14 the Passover was on:
Tuesday in 28 A.D.
Monday in 29 A.D.
Friday in 30 A.D.
Tuesday in 31 A.D.
Sunday in 32 A.D.
Friday in 33 A.D.
Wednesday in 34 A.D.
Because they did not count a "0" year, 34 A.D. is really 33 A.D..
Messiah cut off in the middle of the week= Wednesday Daniel 9:26.
Sunday Monday Tuesday WEDNESDAY Thursday Friday Saturday.
Wednesday gives us 6 full 12 hour period of 3 days and 3 nights "exclusive" not inclusive reckoning whereby you only count parts of days and nights.
Thursday night, Friday night Saturday night
Thursday day, Friday day, Saturday day.
"Perfect" Exclusive Reckoning.

14.) That is why we are in a "seemingly" DELAY of Prophecy fulfillment now. Because we were running 1 year early because of no "0" year!
15.) We are going to show you the Scientific Proof of God via the Giza Pyramid.
16.) Why did Mary when she went to the tomb, think Yeshua was the Gardner.
Because He was literally in the garden, gathering His Wave Sheaf Offering to wave before Father. "Sheaf of the First fruits" or the "Wave Sheaf" Leviticus 23:10-11 after He had arisen from inside the tomb.
The cutting of the sheaf took place after the sun went down after the Sabbath and it was offered in the Temple on Sunday morning. The first part of the spring grain harvest was to be waved before God and accepted by Him (Leviticus 23:11-12.)

The word "wave" should be translated as "lift up or elevate" which could picture a type of resurrection.

 15.) Spices explained:
Wednesday afternoon Mary bought the spices.
Thursday Mary rested on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread.
Friday Mary prepared the spices.
Saturday Mary rested on the Sabbath Day.
Sunday Mary went to the tomb, to embalm Yeshua's body.
16.) Your speeding ticket was nailed to the Tree. Not the Law.
The Cheirographon - list of charges was nailed to the Tree.
Yeshua brought "MORE" LAW, because now you cannot even think of killing your neighbour of fornicating with your neighbour's wife.
Therefore you have a happier life.
Because you do not have to worry about your neighbour coming after "you" to kill "you" for fornicating with his wife.
It is a happier way to live with "MORE LAW".
I have held back my feet from the ways of this World.
17.) Three events during this Season:
1.) The Lord's going away dinner, which is "NOT" the Passover, because the Lamb has not been slain yet,
AND Yeshua did "not" say this dinner was the Passover, what He said was He inferred that He desired to take the Passover but couldn't, because He was the Lamb. Luke 22:15 And he said unto them, With desire I have "desired to" eat this Passover with you. As in "I wish I could keep this Passover with you".
Yeshua did "NOT" break His Father's Law by having the Passover an evening early, for if He broke His Father's Law, then you would not have salvation. Period.
So He has his Last Dinner, before He was to be crucified, just like a convict gets a Last Dinner.
Yeshua's blood was shed for the Remission of your sins.
NOT for the remission of the Commandments, especially not the remission of the Commandment to have the Passover after the lambs were slain.
2.) The sacrifice of Yeshua on the 14th at 3 P.M. after which you the elements on the 14th.
3.) The watching on the 15th the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread.
18.) If you have a "deliberate" sin in your life, you have to seriously convince yourself to stop it, before you lose your salvation.
"AND" reflect beforehand on this picture:
Reflect on this picture when you take the Bread and the Wine.
Then you will take the Passover in a "worthy MANNER"
by "not" focusing on your life and sins, but focusing on Yeshua's Sacrifice standing in your place, to take your punishment for "YOU"!
Father washed you in His son's blood on the 14th when you take the Wine,
"before" the Day of Unleavened Bread starts. Reflect on:
How Father gives you a running start by washing you in His Son's blood and giving you a clean slate, just "before" you start the Days of Unleavened Bread, whereby you try not to fall in the mud-sins again.
That is what Unleavening yourself "means", and it is done "after" you taking the body and the blood on the 14th. Your to be watching on the 15th so that sin does not creep up on you. So that Egypt-Sin does not come into your house. It is a night of Watching, not a night of munching on the Lamb dinner all evening long. You take it on the 14 "before" sundown in Haste= 20 minutes, not 4 hours. It is like leaving for the Airport in haste.
You enter the 1st Day of unleavened Bread, pure and "CLEAN" BEFORE the 15th starts.
To enter the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, truly "UN"leavened by Father.
Spotless on the start of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, because you were washed by Father in Yeshua's Blood of the Bread and the Wine on the 2nd evening of the 14th, just "BEFORE" the 15th starts!
You do not take the blood on the 1st day of Unleavened Bread, because then you are too late. Because you are "not" unleavened "ON" the Day of Unleavened Bread, "if" you have to take the blood on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Period! Wake up.
You take the Passover before the Day of Unleavened Bread "starts" so that you are Spotless on the 1st Second of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread.
The Key is Exodus 12:8 to take the elements a "twist away from the light", not at night. Strongs 3915 from H3883 meaning in context is not night, but the b. meaning of a "twist away from the light".
And also translated "SHADOW".
Deut 16:7 Sacrifice at twilight at the going down of the sun of the 14th, not the 15th. Sacrifice at twilight, NOT during 4 hours of the night of the 15th because the sun has already gone down, and it is night not twilight.
You are to have the sacrifice ON the 14th. Period.
Substantiated by the 2nd Passover in Numbers 9:11 whereby you take the Passover at "twilight" ON THE 14th Day, = not the twilight of the 15th. Period. And not all night long either 4 hours later.
Please do not start out on the Days of Unleavened Bread by SINNING by ignoring God's Bible and wrongly and rebelliously taking the Passover on the 15th.
Obey God's Bible:
Leviticus 23:5 Which states:
Nisan 14 at twilight, (just before Nisan 15), is the time to take the Passover.

20.) The Giza Pyramid explained, made by God, including the 144,000 optically polished white stones that used to cover the Pyramid.
21.) Repent "ON" Passover by taking the Passover on the 14th according to God's Bible. Leviticus 23:5. The Passover "IS" the 14th according to God's Bible. Period. 
208.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 28, 2013 1st Day Unleavened Bread 
Mar 28, 2013

Mar 28, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 28 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 28, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 15, 5994
Mar 28, 2013
Highlights of March 28 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 28, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 15, 5994 Sermon:

March 28 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
If you preach a 1-2 hour Hagaddah,
you are ACCURSED, Galations 1:6, :9
because you are preaching a different Doctrine
contrary to the Bible's words to eat it in "HASTE". Exodus 12:11.
you will wrongly have 6 1/2 days of Unleavened Bread instead of 7
if you combine the Day of the Passover Service
with the Days of Unleavened Bread
Highlights of Service
Fantastic Re-Discovered Truth that:
Passover is to be taken "ON" Passover Day, just "before" the day changes to the 15th, so that you can be covered in Yeshua's Blood before the Death Angel strikes on the 15th! The Israelites did NOT have Bibles, and did not know "when" the Death Angel would strike on the 15th, but they knew the Death Angel would strike on the 15th.
If you knew that the Death Angel would strike you dead on the 15th,
would you leisurely have a dinner on the 15th
and then later take the blood to cover yourself later on the 15th,
would you apply the blood on the 14th on your lentil and the doorposts;
would you apply the blood "before" it coagulated, as it could not be used once it was coagulated.
By analogy, after Christ's Sacrifice, would you dilly dally around and wait hours until the darkness next night to apply His sacrifice to you.
would you apply His blood on yourself "BEFORE" twilight, as God's Bible commands you. ...twilight IS the Lord's Passover, [NOT the dark of night]. Leviticus 23:5.
He just gave His life for you, and you leisurely wait for the next night and stuff yourself with food for over an hour, when you are supposed to take it in Haste. Exodus 12:11 COMMANDS you to: Eat it in haste; it is the LORD's Passover. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.). Ye shall eat it in haste - Because they were "suddenly" to take their departure and run for their lives.
The 2-4 HOUR gluttonous, drunken, leisurely drawn out Hagaddah is a SATANIC DECEPTION! This Breaks 1 Corinthians 11:21. Take the Passover when you are NOT Hungry the same way as taking it when you are NOT drunk. :22 Do you not have houses to eat and drink in. DO NOT BE HUNGRY when you take the Matzo. Have a small meal beforehand in the early afternoon.
If you preach a 2 hour Hagaddah, you are ACCURSED, because you are preaching a Doctrine contrary to the Bible's word "HASTE".
Taking a 2 to 4 hour meal breaks God's commandment to eat it in HASTE, and therefore starts you SINNING RIGHT AT THE START OF the Days of Unleavened Bread. Right after Father washed you clean, you go back into Satan's disobedient mud hole.

That is how you are starting YOUR day of Unleavened Bread IN SIN!!!

YOU are starting off Unleavened Bread SINNING against God's word HASTE!

So repent, and realize:
Of course you would apply the blood, "BEFORE" the 15th, = take the Bread and Wine before the 15th.
Your life depended on it.
It is a matter of Life and Death!
Not to mention that you were commanded to on the 14th "NOT" the 15th.
Read your Bible: On the FOURTEENTH day of the first month at twilight IS the Lord's Passover. Leviticus 23:5
Listen to this Service to gain a keener understanding of God's Truth, including:
The correct Translation of Exodus 12:8 IS NOT NIGHT.
The correct Translation of Exodus 12:8 "IS "a twist away from the light" Strongs 3915 from H3883.
Again the correct Translation is not night, but "IS": "a twist away from the light".
The b. meaning which is: a "twist away from the light",
is also translated "SHADOW".
And also translated as "SHADOW OF PROTECTION".
As in the twilight just BEFORE the 15th starts, = NOT the "night" of the 15th.
Passover elements "according to" God's Bible, MUST be taken at twilight, 1 hour "before" the 15th starts at twilight.

WCG had it wrong on the 1st twilight of the 14th.
Dankenbring has it wrong on the 15th.

The correct time per God's Bible is the "Second" Twilight of the 14th "after" the Lambs have been slain.
This "IS" at twilight, just "before" the 15th starts.
Again: Remember to follow your Bible.
The 14th IS the Passover. Leviticus 23:5.
READ it:
On the FOURTEENTH day of the first month at twilight IS the Lord's Passover. Leviticus 23:5
Now re Exodus 12:8:
The correct interpretation of Exodus 12:8 is Strong's b. meaning which is: "a twist away from the light" Strongs 3915 from H3883 meaning in context it is not night, but
the b. meaning of a "twist away from the light".
And also translated "SHADOW".
As in the twilight just BEFORE the 15th starts, = not the twilight of the 13th and not the Night of the 15th.
This Sermon addresses that:
Passover elements MUST be taken "AFTER" the lambs were slain, but AT twilight, just "BEFORE" the 15th starts.

In King David's time Passover meant killing the Lamb and putting the blood on your lentil and doorposts on the FOURTEENTH.
Just because the meaning has changed from David's time (and indeed Moses' time) does "NOT" validate calling the 15th the Passover.
The 15th is a totally separate night of Watching= It is "The Night to be Much Observed" Exodus 12:42, which starts the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It is not NOT "NOT" the Passover!

"AFTER" you have taken the Bread and the Wine elements,
and "IN HASTE" you then take the piece of lamb with horseradish,
"BEFORE" the sun goes down on the 14;
you start Watching and observing The Night to be Much Observed which at sunset starts the Days of Unleavened Bread.
The "separate" Feast of Unleavened Bread begins "after" the Passover.
The Passover elements of Bread and Wine are to be taken on the 14th per God's Bible, just like you put the blood of the lamb on your doorpost on the 14th before twilight, you put Yeshua's blood on yourself= cover yourself with Yeshua's blood, "BEFORE" the 15th starts, because you did not know when the Death Angel would strike. So you had to cover yourself with Yeshua the Lambs blood, "before" the Death Angel struck on the night of the 15th. 
Plus God's Bible tells you that the Passover is on the 14th in Leviticus 23:5 or else strike Leviticus 23:5 out of your Bible.
American King James Version
And with all delusion of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
He will use everything that God disapproves of to deceive those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them.

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
And with all deception of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Other Highlights:
1.) We are Yeshua's wife.
His wife shall be a fruitful vine= That applies to us and applies to us, as the Bride of Christ.
"AND" Arrows in our Quiver, are the points of knowledge of TO COG.
2.) Obama "really" went to Jerusalem to set up plans to divide the city as soon as June 2013.
3.) There will be 3 religions practicing in Jerusalem on 3 different days:
Muslims on Friday.
Jews on Saturday.
Christians on Sunday.
Then when they all start squabbling with each other, the Pope will force them all to follow SUNday.
4.) Unleavened Bread IS a sign on your hand. Exodus 13:9.
5.) Be sure to eat Unleavened Bread every day for the next 7 days.
6.) The moon was full last night, "because" it was the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. That is how we knew way back in 1983 that the WCG had the wrong day, "BECAUSE" the lights in the sky did "NOT" agree with the WCG timing of the days. 
7.) The leaders of this World are all Luciferian.
Even Reagan had his every movement and meeting set by his Astrologer.
Eleanor Roosevelt had Séances in the Whitehouse.
Hillary Clinton had Séances to contact Eleanor Roosevelt.
Tony Blair draws a circle on the floor, steps into the circle, and conjures up a demon, whom he channels for his instructions and for information.
There is more Satanism around you than you realize.
Part of their agenda timing is explained in this Sermon.
Do not be ignorant of their devices. Know your enemy. They are all remnants of the Babylonian Mystery Schools.
Watch out for the "Porch" Masons that know nothing of what is going on.
Pay attention to the highest degree Masons' and what "they" are doing. Then you will "Know" when to flee, by when you see these things coming to pass.
Just like:
The 1st World War was deliberately caused by the sinking of the Lusitania. The Germans put Ads in US newspapers not to sail.
The 2nd World War by deliberately the USA leaders allowing Pearl Harbor.
Vietnam War by USA leaders lying that the Maddox was fired on.
USA leaders lying about Iraq accusing Iraq of causing 9-11, which even George Bush "later" stated was a lie.
And even the Spanish American War was caused by the "False Flag" of the sinking of the USS Maine that was just a boiler explosion that had nothing to do with the Spanish.
All these deliberate False Flag operations "ARE" to get us into WAR.
So watch out for the new False Flag.
8.) We have 6 to 8 liters of blood in our bodies, that is pumping through 60,000 miles of vessels, veins, and arteries in a body.
Yeshua spilt out all of his blood on the Tree, and the blood dripped through the cracked soil under the Tree, and dripped on and covered the Mercy Seat that was on the Ark of the Covenant under the crucifixion tree.
9.) Be sure next year to "personalize" your Passover Service, by adding your own comments of gratitude to Father, when you take the elements of the Bread and the Wine and recite the Kiddish= add something personal to Father.
10.) Take the elements (Bread and Wine) during the Twilight of the 14th, and you will feel closer to Yeshua and His death, as opposed to taking the elements in the Dark of night.
11.) Exclusive reckoning with a Wednesday Passover works out perfectly for "exclusive" reckoning.
12.) You are Father's precious Jewel, and you want to sparkle for Father.
So clean yourself up= really polish yourself so that you shine during the coming Days of Unleavened Bread.
209.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 30, 2013  
Mar 30, 2013

Mar 30, 2013 - 


Highlight of March 30 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 30, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 17, 5994
Mar 30, 2013
Highlights of March 30 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 30, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 17, 5994 Sermon:

March 30 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Play the Video while you are reading the Highlights.
SING the Hymns with the Choir, to WORSHIP Father.
Words such as: Great Your Name Eternal God.
You have a recording angel, and he writes down what you do.
If you don't want to praise Father, your angel will write that down!
Highlights of Nissan 17, 5994 Sermon:
Satan has tricked you again!
1.) If it's not in God's Bible you don't do it.
2.) The Hagaddah is "NOT" in God's Bible. So you don't do it.
Because the Hagaddah contradicts God's Bible.
3.) God's Bible states that you take the Passover elements on the [2nd twilight of the] 14th. Exodus 12:6; Joshua 5:10.
The Hagaddah contradicts God and says to take the Passover on the 15th.
4.) God's Bible states that you take the Passover elements with your staff in your hand= standing up. Exodus 12:11.
The Hagaddah contradicts God and says to take elements "sitting down"!
5.) God's Bible states that you are to take the Passover elements in "HASTE". Exodus 12:11.
The Hagaddah contradicts God and says to take the elements in a 2-4 hour eating spree.
6.) God's Bible states that you are not to be hungry when taking the Passover elements. I Corinthians 11:21.
The Hagaddah contradicts God and says have a big spread of food and be hungrily munching on all kinds of food when taking the Passover elements.
Editor's Note: The correct way is to take 1 piece of lambs meat covered in horseradish, standing up, after you take the Bread and the wine.
7.) God's Bible states not to be drunk when taking the Passover elements. I Corinthians 11:21.
The Hagaddah contradicts God and says to have 4 cups of wine. A cup is 8 ounces = 32 ounces of wine. It doesn't matter what you say, because the Hagaddah says to have 32 ounces of wine, and even in the restaurants today each glass of wine is 6 ounces when the restaurants try to scrimp to make more money, so 4 x 6= 24 ounces of wine. Realize the Hagaddah is SATANIC!
8.) Because you just sipping "some" wine out of the 4 cups does NOT change the fact that the Hagaddah states to take 4 cups of wine, and your sipping does not change the Hagaddah from being SATANIC.
9.) All the commands of the Hagaddah "ARE" in opposition to God's commandments on "how" to take the elements.
Especially when God commands you to take them in "haste"= not 2 to 4 hours.
10.) Wake up and give your head a shake. Realize that you are DIS-obeying God right at the minutes of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Satan has tricked you again. REPENT!
11.) The Hagaddah is "NOT" in God's Bible.
12.) The Hagaddah contradicts God's Bible. The Talmud and Mishnah has Priests marrying 3 year old girls. We do not follow the Talmud, nor the Mishnah.
13.) Again: The Hagaddah has you sitting down, when God's Bible states to stand up and take the Passover.
New topic:
14.) You are already communicating TELEPATHICALLY. You already have that ability to communicate TELEPATHICALLY "BECAUSE" you pray to Father without moving your lips.
15.) Dankenbring stopped learning in 2008:
He would not repent of Turkey gOD Day.
He will not repent of Mother GODDESS DAY.
He will not repent of Sky fATHERS DAY.
He will not repent of moving God's Sabbath to Friday in one half the World with a phony International Date Line.
17.) Now he is celebrating the Hagaddah which is in SATANIC opposition to God's Bible.
18.) Obama did "not" speak to the Knesset in Israel like most leaders would speak to leaders.
Obama went to Israel and spoke to the citizens of Israel and ignored the Leaders of Israel.
Obama is bypassing the Leaders of Israel and trying to campaign for support for "himself" from the citizens of Israel, independent of the Leaders of Israel. That is Obama's game (game plan) to overstep the Leaders of Israel in the future, by building ties "personally" with the Israeli people.
PS: Obama is so loved that he has to bring with him from America over 600 Bodyguards, and has 10,000 to 15,000 Israeli police on the streets. So many police on the street that they had to put portable toilets on every street corner.
19.) Obama's car is called the BEAST.
The BEAST car refused to/would not run in Israel.
They had to get another car for him.
Because The BEAST died in ISRAEL.
PROPHETIC= a DEAD Beast in Israel.
20.) Obama has more flies attacking him on Camera than any other man on earth. That is "because" Obama is Satan's Beelzebub devil, who is know as "The Lord of the Flies"!
21.) The new POOP was elected on 3-13-13 which date is Satanic 3s and thirteen's, enough in itself.
22.) But 3-13-13 was also the "IDES of MARCH" this year, (the 13th and/or the 15th are recognized as the Ides of March).
23.) The Ides of March according to the Ancient Romans, was a day sacred to them as the big uber-feast day of the Roman God Jupiter, where the Ides sheep was sacrificed to make all things right in the universe.
It was also when Julius Caesar, was warned by a seer, that he would die.  Julius Caesar ignored the warnings of a seer and went to see a gladiator match in the well of the Roman Senate. Eight Senators, sometimes referred in Roman history as the Group of Eight concocted a bi-partisan plan to rid themselves of Caesar.
Et tu Brute (you also Brutus my friend stab me):
Could appointing Francis on the Ides of March be the "Lesser Magic" of the Catholics, (putting it in plain site) who will try to kill Francis in the future?

24.) Then bring Francis back to life from his deadly wound!

210.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 3, 2013 7th Day of Unleavened Bread 
Apr 3, 2013

Apr 3, 2013 - 


Highlight of April 3 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 3, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 21, 5994
Apr 3, 2013
Highlights of April 3 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 3, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 21, 5994 Sermon:

April 3 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Do NOT change God's word "Haste" to leisurely!!!
You who say you understand Yah's Bible, can't even understand the word "HASTE".
"YOU" say you are "not" going to follow God's Torah and "you" say to take it "Leisurely"!!!
The Torah is "Forever" and little you cannot change the word Haste to Leisurely, unless you want to be a lying devil.
If your minister does not speak/state the word Haste in accordance to Yah's Passover commandment in the Torah, Isa 16:22 states that if he:
He who ...does "not" speak according to the Torah [in Haste & Standing up Exodus 12:11], there is no light in him. Isa 16:22.
Ask God that He might open your eyes that you might see!
Ps 119:18 Open my eyes that I might see the wonderful things in Your Torah.
God's Torah is "Never" to be changed.
Unless you are an Antinomian.
Many Scriptures listed.
The 3 Characteristics of Yah that you MUST delight yourself in:
The Passover "has" to be from your HEART,
therefore next year put the words of the Passover into YOUR own words.
When you take the Passover Bread and Wine, do not, NOT, "NOT" think of yourself and "your" sins. To take the Passover in a worthy "manner" you MUST discern Yeshua, = "NOT" focusing on yourself.
Blessed is he who teaches out of your Torah.
There's forgiveness for sin BUT there are still CONSEQUENCES for sin-breaking the Torah.
Ask David.
Listen on this Video to the 4 DEATHS David had to experience, because David said that "that" the man had to pay back 4 fold, so David had to pay back 4 fold with 4 premature deaths in David's family.
Listen folks:
Bind up the Testimony,
seal the Torah [every word] 
among my
And I will wait for YHVH Who hides His face from the House of Jacob; I will hope in Him. Isaiah 8:16-17.
You meditate on what the word "Haste" means, and the what the words Standing Up, mean.
then ask yourself "IF" you repented this year, now that it is the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread.
Think "IF" you repented and followed God's Torah
which states taking His Passover in Haste and Standing Up.
211.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 6, 2013  
Apr 6, 2013

Apr 6, 2013 - 


Highlight of April 6 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 6, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 24, 5994
Apr 6, 2013
Highlights of April 6 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 6, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Nissan 24, 5994 Sermon:

April 6 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:

Counting the Omer means to

JUST count the "number of DAYS" to Pentecost. Leviticus 23:15.

God does not NOT "NOT" state for you follow KABBALLA Demon Writings to focus on yourself for 49 days, using a Satanic Kaballa.

God states to:

"Mathematically" count the Weeks = mark the weeks off, on your Calendar.

That's it, you have fulfilled God's Commandment to count.

But TPM has got

you reading Satanism for 49 days.

Those words you read were written BY "AUTOMATIC WRITING" BY DEMONS entering the writers.

You are reading those phrases out of a SATANIC BOOK OF MYSTICISM.

YOU are

following the writings of Demons.

practicing Kaballa
follow the Kaballa instructions.
are following Demons and
Jewish Mysticism!

TPM's Directions are not NOT "NOT" in God's Bible.

Those "Directions" are from the Satanic writings of the Kabbalah.

Jewish Mysticism.

The Doctrines of Demons!

Those Directions were:

Written by people who consult the dead, and who consult familiar spirits.

For the Kabala is based on the Zohar. And the Zohar - which is what the Kabala is based on - is actually a work of the Occult. This Mysticism, from calling up the dead and Kabala divination is serious business and can have dire consequences. Don’t play with fire.

Kabalism is a system of Jewish Mysticism and magic, and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft.

The author of the Zohar is going into a trance and writing things - without knowledge of what their hand was writing.

This is called "Automatic Writing". This phenomena does not happen by itself. It is "not" a normal force of nature. It cannot happen - in fact - until a spiritual entity possesses the Body of a human being, takes over their body, and begins to write through them. The Bible has a term for that: IT is called "demonic possession"!

That is the true origin of the Zohar AND the Kabala= Demonic Possession.


Here it is from the Kabala:

In Kabala, each of the seven weeks of the Omer-counting is associated with one of the seven lower sefirot (#4-10): Chesed, Gevurah, Tipheret, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut. Each day of each week is also associated with one of these same seven sefirot, creating forty-nine permutations.

The first day of the Omer is therefore associated with

"chesed that is in chesed", the second day with
"gevurah that is in chesed"; the first day of the second week is associated with
"chesed that is in gevurah," the second day of the second week with
"gevurah that is in gevurah,"

It is a totally convoluted Satanic mess.

Symbolically, each of these 49 permutations represents an aspect of each person's character that can be improved or further developed.

But these permutations are at the heart of Tarot Card symbolism,

One Satanist wrote:
Because the sefirot are at the heart of Tarot symbolism, I use them as part of my meditative practice during this time, relying on a number of books, including Tarot and the Tree of Life.

Editor's Note: 

In 2007 I wondered how in the world anyone/any normal person could follow these convoluted daily Instructions, because they were so complex, like Ukrainian eggs inside eggs, inside eggs. Now I humbly have a 140 I.Q. and UNDERSTOOD it all inside of itself, but found it convoluted and draining my energy. "NOT" strengthening me.

But much WORSE I had seen such EVIL writing styles 20 years ago IN Alchemy Instructions before!


Therefore I had alarm bells going off with my intuition, that told me something was wrong with THESE TPM Omer Count Directions INSTRUCTIONS,

but I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong with these Jewish writings AND DIRECTIONS!
But "now" I know why my institution was right, from the following Research I've done now:
Here lies the answer. Those writings are from Jewish Mysticism and that CANNOT be denied. Here is the proof positive Quote.
"Kabalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and
magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft.
Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists." —William J. Schnoebelen, The Dark Side of Freemasonry.
Origins of Judaic Mysticism:
According to the traditional understanding, Kabbalah dates from Eden.[18] It came down from a remote past as a revelation to elect Tzadikim (righteous people), and, for the most part, was preserved only by a privileged few. Talmudic Judaism records its view of the proper protocol for teaching this wisdom, as well as many of its concepts, in the Talmud, Tractate Hagigah, Ch.2.
Contemporary scholarship suggests that various schools of Jewish esotericism arose at different periods of Jewish history, each reflecting not only prior forms of mysticism, but also the intellectual and cultural milieu of that historical period. Answers to questions of transmission, lineage, influence, and innovation vary greatly and cannot be easily summarized. "THAT" is the ORIGIN OF of the Talmud and Kabbalah.
Jewish Mysticism!

First of all, to even be allowed to do the Recitations/Directions:
One was supposed to be 1.) Jewish, 2.) married, 3.) over forty years old, 4.) male, 5.) and learned in Torah and 6.) Talmud
before one was even "allowed" to study Kabbalah (which means to receive or accept-tradition).

The Kabbalistic character of Lilith:
Lilith was supposedly the first wife of Adam in the garden created from dust like him and therefore his equal. She was the first feminist and refused to lie beneath him when they had sex and screamed some ungodly obscenities and flew off to the Netherworld where she continues to kill newborn babies and wreak other havoc on unsuspecting males.
This anti-Eve character is the original archetype of the malicious, domineering feminist.
The Kabbala says this Satanic Lilith of the underworld was Adam's wife.

Kaballa has the mystical Ushpizin service welcoming to the Sukkah the spirits of Jewish forbearers
The Kabala has demonic practices that the Lord called detestable to Him in Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
Satan made up the recitations some of you recite for 49 days; Satan knows that his time is short (Revelation 12:12) and he will give people just enough knowledge to condemn them to hell with him for eternity.
Look what happened to Saul when he went to the witch at Endor to call up the spirit of Samuel. (1 Samuel 28:11). He did so against the word of God in Deuteronomy 18 and died for doing it.
"So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the Lord because of the word of the Lord which he did not keep and also because he asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it and he did not inquire of the Lord therefore He killed him’ (1 Chronicles 10:13).
This mysticism, whether it be calling up the dead or Kabbalah divination is serious business and can have dire consequences. Don’t play with fire.
"God is not mocked, we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).

No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (2nd Peter 1:20). = No concept of the Satanic Kabbalah IS ALLOWED TO ADD to God's Bible.

The FOCUS is supposed to be on Christ, death, burial and resurrection NOT ON YOU!!!
In the above information we read, "According to Jewish tradition dating from the 13th century, this knowledge has come down as a revelation to elect saints from a remote past, and preserved only by a privileged few." How arrogant! God said in His Word that no portion of Scripture was of any "private" interpretation. In other words, ANYONE can understand the Bible, the Truth of God. Kabbalists would lead us to believe that it is the Jewish Rabbis who are the experts on the knowledge of God; on the contrary, they are haters of God.
Jesus condemned such religious phonies in Mark 7:7-13. Jesus said in Mark 7:7, "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Again in Mark 7:13 we read, "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered..." Clearly, man's tradition are opposed to the incorruptible Word of God. Kabbalah is Satanic because it blinds people from the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Romans 1:16 declares that the Gospel is the POWER OF GOD unto salvation. The only way to become a born again Christian is through the Gospel (the good news) of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. It is the knowledge of the precious blood of Jesus Christ that saves us; NOT tradition.
The Kabbalah Omer recitations take the focus off of Jesus and His resurrection and put all the focus on YOU YOU YOU for 49 days.
For 49 Days its all about you, and not about Jesus/Yeshua great sacrifice and the coming of the Holy Spirit which is given by God to give you POWER,
instead it is 49 Days of you giving yourself power, and being totally involved in yourself.
and worse than that [SCREAM] with YOU "ARE" reading out of/from the Satanic Kabbalah Book OF Mysticism for 49 days just after God has washed you in His sons blood. Right after God has cleaned you up, you head straight into the mud of Satanic Kabbalah Book of Mysticism!!!

The Word of God declares that "God is a Spirit" (John 4:24); but, Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) teaches that God is neither matter nor Spirit. We read in John 4:24, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Kabbalah is a Satanic religion which worships a false god.

The Hidden Agenda of the Kabbalah:
"Most people do not Knowingly go towards Lucifer (who is appropriately called Satan). So those who end up worshipping Lucifer essentially have to be tricked into doing this. Theosophy spends a great deal of time with the Kabbalah (caballa/quabalah), because the books of the Kabbalah pretend to be about Jewish History. The premise of those who study the Kabbalah is that they are reading an ancient series of books, usually containing HIDDEN knowledge about the Bible, and about the Universe.
The problem is - that is not ACTUALLY what the Kabbalah is doing. The system of the Kabbalah claims to be based on Jewish Mysticism. But we have to look at that claim very closely. Some people who hear the term "Jewish Mysticism" think that this applies to Jewish Spirituality that is derived FROM the Old Testament, from the Bible. That is NOT true ! It is confusing because books About the Kabbalah are written in a style which is confusing, designed to lead readers to think that they are studying DEEP things, when the only event that is truly taking place - is that readers [of books about the Kabbalah] are being deceived.
The Kabbalah is based on a series of Visions delivered to a person in a Trance. To Christians, THAT should be raising alarm bells. The Kabbalah is based on a series of books, that are called THE ZOHAR. This is usually published in 4 to 6 volumes. It claims to be a revelation from the God of the Old Testament. The implications are immense !
According to those involved in the Kabbalah (and there are many), the Zohar is essentially A commentary on the Old Testament, but it was written by people who are clearly SPIRITUALISTS: A Spiritualist is a person who consults the dead, and who consults familiar spirits. In other words, the Zohar - which is what the Kabbalah is based on - is actually a work of the Occult.
The Zohar is not even OLD. That may be very disappointing to those who are Jewish. But the Zohar did NOT exist before the Middle Ages. It claims to be authentic, but it is not. There has never been any copy of the Zohar ever found, that is earlier than the Middle Ages. The Zohar is a counterfeit book, a book that was written in Medieval Europe, so that some people would FEEL closer to God. Only the way that the author of the Zohar was getting close "to God" is by going into a trance and writing things - without knowledge of what their hand was writing.
This is called "Automated Writing". This phenomena does not happen by itself. It is not a normal force of nature. It cannot happen - in fact - until a spiritual entity possesses the Body of a human being, takes over their body, and begins to write through them. The Bible has a term for that: IT is called "demonic possession"!
That is the true origin of the Zohar AND the Kabbalah.
The Authors of the Kabbalah are themselves Occult Authors. The Kabbalah was Not translated for English Speaking audiences until the late 1800s. And who translated it ? Were they Godly men who had a passion to save others, and show them that the real way to Eternal Life is by the shed blood, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who truly came to Earth to save those who accept to believe in Him? No, Not at all. Those who translated the Kabbalah were Occult authors who were steeped in Demonic Worship and Demonic books - They were writing them !
It is NOT hard to learn who the authors of the English Translation of the Kabbalah were. We know. They are mainly:

1.) Eliphas Levi

2. MacGregor Mathers

3. H.P. Blavatsky

4. A.E. Waite

These are the main authors of books about the Kabbalah.

Eliphas Levi is the author who led the Occult Revival of the 1800s, that revived Satanism and Luciferianism. He wrote many books about Ritual Black Magic and how to have contact with Demonic Spirits...because he was seeking them.

MacGregor Mathers goes by several names. He is one of the Three founders of the Occult Society - known as the society of the Golden Dawn. This is a demonic society, not because we say so, but because THEY say so. This is one of the occult societies that covets demonic possession. Christians would consider their teachings to be Satanic. MacGregor Mathers is also one of the mentors of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. The first Translation of the Kabbalah into English was by MacGregor Mathers. (He lived in the U.K. for most of his life, where he recruited a lot of the elites into his occult Golden Dawn society).

H.P. Blavatsky is the founder of Theosophy. This is the view that Lucifer is truly an angel of light and he is the one who deserves our worship and allegiance. Blavatsky came from an occult family, and was already a Medium when she was a teenager. She sought out evil and the company of demonic spirits all of her life. She wrote many books about the occult. She believed that the Jews - through books like the Kabbalah - had stolen books of black magic that had previously come from the Chaldeans. She denied that Jesus was the Christ. She also denied that salvation could come through Jesus Christ. She remained extremely hostile to Jehovah/Yahweh - the God of the Jews.

A.E. Waite is an occult author. He played a large role in helping many occult authors in the early 1900s. He was involved in Many occult societies including the Golden Dawn.

All of these authors are devoted to the Kabbalah and other forms of the Occult. These authors deliberately sought to be involved with demonic spirits.

Surely the Real God of the Universe has better ways of dealing with mankind, than to operate through those who consciously willfully oppose the Bible and the teachings of Salvation by Faith alone in Christ Jesus. The Zohar is a book that claims to have been written by forces, which can only be identified as Demonic.

This kind of material is Exactly what the Bible commands us to stay away from. Those who have been involved in the Study of the Kabbalah would do well to ask God to forgive them of their involvement in it, and to open their eyes and help them to return to the God of the Bible.

The God of the Kabbalah and the God of the Bible are 100% in Opposition to each other. They cannot both be right. Christians know that the God of the Bible Is the one true God. Anyone is entitled to their views, and to their choice of what to believe. But as far as what Christians believe, the God of the Bible can be found, by reading the Bible (such as the gospel of John in the New Testament), Not by reading occult material such as the Kabbalah.

Christians and others should maintain a strong vigilance against being deceived."



The Holy Spirit Will Help : Luke 12:11-12 : What Jesus Did! - Heartlight

Luke 12:11-12: At that time the Holy Spirit will teach you what you must say." (ERV) Full Text ... The Holy Spirit will be with them to help them know what to say. They will not be ... To ignore their words is to ignore the very Spirit of God speaking through them. ...

John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

The Holy Spirit will lead you

"NOT" the SATANIC Kabbalah directions.

The sefirot corresponds to two tarot cards. One card is for when the soul is descending to earth at birth, from the En Sof. The way down is much as Papus presented the correlations in Tarot of the Bohemians. He has no such correlations for the way up. Others after him used "paths" between the sefirot, for which there were a full 22. Since I cannot find any discussion of paths in my sources, much less 22 of them, I have to rely on the sefirot in the other direction, using them again for the way up.

Assignment of the ten sefirot and the En Sof to cards 11-21 does not work nearly as straightforwardly as on the way down; I can see why Papus didn't use them. Some fit easily, while others look quite forced. It took me a long time to see how it could be done in a natural way. the Latin writings on tarot were invariably written by Christians (even Ricci, although Jewish, was a Christian), the way up would be a Christian reading of the sefirot, so as to show the false road to Christian salvation

instead of Yeshua's sacrifice leading to salvation. 

"Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists." —William J. Schnoebelen, The Dark Side of Freemasonry


Kabbalah Refuted | Kabbalah's Pagan Origins

Inside Hollywood's Hottest Cult -Kabbalah | The Crazy World of Kabbalah

The Deadly Fruit of KaHYPERLINK "http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Kabbalah/kabbalah-deadly.htm"bbalah | Mormonism and the Kabbalah

Editor's Note: The End of the Matter 

Do "NOT" follow the Kabbalah instructions.

Just obey God and count mathematically 49 Days.


212.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 12, 2013 New Moon 
Apr 12, 2013

Apr 12, 2013 - 


Highlight of April 12 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Ziv 1, 5994
Apr 12, 2013
Highlights of April 12 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Ziv 1, 5994 Sermon:

April 12 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
We have restored New Moon Day.
God's Ezekiel 46:3 Re-Established
NMD (New Moon Day)
Ziv 1, 5994 April 12, 2013
Highlights of the Ziv 1, 5994 New Moon Day Sermon:
1.) Every NMD (New Moon Day) we focus on our Creator Yeshua, and "HIS" Qualities,
and Father's sacrifice of giving up His son.
2.) The Characteristics of Yeshua.
Yeshua was "LIONhearted".
Realize how LIONhearted He Yeshua was!
Yeshua, (because He loved you), took the Death Penalty in your place,
took your place and stood in your place,
when you were to be whipped nearly to death "twice", had you beard pulled out, punched and spit on, and Crucified/killed.
Yah stood in your place and took "your" Death Penalty, for "YOUR" sins, that "YOU" should have paid.
Yah stood in your place, so that you would not die eternally, (for "your" failing to follow Father's way of life perfectly like He/Yah did).
3.) What does God's Bible mean, when it states to: "Lift up a Standard against the Devil"?
4.) It was "not" a stake, nor a cross (pagan symbol TAU) that Yeshua was nailed to.
It was an Olive Tree, that the crossbeam that He carried was fastened to, because He was in the middle of the thieves "but" the soldier came to Yah last, which means that the thieves were fastened to the other side of the Tree with their backs to Him.
Message on point of the Re-Discovered truth of Duality/type and anti-type: If you turn your back on Yah, you will die.
5.) The Symmetry between Genesis and Revelations.
The Bible starts out with the "Tree of Life" FIRST, as the FIRST tree mentioned.
Genesis 2:9 - And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The Bible, in Genesis, starts out with 2 Trees, the FIRST one being the "Tree of Life".
the Bible ends with only 1 Tree in Revelations now existing=, again with the "Tree of  Life".
The "KNOWLEDGE" of the 2 Trees, begins in Genesis BUT ends forever in Revelations.
Revelation 22:14 - Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Revelations 22 is the Last Chapter of the Last Book of the Bible.
The Tree of Life is the First and the "Last" (and only) Tree
that will exist!
Follow every jot of God's Bible,
so that you also can exist!!
213.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 13, 2013  
Apr 13, 2013

Apr 13, 2013 - 


Highlight of April 13 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 13, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Ziv 2, 5994
Apr 13, 2013
Highlights of April 13 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 13, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Ziv 2, 5994 Sermon:

April 13 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
is your "King's" Name.
I am Yahveh: that is My Name. Isaiah 42:8 KJV
This is my name forever, the name you shall call me ... Exodus 3:15.
When you travel to other Countries, or if you publish books about yourself in other Countries, even in different languages, you "DON'T" change your name, nor the spelling of your name.
"Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, YHWH Elohim of your fa-thers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: THIS IS MY NAME forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

"Thou shalt not take the name of YHWH thy Elohim in vain; for YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain." Exodus 20:7.

"In vain" means to bring to nothing, to make useless or of none effect, or to misuse it.
This Commandment means far more than just not cursing and swearing.
It means, among other things, to not forsake it or take it away, which is just exactly what men have done!

Ezekiel 43:7 ... My Holy Name, shall the House of Israel no more defile.
Psalm 111:19 Holy and Reverend is His Name.
Why did the Greek copyists change Yahveh's name to Je-sus (Zeus)?
Answer: To save their own skins, from the Pagans.
NET Bible (©2006)
How long will they go on plotting to make my people forget who I am through the dreams they tell one another? That is just as bad as what their ancestors did when they forgot who I am by worshiping the god Baal. Jeremiah 23:27
Stop praying and calling out to Zeus!
Whether you say so or not, if you call your Father Hitler,
and say he will understand, and not mind,
"you" are on thin ice!

214.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 20, 2013  
Apr 20, 2013

Apr 20, 2013 - 


Highlight of April 20 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 20, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Ziv 9, 5994
Apr 20, 2013
Highlights of April 20 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 20, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Ziv 9, 5994 Sermon:

April 20 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
The Natsarim are different from Christians!
The Natsarim are the "Original" TRUE Followers of Yeshua
Because TO COG walks "EXACTLY" LIKE
Yeshua Walked
Without "any" changes of Additions.
There are 3 Groups
but only 1 Group goes to the Place of Safety:
1.) "NOT" traditional Protestant Christians: "NOT" Lutherans, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, etc. for they all go into the Tribulation.
2.) "NOT" Worldwide COG offshoot groups, including "NOT" LCG, CCOG, UCG, PCG, COGTE, and definitely "NOT" TPM; for they all go into the Tribulation,
They are (especially TPM being knowledgeable of but refusing God's way) the 5 foolish virgins only 1/2 full of oil, because they still have pagan animals/days like Saul did= 
1.) Mother gODDESS Day,
2.) Sky fATHER'S Day,
3.) Turkey gOD Day,
4.) Moving the Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.
5.) Studying and following the Satanic writings in the Kabballa/Zohar Omer Count defying God's Bible and adding to God's Bible, instead of just counting 49 days!
6.) Focusing on themselves for 49 days, instead of focusing on the coming of God's Holy Spirit to teach them.
7.) Their adding "their" Satanic Kabballa practice to Yeshua's way in opposition to Deuteronomy 12:32 that states: you shall "not" add.
In vain you worship following for doctrine the commandments of men. Mark 7:7.
3.) TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) that is Natsarim.
The early Christians despised and indeed killed the Natsarim.
The WCG offshoots and especially TPM despise the Natsarim TO COG today.
TPM is a LIAR, that lies saying TO COG is disobedient when it is TPM that is committing the above 7 deadly sins.
It "IS" TPM that is disobeying God's Bible.
Why would you support a group that is disobeying God's Bible and moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World
worse than that: Disfellowshipping members that keep God's Sabbath Day in Australia.
Give your head a shake for supporting Pope-like characters who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday!
New Topic:
The Boston Bombing:
1.) Why April 15?
For the Illuminati to put their mark of "Lesser Magic" on this False Flag event of 2013.
To match the Illuminati's sinking of the Titanic April 15.
2.) April is the yearly "Season" of Murders by the Illuminati.
3.) Waco Branch Davidians were burned alive/murdered on April 19.
4.) How did 1 bomber got away, when they had them both pinned down inside a car, with 50+ officers around against just 2?
Because they "deliberately" let 1 get away, so that they could use Boston as a dry run/practice run 
for locking down other Cities in the USA,
to go into everyone's houses, and pull out the Christians and Natsarim and put the Christians and Natsarims into FEMA Camps.
5.) Why the City of Boston?
Because it "is" NOW the Masonic mark of the "start" of the "2nd" American Revolution;
just as the Masons dressed up as Indians and threw the tea into the bay and had the "Boston" Tea Party,
which marked the start of the "1st" American Revolution.
6.) Another Illuminati mark of "Lesser Magic" is that April 15 is the same day that the Masons sunk the Titanic, to stop the 3 leading Bankers, from voting against the phony "illegal" setup of the "privately owned" Federal Reserve.
7.) The Illuminati control the World, and are now using the Hegelian Dialectic of:
1.) Causing a problem.
2.) Stirring up the Public via 24 hour Broadcasting on their Corporation Controlled Media. 
3.) Then offering their solution-locking down whole cities, and entering "your" home.
The Precedent has been set.
Either open your door of "your" home or they will break it down!
Our only hope is for Yeshua to return to save us from these Satanists. Click here for proof: http://1stcenturychristian.com/Worse.html
215.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 27, 2013  
Apr 27, 2013

Apr 27, 2013 - 


Highlight of April 27 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 27, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Ziv 16, 5994
Apr 27, 2013
Highlights of April 27 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 27, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Ziv 16, 5994 Sermon:

April 27 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
First Topic: First a comment about the Satanic Sepheirot that is copied "directly" out of the Satanic Kabballah:
The 10 Sepheirot are taken directly out of the 2nd level of Kabballah and "ARE" titled: Meditative Kabballah.
1.) The Theoretical Kabballah which is an in-depth study of the Torah's implications on a Metaphysical level.
2.) The 10 Sepheirot which is the Meditative Satanic Kabballah using the 10 Sepheirot, which focuses on using physical self-will techniques to achieve higher Satanic Witch and Warlock Spiritual states.
3.) The Practical Kabballah of extracting aspects of the above first two techniques, to affect the physical and spiritual world. This is condemned in Leviticus 19:31, :20, Lev 20:27.
Practical Kaballah overlaps with principles of the Meditative Path!
"YOU" ARE PRACTICING THE MEDITATIVE KABBALAH, word for word, as written in the Kabbalah/Zohar which the Satanic Kabbalah is based on.
Dankenbring is lying to you, when he tries to "just" say that Rabbis wrote it, because it was written by Demons who entered the Rabbis and possessed the Rabbis, via Automatic Writing. 
When a Rabbi writes automatically, not knowing what he is writing, that is Demon Possession.
That is "HOW" the Sepheirot "were" written, because that is the way the whole Kabballah was written. And indeed the Kabballah also was based on the earlier Satanic Zohar!
Other Highlights of the April 27 2013 Sermon:
If you're a Christian and remain a Christian you "will" burn in Hell.
If your a Netsarim, such as Paul, AND Yeshua and His Disciples were, "then" you will be in the Kingdom.
Christians will "NOT" be in the Kingdom.

Don't you WANT to obey God's Bible?
Then you had better "NOT" be a Christian, and instead be Yeshua's Netsarim.
A Netsarim/Nazarene Israelite never wants to be, and is "NOT" a Christian. Yeshua was not a Christian! Yeshua was a Netsarim.

Fantastic RE-DISCOVERED truth:
Christ was a Netsarim and set out the practices of the Netsarim Matthew 2:23.
And you also MUST learn to be a Netsarim, if you wish to follow Yeshua.

And Paul was a Netsarim, not a Christian!
Acts 24:5 Paul was the "leader" of the Netsarines.
Acts 6:7 Kohanim (Priests) were obedient to the Netsarines.
James (Yeshua's Brother) was a Netsarim and was the Head of the Sanhedrin.
James was a Netsarim, "not" a Christian.
Netsarim were not just itinerant Preachers walking around Israel.
Yeshua had taught at a Galilean Yeshiva and Synagogue that was financed by Peter's family who owned a pickle and fishing business nearby.
Yeshua's Netsarim Ministry was no minor or haphazardly formed Ministry. It wasn't picking up a handful of fishermen that He had never seen before!
It was an established Netsarim Ministry to full the Prophecy of  Matthew 2:23 And He shall be called a Nazarene/Netsarim of Nazareth.
Netsarim follow every jot of God's Bible.
Christians like Dankenbring who do "NOT" follow every jot of God's Bible. Dankenbring
1.) moves God's Sabbath to Friday with the phony IDL (International Date Line), just like the POOP moves God's Sabbath to Sunday. Dankenbring celebrates
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY,
3.) Sky fATHERS DAY.
5.) REFUSES TO stay/sleep IN THE SUKKAH for 1 week.
6.) Takes the Passover 1 day late on the 15th.
7.) Eats the Passover leisurely, instead of in Haste.
8.) Adds things to God's way of life such as Turkey gOD DAY, as it please him, such as adding the Satanic Kabballah Sepheirot writings.
Dankenbring is a Christian and is not a follower of Yeshua's Netsarim.
Indeed all the offshoot Church of God are different versions of Christians, and NOT ONE of the offshoot Churches of God is Netsarim.
"ONLY" TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) IS GOD'S NETSARIM!
And all others go into the Tribulation; 
To be slaughtered to force them to repent, or
they will burn in Hell.

It is God's every jot and tittle,with us all agreeing as one, or HELLFIRE for you.
E.g.: Netsarim take the Passover on the 14th, Christians disobey God's Bible and take the Passover on the 15th.
Christians ignore God's 14th day command, and slither onto the 15th day.
Point in Fact
No animal becomes an offering until "when" the animal is consumed by fire.
And likewise NO Bread and Wine becomes the Passover Elements of Bread until it is consumed.
And that Bread and Wine MUST be consumed on the 14th to fulfill God's Command that the Passover is the 14th.

Re not practicing Kabballah:
One minister just can't get it, and he is reading directly out of the Kaballah.
You examine yourself with the 10 commandments,
NOT with the 10 Satanic
Witches' self-WILLED Sepheirot.
216.) click here for Sermon of > May 4, 2013  
May 4, 2013

May 4, 2013 - 


Highlight of May 4 2013 Sermon:

In order not to deliver the gold that China bought from the Illuminati leaders and their Bankster friends:
Will make an agreement with China to share in being a World Dictator, thus making slaves of the American People who are held as collateral for the debt of the Banksters to the Chinese Government.
We will all be Chinese slaves!

The Obedient Church of God is the only Church that really knows what is going on in the World.
The Obedient Church of God members are like sheep running through the center of a Pack of Wolves, and a Pack of Ministers dressed in Sheep's Clothing. Matt 10:16.
TO COG is running right through the middle of a ministerial Wolf Pack, with all the ministerial Wolves, snapping at TO COGs heels.
TO COG is the only Congregation in the World that follows the Law of Moses, that you are to remember, or the earth will be destroyed by God.
The PROOF IS IN THE FACTS, not in what your ratchet mouthed ministers lie about.
Your ministers are liars, because Deuteronomy 12:32 "COMMANDS" them, "NOT" to add to God's Bible, nor preach differently than the 1st Century. Galations 1:6, :9.
Dankenbring who adds the Satanic White Witches and Warlocks Kabballa Sepheirot count to God's "WAY" (way of living) is now dancing with the Devil.
The Sepheirot is taken directly out of the Satanic Kabballah, and Zohar.
The white Witches and Warlocks study the Kabballah Sepheirot count, just like Dankenbring does, to get more POWER.
YOU are to get your power from the coming Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and focus on the gift of God's Holy Spirit Power given to you, not Kabballah power.
Peter denied Yeshua 3 times, before Peter received the Holy Spirit of Power, and all the Sepheirot counting in the World would not give Peter the power.
ONLY THE GIFT OF GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT AT PENTECOST, can give you the power. Not your own vain attempts.
Do "NOT" add 1 letter or numeral to God's prescribed Bible written ways.
You use God's 10 Commandments to examine AND IMPROVE yourself, "NOT" the Satanic Kabballah. 
Only TO COG-The Obedient Church is Netsari like Paul, and James.
All the other COGs are disobedient "foolish" virgins.
Only 24 people per year in the year 2013 etc., are saved in the 1st Resurrection (144,000 people divided by 6,000 years= 24 people per year saved).
In Noah's time only 8 people were saved.
Only TO COG are the Netsari that are the twigs from the Branch of "The Tree".
Because every other denomination "dis"obeys God's Bible, by having:
Turkey gOD DAY
Refusing to worship God on New Moon Day. Ezekiel 46:3.
Refusing to attend Headquarters 3 times a year. Deuteronomy 16:16.
Disobeying God's Deuteronomy 12:32 and adding the Satanic Kabballa Sepheirot Count that white Witches and Warlock use to achieve more power. 
Moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 of the World with the phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line).
Having NO FEAR OF GOD by doing all of the above abominations.
And that is why you have 4,000+ different religions all arguing with each other, because they all "add" what they want to, to add to God's Way of Living.
REPENT, and follow only what is in God's Bible, or burn in Hellfire for
Ministers causing a lie/false practice. Revelations 21:27.
Members practicing the minister's lie Revelations 22:15.
"WILL"  all burn in Hell.

Totally New Topic on the Positive Rediscovered Truth:
The Netsari were part of the only Race that can blush.
The Netsari were purer than snow,
whiter than milk.
Blushing like Rubies. Lamentations 4:17.
White is uncoloured. White is the only uncoloured Race in the World.
Every other Race is coloured either black, brown, yellow, or red.
Only the white race can blush.
Blushing means to  show colour in the face.
Patriarchs such as Moses and David were white. Listen to end of tape, to hear substantiating Scriptures.

New Topic for Closing Sermon:
How to stop Father from Destroying the Earth. Malachi 4:4.
Learn to FEAR GOD, and stop adding things to HIS way of life.
YOU are not a God, to add things to God's Bible way of life. Period.
Give your evil head a shake!
It was SATAN who offered the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to eat of it.
The Sepheirot
The 3 Division Tree
of 10 Sepheirot with
22 "connecting"
Paths of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil.
Only TO COG are the Netsari that are the twigs from the Branch of "The Tree" of Life:
"Because" TO COG is the only Church that does not change or add 1 word to God's Bible.
TO COG only eats from Father's Tree,
and never from any Satanic Kabballah/Zohar Tree.
or die.
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 4, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Ziv 23, 5994
May 4, 2013
Highlights of May 4 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 4, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Ziv 23, 5994 Sermon:

May 4 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
217.) click here for Sermon of > May 11, 2013  
May 11, 2013

May 11, 2013 - 


Highlight of May 11 2013 Sermon:

1.) Your lying Minister/Sinister refuses to have God's Sabbath Day on the 7th Day in half the World, by his knowingly following the phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line).
The IDL moves God's Sabbath to the 6th day of the week Friday, from the 7th Day.
Your Ministers are lying devils, leading you to SUPPORT THEM WHILE THEY "DIS"obey Father God.
"YOUR" Minister "REFUSES" to have God's Sabbath Day on the 7th Day in half the World. And indeed knowingly continues to refuse and neglect to have God's Sabbath Day on the 7th Day.
Why are you listening to him?
Why don't you follow your Bible?
New Living Translation (©2007)
but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God. On that day no one in your household may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you.
2.) Why don't you follow Deuteronomy 12:32 where God states: Do NOT add any practice to his Bible way.
You just "don't" get it:
If you practice the Satanic Kabballah Sepheirot count to reach a higher state like the White Witches and Warlocks do, you ARE disobeying Deuteronomy 12:32 of God's Bible.
At least the Mormons admit that they follow what is written in the Book of Mormon, but TPM lies and says that they don't add any practices to God's Bible, yet TPM adds the Sepheirot count to God's way of life.
You will be have to go into the Tribulation, to wake you up! Then it will be too late for you.
You are only half full of oil.
You "refuse" to fill up with the oil of obedience.
You members will also be thrown in Hell if you support any Minister who moves God's Sabbath to Friday.
Just like supporting the Pope who moves God's Sabbath Day to Sunday.
"YOUR" minister moves God's Sabbath to Friday.

3.) Scriptures on Obedience, because you must be RE-taught from square 1.

4.) Repentance is NOT just changing your ways, but changing your HEART.

5.) You made a Vow at Baptism that you would obey Deuteronomy 12:32!
6.) In the past God overlooked...ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to Repent. Acts 17:30.

7.) Parallels between John the Baptist and Elisha:
John announced the 1st coming of Yeshua (as a lamb).
Elisha announces the 2nd coming of Yeshua (as a Lion).
Elisha "will" restore all things. And He answered and said,    Elijah is coming and will restore all things. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Matthew 17:11.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Jesus replied, "Elijah is indeed coming first to get everything ready.

8.) Re-Discovered Truth of Matthew 11:12:
Study of a better Translation=
And from the Days of John the Baptist, until now the Kingdom of Heaven has been advancing/Breaking Forth, and
the forceful people take take it by force.

9.) To be a forceful person means to Fight with your Minister if necessary.
In a fight against a storm of opposition from Ministers, who don't want to change, and who tell you to DIS-obey God's Bible, and follow their ways, and not the Bible's Deut 12:32. Do NOT add anything!

10.) Who do you have to fight against?
NOT people in the street,
not the food store manager,
not the gas station cashier, but
instead you must fight your DISobedient Minister!
YOU have to be forceful to fight against your DISobedient Minister, and take the Kingdom by FORCE.
The Sheep must break down the walls!
The Sheep must Break forth
(in obedience to God, not a Sinister).

How to stop Father from Destroying the Earth?
Remember the Law of Moses Malachi 4:4. Do not add to Moses Law. Deut 12:32
...lest I come and strike the earth with utter destruction. Malachi 4:6.
Learn to FEAR GOD, and stop adding things to HIS way of life.
Or else you end up with 4,000+ different religions.
YOU are not a God, to add things to God's Bible way of life. Period.
Give your evil head a shake!
It was SATAN who offered the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to eat of it.
Only TO COG Members are the Netsari that are the twigs from the Branch of "The Tree" of Life:
"Because" TO COG is the only Church that does not change or add 1 practice, word or letter to God's Bible.
TO COG only eats from Father's Tree,
and never eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, by adding man's words and practices to God's Bible.
REPENT, stop adding to God's Bible.
or die.
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Iyar/Ziv 30, 5994 - May 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Ziv 30, 5994
May 11, 2013
Highlights of May 11 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Ziv 30, 5994 Sermon:

May 11 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
218.) click here for Sermon of > May 12, 2013 New Moon 
May 12, 2013

May 12, 2013 - 


Highlight of May 12 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 1, 5994
May 12, 2013
Highlights of May 12 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Sivan 1, 5994 Sermon:

May 12 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Ministers "are" causing CHAOS= ministers causing 4,000+ different religions
ADDING things that are "NOT" done in God's Bible instructions.
2.) The Wrath of God falls on the "DIS"obedient. Colossians 3:6. ...the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience.
"DIS"obedient WHEN "YOU" "DIS"obey Deuteronomy 12:32, and add some way to God's Bible.
3.) If you say you do not disobey Deuteronomy 12:32, and still have a Kabballah Sepheirot count then now you are also a liar. 
No liar will inherit the Kingdom of God. ... liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelations 21:8. Either you are adding something to religious practice or you are not. You can't have it both ways!

New Topic:
4.) Gun Control, Shoe Control, Fork Control:
Those shoes he has on, can kick me to death. We must ban all shoes.
That fork made me fat. We must ban all forks.
That gun made me kill. We must ban all guns.
New Topic:
5.) Yeshua's Characteristics.
Re-Discovered Truth:
6.) Was Yeshua perfect or was He "perfected"?
Yeshua "learned"!
Luke 2:40 He "BECAME" strong in spirit.
Luke 1:80 "BECAME" perfected.
Heb 1:4 having "BECOME" so much better than the angels.
Heb 5:8 He "LEARNED" obedience.
Heb 7:28 who "HAS" been perfected.
7.) You like Yeshua are God's Son.
You are God's son also, or else you could not be in God's "Family".
YOU need to learn obedience. Especially to Deut 12:32. Do "NOT" add to God's instructions,
Burn in Hell.
How can you say you will "willfully" break Deut 12:32 and add practices to God's Bible ways, and not burn in Hell?
That is why there are 4,000+ religions, because "YOU" all add ways to God's Bible!
Selah- Think on it!
You're the problem for God.
You are not an exception!
You cannot "add" practices to God Bible Ways.
8.) Grace is a "limited" period of time for you to repent in. God gives more grace to those of a humble (not mouthy) attitude.
Time is short. There will be no time left for you.
Some of my school acquaintances and my one time drummer Gary playing live their song "No Time left for You" > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXDlwkuInBY 
Get it through your head that there will be no time left for you to repent in!

Who do you have to fight against?
NOT people in the street,
not the food store manager,
not the gas station cashier, but
instead you must fight your "DIS"obedient Minister!
YOU have to be forceful to fight against your "DIS"obedient Minister, and
take the Kingdom by FORCE.
The Sheep must break down the walls!
The Sheep must Break forth
in obedience to God's Bible,
 not to a Sinister who doesn't follow God's Bible!

Learn to FEAR GOD, and stop adding things to HIS way of life.
Or else you end up with 4,000+ different religions.
YOU are not a God, to add things to God's Bible way of life. Period.
Give your evil head a shake!
It was SATAN who offered the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to eat of it.
Only TO COG Members are the Netsari that are the twigs from the Branch of "The Tree" of Life:
"Because" TO COG is the only Church that does not change or add 1 practice, word or letter to God's Bible.
TO COG only eats from Father's Tree,
and never eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, by adding man's words and practices to God's Bible.
REPENT, stop adding to God's Bible.
or die.
219.) click here for Sermon of > May 17, 2013 Pentecost 
May 17, 2013

May 17, 2013 - 


Highlight of May 17 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 17, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 6, 5994
May 17, 2013
Highlights of May 17 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 17, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Sivan 6, 5994 Sermon:

May 17 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) How do you fail and get thrown into Hell?
By your "Dis"obedience to God's Bible.
"Why" don't you accept God's Word when He states in His Torah (first 5 Books) "do not add"? 
Hebrews 4:11 You fail according to dis-obedience= disobedience to Deut 12:32 [by adding items such as a Sepheirot Count] to God's Bible ways. [Because in the Kingdom you "could not be trusted" to stop adding things to God's ways= continuing to eat of the wrong tree].
2.) The Holy Spirit is "only" given to those who OBEY! Galations 5:32. Ergo: The Holy Spirit is not given to those who "dis"obey!
3.) Those who "rejected" the words of God's Bible and the message of John the Baptist would be baptized by fire (Judgment) Matthew 3:11.
4.) Without the Holy Spirit being given at Pentecost you would die forever= have NO Eternal Life.
5.) The Holy Spirit acts like Power Steering "after" you turn the wheel.
6.) The Holy Spirit is given to you only once.
7.) Only certain individual are now predestined.
8.) Only certain individuals are called now to receive the Holy Spirit. The rest will have to wait until the Second Resurrection during the 100 years, after the 1000 years have ended. Isaiah 65:21.
9.) The Spirit will tell you what to say, and how to act, not the Satanic Sepheirot count.
10.) Your focus for 49 days with the Satanic Sepheirot count was on you you you, I I I, my my my, me me me; instead of Father's Gift to you at Pentecost.
11.) You must continually "fill up" with the Holy Spirit. Scripture "COMMANDS" you to in Ephesians 5:18 ..."be filled with the Spirit".
It is a Divine Command!
That is why the 5 foolish virgins are locked out of the Marriage Supper, because they did not have enough "obedience"= Oil.
12.) The Greek verb "filled" is the present imperative tense and is rightly translated:
You are to be constantly being filled with the Holy Spirit.
You will be endued with power from on high. Luke 24:49
Not power from a Satanic Sepheirot count.
Instead you get the wisdom and power from on high.
In Ephesians 5:18 the verb "filled" today refers to
being constantly being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Therefore we must appropriate the Holy Spirit filling us,
by our being Obedient.
The Holy Spirit is given only to those who obey. Galations 5:32. 
The Holy Spirit is "not" given to those who disobey Deuteronomy 12:32.
Do not try to do it like the White Witches do, with a Sepheirot count.
13.) Every converted person has the Holy Spirit in him, BUT every converted person is "not" "FILLED" with the Holy Spirit. This applies especially to ministers and members who do not follow Deuteronomy 12:32.
If you are "not" "FILLED" with the Holy Spirit, and only 1/2 full, then you will be locked out of the Marriage Supper-Kingdom.
You are only 1/2 full because the other half of you is disobedient sin!
To be filled with the Holy Spirit, you must first empty yourself of sin.
Without emptying yourself of sin, there is no room for the Holy Spirit.
"AS" you empty yourself from sin, you make room for God's Holy Spirit.
You fill yourself with God's Holy Spirit "by" becoming more "OBEDIENT".
Sin is "dis"obedience to Deuteronomy 5:32= not being careful about not adding Deut 12:32.
Sin is disobedience to the law. I John 3:4
You must put sin (disobedience) out of your life.
Grace is a "limited" period of time for you to repent in.
God gives more grace (time) to those of a humble (not mouthy) attitude.
Time is short. There will be no time left for you.
Some of my school acquaintances and my one time drummer Gary playing live their song "No Time left for You" > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXDlwkuInBY
Get it through your head that there will be no time left for you to repent in!

Who do you have to fight against?
NOT people in the street,
not the food store manager,
not the gas station cashier, but
you must fight your "DIS"obedient Minister!
YOU have to be forceful to fight against your "DIS"obedient Minister, and
take the Kingdom by FORCE.
The Sheep must break down the walls!
The Sheep must Break forth
in obedience to God's Bible,
not to a Sinister who doesn't follow God's Bible!

Learn to FEAR GOD, and stop adding things to HIS way of life.
Or else you end up with 4,000+ different religions.
YOU are not a God, to add things to God's Bible way of life. Period.
Give your evil head a shake!
It was SATAN who offered the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to eat of it.
Only TO COG Members are the Netsari that are the twigs from the Branch of "The Tree" of Life:
"Because" TO COG is the only Church that does not change or add 1 practice, word or letter to God's Bible.
TO COG only eats from Father's Tree,
and never eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, by adding man's words and practices to God's Bible.
REPENT, stop adding to God's Bible.
or die.
220.) click here for Sermon of > May 18, 2013  
May 18, 2013

May 18, 2013 - 


Highlight of May 18 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 18, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 7, 5994
May 18, 2013
Highlights of May 18 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 18, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Sivan 7, 5994 Sermon:

May 18 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:



The Ka Ba llah's Sepheirot count Mysticism comes originally from the Egyptians via the KA BA ANKH:

You were for 49 days


Egyptian Mysticism

with your Satanic Sephirot Count.

It is unbelievable that
some people "won't" admit that the Sepheirot comes from/out of the Satanic Mysticism
of the Kabballah/Zohar! (That the Jews stole from the Egyptians).
Stop your yapping and your avoiding the issue, by your saying we should all love one another.
The Bible states to "REBUKE" those who are not in the Faith. Titus 1:13.
New International Version (©2011)
This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
New Living Translation (©2007)
This is true. So
reprimand them sternly to make them strong in the faith.
3 A whip for the racehorse, a tiller for the sailboat - and a stick for the back of fools!
4 Don't respond to the stupidity of a fool; you'll only look foolish yourself.
5 Answer a fool in simple terms so he doesn't get a swelled head.
6 You're only asking for trouble when you send a message by a fool.
7 A proverb quoted by fools is limp as a wet noodle.
8 Putting a fool in a place of honor is like setting a mud brick on a marble column.
9 To ask a moron to quote a proverb is like putting a scalpel in the hands of a drunk.
10 Hire a fool or a drunk and you shoot yourself in the foot.
11 As a dog eats its own vomit, so fools recycle silliness.
12 See that man who thinks he's so smart? You can expect far more from a fool than from him. Proverbs 26:3-12 MSG
You "are" focusing entirely on yourself for 49 days using sephirot VIA the kabbalistic tree of life
(instead of focusing on God's Holy Spirit which leads you into all truth http://biblehub.com/john/16-13.htm ,
and obedience by which God's spirit is given to those who obey Galations 5:32 http://biblehub.com/acts/5-32.htm ).
The Spirit is only given to those who OBEY, and you are Dis-obeying by practicing the Egyptian Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
You "are" practicing Satanic mysticism which God forbids you to use. Even the Jews call it Mysticism!!!
Why can't you understand it is evil, when even the Jews call it Mysticism.
Because you are an educated fool.
Gnostic Jewish mysticism is occult and the bible forbids it in Deut 18:9-13. Mysticism/Spiritism is Forbidden
The Ka Ba llah's Mysticism comes originally from the Egyptians via the KA BA ANKH:
The kabalah is not Jewish in origin. The Jews stole and altered the kabalah from the Egyptians. As a matter of fact, the word "Kabalah" is an alteration of "KA BA ANKH."
To further emphasize the Egyptian origins of the Kabalah, we can break the word down: Egyptian religion held that what we call the spirit or soul consisted of three distinct parts: the KA, the BA, and the ANKH. Egyptologists characterize the KA (represented by two upraised arms) as the individual’s "vital force" or "spiritual twin." Pharaohs could have several kas; mere mortals- only one. The
"KA" is
the ethereal double of one’s physical body; the ghost or image of one in the present or immediately preceding life. The
"BA" is
the soul.
The soul has no relation to the image of the body as it reincarnates from body to body throughout the lifetimes. The reason the pharaohs who were very close to the Gods could have several kas more than likely came from an ability to shape shift during astral projection. This ability is of the Gods.
The ANKH is the life-force;
the aura,
the "light body."
The Hebrew letters that many occult societies use in their ceremonies and such are bogus as Hebrew certainly isn’t the original writing or language. It is used for control.
derived originally from the Egyptian system, but they work very differently .... holder) instead of Kaballah which gains power from 10. the tool of analysis is ....
God Thunders:
9 "When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to [a]imitate the detestable things of those nations.
For the 301 level fools, TO COG tells you that the Kabballah uses as its base "the Numerological Tree of Life" that the Sepheirot are listed on:
Arabic / Farsi lineage of Abjad (as there are many forms of Abjad) and it discusses how Arabic Abjad is devided into 9 powers (how zero is used as place holder) instead of Kaballah which gains power from 10. the tool of analysis is 'numogram' which is another kabbalistic / Abjad form of Tree of Life except as numogram is constituted by syzygies (twin numbers) whose sum must be equal to 9 (the 9 is the ABJAD power) instead of 10 (see for example: [2]). other topics of discissions in that article about Abjad is [1] why Arabic Abjad is an exception and takes its power from 9 and letter ghain or its last letter is equal to 1000 (what does 1000 mean in the occult and mathematical numerology of Arabic Abjad?) [2] connection of numerology and especially Abjad with Philosophy of Deleuze and Gauttari's numeracy or numbering numbers [3] in the wake of numerous occult and numerology stuff on War on Terror on the net, the article depicts why Kaballah and Abjad are used frequently. [4] interesting properties of Abjad when it is applied (i.e. installed) to the Numogram (aka Decimal Labyrinth) and Tree of Life. The article is not mine but i thought it is a good text to show how Abjad has developed systematically and enters to occult and philosophy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AAbjad
Editor's Note:
It also involves the power of the 10 plus the 22 lines connecting the 10 Seipherot, whereby 1 power line enters another and then reverses backward.
< The Kabballastic Tree of Life whereby you reach a higher power state, instead of getting your power from God's Holy Spirit.
E.G.: Gevurah or geburah (גבורה) is the fifth sephirot in the kabbalistic tree of life, and it is the second of the emotive attributes of the sephirot. It sits below Binah, across from Chesed, and above Hod. It commonly has four paths leading to Binah, Chesed, Tiferet, and Hod (although some kabbalists draw a path from Gevurah to Hokhmah).
"YOU" are practicing Mysticism/Satanism
that was composed by Automatic Writing from Satan,
whether you say so or not.
"They are a nation without sense, there is no discernment in them." Deut 32:28
They are a church without sense, they are educated church fools practicing Satanism, and then lying that they are not practicing Jewish Mysticism,
Your minister is outrightly lying
that he is not adding practices to God Bible.
Egyptian Sipherot Satanic practices.
And he will "NOT" Repent
and just ducks the issue, telling us to love one another,
while he puts Satan's self-will Practices into your life!
New Topic:
In the past God overlooked... ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to REPENT. Acts 17:30.
We MUST preach Repentance,
because we TO COG are commanded to in the New Testament. Luke 24:17 And that repentance and release from bondage to sins SHOULD be preached in His Name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Release from bondage of sin is far more accurate, as it describes the PURIFICATION NECESSARY to avoid being kicked out of the Kingdom, because you are only half full of oil-obedience.
Acts 26:18 states that the Romans 9:28 work of TO COG is to open your eyes, and turn you from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan [Satan's Egyptian Sepheirot count] to God's Deut 12:32 and for you to be purified, by asking God to give you more of His Holy Spirit, so that you can have Wisdom and understanding.
The Holy Spirit "will" lead you into all truth, not an Egyptian Sepheirot count.
Ask Father to show you your character shortcomings and He will!
You do not do it by yourself.
You do it BY-
God's Holy Spirit

Grace is a "limited" period of time for you to repent in. God gives more grace to those of a humble (not mouthy) attitude.
Time is short. There will be no time left for you.
Some of my school acquaintances and my one time drummer Gary playing live their song "No Time left for You" > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXDlwkuInBY
Get it through your head that there will be no time left for you to repent in!
Who do you have to fight against?
NOT people in the street,
not the food store manager,
not the gas station cashier, but
instead you must
your "DIS"obedient Minister!
YOU have to be forceful to fight against your "DIS"obedient Minister, and
take the Kingdom by FORCE.
The Sheep must break down the walls!
The Sheep must Break forth
in obedience to God's Bible,
not to a Sinister who doesn't follow God's Bible!
Learn to FEAR GOD, and stop adding things to HIS way of life.
Or else you end up with 4,000+ different religions.
YOU are not a God, to add things to God's Bible way of life. Period.
Give your evil head a shake!
It was SATAN who offered the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil to eat of it.
Only TO COG Members are the Netsari that are the twigs from the Branch of "The Tree" of Life:
"Because" TO COG is the only Church that does not change or add 1 practice, word or letter to God's Bible.
TO COG only eats from Father's Tree,
and never eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, by adding man's words and practices to God's Bible.
REPENT, stop adding to God's Bible. FEAR GOD
or die.
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
In this Sermon also is:
1.) Call no one Rabbi. Rabbi means Master, and only Yeshua is your Master.
2.) The Rabbis say that you can have a "chicken" for Passover because the Temple has been destroyed.
God commands that you have lamb with bitter herbs.
Who are you going to believe?
God or man.
God states in Deut 12:32 do not add or take away "anything" from his Bible Torah. Period.
Stop following "men" instead of God!
221.) click here for Sermon of > May 25, 2013  
May 25, 2013

May 25, 2013 - 


Highlight of May 25 2013 Sermon:

1.) No "human man made" devised Satanically written Kabbalistic Sepheirot count is allowed.
Instead God commands you to ask "HIM", and not use some Rabbi's Satanic Kabballah formula.
God COMMANDS you to ask "HIM". Psalm 139:23-24:

Search me. = All of me; even my darkest secrets and deeds.
Test me. = To see if I am pure and true.
Tell me. = Let me know what you find.
Help me. = Show me how to correct my ways ­ lead me the right way.
2.) Keep the Law of Moses [including Deut 12:32 Do "NOT" add anything to God's Bible, and Don't lie that you are not adding a practice] least
Malachi 4:4-6
New International Version (NIV)
4 “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel...or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.”
3.) Your lying minister's way of adding practices, can "CAUSE" THE DESTRUCTION OF your Planet EARTH!
Wake up! Do you want your whole Planet destroyed because your lying minister wants to add practices, and then he lies and say he isn't adding practices to your religion!
Your minister is a lying wolf dressed in his sheep suit.
He is 1 of the 5 foolish virgins, who will be thrown out of the Kingdom to where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
His actions prove that he is lying.

4.) New Topic:
Morphogenetic fields
In the 1920s Harvard University psychologist William McDougall did experiments for 15 years in which rats learned [by themselves] to escape from a tank. The first generation of rats averaged
200 mistakes before they learned the right way out; the last generation
20 mistakes.
Later generations of rats did better even when they were not descendents of the earlier rats. This wasn't genetics at work. It was something else!
In the 1920s in Southampton, England, a bird called the blue tit discovered it could tear the tops of milk bottles on doorsteps and drink the cream. Soon this skill showed up in blue tits over a hundred miles away, which is odd in that they seldom fly further than 15 miles. Amateur bird-watchers caught on and traced the expansion of the habit. It spread faster and faster until by 1947 it was universal throughout Britain. In a parallel development, the habit had spread to blue tits in Holland, Sweden and Denmark. German occupation cut off milk deliveries in Holland for eight years -- five years longer than the life of a blue tit. Then, in 1948 the milk started to be delivered. Within months blue tits all over Holland were drinking cream, a habit that had taken decades to take hold before the war. Where did they get this knowledge?
Morphogenetic fields.
When people do evil in the World, "MORE" people start doing evil.
6.) Do NOT watch television, because "YOU" are being Programmed.
You are NOT "WATCHING" Programs: It is you who are "being programmed". That is why the are "called" Programs= to program YOU.
6 men (CEO's) control all that you see, hear and read in the USA.

7.) New Topic (Re-Discovered Truth):
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God.  But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 25, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 14, 5994
May 25, 2013
Highlights of May 25 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 25, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Sivan 14, 5994 Sermon:

May 25 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
222.) click here for Sermon of > June 01, 2013  
June 1, 2013

June 1, 2013 - 


Highlight of June 1 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 1, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 21, 5994
June 1, 2013
Highlights of June 1 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 1, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Sivan 21, 5994 Sermon:

June 1 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Intro "Theme" of today's Sabbath Service:
A Practical Guide to "ETERNAL" Life
Obey every jot of God, out of love for Him, and He will give you "ETERNAL" Life,
as you walk in His Son's/Yeshua's footsteps, (and Repent and be Baptized).
2.) The Catholic Church "hangs" itself, by admitting it changed Father's 7th Day to "SUN"day.
Actual "annotated" admissions of the Catholic Church stating that "it" changed God's Sabbath to "SUN"day.
3.) You "Want" God to rule over you, "because":
1.) You will not only have an abundant life Spiritually, but
2.) YOU WILL BE RICHER financially, free from all of Man's Phony Taxes (100 phony taxes on you listed).
3.) Taxes take your life's time/work.
May is known as Tax Month whereby you finally can stop working for the Government, and start working for yourself. You work only for the Government from January through May, whereby they take "all" your money from January to May.
"REALIZE" Father's Theocracy "IS" better for you!
Turn your Heart to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can have a more enjoyable life.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
223.) click here for Sermon of > June 8, 2013  
June 8, 2013

June 8, 2013 - 


Highlight of June 8 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 8, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 28, 5994
June 8, 2013
Highlights of June 8 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 8, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Sivan 28, 5994 Sermon:

June 8 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:

People who only obey 1/2 the Laws of God (and don't obey Ezekiel 46:3 God's coming New Moon Day this week) WON'T be in God's Kingdom because they are only 1/2 full of Oil. Matthew 25:2

3 types of deluded people who will be in the Lake of Fire:
A.) People who believe in Ecumenicalism thinking we will all be in the Kingdom if we just love God and that it doesn't matter what religion you are.
B.) People who think they don't have to obey any Law of God.
C.) The 5 foolish Virgins= People who only obey 1/2 the Laws of God and therefore only are only 1/2 full of Obedience/Oil.

New Topic:
The Ark of the Covenant will be placed inside the Capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
New Topic:
President Eisenhower made a deal with the Greys (demons) in 1954.

New Topic:
Father's New Moon Service (no work Holyday/Holiday) is this coming Monday or Tuesday Daytime (depending on the sighting of God's Crescent). Tune in on Monday / Tuesday to OBEY God's Ezekiel 46:3 Commandment, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.
Turn your Heart to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
224.) click here for Sermon of > June 11, 2013 New Moon 
June 11, 2013

June 11, 2013 - 


Highlight of June 11 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

1st Day 4th Month, 5994
June 11, 2013
Highlights of June 11 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of 1st Day 4th Month, 5994 Sermon:

June 11 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Intro "Theme" of today's Sabbath Service:
1.) Ministers:
Be like Yeshua, as a Friend "AND" a Leader.
Leaders "CAN" be your Friend "if" they want to.
I consider Yeshua my Friend "AND" my Leader= You ministers can be both to your members, "if" they "want" to be.

Ministers have to repent and "change".

Sermon Theme: Scriptures on "How to be a Loving Leader".

2.) The "whole" story/reason re the delay transferring Dankenbring's TriumphPro.


For 2 years prior Dankenbring was repeatedly asked and reminded to transfer it, but ignored-refused, and continued to "neglect and Refuse" to transfer it, until it expired.

New Topic:

3.) Fantastic music throughout this Sermon, "while" listing Yeshua's characteristics, and

a Speech from Martin Luther King titled: Wanting to be the Drum Major Leader, (instead of the Servant Leader).

Every month on God's New Moon (Month) Day we study into the character/characteristics of Yeshua, so that we can emulate-walk the way "He" walked.

Father's New Moon Service (no work Holyday/Holiday)"IS" to be OBEYED! 

Obey God's Ezekiel 46:3 Commandment, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:
The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
225.) click here for Sermon of > June 15, 2013  
June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013 - 


Highlight of June 15 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 15, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

5th Day 4th Month, 5994
June 15, 2013
Highlights of June 15 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 15, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of 5th Day 4th Month, 5994 Sermon:

June 15 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Fathers Day is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the "Sky fATHER'S Longest Day of the Year.
Topic 2.) This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.
Don't you dare wish your Father a Happy Fathers Day,
you will be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
Fathers Day is Occult.
Fathers Day is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day is explained to you, with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.
Intro "Theme" of today's Sabbath Service:
1.) Fathers Day is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the "Sky fATHER'S Longest Day of the Year.
2.) This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
226.) click here for Sermon of > June 22, 2013  
June 22, 2013

June 22, 2013 - 


Highlight of June 22 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 22, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

12th Day 4th Month, 5994
June 22, 2013
Highlights of June 22 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 22, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of 12th Day 4th Month, 5994 Sermon:

June 22 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:

1.) If you say you are a follower of Yeshua/Jesus, then why don't you walk as He walked without Pagan Days, without Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, Turkey gOD DAY?

You'd better be Takin' Care of your Spiritual Business = not goofing off> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJprEyXMrIk Do your Bible Study "EVERY WAY-EVERY DAY!"


2.) You need to be a Netsari, because "Christians" will be thrown into Hell by God.

Yeshua was not a Christian, but a Netsari.

Paul was not a Christian, but a Netsari.

James was not a Christian, but a Netsari.


3.) How did Satan set it up for Tkach to take over the 85,000 member Worldwide Church of God?


i.) Meredith tried to unseat Stan Rader.

ii.) Rader caught wind of this and fired Meredith.


iii.) Rader wanted to put in a "spiritual weakling" in position under him to replace Meredith, so that he (Rader) could not be unseated.

iv.) Rader found Joe Tkach Sr. to be the perfect uneducated spiritual weakling and "yes man" patsy.

v.) Tkach (who formerly was not even allowed to be in meetings of the WCG Hierarchy while 30 other Executives were), Rader put Tkach as "Head" of them all as Church Administrator.


i.) HWA was fawned over by Tkach, and

ii.) HWA did not want someone to overpower his (HWA's) legacy/image,

iii.) And HWA was deceived that Tkach would always be a Yes Man. HWA

iv.) And HWA sensing Tkach's unspiritual weakness and lack of speaking ability, and lack of charisma,

v.) selected/put Tkach in control of the whole Worldwide Church of God as Heir.

Tkach deceived HWA into thinking that "yes man" Tkach would "always" follow along with existing Church Doctrines.

That is how Satan tricked Rader and Armstrong

into putting Joe Tkach into a position of Power,

and the eventual takeover of the whole Worldwide Church of God.



Click here to check out our Newest Facts, including 36' Giants: http://1stcenturychristian.com/NewFacts.html  

You will "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast!

so you can get food.

So that you can pay your rent, and have a place to live/sleep.

So that you can get gas for your car.

So that you can get electricity for your home.

So that you can get fuel for your furnace.

Because you will "NOT" be allowed to buy any of the above!


But you must keep yourself unspotted from the World.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.


Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?

Jer 10:2


Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,

Deu 18:9


When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46


And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?



Obey God, so that you can

be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.


Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’


Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.


New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure"— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.


Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!


"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.


Why God speaks of your "Heart"

Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.

That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.

Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.

Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.

Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.

227.) click here for Sermon of > June 29, 2013  
June 29, 2013

June 29, 2013 - 


Highlight of June 29 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 29, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

19th Day 4th Month, 5994
June 29, 2013
Highlights of June 29 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
June 29, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of 19th Day 4th Month, 5994 Sermon:

June 29 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
TO COG is the CEO of "ALL" the Churches of God.
"YOUR" ministers don't know anything.
Dankenbring quit growing in 2008, and is Unteachable, as proven by the FACTS.
There was:
Armstrong 1934 - 1986
1 year of mourning for the fallen leader 1987
Dankenbring Jan 1987 to 2008
Ten years of Awe 2008 - 2018 the Romans 9:28 work of TO COG.
Wake up-STOP opposing the FACTS.
Starting 2008 WITH MY 2008 August ADMONITION TO:
Cleanse the House of the Lord.
Dankenbring "REFUSED" TO correct Satan's phony 1883 Date Line.
Dankenbring dis-fellowshipped R.F. in Australia. for keeping God's 7th Day Sabbath.
Dankenbring "insisted" on having his Turkey gOD on his table.
TO COG is "NOW" the CEO of all the COGS. Period.
The FACTS prove it, because NONE of the other COGS follow Yah's Bible. Period.
This is a Witness against you.
I don't want your tithes, because like Paul, I support myself.
I will be a Witness against YOU and "ALL" the lying COGS who claim to obey Yah, when they DON'T
Burn in Hellfire for your disobedience YOU 5 foolish virgins, who are only half full of oil, so "YOU" are kicked out of the Kingdom of God.
Rest in Peace, I wear black for you.
    This Sermon today has INFORMATION AS OF TOD
AY (that I tried to give to Dankenbring in 2007),
I tried to tell Dankenbring this information in 2007, but he couldn't even understand what POLYARCHY meant, and Capitola couldn't even understand it from her Dictionary.
NOW "Start" following
so that "YOU" will understand, OR ELSE, you also will remain IGNORANT of Yah's Timetable and Plan.
Highlights of God's 4th Month 19th Day 5994
June 29, 2013
Sabbath Worship
& Education Service
Intro "Theme" of today's Sabbath Service:
AND because you pay tithes to Churches that move GOD'S SABBATH to Friday in one-half of the World,
means that you are "NOT" A NETSARI,
Correct Translation via our associates:
1.) Flying Scroll is a Nuclear Warhead on a Rocket to punish/Destroy the USA for "YOUR" DIS-obedience while claiming to be God's Church!

Zechariah 5:4 Translated for you :
:4 I will send Rockets, says the Lord of Hosts;
it shall enter the house of the thief
And the house of the Churches.
It shall hit in the midst of your house.
And consume it, with its wood, and its basement.
:5 Then the angel who talked wit me come out and said to  me, "Lift up your eyes not, and see whjat this is that goes forth."
:6 So I asked, "What is this Rocket and Warhead?
And he said, "It is a Rocket Nosecone that is going forth".
He also said, "This is their semblence throughout the earth:
:7 "Here is the warhead in a lead disc flying.
and this is the fire sitting inside the Nosecone.
:8 Then he said: This is Nuclear War!" Abd he thrust the fire of the Nuclear Warhead down into the Nosecone of the Rocket,
and threw the lead cover over the fissionable material, so that it would not radiate-kill the workers loading it.
:9 Then I raised my eyes and looked and there were 2 Nuclear Explosions, coming with the wind in their wings;
for they had aircraft fins like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the Rocket between the earth and the Heaven.
:10 So I said to the angel who talked to me, "Where are they carrying the Rocket and Nosecone?"
:11 And he said to me, "To build a silo for it in the USA.; when it is ready, the rocket and nosecone will be set on its base." [and the 3rd World Nuclear War will be started by the USA].
You must listen to the tape to know what happens next, because we will not "spoon feed" you people who don't belong to us.

2.) New Topic:
The Vatican's "Lucifer Project" to introduce the Alien Saviour (impersonating Yeshua/Jesus) to the World.

3.) The Jesuit's continuing "Agenda of Death" will be continued by Pope Francis. (Pope Francis is the first "Jesuit" ever to be elected as Pope).
Pope France's oath, (and the oath that "must" be sworn to by all Jesuits, is to mislead the people, by pretending to be concerned for the poor, to "succer" the common man to be on their Satanic side.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on July 10, 2013
Ezekiel 46:3
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
228.) click here for Sermon of > July 6, 2013  
July 6, 2013

July 6, 2013 - 


Highlight of July 6 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 6, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

26th Day 4th Month, 5994
July 6, 2013
Highlights of July 6 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 6, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of 26th Day 4th Month, 5994 Sermon:

July 6 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
229.) click here for Sermon of > July 11, 2013 New Moon 
July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013 - 


Highlight of July 11 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Av 1, 5994
July 11, 2013
Highlights of July 11 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 11, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Av 1, 5994 Sermon:

July 11 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Intro "Theme" of today's Sabbath Service:
Sing and Pray to Father to Lead you by HIS Spirit,
so that you are not 1 of the 5 foolish virgins who are only obeying half= only half full of oil.
Will you repent?
He who knows to do right and does not do it= no sacrifice for your sins. Hebrews 10:26 because of "INTENTIONAL IGNORANCE".
You refuse to follow Ezekiel 46:3 so you REFUSE to have God's New Moon Day Service.
We are going to attack the Lying Ministers who lie to you that they are obeying God.
Because the "forceful people" take the Kingdom by force, by fighting against your "LYING" Ministers when "they" contradict God's Bible. Matthew 11:12.
You've got to "BREAK FORTH".

New Topic:
Your leader Obama is certifiably insane.
Obama had posters in the Press Conference that said: "WORSHIP ME".
Obama on National Television mocked God's Commandments.
The arrogance and the hubris is amazing. Obama is just like Nero. Nero= Obama.
i.) Nero= presiding over the destruction of the people of Rome.
ii.) Mao= presiding over the destruction of the people of China.
iii.) Obama presiding over the destruction of the people of the USA.
iv.) O. J. Simpson= Slit his wife's throat from ear to ear.
v.) Oliver North=
1st O=Sold arms to our enemy Iran, and then
2nd O= used the money to support the Contras in Nicaragua in violation of the USA Constitution.
6.) George Washington= Pitted the North against the South, pitted the Northern Bankers against the Southern Bankers who had slave labour whereby the Northern Banksters could not compete with the Southern Banksters.
Obama is presiding over the COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION.
And Obama is a Luciferian 32nd Degree Mason, and everyone is drinking his Kool-Aid. Like lemmings you are all heading over the cliff, and no one in the USA is saying anything to stop him. He like Hitler has a health program of Eugenics whereby people over 80 will "NOT" get Medical Treatment. He has a program like Hitler to take all the guns away from the people, just like Hitler took all the guns away from the German people, and so did all the tyrants of the World disarm the populace before they took TOTAL CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE in violation of the Constitution.
New Topic:
1.) China is going to invade the United States and take over via "Imminent Domain" for the 4 Trillion+ in cash and Treasury Bills that we owe China.
2.) China will start by taking over all of California and Iowa, and under International Law China is entitled to do so. China owns the Deep Water ports on the West Coast of the USA and will invade the USA via the Pacific Ocean.
3.) China will then allow you to "rent back" your land, home, property, from them, and if you can't pay, will make you a "slave".
THAT IS "HOW" YOU WILL BE CHINA'S SLAVE! Just as the Bible predicted.

Every New Month Day we study the characteristics of God, and today we discuss how

Ending "Theme" of Service is how you love to be your Father God's Servant and how He loves you:
When I was 2 years old my father taught me to load records on the Record Player for him, (when he was sitting on the couch). He also taught me to identify certain records by name.
When my father's friends came over, and they were all sitting in the living room, my father asked me to put on a certain record for him. As a 2 year old I was enthralled by the Record Player and it was a great honour for me to "serve" my father, by putting on the records for him. His friends were "amazed" that a 2 year old could put on the correct records, and my father was proud of me.
That is how your Father in Heaven views your Service to "HIM", and that is how you love to serve him, by your being enthralled with the Universe that Father lets you live in, and tend, and care for him, just like Adam was instructed to "dress and keep the garden".
It is a love relationship, not a slave relationship, but a servant to Father relationship, with both educating and helping the other.
Closing Song: We've got to get on back to the Garden, and indeed be allowed back into the Garden to dress and keep it, being in love with our Father, and Father is so proud of us and rewards us with more responsibility, which we in turn thrive on as we grow up to be like Father, as He teaches us about the whole Universe, and enables us to transverse it, and nurture it. To nurture everything we touch, just as "He" does. What a wonderful life, to get back to the Garden of nurturing Father's magnificent Universe-Garden.

AND because you pay tithes to Churches that move GOD'S SABBATH to Friday in one-half of the World,
means that you are "NOT" A NETSARI,
so, YOU WILL have your head cut off in the Tribulation.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on July 11, 2013
Ezekiel 46:3
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
230.) click here for Sermon of > July 13, 2013  
July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013 - 


Highlight of July 13 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 13, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Av 3, 5994
July 13, 2013
Highlights of July 13 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 13, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Av 3, 5994 Sermon:

July 13 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Intro "Themes" of Yah's Sabbath Service
Sermonette: Your Ministers know "NOTHING" of the true Satanic men who "ARE" controlling the World.
1.) American states such as California and Iowa will be given to the Chinese to pay for the Debt to the Chinese.
2.) America has already been "raped" because 7 American Islands were given to Russia in 2012.
3.) Pope Francis serves Lucifer as stated in the "VOWS" that Francis took, because Francis is a Jesuit, and Jesuits serve Lucifer, AND take an Oath that they will "LIE" to the people to cover up their diabolical plan for World Ruler ship!
Point # 88 of Jesuit Manifesto: "Our Master Satan will continue to lead us, for he is gOD!"
Point #90 of the Jesuit Manifesto:
"WE" RULE the World.
"WE" weaken and deceive Nations.
Our only enemy is the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, and we shall kill Him [again].
That is what Pope Francis believes because "he" is a Jesuit.
4.) Discussion of "2 of the" qualities of Yeshua.
5.) Obama and his Hindu gOD that Obama carries with him where ever he goes. The Monkey God Hanuman.
6.) Obama has a ring on that says:
"There is NO God but Allah."
7.) It's a big farce about invading all the Countries of the Middle East, saying that the people "hate" their leaders, when in fact the people "loved" Kaddafi-Libya, and love Pres Bashar al-Assad-Syria.
8.) They loved Kaddafi because:
i.) Before the USA-NATO invasion Libya had the "Highest Standard of Living" in Africa, even ahead of Saudi Arabia, and Brazil:
ii.) When you got married in Libya the Government gives you $50,000.00 FREE to purchase a home.
iii.) Electricity is "free" for everyone in Libya.
iv.) In Libya a home is considered a Human Right, and there are no homeless in Libya.
v.) Before Kaddafi only 20% of Libyans could read.
After Giraffe NOW 83% of Libyans "can" read.
vi.) The HIGHEST Education is FREE in Libya.
vii.) HealthCare is "FREE in Libya.
viii.) HealthCare was of the "HIGHEST QUALITY" in Libya with Kaddafi.
ix.) The Libyan Government pays the full cost for Libyans to go abroad for the finest specialized HealthCare treatment.
x.) The Libyan Government pays the full cost for Libyans to go abroad for the Highest Education Doctorates.
xi.) All loans are Interest FREE in Libya.
xii.) All loans are 0% interest in Libya.
xiii.) If you buy a car, the Libyan Government pays 50% of the price.
xiv.) The price of gas in Libya under Kaddafi was .14 cents a gallon.
xv.) Anyone wishing to be a farmer is:
1.) Given FREE use of the land.
2.) Given a FREE HOME.
5.) Given FREE SEEDS.
xvi.) There is NO Federal Sales Tax.
xvii.) There is NO State Sales Tax.
xviii.) Income tax is "only" 15% (nearly like God's 10%).
THE LIBYAN PEOPLE "LOVED" Muammar Kaddafi, and rightly so.
1.7 MILLION Libyan individuals assembled in Green Square Tripoli to "SUPPORTED" Kaddafi!
95% of the population "LOVED" Kaddafi. (51%+ of Americans disapprove of Obama.)
The Libyan Central Bank is controlled by the people and owned by the people, "NOT" the Banksters.
The Libyan Central Bank issues debt free NO INTEREST money, for you to start your own Business.
The Living standards of Libya were "better" than the living standards of the USA. The FACTS prove it.
Your Fox etc. TV News is a "CLOWN SHOW" OF LIES.
"YOU" know NOTHING of the "real" World, because "you" watch THE TV's 6 Corporations' controlled News.

GOD's Obedient Church will lead you to the truth. Find your safety and protection in GOD's "Obedient" Church.
The Proof is in the FACTS OF OUR BROADCASTS.
We "ARE" the Roman's 9:28 Work of Yah.
We "WILL" lead you through the narrow gate.
Wisdom is given to those who "obey" the Commandments. Psalm 111:10.

Sermon: Gluttony is the same as Homosexuality. They "both" involve "EXCESS" indulgence of the flesh.
LIARS says Titus: The ministers say they obey Yah, when in fact the ministers dis-obey "AND" are fat gluttons. Titus 1:12
Gluttony is even worse because the fruit of the Spirit is self-control, and gluttons have NO SELF CONTROL!
To be in the Kingdom you have to have the Fruit of the Spirit, which is self control.
What is the "OPPOSITE" OF the fruit of the Spirit= no self control.
Self Control is a fruit of the Spirit so get re-baptized you Gluttons, so that you can have God's Spirit in you to assist you.
Gluttony is "WORSE" than Homosexuality because
Gluttons do it ALL DAY LONG
3 TO 10 TIMES a day,
each and every day of their life.
Gluttony versus self control. Galations 5:23.
Gluttons are "WORSE" than Homosexuals
who only indulge themselves "once" a week.

AND because you pay tithes to Churches that move GOD'S SABBATH to Friday in one-half of the World,
means that you are "NOT" A NETSARI,
so, YOU WILL have your head cut off in the Tribulation.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on July 11, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
231.) click here for Sermon of > July 20, 2013  
July 20, 2013

July 20, 2013 - 


Highlight of July 20 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 20, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Av 10, 5994
July 20, 2013
Highlights of July 20 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 20, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Av 10, 5994 Sermon:

July 20 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
If you are a Christian then REPENT and become a Netsari like Paul, James, and Yeshua. The Greatest Deception on Earth has been perpetrated on Christians.
God "Will" Punish sinners, Christians, and the 5 foolish Virgins (offshoots of the WCG). Only the Netsari of the Sect of Paul will be saved. Acts 24:5 "Paul was the ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes." Paul nor James, nor Yeshua were Christians. They were all Netsari.  
Turn from "your" sins.
God will judge you according to the "mirror" of His laws.
If you take His Name in vain He "will" punish you according to His law.
If you love the things of this world, then you are an enemy of God.
IF YOU do NOT follow every jot of Yah's Bible, then you are creating a Religion out of your own imagination.
That is why there are 4000+ religions on earth, and 300+ religions from the offshoots of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God).
They all add or subtract something to Yah's Bible.
The only Church that does not add or subtract anything from Yah's Bible is: The Obedient Church of God.
Sermon (starts approximately at the 60 minute mark) :
The NWO (New World Order) will produce and "Alien" Saviour.
1.) The Aliens are "NOT" from another Galaxy.
2.) They are Demons coming in from the 4th Dimension.
3.) The 4 Dimensions explained re the Hypercube.
4.) There are 2 categories of flying saucers:
i.) Demonic.
ii.) Manmade.
5.) You can distinguish the Demonic from the Manmade because the Demonic appear and disappear.
6.) There will be 2 Popes: An Anti-Pope and a regular Pope. All the 1.2 Billion Catholics will be so confused that they will follow the Alien Saviour instead.
7.) All the Jews will also follow the Alien Saviour.
8.) All the Christians will follow the Alien Saviour.
9.) How to know who to follow:
The "2nd" Christ to arrive will be the real Christ.
10.) The Greatest deception of Satan is inventing the Christian Religion to replace Yah's, Paul's, James's Netsari religion.
The true religion of Yah is NOT Christianity, but Netsari.
Acts 24:5 "Paul was the ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes." Not Paul, nor James, nor Yeshua were Christians. They were all Netsari.
"YOU" also must become a Netsari, "IF" you want to have eternal life, and not be thrown into the Lake of Fire. See-click on the words Spiritual Healing at www.TheWorldTomorrow.org
GOD's Obedient Church will lead you to the truth. Find your safety and protection in GOD's "Obedient" Church.
The Proof is in the FACTS OF OUR BROADCASTS.
We "ARE" the Roman's 9:28 Work of Yah.
We "WILL" lead you through the narrow gate.
Wisdom is given to those who "obey" the Commandments. Psalm 111:10.

AND because you pay tithes to Churches that move GOD'S SABBATH to Friday in one-half of the World,
means that you are "NOT" A NETSARI,
so, YOU WILL have your head cut off in the Tribulation.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on July 11, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
232.) click here for Sermon of > July 27, 2013  
July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013 - 


Highlight of July 27 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 27, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Av 17, 5994
July 27, 2013
Highlights of July 27 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 27, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Av 17, 5994 Sermon:

July 27 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
233.) click here for Sermon of > August 3, 2013  
August 3, 2013

August 3, 2013 - 


Highlight of August 3 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 3, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Av 24, 5994
August 3, 2013
Highlights of August 3 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 3, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Av 24, 5994 Sermon:

August 3 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
At the 1 hour mark:
The POOP will call Yeshua the Antichrist, and the POOP will get all Nations to "believe" that Yeshua "IS" the Antichrist.
The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact all the Christians today are Pagans.
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, and instead celebrated Mother gODDESS DAY, SKY fATHERS DAY, and TURKEY gOD DAY.
There is much Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on July 11, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
234.) click here for Sermon of > August 9, 2013 New Moon 
August 9, 2013

August 9, 2013 - 


Highlight of August 9 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 1, 5994
August 9, 2013
Highlights of August 9 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Elul 1, 5994 Sermon:

August 9 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
All Christians ARE practicing PAGAN ways,
and you "are" a Goat,
because Goats don't follow, and
you don't follow God's New Moon Day! 


God's Sheep "do" worship Father today Friday August 9, 2013 - 

on the 1st of Elul, using God's New Month Day.

Information in this Broadcast will show you that "YOU" don't know anything of the World's reality.
Aliens have been broadcasting real SCIENCE but also have been poisoning and polluting the Human Race for HUNDREDS OF YEARS to kill us.
1954 Greada Treaty signed by Eisenhower Feb 20, 1954. allowing the Nephilim to steal cattle and humans to experiment on, so that the Nephilim could continue to improve their own bodies.
This Treaty was in exchange for Alien Technology, and this is why you had the explosion of Technology (especially the Computer) and Fiber Optics in the 1960s.
All this technology was given to the servants of the Nephilim the Banksters and their corporations, using the Aliens' Technology.
Eisenhower commissioned a group of scholars-the Jason Society to review the 1957 agreement along with the "Order of the Quest", and also the men known as the

"WISE" men of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).

The Aliens also own Antarctica, and defeated the Americans in the Antarctic war of 1947.
Antarctic under the ice is 80 degrees above, in some places with warm rivers of water from underground lava flows.

Nephilim only live to be 900 years old.
Obedient Angels do not cohabitate with women, but dis-obedient Angels do go into the Daughters of Man.
Numbers 13:32 The Nephilim are still around.

If you break one Law you are guilty of all.
What distinguishes a criminal?
Answer: Steal from someone one time, you are now a criminal.
If you break 1 law of God, you are a criminal also. James 2:10
If you "don't" keep New Moon Day, then you are guilty of all.
Criminals who just break 1 law go to jail,
and so do you.
The plans of the Aliens were that they would get you to break one Law and/or many Laws of God, so that you would lose your Eternal life, so that you could not rule over the Angels/Aliens.

John 5:43 if another comes in "his" own name, "him" you will receive.

Genesis 6:4 There were Giants on the earth in those days and "ALSO" AFTERWARD.

3 separate Countries control the World.
1.) The Finances of the World are controlled by separate country called the City of London (inside the city of London England).
2.) Religion is controlled by the Vatican in Rome in the separate country of the Vatican.
3.) The "muscle to enforce the Banksters'

Project Sigma resulted in face to face contact with the Aliens.
Project Plato resulted in face to face contact with the Aliens. Their plan was to deceive the whole World, and believed they could take over the whole World by deceiving the whole World.
They are going to mingle with the seed of men. Daniel 2:43.
Valiant Thor is the best human looking Alien.
In the end time, all that is hidden will be revealed. Luke 8:17.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact all the Christians today are Pagans.
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins "refused" to put on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, and instead celebrated Mother gODDESS DAY, SKY fATHERS DAY, and TURKEY gOD DAY.
There is much Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.

Overview to prepare you for the "Alien Saviour":
"YOU" don't know anything of the World's reality.
Aliens have been broadcasting PHONY SCIENCE and have been poisoning and polluting the Human Race for HUNDREDS OF YEARS to kill us. 
1954 Greada Treaty signed by Eisenhower Feb 20, 1954. allowing the Nephilim to steal cattle and humans to experiment on, so that the Nephilim could continue to improve their own bodies.
This Treaty was in exchange for Alien Technology, and this is why you had the explosion of Technology (especially the Computer) and Fiber Optics in the 1960s.
All this technology was given to the servants of the Nephilim the Banksters and their corporations, using the Aliens' Technology.
Eisenhower commissioned a group of scholars-the Jason Society to review the 1957 agreement along with the "Order of the Quest", and also the men known as the "WISE" men of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).
The Aliens also own Antarctica, and defeated the Americans in the Antarctic war of 1947.
Antarctic under the ice is 80 degrees above, in some places with warm rivers of water from underground lava flows.
Nephilim only live to be 900 years old.
Obedient Angels do not cohabitate with women, but dis-obedient Angels do go into the Daughters of Man.
Numbers 13:32 The Nephilim are still around.
Genesis 6:4 There were Giants on the earth in those days and "ALSO" AFTERWARD.
3 separate Countries control the World:
1.) The Finances of the World are controlled by separate country called the City of London (inside the city of London England).
2.) Religion is controlled by the Vatican in Rome in the separate country of the Vatican.
3.) The "muscle to enforce the Banksters' World domination is supplied by the USA in the separate country of Washington, D.C..

Project Sigma resulted in face to face contact with the Aliens.
Project Plato resulted in face to face contact with the Aliens. Their plan was to deceive the whole World, and believed they could take over the whole World by deceiving the whole World.

They are going to mingle with the seed of men. Daniel 2:43.

The Vatic Project.
WE the Obedient Church of God have to tell you all of this so that you are not deceived by the Alien Saviour who looks just like you.

The 1st savior to come will be the false savior, but the 2nd Saviour to arrive will be Yeshua.

Crimen Sollicitationis commands all Catholics to suppress all information of child rape and child trafficking in the Catholic church. If there wasn't child trafficking and child rape in the Catholic church, then POOP Francis would not have to tell his members not to report such.

Brussels Proclamation of August 4 2013 states that POOP Francis should be arrested for covering up the rapes and child trafficking.

Characteristics of Elisha:
Elisha "WILL" obey every Law of God.

The only protection you will have is
if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact all the Christians today are Pagans.
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, and instead celebrated Mother gODDESS DAY, SKY fATHERS DAY, and TURKEY gOD DAY.
There is much Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on July 11, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
235.) click here for Sermon of > August 10, 2013  
August 10, 2013

August 10, 2013 - 


Highlight of August 10 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 10, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 2, 5994
August 10, 2013
Highlights of August 10 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 10, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Elul 2, 5994 Sermon:

August 10 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Your COG ministers "are" breaking God's Laws, and refusing to repent. Your COG ministers are leading you straight into Hell by teaching you disobedience. Teaching you to practice the lie of Turkey gOD DAY, Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, AND
Your minister/sinister will "NOT" be in God's Kingdom per God's Bible:
Revelations 21:27 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie:
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither [whatsoever] worketh abomination, or [maketh] a lie:
Anyone who practices their ministers/sinisters lies will be thrown into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Revelations 22:15 New International Version
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

2.) Now that we prepared you to be aware that an Alien Saviour will appear Daniel 2:43,
3.) Now we have to prepare you for what the Alien Saviour will "do":
The Alien Saviour will deceive people just like Simon Magus did in the past:
The Alien Saviour will be able to make stone statues walk and talk, just like Simon Magus did. The Alien Saviour will be able to fly just like Simon Magnus did.
Simon "Magus" was "flying" over the rooftops of the Samaritans, in an attempt to cause people to think of him as a gOD.
Simon "Peter", Yeshua's Disciple intercede so that the people wouldn't be deceived; and praying, Simon Peter and the angels caused Simon Magus to lose his power and fall-plunge headfirst down to the earth, killing Magus instantly.
4.) There is only 1 Church group that Yeshua built that is identical to the 1st Century Church 
E.G.: TO COG USA, TO COG Canada, TO COG Pakistan,
they all speak the SAME THING.
5.) We "ARE" the end-time Romans 9:28 short work, that will restore all things. Matthew 17:11.
1.) No moving Yah's Sabbath to Friday in one half of the World.
2.) No Mother gODDESS Day.
3.) No Sky fATHERS Day.
4.) No Turkey gOD Day.
5.) Why do you celebrate the above days that are not in God's Bible, yet you refuse to celebrate-worship on New Moon Day which "is" in the Bible and commands you to worship God on every New Moon Day. Why do you follow the Devil's 4000 year old Turkey gOD Day, but refuse to follow God's Ezekiel 46:3 command of New Moon Day?
6.) Why do you refuse to pilgrimage to 3 Feasts a year as Deuteronomy 16:16 commands?
7.) Why do you say you use potential visibility, and then say that you do not use potential visibility. God commands 2 witnesses, yet on tape you said NO in 2012.
8.) Why do you say you are not a 1st Century Church but claim to be God's Church.
9.) Why do you have the Bread and Wine on the 15th when God's Bible clearly states the 14th. You have it 1 hour before the 15 starts, which is on the 14, a "twist away from the light".
10.) "YOU" started out the Days of Unleavened Bread the 15th by sinning on the 1st Day of unleavened Bread, when Yah commanded you to take it on the 14th. 
Numbers 28:16 And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover of the LORD.
Numbers 9:11 They must offer the Passover sacrifice one month later, at twilight on the fourteenth day of the second month.
11.) Why do you do a Satanic Sepheirot Count that all the Witches and Warlocks and Occultists do, to gain more power. The Sepheirot is in the Satanic Kabballah.
12.) Why do you take Offerings 7 times a year, when God's Bible "clearly" states 3 times.
13.) Why do you refuse to sleep in the Sukkot for 7 days as commanded by God.
14.) Why do you put tassels on a scarf/tallit, when God tells you to put the tassels on the 4 corners of your daily clothes. Just shut your eyes if you want to communicate to God, you don't need a scarf.

TO COG "only" Follows what is written in God's Bible.

TO Church of God Anthem

The [Christ's] Church has ["only"] 1 Foundation

6.) The Anthem of TO COG:

The church has 1 foundation,’Tis Jesus Christ her Lord;
She is His new creation, through water-by the Word.
From Heav’n He came and sought her, to be His Holy bride;
With His own blood, He bought her, and for her life, He died. +
Her Charter of Salvation: 1 Christ, 1 faith, 1 birth.
1 Holy name she blesses, partakes 1 Holy food;
And to 1 hope she presses, with every grace endued.

Long with a scornful wonder, men saw her sore oppressed,
By schisms rent asunder; By heresies distressed.
Yet saints their watch were keeping, to hail a brighter day,
When God should stop their weeping, take their reproach away.

The evening sun is shining, the cloudy day is past;
The time of their repining is at an end at last.
The voice of God is calling, to unity again;
Division walls are falling, with all the Creeds of men.

Back to the 1 foundation, from sects and Creeds made free,
Come saints of every nation, to blessed unity.
Once more the ancient glory, shines as in days of old,
And tells the wondrous story— 1 Christ, 1 faith, 1 fold.

Editor's Note: Public Domain, therefore may be used as Anthem.

7.) There will be only 1 Marriage Supper of the Lamb, so if you are not in the 1st Resurrection you will NOT be married to Yah, but will just be one of his children,
(if you make it into the 2nd Resurrection of Isaiah 65:20.

The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on this Friday August 9, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
236.) click here for Sermon of > August 17, 2013 All wars are Banksters Wars: Best Summation= Best "OVERVIEW" PROOF ever! 
August 17, 2013

August 17, 2013 - 


Highlight of August 17 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 17, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 9, 5994
August 17, 2013
Highlights of August 17 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 17, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Elul 9, 5994 Sermon:

August 17 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
This Sermon is "DEDICATED" to
Helping you understand the World now,
and for you to know the Future events.
Hint: The King of the South is being set up now, through the Muslim Brotherhood of Sunnis (even though the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is taking a beating now in August 2013), they will prevail in Egypt and other Countries to set up the King of the South next year.
The reason the Muslim Brotherhood is taking a beating now in Egypt is because Egypt itself will "not" be a "powerful" member of the King of the South.

How you can be Sealed By God
The only protection you will have is: if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on this Friday August 9, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.
237.) click here for Sermon of > August 24, 2013  
August 24, 2013

August 24, 2013 - 


Highlight of August 24 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 24, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 16, 5994
August 24, 2013
Highlights of August 24 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 24, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Elul 16, 5994 Sermon:

August 24 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) NO buying Restaurant meals or anything on God's Holy Sabbath.

2.) Clip of Mr. Armstrong stating ON VIDEO these words: The Work is FINISHED.

At 1 hour 32 minutes and again at

1 hour 40 minutes and again at

1 hour 46 minutes.

That "IS" what your leader stated.

Sela: Think on that, and get yourself ready for Yeshua, to head out to the Wilderness.

All you Worldwiders out there, did you hear what your LEADER STATED?

That the work of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom had been finished, when he died in 1986.

3.) Now is the time (since 1986) that the Jewels will be sorted out and Polished via all the offshoot Churches and people to "see" what they DO:

The jewels will be polished,
The way that God wills,
When we're all gathered into,
The "Place of Safety" Hills.

You as the Bride are to be NOW getting yourself ready, NOT preaching the Gospel. The Gospel was already preached "AS" Mr. A. went before Kings, and no other minister is or will go before KINGS.

Follow God's sign of the Sabbath. Ezekiel 20:20. Revelations 14:12 They keep the Commandments. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it HOLY.

That's the end of the Book, that's the end of the Sermon.

We "ARE" the end-time Romans 9:28 short work, that will restore all things. Matthew 17:11.

1.) No moving Yah's Sabbath to Friday in one half of the World.
2.) No Mother gODDESS Day.
3.) No Sky fATHERS Day.
4.) No Turkey gOD Day.
5.) Why do you celebrate the above days that are not in God's Bible, yet you refuse to celebrate-worship on New Moon Day which "is" in the Bible and commands you to worship God on every New Moon Day. Why do you follow the Devil's 4000 year old Turkey gOD Day, but refuse to follow God's Ezekiel 46:3 command of New Moon Day?
6.) Why do you refuse to pilgrimage to 3 Feasts a year as Deuteronomy 16:16 commands?
7.) Why do you say you use potential visibility, and then say that you do not use potential visibility. God commands 2 witnesses, yet on tape you said NO in 2012.
8.) Why do you say you are not a 1st Century Church but claim to be God's Church.
9.) Why do you have the Bread and Wine on the 15th when God's Bible clearly states the 14th. You have it 1 hour before the 15 starts, which is on the 14, a "twist away from the light".
10.) "YOU" started out the Days of Unleavened Bread the 15th by sinning on the 1st Day of unleavened Bread, when Yah commanded you to take it on the 14th.
Numbers 28:16 And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover of the LORD.
Numbers 9:11 They must offer the Passover sacrifice one month later, at twilight on the fourteenth day of the second month.
11.) Why do you do a Satanic Sepheirot Count that all the Witches and Warlocks and Occultists do, to gain more power. The Sepheirot is in the Satanic Kabballah.
12.) Why do you take Offerings 7 times a year, when God's Bible "clearly" states 3 times.
13.) Why do you refuse to sleep in the Sukkot for 7 days as commanded by God.
14.) Why do you put tassels on a scarf/tallit, when God tells you to put the tassels on the 4 corners of your daily clothes. Just shut your eyes if you want to communicate to God, you don't need a scarf.
etc., etc.,

And tells the wondrous story— 1 Christ, 1 faith, 1 fold.

There will be only 1 Marriage Supper of the Lamb,
so if you are not in the 1st Resurrection you will NOT be married to Yah, but will just be one of his children,
(if you even make it into the 2nd Resurrection of Isaiah 65:20).

The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on this Friday August 9, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.
New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.
English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.



"Continue" to be Deceived

by Satan's System!


Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,

Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)
New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.
English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Righteousness IS right deed to follow "every" word of Yah.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"SOFTEN" your Heart
to follow Yah's every jot,
so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.

Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
238.) click here for Sermon of > August 31, 2013  
August 31, 2013

August 31, 2013 - 


Highlight of August 31 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 31, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 23, 5994
August 31, 2013
Highlights of August 31 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 31, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Elul 23, 5994 Sermon:

August 31 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Video Highlights:
Split Sermon Section A:
1.) Christ could take a WHIP to you, just like He did to the moneychangers in the Temple,
BECAUSE you are the Temple of God for God dwells inside you, and "YOU" are conducting business WITH God's Temple on the Sabbath,
by "YOUR" taking your Temple into a Restaurant on the Sabbath and exchanging Money for Food.
You "ARE" defiling the Temple of God, just like the moneychangers did!!! You are taking God's Temple (=you) into a place of Business on God's Holy Sabbath Day. 
You "ARE" defiling the Temple of God JUST like the moneychangers did!
Christ could take a WHIP to you, just like He did to the moneychangers that defiled the Temple, that which you are (which [temple] ye are).
Christ did it once, and He can do it again, you disobedient self-willed brat!!!
2.) Your minister will lead you right into Hell.
3.) God used UN-converted Nebuchadnezzar to reveal His whole plan for humanity Daniel 2:6, and
God used UN-converted Cyrus to build His Temple Ezra 1:1-2.
Both unconverted, but God used them.
Therefore follow only what the Bible states, and do not be led astray by UN-converted ministers who disobey God.
Yeshua did not add 1 thing to Father's Law, and neither should you!
That means:
1.) NO Satanic Occult Sepheirot Balancing for 49 days, from the Jewish Occult Book of Mysticism.
2.) NO moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half of the World.
3.) NO Mother gODDESS DAY.
5.) NO Turkey gOD DAY.
6.) NO buying on God's Sabbath Days via hiring and paying Restaurant workers.
6.) You even tip=REWARD people for working on God's Sabbath Day, instead of telling them NOT to work on God's Holy Sabbath Rest Day.
Do NOT add or change anything from the 1st Century Gospel that was given to the Saints. Or you will be accursed. Galations 1:6; :9. 
Split Sermon Section B:
The End Time Syria-Iran Wars whereby Russia will arm the King of the South. Russia is setting up the King of the South!
9-11 Occurred on Elul 23= today. The threat to attack Syria with Missiles was also made today on Elul 23.

23 Elul 5701 - September 15, 1941:

The Nazis murdered eight thousand Jews from Golina, Slupca and Konin, in the Biskupi Vygoda forest in Poland. Many of them were shot while many more were burned alive, Hy"d.

23 Elul 5702 - September 5, 1942:

Yahrtzeit of HaRav Yitzchak Menachem Danziger, the Alexander Rebbe, author of Akeidat Yitzchak, killed in Treblinka with eightof his children, Hy"d.

23 Elul 5703 - September 23, 1943:

After hearing an order from the Gestapo to gather at the gate of the ghetto, the Jews of Tuczyn, Ukraine burned down their own homes to keep them from the murderers. The Jews fought a fierce battle. Many of the Jews who fled the certain death were caught by local Ukrainian farmers and returned to the Nazis. Only. fifteen Jews from the Tuczyn ghetto survived the war. Hy"d.

23 Elul 5703 - September 23, 1943:

The Vilna Ghetto was liquidated.

23 Elul 5761 - September 11, 2001:

Some 3,000 people died in the attacks, In fact, the attacks claimed an estimated at 400-500 Jewish victims, including five Israelis. However, it has been speculated that indeed many Jews may have been late for work that day, since the attack occurred a few days prior to Rosh Hashana, when Jews extend their morning prayers with the "Selichot" service.


1.) Your COG ministers "are" breaking God's Laws, and refusing to repent. Your COG ministers are leading you straight into Hell by teaching you disobedience. Teaching you to practice the lie of Turkey gOD DAY, Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, AND
Your minister/sinister will "NOT" be in God's Kingdom per God's Bible:
Revelations 21:27 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie:
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither [whatsoever] worketh abomination, or [maketh] a lie:
Anyone who practices their ministers/sinisters lies will be thrown into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Revelations 22:15 New International Version
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Instead come Back to the 1 foundation, from sects and Creeds made free,
Come saints of every nation, to blessed unity.
Once more the ancient glory, shines as in days of old,
And tells the wondrous story— 1 Christ, 1 faith, 1 fold.

Editor's Note: Public Domain, therefore may be used as Anthem.

7.) There will be only 1 Marriage Supper of the Lamb, so if you are not in the 1st Resurrection you will NOT be married to Yah, but will just be one of his children,
(if you make it into the 2nd Resurrection of Isaiah 65:20.

The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on this Friday August 9, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
239.) click here for Sermon of > September 7, 2013  
September 7, 2013

September 7, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 7 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 7, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 30, 5994
September 7, 2013
Highlights of September 7 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 7, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Elul 30, 5994 Sermon:

September 7 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Split Sermon A:
You'll "KNOW" who the "goats" are tomorrow on God's Bible's New Moon Day,
the "goats" will refuse to show up. Goats refuse to follow. Goats refuse to follow God's clear instruction to assemble on God's New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3.
Goats "don't" follow God's days.

Split Sermon B:
The end times scenario is more complex than you can imagine:
Re the King of the South and the King of the North:
None of the COGs (Churches of God) realize:
There are actually "3" Kings not 2.
1.) The King/Leader of Fierce Countenance leading/bullying the UN "now".
Played by Obama as the "Man of Fearsome Countenance" who now gives Putin the "Death Stare":
And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. (Daniel 8:23)
2.) The King of the South: possibly Syria, backed by Russia.
3.) The King of the North: possible Germany, leading the U.N. later circa 2016.

Another point all the COG misunderstand is:
Instead of just 10 Kings there are 11:
After the 10 Kings (including Obama) are ruling the Whole World via the UN, circa April 2014 to September 2017, "then" the ALIEN Saviour appears, and mingles with the "seed of men". Daniel 2:43
The Alien Saviour is the 11th King.
"After" the 1st 3 1/2 years of the UN Beast Ruling the Earth the 11th Alien Saviour King overthrows 3 Kings of the 10. The 3 overthrown are:
1.) The USA.
2.) England and its British Commonwealth of Nations, and
3.) France.
The USA, England and its British Commonwealth, and France go into captivity circa September 2017 to April 2021,
but it could be sooner because if those days were not cut short, no flesh would be saved alive. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh ... for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Matthew 24:22.
The Pope (Ratzinger/Benedict) and the Anti-Pope Bergoglio/Francis are right in front of your eyes "NOW".

New Topic:
Realize "why" they "REALLY" murdered Christ.
Because Christ overthrew the whole Country's/their Money Changing Business, and that was the final straw. So just 4 days later, they had Christ murdered.
Just like President Lincoln was murdered, and President Kennedy was murdered, because Lincoln and Kennedy wanted to take away today's the business of the Kenites. Back in Christ's day the Kenites had infiltrated the Sanhedrin and took jobs as Pharisees and Sadducees.
Likewise true to their character, the Kenites have infiltrated most of the World's Financial institutions today also.
The Kenites exist today, as the Illuminati, as they are also encompassing the Masonic Order, Shriners and Jesuits etc.. 
The Kenites are the Jews that say they are Jews but are not. They are Kenites from Canaan who "joined" the Jews. Revelations 3:9: They are all of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;. More on future Broadcast.

The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on this Friday August 9, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
240.) click here for Sermon of > September 8, 2013 Feast of Trumpets 
September 8, 2013

September 8, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 8 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 8, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 1, 5994
September 8, 2013
Highlights of September 8 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 8, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 1, 5994 Sermon:

September 8 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
1.) Repent you 5 foolish Virgins and:
Christians "ARE" PAGANS following all the Pagan days and ways, but calling themselves Christ's Followers!
2.) Bible Verses about Gluttony.
3.) Repent and be a 1st Century Netsari,
"not" a 3rd Century Christian,
or Burn in Hell.
4.) All your COG ministers are sucking God's life out of you:
All of your COG ministers are preventing you from being what Father wants you to be.
DO NOT listen to ministers who tell you to DIS-obey God's Bible, by saying that you don't have to obey God's 7th Day in 1/2 the World until Yah arrives.
That minister is a LIAR, demented and deceiving Fraud.
No Satanic IDL (International Date Line) is to be followed by an minister of God.
If a minister follows a Satanic IDL that moves God's Sabbath to Friday, that minister is a Servant of the Devil, not of God.
5.) The "AUTHENTICATION" of God's Messenger. There is only 1, and that Messenger obeys every JOT of Yah.
6.) That is PROVEN BY THE "FACTS" and if you deny that, then you are a liar.
7.) There is ONLY 1 CHURCH= TO COG= THAT IS PREACHING "EVERY" JOT OF YAH'S BIBLE, thereby Restoring "All" things. Jesus said this man would “restore 'ALL' things”= not just "some" things that HWA and Dankenbring restored, but "ALL THINGS"= NO Mother gODDESS DAY, NO SKY fATHERS DAY, NO TURKEY gOD DAY, NO MOVING GOD'S SABBATH TO FRIDAY, in 1/2 of the World. Celebrate God's New Moon Day Worship Service today with Trumpets, NO buying on God's Sabbath (Restaurant meals-hiring and paying on God's Sabbath) Matthew 17:11.
Believe the "FACTS" before your eyes, or be a liar, lying to yourself, deceiving yourself. 
Main Message:
Facts about the Anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ "WILL" be a deceiver and "WILL" be successful!
Obama will deceive Putin, Obama will deceive "all" the Nations.
Scriptures that prove that the Anti-Christ "WILL" BE a "SUCCESSFUL" Master of lies and deceit.
He will be so successful that he will deceive the Whole World!
If Yah did not return on Trumpets circa 2021, the WHOLE EARTH WOULD BE DESTROYED.
Yah who arrives on Trumpets "IS" the only way that World will not be DESTROYED.
Praise Yah, because He will save you and the Planet itself.
Yah "WILL" (and "IS" the only one who can):
Save this Planet, and you;
Heal this Planet and you; And CHANGE THE WORLD.
If not for Yah, arriving
"you" and this planet
would be destroyed
Praise be to Yah, on Trumpets. We TO COG praise Yah forever and ever and ever.
There is only 1 door
and that door is by "EVERY" JOT OF YAH'S BIBLE.
The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including New Moon Day on this Friday August 9, 2013
(God "commands" you to: Ezekiel 46:3)
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.
Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
241.) click here for Sermon of > September 14, 2013  
September 14, 2013

September 14, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 14 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 7, 5994
September 14, 2013
Highlights of September 14 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 7, 5994 Sermon:

September 14 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Intro 101:
Christians (who are in reality Pagans, celebrating Pagan days calling themselves Christians),
the 5 foolish virgins (offshoots of the WCG etc.), will burn in Hell,
because they are just calling themselves Christians while practicing some or all of the Pagan Occult Days of:
Turkey gOD DAY
Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half of the World.
XMas Day
Easter/Ishtar Day of the Goddess of sexual love.
Feast of Luperous/Valentines Day.
Intro 201:
They refuse to celebrate God's New Moon Day, and now they refuse to FAST on "all" the "5" FASTS of the Lord.

 Intro 301:
There are a total of 5 "FASTS" proclaimed in God's Bible that you MUST follow to be a Netsari disciple of Yah:
Yahweh takes note of the special days in Zechariah 8: 19. "Thus says Yahweh of hosts:
1.) The fast of the 4th month [the breaching Jerusalem's walls by Nebuchadnezzar], and
2.) the fast of the 5th month [the terrible burning of the Temple], and
3.) the fast of the 7th month Tishiri 3 [remembrance of righteous Gedaliah being assassinated], and
4.) the fast of the 7th month Tishiri 10 [AtOneMent], and
5.) the fast of the 10th month [the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar].
You cannot take away any of these FASTS out of God's Bible. Deuteronomy 12:32.
My Disciples will FAST. The disciples of John [John the Baptist] fast often Luke 5:33
Luke 5:35
... when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast."

New Topic:
Concerning the lack of Knowledge of your ministers:
How can you know when to flee and escape, when you don't even know what Fema Zone you are in!
 “Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!,”: Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
The U.S. government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that this
Event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st.
Look at the numbers and dates.
October 1st: UN Peacekeepers = FOREIGN TROOPS ON U.S. soil, began training the 4th week of July and will complete their nine week training by October 1st. They are learning:  
1.) English, as well as
2.) US weapon systems and
3.) Urban Warfare training.
How many troops are training? 386,000 FOREIGN TROOPS, THAT IS OVER 1/4 MILLION FOREIGN TROOPS ON OUR SOIL!
October 1st :The Center of Disease Control ordered $11 million worth of antibiotics. Where are they going? FEMA Region lll. When are they due? October 1st.
This coupled with the fact that the World Health Organization held an emergency meeting, its second such meeting in its history, to discuss MERS Coronavirus. This is quite unsettling.
October 1st :The WHO determined that a vaccine MUST be in place by October 1st.
October 1st :Periodic testing of GPS and Communications satellites is normal, but coordinating their testing for the first time, with a testing date of October 1st.
September 28th all DHS agents MUST now qualify with sidearm, shotgun and AR 15’s.
October 1st is the last delivery date for the DHS to receive 2800 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP’s) that must be delivered by October 1.
September 30 All National Guard units will complete their annual two week training in riot control and disaster assistance. All units MUST have their training complete by September 30th.
However, the Eastern-based Coast Guard units will not be performing their usual training in the Gulf, this year they will be trained in Virginia and Delaware for 10 days beginning September 26th.
September 25th thru October 2nd the Emergency Broadcast System will begin daily testing beginning on September 25th thru October 2nd.
October 1st latest delivery FEMA purchase orders over:
$14.2 million for MREs and heater meals and
22 million pouches of emergency water, to be delivered to Region III by October 1st. An additional order of
$13.6 million worth of MRE’s and heater meals will be delivered to Austin by October 1st.

Our U.S. military will not be permitted leave from September 28th thru November 5th. NORCOMM’s yearly training for civil unrest is suspended until September 27th. To be performed in northeast coastal areas. Date for release of QE3 report has been moved to October 16th.

Over 300 school systems will be issued a 3 day emergency kit for each student in September.



Make up your mind "NOW" and store food in the woods and then flee to the Wilderness when the time comes.

The Government will confiscate the food in your house, forcing you to take the Mark of the Beast to eat.



Stay alive physically, so that you can buy time to repent Spiritually, and start following every jot of Yah.

Pray that Yah gives you the eyes to see that you must obey every jot of "His" way of life, by following HIS teachings as espoused by TO COG.

There is only 1 door
and that door is by "EVERY" JOT OF YAH'S BIBLE.
The only protection you will have is if you are "sealed" by God.
The only "seal" that is placed on you is the sign of your keeping God's Commandments. Ezekiel 20:12, :20; Exodus 31:13, :17;
Seal the Law among My Disciples. Isaiah 8:16
But you want to be the Devil's Disciple:
You want the Devil's Days of Mother gODDESS DAY, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY, and
you support your congregation continuing to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one-half the World via the phony IDL (International Date Line).
All you Christians will have to become Netsari like Paul was, or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Christians ARE just Pagans celebrating all of the Pagan Feasts, but calling themselves Christians. REPENT.
Repent and follow the Laws of Moses Malachi 4:4,
or God will destroy the earth utterly. Malachi 4:6.
Satan's Greatest Deception was to make the Christians think that they are Christians, when in fact AS PROVEN BY THE FACTS all the
Christians today are
And all the offshoot churches of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are the 5 foolish virgins who will be thrown out of the Marriage Supper into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, because the 5 foolish virgins refused to put on their righteous garments and worship Father on New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3, BUT instead "YOU" celebrate:
Undeniable PROOF/FACTS=
1.) Ishtar/Easter-The gODDESS of Sexual Love (with Bunnies and Easter Eggs), falsely teaching you Fertility Rites, instead of Yeshua's Death on the Tree.
2.) Mother gODDESS DAY-the Day of Gaia the Mother of all the gODS and gODDESSES,
3.) SKY fATHERS DAY-the Great Pagan gOD of the Skies, honouring the LONGEST Day of the Year, and
4.) Halloween= The Witches High Sabbath Day of the Devil Lord Samhein THE LORD OF THE DEAD, and with Jack-O-Lanterns mimicking the Dead. And,
5.) TURKEY gOD DAY=Ra/Osiris the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that the Egyptian gODS Ra/Osiris sprang forth from, & the goose that gave its life for its young.
6.) XMas Day heralding the Rebirth of the Sun gOD BAAL, honouring the SHORTEST Day of the Year.
You, "You", "YOU" ARE ARE ARE celebrating "EXACTLY" like a Demon Possessed Pagan Celebrates=
the Exact SAME Days as the PAGANS.
WAKE UP - you sleepers.
doing the EXACT same things that Devil Worshipers Do.
Satan has deceived the WHOLE World-all the Denominations that call themselves Christian. Revelations 12:9.

There is "much" Gestalt knowledge spread throughout this Sermon.
Bottom Line:
Today's Christians will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for celebrating the Days of Satan. And you cannot deny they are the Days of Satan that you are celebrating, because those days go back 4.000 years "to" PAGANISM.
Satan's Greatest Deception is the today's Christians are in reality PAGANS, "PRACTICING" Paganism. Period.
Repent and become a Netsari,
for the Day of the Lord is at hand when it will be too late.

The Day of the Lord is at hand.
Unless you obey every jot and tittle,
including AtOneMent Day on this Tuesday September 17th, 2013
you "will" be thrown out of God's Kingdom
as a disobedient BRAT
as one of the five foolish Virgins.
You Are so foolish because you just celebrated Sky fATHERS DAY:
Fathers Day is Occult, AND has been for 4,000 years.
Fathers Day that you just celebrated this June, is an Occult Celebration for the Witches and Warlocks, of the Summer Solstice-leading to the Longest Day of the Year.
Fathers Day "IS" Sky Fathers Day, and
"IS" leading to the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, just like Xmas honours the shortest day of the year/Baal the Sun gOD.
Do NOT honour your father on Hitler's Birthday, nor on Sky fATHERS Day.
Sky Fathers Day with its actual History.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days, and say that you are doing it to honour your father.
You cannot march in Hitler's/Satan's Parade of days and be in the Kingdom of God! Period.
You have 364 "other" days to honour your earthly Father.

This Satanic Debt Based System of Government, will be deliberately collapsed, to make you "BEG" for the Mark of the Beast, so you can get food.

New International Version (©2011)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: ... keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father ... refusing to let the world corrupt you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: ...to keep oneself unstained from the world.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: ...to keep oneself unstained by the world.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, ...to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Will "YOU"

Continue to be Deceived

by Satan's System?
Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen,
Deu 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


Obey God, so that you can be 1 of the 5 Obedient Virgins.

Or be thrown out because you have no Wedding Garment:

Matthew 22:1212 ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. 13 Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and

throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Be Unspotted from the World. The righteous (right) "DEEDS" of the Saints.
New International Version (©2011)
Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God's holy people.)

New Living Translation (©2007)
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear." For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God's holy people.

English Standard Version (©2001)
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Stop being so hard-hearted,
to your own Destruction!

"Turn your Heart" to follow Yah's every jot, so that little "you" can be in His Kingdom.

Why God speaks of your "Heart"
Your heart gives you direction "because" your heart is made up of 65% neurons, just like your brain is! The same kinds of cells that make up the brain. Research is beginning to show The heart has an effect on our decision making process. Your heart "argues" with your brain.
That is why God speaks of the Heart, throughout the Bible, and not the brain, because your heart is 65% neurons just like your brain.
Turn your HEART to God. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient. Deut 30:17.
Rend your HEART not your garments. Joel 2:13.
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART and be no longer stubborn. Deut 10:16. Change your psyche to follow every jot of God, and stop having your own way.\
242.) click here for Sermon of > September 17, 2013 Day of Atonement 
September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 17 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 17, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 10, 5994
September 17, 2013
Highlights of September 17 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 17, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 10, 5994 Sermon:

September 17 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
Day of AtOneMent Service
Tishri 10, 5775 -September 17, 2013 
301 Level (For Netsari only):
You FAST not because you have to, but because you "WANT" to.
Because you don't even feel like eating when you remember the "GREAT SACRIFICE" Yah gave of Himself, that Yah (Yahveh) made for you.
And now on His Day of AtOneMent you show Him that nothing else matters to you but HIM and His Kingdom, and
you don't even feel like eating "because" it is such a great moment in time: For you to be accepted in the God Family "officially" on the Day of At-ONE-ment.
It is like being in your 1st Love, where you just want to spend time "ALL" your time, with your beloved Yah today, and the last thing you want to do is waste that time eating for yourself. 
He gave His life for you so that you could be in "HIS" family. You are not concerned about your physical needs on this day, because
you are totally enraptured with the significance of this day, and
eating food means nothing to you and
is just a waste of your time and energy to eat.
You are totally enthralled by the significance of this DAY OF AT-ONE-MENT.
Your "whole" day is devoted to Yah and Father, and eating is the last thing you want to bother with, because
you are totally enamored with the significance of THIS the Day of "being" At ONE with God. You want to spend your whole Day being with "HIM", just like a 1st Love, you spend ALL your time with Him today because He is so precious to you. Eating is the last thing on your mind! Prayer, Bible Study and MEDITATION with Yah is all that matters today!! Walking with Him in Meditation "ALL" day is all that matters to you, and you don't even feel like eating, nor do you want to, because you are IN LOVE with butterflies in you stomach. Afraid to say the wrong thing to your beloved Yah. Totally
invigorated Spiritually today, as you are "now" ONE of the God Family. Totally
enlightened and at peace Meditating and talking with your beloved Yah all day today.
243.) click here for Sermon of > September 21, 2013  
September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 21 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 21, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 14, 5994
September 21, 2013
Highlights of September 21 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 21, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 14, 5994 Sermon:

September 21 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
244.) click here for Sermon of > September 22, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 1 
September 22, 2013

September 22, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 22 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 22, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 15, 5994
September 22, 2013
Highlights of September 22 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 22, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 15, 5994 Sermon:

September 22 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
245.) click here for Sermon of > September 23, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 2 
September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 23 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 16, 5994
September 23, 2013
Highlights of September 23 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 16, 5994 Sermon:

September 23 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
246.) click here for Sermon of > September 24, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 3 
September 24, 2013

September 24, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 24 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 24, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 17, 5994
September 24, 2013
Highlights of September 24 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 24, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 17, 5994 Sermon:

September 24 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
247.) click here for Sermon of > September 25, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 4 
September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 25 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 25, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 18, 5994
September 25, 2013
Highlights of September 25 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 25, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 18, 5994 Sermon:

September 25 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
248.) click here for Sermon of > September 26, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 5 
September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 26 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 26, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 19, 5994
September 26, 2013
Highlights of September 26 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 26, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 19, 5994 Sermon:

September 26 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
249.) click here for Sermon of > September 27, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 6 
September 27, 2013

September 27, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 27 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 27, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 20, 5994
September 27, 2013
Highlights of September 27 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 27, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 20, 5994 Sermon:

September 27 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
250.) click here for Sermon of > September 28, 2013 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 7 
September 28, 2013

September 28, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 28 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 28, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 21, 5994
September 28, 2013
Highlights of September 28 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 28, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 21, 5994 Sermon:

September 28 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
251.) click here for Sermon of > September 29, 2013 Shemini Atzeret 
September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013 - 


Highlight of September 29 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 29, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 22, 5994
September 29, 2013
Highlights of September 29 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
September 29, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 22, 5994 Sermon:

September 29 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
252.) click here for Sermon of > October 5, 2013  
October 5, 2013

October 5, 2013 - 


Highlight of October 5 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 5, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 28, 5994
October 5, 2013
Highlights of October 5 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 5, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tishri 28, 5994 Sermon:

October 5 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
REPENT "you" WCG and members of WCG offshoots "because"
" BECAUSE" YOU "ARE" Disobedient BRATS 
And worse than that:
You ARE supporting DISobedient ministers/sinisters.
God "WILL" Kill you
for your DISobedient ways.
The Devil is "afraid" of Hell.
The Devil fears being in Hell.
Now "YOU" like the Devil will have to be put into Hell:
YOU are a brood of Vipers
calling yourselves followers of God
when you pay your minister to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday,with a phony (International Date Line).
Your ministers/sinisters will lead you straight into Hell.
Kill your minister/put him to Death Deut 13:5
because your minister entices you to walk contrary to God. Deut 12:5.
Let not wickedness "dwell" in your Tabernacles. Job 11:14.
God states:
KILL YOUR MINISTER if he does not walk according to God's Bible.
Your minister moves God's Sabbath Day to Friday in half the World.
Your minister celebrates Turkey gOD Day.
You minister celebrates Mother gODDESS Day.
Your minister celebrates Sky fATHERS Day.
NONE of this was in Yeshua's and Paul's  Netsari 1st Century Church.
Your minister refuses to follow God's Bible of Ezekiel 46:3
Your minister refuses to follow Deuteronomy 16:16.
Your minister is STEALING your Eternal life
Kill him for he is enticing you to walk from the way the Lord your God commanded you to walk. Deut 13:5.
So you shall put the evil from your midst.
Give this to your minister to WAKE HIM UP!
The 1st Century Church never celebrated these PAGAN Days.
Your minister who says I know Him and does not follow Yeshua's Bible ways, "IS" a liar.
253.) click here for Sermon of > October 7, 2013 New Moon 
October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013 - 


Highlight of October 7 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 7, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 1, 5994
October 7, 2013
Highlights of October 7 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 7, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Bul 1, 5994 Sermon:

October 7 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
254.) click here for Sermon of > October 12, 2013  
October 12, 2013

October 12, 2013 - 


Highlight of October 12 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 6, 5994
October 12, 2013
Highlights of October 12 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 12, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Bul 6, 5994 Sermon:

October 12 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:


Here is what today’s Sermon is all about= Antinomianism and here is the E-Mail that started it all:

From: International Pharmaceuticals [mailto:advanced1@mymts.net]
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:57 PM
To: advanced1@mymts.net
Subject: RE: God's New Moon Worship is tonight Oct 6 3014

255.) click here for Sermon of > October 19, 2013  
October 19, 2013

October 19, 2013 - 


Highlight of October 19 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 19, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 13, 5994
October 19, 2013
Highlights of October 19 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 19, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Bul 13, 5994 Sermon:

October 19 2013 Service


Sermon Highlights:
256.) click here for Sermon of > October 26, 2013  
October 26, 2013

October 26, 2013 - 


Highlight of October 26 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 26, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 20, 5994
October 26, 2013
Highlights of October 26 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 26, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Bul 20, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon October 26-13

257.) click here for Sermon of > November 2, 2013  
November 2, 2013

November 2, 2013 - 


Highlight of November 2 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 2, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 27, 5994
November 2, 2013
Highlights of November 2 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 2, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Bul 27, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon November 2-13

258.) click here for Sermon of > November 6, 2013 New Moon 
November 6, 2013

November 6, 2013 - 


Highlight of November 6 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 6, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 1, 5994
November 6, 2013
Highlights of November 6 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 6, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Kislev 1, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon November 6-13

You are living in HELL, right now. This Broadcast "PROVES" that the USA "ALWAYS"

 "has" a   Satanic System of Government.


a Satanic System of Religionl

We can wipe out all the religions of the World in 1 stroke= No man has ever ascended to Heaven.

Click on the A. or B or C etc. as follows:

A.) No man is ever going to go to Heaven, nor has any man ever gone to Heaven except He who ascended (Joh 3:13) to Heaven-Jesus.B.) Did you know that the Bible teaches that all dead people from the time of Noah to today "are still in the ground as dust" waiting for their change to comeC.) Did you know that there are 3 resurrections and not just 1?D.) Did you know that the 1st Resurrection occurs when Jesus comes back, but only involves a small number of individuals.
E.) Did you know the 2nd Resurrection lasts "only" for 100 years
F.) Did you know that the 3rd Resurrection<
G.) Did you know that people will "not" be burning alive in hell forever H.) Did you know there are 3 different types of Hell?< I.) As you can see there is no "ever" burning hell at all, only a hell that burns one up to ashes.<
J.) The second type of Hell, is for the 3rd resurrection for those who will be burned up in an all consuming Hellfire in the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:14-15).
K.) Did you know that all the babies that were born without being baptized, andL.) Did you know that all the people in the World that died in countries such as China, India, Africa, and Communist Countries "without" ever even hearing the name of Jesus M.) Did you know that Jesus deliberately spoke in parables so that the majority would "not" understand his message and be saved "before" the N.) Did you know that God will "not" give eternal life to someone who will not live the way according to"all" the 10 Commandments.
O.) Did you know that the 10 Commandments were never nailed to the Cross.

P.) Did you know that God deliberately "created us" from day 1 "with a selfish nature", that wants its own way no matter what, (just like a

Q.) When we are converted, we "have to" use God's Spirit as a tool to root out sin (disobedience) from our lives. That is what Christian

This article was written also, because, many who I, (Lawrence A. Nowell), know through International Pharmaceuticals, are sick and dying, and have:

Asked me "how" and "why", do you "Lawrence" have such faith, kindness, and confidence in God:

The answer is:

Do "you" love God enough to do things "His" way,

or, do you say it doesn't matter, and you love doing things the way of men that changed the Bible's ways and caused you to be wrongly taught.

Know ye not that ye are servants to whom you obey. (Rom 6:16)


259.) click here for Sermon of > November 9, 2013  
November 9, 2013

November 9, 2013 - 


Highlight of November 9 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 4, 5994
November 9, 2013
Highlights of November 9 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 9, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Kislev 4, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon November 9-13

Because you chose "NOT" to obey God's Laws and:

Because you have a Birth Certificate, you are already registered as THE PROPERTY OF THE USA.

As such "YOU" ARE the collateral of the USA for the $200 Trillion Dollar Debt.

Therefore "legally" you will be taken to China as a slave to pay back the USA's Debt.

Into captivety you will go.



The Obedient Church of God

260.) click here for Sermon of > November 16, 2013  
November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013 - 


Highlight of November 16 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 16, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 11, 5994
November 16, 2013
Highlights of November 16 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 16, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Kislev 11, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon November 16-13

Wake up!
This Video will prove you are totally deceived,
having a Foreign Turkey gOD sitting on your table.
Realize a foreign gOD is sitting on your table on November 28.
"WHY" do you have to have a Turkey on your table to try to honour God?
"Why" does it seem wrong to you to have a lamb instead on your table to honour God?
Because you are PROGRAMMED and deceived.
"YOU" ARE serving Satan, and don't recognize it.
November 16, 2013: Audio, Sermon only (smaller file for faster download).
261.) click here for Sermon of > November 23, 2013  
November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013 - 


Highlight of November 23 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 18, 5994
November 23, 2013
Highlights of November 23 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 23, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Kislev 18, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon November 23-13

The MOST important admonition I can give you is:
To Follow Yah's Bible's EVER jot and tittle =
DO not, NOT, "NOT" have a TURKEY-BUDDAH on your table on this Thursday on Turkey gOD DAY.
I DARE you ministers to add and 8th Day RIGHT AFTER the 7th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, yet you will add a day in Nov 28, 2013. 
REPENT: Do "NOT" add a day to God's Harvest Festival!
Yah's sacrifice "ONLY" applies to those who REPENT.
Yah's sacrifice does NOT apply to those who don't REPENT. Selah, think on this!
So don't drag a tURKEY gOD ONTO "YOUR" TABLE.
AND DO "NOT" add an 8th day to the FOT.
This "IS" a Witness against "YOU" period,
because you refuse to correct your deeds, and indeed continue to
"refuse and neglect to change your deeds".
You ARE celebrating PAGANISM,
still trying to be calling yourself a Christian.
Do "NOT" have a tURKEY gOD,
Do "NOT" ADD an extra day to God's Feast of Ingathering.
November 23, 2013: Audio, Sermon only (smaller file for faster download).
262.) click here for Sermon of > November 30, 2013  
November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013 - 


Highlight of November 30 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 30, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 25, 5994
November 30, 2013
Highlights of November 30 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
November 30, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Kislev 25, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon November 30-13

Nov 30, 2013 - Kislev 25, 5994

Editor's note; Computer ran out of Disk space and stopped recording this 2 hour presentation.

This Service runs out after 1 hour 37 minutes with the words: Thanksgiving A DAY of Violence with shoppers beating each other up and the Police Helicopter crashed into the Glasco Pub, killing 8 and seriously injuring 14. Not a happy blessed Thanksgiving.

HIGHLIGHTS of "this" Service:
1.) Isaiah 19:19-20 Explained. Hint: The 30 words of this Text add up to the precise height of the Giza Pyramid in Jewish inches.
2.) Yah will not arrive until 2021.
The 7 years have NOT started yet.
The 7 years could start in 2014, if the Daily Sacrifices start in Jerusalem in 2014.
Main Message
3.) Ad hoc priori response (you can even deduce this without doing any research) that it isn't right to "keep" a Turkey gOD/Bird Day and then say that you should not keep Xmas. You should either keep both, or neither!

Those who have looked into the Bible, realize that neither Saturnalia, Mummers, Mithras, nor Christmas observances are Biblical.
Because of their connections to paganism and distortions to God’s plan as revealed in His Holy Days, they should not be kept by Christians.


*** You have only restored 1/2 of the truth. There is also Turkey gOD DAY which you just celebrated.

*** Turkey gOD day goes back 4,000 years to Ra Osiris that sprang from the egg laid by the Cosmic Goose. The Goose that gave its life for its young.

*** Turkey gOD DAY has "EXACTLY" THE SAME Paganism= just THE SAME AS, AND as Pagan as, celebrating Xmas.

*** But WHEN you try to say it isn't the same Paganism, you should realize you are being totally duplicious.

So STOP CELEBRATING TURKEYgOD DAY, or start celebrating Christmas too, because both are rooted in 4,000 year old Paganism.

Please wake up and REALIZE that you are doing EXACTLY the SAME thing as the Christians who use Christmas, and say they are not using it to Baal.

If you are honest with yourself, you will STOP putting a BUDDAH/20 LB. Turkey/Goose gOD Bird (the revered Bird that gave its life for its young) Turkey gOD on your table, and you will stop trying to say - and indeed stop keeping on saying: you are doing it in honour of the true God!

I dare you to add an 8th day to the 7 days right after the 7 days of the FOT (Feast if Tabernacles)/Yah's Feast of Harvest Ingathering, but you ARE adding an 8th day and not realizing it. YOU "ARE" destroying God's 7,000 year plan, and YOU are striking the rock twice.

And worse than that: Turkey gOD day hides the "meaning" of the Feast of INGATHERING!

Please repent, so that you can lead other 5 foolish virgins/Churches to repentance. How can one share obedience, therefore you must lead others to be obedient.

The "OIL" is the Spirit of God. Proof: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel... Luke 4:18.

The Spirit of God is only given to those who OBEY Acts 5:32,

not to those who say Lord Lord: Why call Me Lord and not do what I say? Luke 6:46.

Do NOT learn the ways of the Gentiles. Jeremiah 10:2; Do not preach/have your members celebrating a Turkey gOD Day that is NOT in God's Bible. Galations 1:6; :9.

Please repent, so that we can see you in the Kingdom, and not in the Lake of Fire.



The Obedient Church

of God

263.) click here for Sermon of > December 5, 2013 New Moon 
December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013 - 


Highlight of December 5 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 5, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 1, 5994
December 5, 2013
Highlights of December 5 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 5, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tevet 1, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon December 5-13

Re-Discovered Truth, to help you understand the future:


The 1st Christ to arrive circa 2018 will be the "false" Christ.

The 2nd Christ to arrive circa 2021 will be the "real" Yahveh/ 

Re our King Yahveh's/Jesus's return:

We are now experiencing" "The Delays".

Because the 7 years of Tribulation haven't started yet, (as of this writing December 2013); Yah may "not" return until September 2021.


Reason for the delay:

The NWO (New World Order) got delayed for 3 months in Libya, (before they could take out Gadaffi, and take control of Libya).

In June 2012, the NWO was delayed for 1 year by Syria (Syria which has the strongest best equipped Army in the Middle East).

And still ongoing in 2013 in Syria, (especially during November 2013), the USA was not allowed to invade Syria with UN ground Troops.

So there "has been" and is "much" delay!

The King of the South has not even arisen yet!

The script is "already" written in Revelations, but it is just the timing to be altered/fulfilled.

We want Yah to return as soon as possible.

We and the entire creation groan Romans 8:19 waiting for the Saviour of the World Yah, to return and be King of the World, ruling all Nations.

Presently there is an indication that Yah will return in 2021, because:

There should be a Peace Treaty involving Israel in 2014.

That Peace Treaty will be broken 3 ½ years later in 2018.

Therefore 3 ½ more years must commence/start with the start of the "Great" Tribulation in 2018.


September 20th, 2021

is the earliest, that Yah our Brother could/should return.

Deeper Understanding 301 Level Caveat for Bible Scholars:

Unless those days are cut short, and given back to Satan after the 1000 years, (when Satan once more deceives the world after the 1000 years are ended). Rev 20:7.

Ergo: Those days "must" be cut short, or no flesh will be saved alive. For 90% of the people will be killed before Yah makes his return. Isaiah 6:13.


Remember Revelations "DOES" state that there "will" be delays. Revelations 10:6.

And conversely "unless those days be shortened" no flesh would be saved alive. Matthew 24:22.


1.) click here for> October 6, 2007 stating thatThe 7 years of Tribulation could/should start in 2014.


The 2 Witnesses could/should start preaching March 20, 2017.

We could/should be gathered into the Place of Safety circa March 20, 2017.

The 3 ½ year "Great" Tribulation could/sho

Editor's Note:

Since Yah's Bible states let there be "no 'more' delay" Revelation 10:6, ergo there has been and will be delays. And indeed we are now experiencing the delays.

The bottom line is that NOW as of December 2013 the 7 years have "NOT" started yet, because there have been and will be delays until the full number of Gentiles are called in. Romans 11:25.

December 5, 2013: Audio, Sermon only (smaller file for faster download).
264.) click here for Sermon of > December 7, 2013  
December 7, 2013

December 7, 2013 - 


Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 7, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tevet 3, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon December 7-13

Main Points

1.) Either you are a sheep or a goat.

Either you are obedient or disobedient!

2.) You only have 3 ½ to 7 years to go as a live human being.

3.) They are killing you, and with RADIATION, THAT WILL KILL YOU IN A FEW YEARS.


They should be encapsulating the Fukushima Daiichi  solid waste into glass containers and burying it.

They should be pumping the pond waste water into SUPER tankers, not pumping it directly into the oceans,


Are "you" a GMO seed or are you a "PURE" seed.

Are "you" contaminated with TURKEY gOD DAY?


Sky Fathers DAY,

SUPPORTING Churches that move God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World?

Selah: "Think" if you are a GMO Seed,

FOR if you have the above practices you are NOT one of God's PURE Seeds, because:




You who follow your LYING minister "won't" enter the Kingdom either. Revelations 22:15.

New Topic:

Scriptures on the "Qualities"<

Hint: Mark focused on the COMPASSION that Yah had for us. Yeshua "sighed" many times during His

BUT also EG:

His eyelids "test" the sons of men.

"WHY" does the Bible "separate" the eyes from the eyelids?

Answer to why He separated the eyes from the eyelids.

Hint: Psalm 11:4

God's eyelids "try" the children of menIt is not a careless viewing of you, it is like a JUDGE telling you to look at HIM so that the weight of your guilt is not allowed to hold down your head, WHILE:




He beholdeth your Heart= Hebrews 4:13, of your most hidden things= the very entrails of your being,

The end of all your actions, His eyelids "try" the children of men,

Revelations 19:12 His eyes are as a flame of fire- WHY?

To separate the dross from the pure metal-The pure is the NetsariSparkler: Ronald Reagan's house number was 666.

265.) click here for Sermon of > December 14, 2013  
December 14, 2013

December 14, 2013 - 


Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tevet 10, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon December 14-13

Video Tevet 10, 5774 – Dec 14, 2013


Anywhere in the United States within 100 miles of the Border is a NON-Constitution Zone whereby the Constitution does not apply. Omak is just 45 miles from the Border= You can be locked up forever with no charges.

The Obedient Church of God in Tennessee is safe on Matthew's Mountain (1,500') with Mark's Mountain on the other side of our Street called Lovers Lane. Matthews Mountain on Lovers Lane, what a




266.) click here for Sermon of > December 21, 2013  
December 21, 2013

December 21, 2013 - 


Highlight of December 21 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 21, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 17, 5994
December 21, 2013
Highlights of December 21 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 21, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tevet 17, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon December 21-13

Sabbath Sermon

Tevet 17, 5994 - Dec 21, 2013

Video Sermon YouTube click here> http://youtu.be/iZrjVEMjMhg

Sermon Highlights:

Explanation of how Ephraim was given "land" by God,


Ephraim chose its own SATANIC "leaders".

Structure of the NWO (New World Order) power behind the throne exposed.

A Must See Sermon for you and the 2 Witnesses to understand the Gestalt of the NWO, so that you and they can refute the NWO.

The different levels of the NWO are explained in this Sermon, including the Bilderberg Group, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, The Round Table Group, etc., etc..

Hint: Russia was strengthened by the Illuminati after WW II so that Russia could destroy the USA in a future WW III.

General Patton was poisoned, so that he could not rally Americans to crush the Russians forever.

Russia has been groomed to overthrow America, since the time that the Czars of Russia were overthrown to make way for Communism to destroy the USA in WW III.

You MUST listen to this Sermon, if you want to understand the World!



267.) click here for Sermon of > December 28, 2013  
December 28, 2013

December 28, 2013 - 


Highlight of December 28 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 28, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 24, 5994
December 28, 2013
Highlights of December 28 2013 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 28, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Tevet 24, 5994 Sermon:

Subject: Sermon December 28-13


c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell

Highlight of December 14 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 14, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 10, 5994
December 14, 2013
Highlights of December 14 2013 Sermon:
Highlight of December 7 2013 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
December 7, 2013

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 3, 5994
December 7, 2013
Highlights of December 7 2013 Sermon: