Video Sermons
Click on Sermon date to scroll to link. New Moon Sermon Links in Fuchsia 
Oct 06-07 Jan 03-14 Jan 04-14 Jan 11-14 Jan 18-14 Jan 25-14 Feb 01-14 Feb 02-14 Feb 08-14 Feb 15-14
Feb 22-14 Mar 01-14 Mar 04-14 Mar 08-14 Mar 15-14 Mar 22-14 Mar 29-14 Apr 01-14 Apr 05-14 Apr 12-14
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Nov 22-14 Nov 25-14 Nov 29-14 Dec 06-14 Dec 13-14 Dec 20-14 Dec 24-14 Dec 27-14


1.) Re-Discovered Truth, to help you understand the future:

The 1st Christ (the demonic The 2nd Christ to arrive circa 2020-2021Re our King Yahveh's/Jesus' return:

We are now experiencing"<

Because the 7 years of Tribulation haven't started yet, (as of this writing December 2013) and ongoing "Delays", Yah may "not" return until SeptemberReason for the delays:

The NWO (New World Order) got delayed for 3 months in Libya, (before they could take out Quaddaffi, and take control of Libya).

In June 2012, the NWO was delayed for 1 year by Syria (Syria which has the strongest best equipped Army in the Middle East).

And still ongoing in 2013 in Syria, (especially during November 2013), the USA was not allowed to invade Syria with UN ground Troops.

So there "has been" and is "much" delay!

The King of the South has not even arisen yet!

The script is "already" written in Revelations, but it is just the timing to be altered/fulfilled.

We want Yah to return as soon as possible.

We and the entire creation groan Romans 8:19 waiting for the Saviour of the World Yah, to return and be King of the World, ruling all Nations.

Presently there is an indication that Yah will return in 2021, because:

There should be a Peace Treaty involving Israel in 2014.

That Peace Treaty will be broken 3 ½ years later in 2018.

Therefore the 2nd 3 ½ more years must commence/start with the start of the "Great" Tribulation circaTherefore:

September 20th, 2021is the earliest, that Yah our Brother "mathematically"Caveat: But when the tiEditor's Note- Deeper Understanding 301 Level Caveat for Bible Scholars:

Unless those days are cut short, and given back to Satan after the 1000 years, (when Satan once more deceives the world after the 1000 years are ended). Rev 20:7.

Ergo: Those days "must" be cut short, or no flesh will be saved alive. For 90% of the people will be killed before Yah makes his return. Isaiah 6:13.

Remember Revelations "DOES" state that there "will" be delays. Revelations 10:6.

And conversely "unless those days be shortened" no flesh would be saved alive. Matthew 24:22.

The 7 years of Tribulation could/should start in 2014.

The 2 Witnesses could/should start preaching March 20, 2018.

We could/should be gathered into the Place of Safety circa March 20, 2018.

The 3 ½ year "Editor's Note:

Since Yah's Bible states let there be "no 'more' delay" Revelation 10:6, ergo there has been and will be delays.

And indeed we are now experiencing the delays.

·       The bottom line is that NOW as of December 2013 the 7 years have "NOT" started yet, because there 

1.) click here for> October 6, 2007 Stating that Yeshua/Christ Jesus will arrive as above

268.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 3, 2014 New Moon 
Jan 3, 2014

Jan 3, 2014 - 


Highlight of January 3 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 3, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 1, 5994
Jan 3, 2014
Highlights of January 3 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 3, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

January 3 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
269.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 4, 2014  
Jan 4, 2014

Jan 4, 2014 - 


Highlight of January 4 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 2, 5994
Jan 4, 2014
Highlights of January 4 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

January 4 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
270.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 11, 2014  
Jan 11, 2014

Jan 11, 2014 - 


Highlight of January 11 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 11, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 9, 5994
Jan 11, 2014
Highlights of January 11 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 11, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

January 11 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
271.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 18, 2014  
Jan 18, 2014

Jan 18, 2014 - 


Highlight of January 18 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 18, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 16, 5994
Jan 18, 2014
Highlights of January 18 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 18, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

January 18 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
272.) click here for Sermon of > Jan 25, 2014  
Jan 25, 2014

Jan 25, 2014 - 


Highlight of January 25 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 25, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 23, 5994
Jan 25, 2014
Highlights of January 25 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jan 25, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

January 25 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:


Dynamite Sermon explaining Daniel 7:7 …  After this I saw the


Night visions

= satanic occult leaders


A fourth beast

= NWO (New World Order) Beast<

273.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 1, 2014  
Feb 1, 2014

Feb 1, 2014 - 


Highlight of February 1 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Shevat 30, 5994
Feb 1, 2014
Highlights of February 1 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

February 1 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
274.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 2, 2014 New Moon 
Feb 2, 2014

Feb 2, 2014 - 


Highlight of February 2 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 2, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar I 1, 5994
Feb 2, 2014
Highlights of February 2 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 2, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

February 2 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:

The Righteous are ‘distinguished’ from those who do not celebrate New Month Day=

You are either a lover of God’s Ezekiel 46:3


You are a lover of DISobedience and YOU “REFUSE” TO rest on God’s New Month Day!


275.) click here for Sermon of > Feb 8, 2014  
Feb 8, 2014

Feb 8, 2014 - 


Highlight of February 8 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 8, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar I 7, 5994
Feb 8, 2014
Highlights of February 8 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Feb 8, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

February 8 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:


The Obedient Church of God


the 4 FASTS of The Lord,  that ARE commanded by Father that 1.)    Operation Northwoods, shows you that you have no hope, but to prepare for the Place Of Safety.


Click here for Video>


1.)    Resentment anger is like taking poison, and hoping the other person dies.

2.) When you are locked into a FEMA camp do not pray that God strikes your jailer dead.

3.) Instead pray to God t


February 22 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
278.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 1, 2014  
Mar 1, 2014

Mar 1, 2014 - 


Highlight of March 1 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar I 28, 5994
Mar 1, 2014
Highlights of March 1 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

that has Dynamite information that there are 3 groups at the Marriage Supper:


1.) The Bride that is preparing her Wedding Garments now and will be in the Place of Safety.

2.) The Guests, that are now “not” obeying all that The Obedient Church of God has restored, such as New Moon Day Ezekiel 46:3 You SHALL assemble, and Worship “ON” New Moon Day.

The Guests will give their heads in the Tribulation, but because they have no Wedding Garment/no obedience, they will “NOT” be the Bride.

3.) Those foolish virgins who are locked out of the Marriage Supper entirely, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.


If you are “not” obeying the restored truths of The Obedient Church of God, then you are NOT the Bride-because you have not dressed/prepared yourself,

and therefore are either a Guest, or one of the foolish Virgins.




The Obedient Church of God



March 1 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
279.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 4, 2014 New Moon 
Mar 4, 2014

Mar 4, 2014 - 


Highlight of March 4 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar II 1, 5994
Mar 4, 2014
Highlights of March 4 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

New Month Day



of God’s Ways


Special Gestalt understandings and Highlights:


1.) TO COG is the only congregation in the whole world that obeys God, as proven by the FACTS! All the rest of the WCG offshoots are participating in sin and UN-righteousness, and will NOT be the Bride of Christ, but instead are the 5 foolish virgins who will be locked out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Bride is TO COG and the lesser Marriage Supper Guests are those who give their heads in the Tribulation.


2.) Obama tried to get the Navy to set off a Nuclear Bomb Airburst over South Carolina to wipe out “all” the electronics of the USA east coast. That is why the Admiral was fired for not doing it.


3.) There are 170,000 tons of Gold in Hawaii that are hidden, never to be released to the US Government,

so that your Illuminati leaders can instead crash the World’s Economy, to bring in the NWO (New World Order).



March 4 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
280.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 8, 2014  
Mar 8, 2014

Mar 8, 2014 - 


Highlight of March 8 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 8, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar II 5, 5994
Mar 8, 2014
Highlights of March 8 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 8, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video Sermon Mar 8 2014

Gestalt Understandings and Highlights


1.) TO COG is the only congregation in the whole world that obeys God, as proven by the FACTS! Our 200+ members comprise the only congregation in the whole world that does not move God’s 7th Day Sabbath to the 6th Day Friday in half the World.


2.) Everything you have been taught Spiritually and in Physics is wrong!

Proof that the sun is hollow and does NOT operate by fusion. The Sun is not what we have been told. The sun does “not” operate by fusion. The Sun comes from another dimension known as “Counter Space”. The Sun is a connector from another dimension. The Sun isn’t burning anything, but is hollow, and is like a giant Tesla Lamp! The Sun is not what we have been told .


4.) No need for gas or oil, as there is FREE energy all around us.


5.) We have all been deceived by the Illuminati. The 13 Bloodlines control all the earth. The Queen is German, and all leaders go back to the 13 Roman Bloodlines. Bush, Clinton, Obama are all  cousins.


6.) How to receive the Holy Spirit.


7.) Scripture explained: “Who will not see death”. Hint: It has to do with in the Place of Safety.



March 8 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
281.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 15, 2014  
Mar 15, 2014

Mar 15, 2014 - 


Highlight of March 15 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 15, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar II 12, 5994
Mar 15, 2014
Highlights of March 15 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 15, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video Sermon click here> 


Passover is "ON" Nisan 14, 19 minutes "before" the start of Nisan 15 because in Exodus 12:8 "night" is a mistranslation.  

Ergo: Night is a “mistranslation” of Exodus 12:8 where the real word layil # 3915 (same as H3883) and is properly translated: A "TWIST AWAY" from the light, which is 19 minutes of Twilight before BEFORE "BEFORE" the start of Nisan 15.


And Exodus 12:14 day should instead be translated: The "hot" part of the day, not the cold part. "Day" as in the "warm" hours= Nisan 14 when it is still hot HOT "HOT" at twilight. Day is a mistranslation because it is translated from 3117 which root meaning is HOT= still warm. Day as in the warm hours AT the twilight of Nisan 14, just before the start of Nisan 15, the Day of Unleavened Bread.

Verse :14 is the "end" of the instruction for partaking of the Passover.

This [warm] part of the day refers to Nisan 14, because the root meaning of "day" #3117 is "HOT".


Referring to Nisan 14, your Bible in verse :14 states: “THIS” day shall be a memorial, and you shall keep it [the 14th] throughout your generations. The "14th" is an "EVERLASTING" Ordinance. Little human you cannot change the "EVERLASTING" Ordinance of the 14th to the 15thExodus 12:6 states the 14th= “THEN” they SHALL eat it verse :8 a TWIST AWAY from the light= NOT the 15th.




Verse :15 starts the whole "new" topic of the Days of Unleavened Bread, so put a line in your Bible between verse :14 and verse :15 so that you can "see" this fact, because verse :15 is now talking about 7 days of eating Unleavened Bread which is a whole "new" Topic.


You are to "keep the Feast... with sincerity and TRUTH= NOT WITH LIES of the wrong Moadim/Appointed times. Passover is on Nisan 14 and the second Passover is on the 14th of the next month Numbers 9:11= "NOT" the 15th. Wake up and follow your Bible.


In this Sermon there are all kinds of tidbits of VALUABLE INFORMATION too numerous to mention, such as: What the Holy Grail “really” represents.

Hint: The so-called Holy Grail

is not a Cup, nor an object, but a piece of INFORMATION.

but is a Kabbalah set of Higher Magical Teachings.

Utterly Kabbalistic in its origin, the Holy Grail is the Highest Kabbalistic secret, and is that:


Physical Matter

can be transformed, molecule by molecule

by the USE OF incantations of ancient Hebrew letters and numbers.

And that the nature of Reality is really an illusion.

Hint: The Spiritual Dimension “IS” really Reality.

Editor’s Note:

The SUPERnatural is really the NATURAL.


The Obedient Church of God



March 15 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
282.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 22, 2014  
Mar 22, 2014

Mar 22, 2014 - 


Highlight of March 22 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 22, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar II 19, 5994
Mar 22, 2014
Highlights of March 22 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 22, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights: The Bride cannot show up in a dirty Garment!

You, the Bride of Christ cannot show up with a dirty garment, with SPOTS, STAINS, WRINKLES, and DIRT all over your garment.
Sins all over her, sins dripping off her, sins clinging to her, having a FILTHY wedding dress on.

Repent and follow every jot of Yah's Bible, or you will be locked out of the Marriage Supper where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth in Hell.

No Bride shows up with a FILTHY wedding dress.
The Bride made herself ready BY obeying every jot of her Husband’s manual, including New Month Day, 5 Fasts during the year, appearing 3 times a year at a headquarters site, no gentile days used in your life.

Yeshua's Bride is 'SPOTLESS" per God's Bible.

The Obedient Church of God




March 22 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
283.) click here for Sermon of > Mar 29, 2014  
Mar 29, 2014

Mar 29, 2014 - 


Highlight of March 29 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Adar II 26, 5994
Mar 29, 2014
Highlights of March 29 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Mar 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

CelebrateBOTH=TheLord'sDinner&Passover=BothAreCOMMANDED. Click here>


You keep the Last Supper, and then you have the Passover 2 days later.

You "MUST" celebrate both the Lord's Memorial Dinner  1 Corinthians 11:24;

"and” Passover Leviticus 23:14, because  “BOTH” are commanded in God's Bible. Celebrate BOTH=The Lord's Dinner & 2 days later Passover=”Both” Are COMMANDED.

Nisan 12=The Lord’s Memorial Dinner was on Nisan 12, Tuesday night.


Nisan 13= Sentenced at Noon John 19:14. Wednesday.

Jesus/Yeshua had to spend the night in jail after being sentenced, because it was the Roman RULE was that you cannot execute a man on the same day he was sentenced.


Nisan 14= Crucified at 9 A.M. Mark 15:25 Thursday

Nisan 14= Passover was on the 14th at twilight just “before” the Days of Unleavened Bread start.


Three days inclusive reckoning= part of Thursday afternoon daylight before being put in Tomb, Friday daylight, Saturday daylight.

Three nights inclusive reckoning = Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night.


Editor’s Note:

You cannot be crucified at 9 A.M. when you are sentenced at NOON. How can you be crucified “before” you are sentenced?

Answer: You can’t. Therefore he was in the Dungeon overnight waiting to be crucified the next morning.



Other Highlights of Service:


2.) The citizens in Israel today are NOT Jews, they are Canaanites/Khazars.


3.) The leaders of Israel: Shimon Perez and Benjamin Netanyahu are NOT Jews, but Polish. Both their "real" names ended in "ski". They both changed their names to Jewish sounding names.


4.) The USA Economy explained by using "Tomatoes".


5.) Song: I'm a Real 1st Century Christian.


Broadcast of March 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



March 29 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
284.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 1, 2014 New Moon 
Apr 1, 2014

Apr 1, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 1 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 1, 5995
Apr 1, 2014
Highlights of April 1 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Monumental New Month Day: "ALL" 3 Calendars Julian, Hillel II 358 A.D. calendar, and God's Sacred Calendar "ALL" agree this month!


Exodus 12:2
This month shall be to you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Happy Springtime New Year/Nisan 1 Tuesday New Month Day Service click here>

Highlights of Service:

1.) They are going to have “PIECE” Talks (not to be confused with PEACE Talks) and by April 15 on the Blood Red Moon they should give away PIECES  of Israel. This would mark the start of the 7 years of the Tribulation.

2.) Chop up Israel John Kerry you Illuminati Skull and Bones puppet: Separating Israel into 2 separate States, 1 Jewish and 1 Islamic.

3.) On September 23, 2017 the Heavens will display a MONUMENTAL Celestial Sign. Could we go to a Place of Safety “then”?

12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.


i.) The constellation Virgo will be clothed with the sun.

ii.) The moon will be under the feet of the constellation Virgo.

iii.) The 12 stars of Leo the lion will be on her head.

iv.) She gives birth to Jupiter.

            NOW COUNT BACK 3 ½ YEARS FROM September 2017 and you will arrive at April 2014.

Now consider the Tribulation is 7 years.

Therefore with an April 15th Peace Treaty, mid trib would be September 2017.

A Great “SIGN” is in the stars on September 23, 2017 that coincides with Revelations 12:1 of us the Church leaving for the Place of Safety.

New Topic:

4.) You pay your minister to move God’s Sabbath Day to Friday in ½ the World.

5.) You will “NOT” be the Bride of Christ, because by YOUR supporting ministers who move the Sabbath “TEST” Commandment to Friday in ½ the World.

6.) That makes “YOU” spotted and filthy, and an enemy of God.

7.) But keep it a secret in your Congregation, and maybe God won’t see.

8.) You have “hardened” your heart.

9.) Yeshua will not have a dirty sinful Bride.

10.) You have got to go through the Needles Eye, = unload all of your ministers sins off of yourself.

11.) Unless you REPENT [of supporting ministers who move God’s Sabbath Day to Friday in ½ the World, you shall all likewise Perish.

New Topic:

12.) MH370’s disappearance is the SAME as the Titanic’s Disappearance, done by the same CABAL, in order to steal Billions of $ from the World’s Technology.

13.) Your ministers will be lashed/beaten with MANY WHIP Lashes. Luke 12:47 for moving Yah’s Sabbath to Friday in ½ the World.

14.) Versus members who have a circumcised heart and stand up to their ministers, and keep God’s ways, NOT YOUR ministers’ ways.

15.) Obey God’s Bible and “keep” circumcising your heart, for you to be a completely changed person, and not locked into your lying ministers errors.

Who is Right? Your minister or your God who stated the 7th Day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God, which means “not” your ministers’ 6th Day Friday in ½ the World because your minister follows a phony 1883 International Date Line.

Your minister refuses to circumcise his heart, and remains obstinate defying Yah’s word by not putting Yah’s Sabbath back to the 7th day in ½ the World.

Who will you follow? The Obedient Church of God or your lying minister?

If you follow your lying minister you will NOT be the Bride of Yeshua, because you- YOU- “YOU” are spotted/dirty/impure

by supporting/paying tithes and offerings to a disobedient minister, who refuses to  repent.

The Obedient Church of God




April 1 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
285.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 5, 2014  
Apr 5, 2014

Apr 5, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 5 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 5, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 5, 5995
Apr 5, 2014
Highlights of April 5 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 5, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Service  click here>



1.) Your minister is a lying Devil.

He disobeys God's Bible.

2.) He disobeys Deuteronomy 16:16 3 times a year go to the Feast.

3.) He disobeys Ezekiel 46:3 You shall take the day off and Worship God.

4.) He moves God's Holy Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World.

5.) He celebrates the Great Whore's Mother gODDESS Day.

6.) He celebrates Turkey gOD Day.

7.) He celebrates Sky fATHER'S Day.


You are the servant to whom you obey.

Your minister is obeying the DEVIL.

That  means that your minister is a DEVIL and you are his servant.

Just like the POOP moves God’s Sabbath Day to Sunday, you minister moves God’s Sabbath Day to Friday, with a phony 1883 IDL (International Date Line) and your minister REFUSES to put God’s Sabbath Day back to where it was in 1882 which was on the 7th day, not the 6th day where it is now!

Your MINISTER and the POOP are IDENTICAL in moving God’s Sabbath Day.

Your minster like the Poop, is a Devil.


Wake Up:

That means you YOU "YOU" are serving the DEVIL. Because silence on your part, “IS” the same as acceptance on your part.


Instead of accepting your ministers lies:

REPENT and come into the safety and protection of The Obedient Church of God; TO COG.


Because what are you going to tell Father when you are on His judgment seat?

When Father asks you about your above 7 sins, what will you say?


Service # 286 April 5, 2014

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



April 5 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
286.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 12, 2014  
Apr 12, 2014

Apr 12, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 12 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 12, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 12, 5995
Apr 12, 2014
Highlights of April 12 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 12, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Celebrate EXACTLY the SAME as the DISCIPLES DID.
That means
take the Last Dinner "and" the Passover.


Saturday Night 2014: Take Last Dinner, Footwashing, Hymn on evening of April 12.
Sunday 2014: Reflect on Pilot, Herod, Pilate Sentenced Jesus at 12 Noon April 13.
Monday 2014: Reflect on Crucified 9 A.M. April 14.
Monday 2014: Take Passover 19 minutes before Days Unleavened Bread start.
Monday 2014:Then, Night of Watching-Examination of self at Start of Unleavened Bread.

Tuesday 2014: 1st Day of Unleavened Bread* (starts at sundown previous evening).


Other Highlights of Service:

Shabbat Hagadol of Sabbath of April 12th.

Lambs brought through Jerusalem on April 10/Nisan 10.

Lambs were a gOD of the Egyptians, and the Egyptians cringed as they saw their gODS being led through the streets of Egypt, to be killed by the Jews.

30 Thousand Guillotines have been prepared for you, and are stored in Georgia= 600 for each State of the Union.

Video Service  #286 April 12, 2014
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



April 12 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
287.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 15, 2014 1st Day of Unleavened Bread 
Apr 15, 2014

Apr 15, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 15 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 15, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 15, 5995
Apr 15, 2014
Highlights of April 15 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 15, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

For Video click here> 

Highlights of Service:
1.) Counting the Omer means counting the "CUPS" of Barley Flour 1 per day> It does "NOT" mean using the Satanic Tarot Kaballah.
2.) Meaning of the Red Moon explained.
3.) How to grow to be like Yah during the Days of Unleavened Bread.

You get the Bonus of an Inspirational Song titled: "Free As a Bird" (now that you have been washed clean by Yah's Blood), admonishing us/inspiring us to stay free and clean from sin during the next year. 


Free as a bird and almost as high,

Since we never will give up, we'll succeed when we try.

We'll go on forever and never will die,

Makes us free as a bird, and almost as high.


1st Day of Unleavened Bread Video Service # 288 April 15, 2014
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG 



April 15 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
288.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 19, 2014  
Apr 19, 2014

Apr 19, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 19 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 19, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 19, 5995
Apr 19, 2014
Highlights of April 19 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 19, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

To De-leaven your minister click here> 


Your minister does "NOT" obey God's Bible, because he moves God's Sabbath Day to Friday, in 1/2 the World.
God's Bible commands "YOU" to MARK those who walk not according to the Doctrines of the 1st Century Apostles and Yeshua.
Deliberately he refused to repent and still moves God's Sabbath Day to Friday in one half the world.

The ministers that have been told, and "STILL" move God's Sabbath Day to Friday, with a phony IDL (International Date Line) are:
Bob Thiel- Continuing Church of God
Bill Dankenbring- Triumph Prophetic Ministries
Jon Brisby- Church of God the Eternal.


All the above 3 ministers have been admonished to repent and follow God's 7th Day Sabbath, a simple thing to do.
But they refuse to Repent, and indeed "continue" to Neglect and Refuse to Repent.

Therefore according to God's Bible's command of Romans 16:17 they are Hereby MARKED, and you should have nothing to do with them and their evil deed of moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday, just as the POOP moves God's Sabbath Day to Sunday.


It is God's Bible's COMMAND for YOU to "Mark them", and the Bible's command IS to have nothing to do with them, unless you want to disobey God's Bible Command of Romans 16:17.


Put the evil minister out from among you!

Or there is NO sacrifice for your sins. Hebrews 10:26 He who knows to do right and does not do it, there is NO SACRIFICE for your sins. God's Bible commands you to throw the evil minister out=Mark him because he is NOT in the faith, by his moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday in half of the World.
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG
Sermon of April 19, 2014 - De-leaven your minister.



April 19 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
289.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 21, 2014 7th Day Unleavened Bread 
Apr 21, 2014

Apr 21, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 21 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 21, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 21, 5995
Apr 21, 2014
Highlights of April 21 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 21, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video of Last Day of Unleavened Bread> 

Question: Was God's Sabbath Day moved in 1883 to Friday.

Answer: Yes it was.

And your minister "refuses" to put it back to the 7th Day.

Your Sinister minister "hides" the truth of the IDL (International Date Line) moving God's Sabbath to Friday, from you.

Your Sinister minister "CAUSES" members to WORK on God's Sabbath Day in 1/2 the World.

The Sinister ministers are all LYING DEVILS like the POOP who moves God's Sabbath to Sunday.


Your Sinisters tell you to look for leaven in your houses, but the ministers "refuse" to look for leaven in their own Doctrine.

This is a "Heart to Heart" Sermon from The Obedient Church of God; TO COG, to get you out of the clutches of the IDL, that causes you to have 1/2 the people in the World "WORKING" ON  GOD'S HOLY SABBATH DAY!


Your Sinister minister hides the truth from you, won't discuss it, and covers it up from you.


You cannot wait for Christ to return to restore it, because James 4:17 and Hebrews 10:26 states:

That if you know to do good, and do not do it, therefore there is no sacrifice for your sins.

This is "SO" serious, yet your Sinister minister wants to hide it from you, He is now an Anti-Christ servant of the Devil, as PROVEN by his actions of moving God's Sabbath to Friday, just like the POOP moves God's Sabbath to Sunday.

Published on Apr 22, 2014

You "FAILED" to De-Leaven your Minister, during the Days of Unleavened Bread.
A Heart to Heart Discussion from The Obedient Church of God; TO COG.
You are in the Clutches of the Devil's International Date Line,
and you refuse to come out of the Devil's Date Line.

Ministers are to protect the sheep and not to have the people work in 1/2 the World on God's Sabbath Day.
Your minister belongs to the Devil's International Date Line and not to God's Way of a 7th Day Sabbath.
The Devil has tricked your minister again!
Why are you "lukewarm"?
Last Day of Unleavened Bread Sermon # 290 April 21, 2014 with a Bonus New Song entitled:

All "YOUR" ministers Don't Know What They're Getting In For.

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG 



April 21 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
290.) click here for Sermon of > Apr 26, 2014  
Apr 26, 2014

Apr 26, 2014 - 


Highlight of April 26 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Nissan 26, 5995
Apr 26, 2014
Highlights of April 26 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Apr 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video click here> 


1.) Why do you obey ministers, and you do "NOT" obey God's Bible? Realize then that God then can't use you!
2.) Sephirot is set out in the Dimensions of the Satanic Washington Mall. Worse than that the Sephirot does not have Christ's Sacrifice in it, it is all the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and "EVIL" The tree of self improvement that doesn't have Yeshua in it.
3.) Bent Crucifix explained, AND BENT Crucifix "KILLS" Italian 21 year old man.
3.) The 5 Chess steps of setting up Russia to destroy the USA Currency
4.) The 5 Chess steps of destroying the USA citizens.
5.) Sephirot count is the Tree of DEATH, because it does NOT have Yeshua in it. It "IS: the knowledge of the Tree of good "AND" EVIL.
6,) The World LEADERS ARE all Satanic, playing a card game, trying to steal each other's chips..
7.) Are you going to walk in RIGHTEOUSNESS, or are you going to support sinning ministers who move God's Sabbath to Friday,.
8.) You "won't" be in God's Kingdom, if you PAY ministers who move God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.
9.) "WHY" are you like Oliver North who supports the President/your minister while disobeying the USA Constitution?
Why are you supporting your minister who disobeys God's Bible? Why?

We TO COG are "helping you".
We don't need to help you.
We are doing this work to help you.
Please respond
BY COMING INTO The Obedient Church of God
so that you do go into the Lake of Fire.

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



April 26 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
291.) click here for Sermon of > May 1, 2014 New Moon 
May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014 - 


Highlight of May 1 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Iyar 1, 5995
May 1, 2014
Highlights of May 1 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Ministers Have Stolen Yeshua romYou with their FALSE WAYS and ""INSTEAD"

have given you SATAN, SATANIC WAYS "instead "OF" Christ's ways=


INSTEAD "OF" the WAY Yah walked/Instead of "HIS" Example of how to walk,

your ministers teach you Satan's ways

of Turkey gOD Day, moving Sabbath to Friday, Refusing God's New Month Day of Ezekiel 46:3.




Mary kept searching for Jesus.
"YOU" keep searching for Yeshuas'/Jesus' WAYS.


Bonus Info:
Our Lord was crucified in 33 A.D. as proven by the FACTS of Paul's Conversion.


The Obedient Church of God; TO COG

We are "RESTORING" ALL THINGS, as proven by the FACTS.
New Month Day Service Iyar 1 (May 1), 2014.



May 1 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
292.) click here for Sermon of > May 3, 2014  
May 3, 2014

May 3, 2014 - 


Highlight of May 3 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 3, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Iyar 3, 5995
May 3, 2014
Highlights of May 3 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 3, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video click here>


You "ARE" disobeying God "JUST" like the Israelites Disobeyed.
1.) You move God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World with a phony IDL (International Date Line).
2.) You refuse to show up on God's COMMANDED ASSEMBLY of New Month Day,.
3.) You "refuse" to stop learning the way of the Gentile of:
i.) Mother gODDESS DAY
ii.) Sky fATHERS DAY
III.) Turkey gOD DAY.
12:32 You shall not ADD to God's Bible.
YOU "PRACTICE" Satanic lies.
22:15 Into the Lake of Fire you who practices lies.

1 minister even has you practicing the Satanic Kaballah with its Tarot Card tree of an Omer Count.
Satan wrote the Omer Count, because the Zohar and Kaballah were both done by automatic writing from Demons, and "YOU" are practicing what the Demons wrote!
God didn't write it. SATAN WROTE THE OMER COUNT.

New Topic:

Crisis is Ukraine is NOW like the Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962. Forces are all on full alert!

New Topic:
The POOP is going to Jerusalem May 24 to sign the plan called "the Holy Basin" to split God's City of Jerusalem into 3 parts.

The POOP is given TOTAL Control of the Upper Room "Forever". That is where the 1st Century Netsart/Christians met for God's Sabbath 7th Day.


Video Sermon #293 May 3, 2014.
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



May 3 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
293.) click here for Sermon of > May 10, 2014  
May 10, 2014

May 10, 2014 - 


Highlight of May 10 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 10, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Iyar 10, 5995
May 10, 2014
Highlights of May 10 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 10, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video click here>

Sermon Highlights:

1.) You want to go straight back into Egyptian Captivity with your Celebration of Mother Goddess Day tomorrow May 10, 2014.
2.) You "WANT" the WAYS of the Egyptian.Instead you should:
i.) Love God more than you love your mother. Luke 14:26
ii.) Yah told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. Matthew 16:24-26
iii.) Count the cost of losing your relationship with your mother or daughter. Luke 14:28.


Lucifer's plan was to get you to participate in Pagan Practices that you "think" are proper. The Encyclopedia Britannica states that Mothers Day IS pagan!


3.) All "Christians" are deceived, and all the offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God are deceived and only 1/2 full of oil, so they will also be thrown out of the Marriage Supper.

Only the Netsari are undeceived.

New Topic:
4.) Pictures PROVING nearly all World leaders are Satanic Devil Worshipping Illuminati Satanists.
5.) No one is going to Heaven, nor has anyone ever gone to Heaven. John 3:13.
6.) With 1 stroke telling you no one has ever gone to heaven, that wipes out all the Mainstream Christian Ministers, including Billy Graham, who BTW is a 33rd Degree Mason who worships Satan.
7.) The back of your Dollar Bill exposed for its Satanic Symbols. The facts explained. Including where the OWL symbolizing Molech "is" on your Dollar Bill.


The Whole World is Deceived into a FALSE CHRISTIANITY,

a false Christianity, Calling itself Christian that in reality is Satanic.


Video Sermon # 294 May 10, 2014
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



May 10 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
294.) click here for Sermon of > May 17, 2014  
May 17, 2014

May 17, 2014 - 


Highlight of May 17 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 17, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Iyar 17, 5995
May 17, 2014
Highlights of May 17 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 17, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video click here>


We "ARE" the Romans 9:28

end time short work,

that is Restoring all things.

You can "REALIZE" THAT from what we preach.

We're calling the sheep out of every debauchery of the World, that the sheep are involved in.


In order to save my Brothers and Sisters from God's Wrath by their "DIS"obedience to Scripture, we emphatically state:


1.) Stop practicing the SATANIC Kabbalah Seipherot channels. They have nothing to do with Jesus, but all to do with the Devil who wrote them, for the self-improvement of his children the Witches and Warlocks.

Tree of life (Kabbalah) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - View by Ixquick Proxy - Highlight

The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) in Hebrew, is a classic descriptive term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism, ...

2.) Count 49 days, as the Bible Commands. Period.

3.). Do NOT add anything to God's Bible. Galations 1:6, 9. Deuteronomy 12:31.


New Topic:

In order to save you physically, you need to know what your ministers do not teach you.


4.) Using the NDAA Act we explain to you what your ministers don't know as to how you "WILL" be beheaded.

The NDAA [Act] is in force NOW. You have no rights, since Rotten Ronald Reagan signed into law that:

Christians shall be labeled "Disrupters" and therefore must be killed.

Stop watching Network News, because you have not been getting any News for 50 years. Again: You are NOT getting any TRUE news. It is "you" who are being programmed.

The Example is the missing plane and now the Ukraine:


5.) The Ukraine is just a diversion. The NWO only is using the Ukraine fiasco,

to divert you from thinking about and realizing that:

90 Million Americans are out of work.

Over 100 Million Americans are on Food Stamps.


6.) The Illuminati leaders of the USA are collapsing the American Dollar deliberately,

so that they can bring in their New World Order using the Hegelian Dialectic.


7.) Church members who say they will take the Mark of the Beast so that they can feed their children or family CANNOT BE GOD'S DISCIPLE, because you love your children and family more than God. That is what your Bible states.

Luke 14:26 - Bible Gateway

:26 You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your ... children...


8.) Get off of Government Surveillance, by your buying with CASH:

A GREEN Dot Debit card at your local Drug Store (for Cash).


9.) Your ministers cannot understand the real World, as proven by the fact that they know nothing of the Executive Orders.


10.) Nor can your ministers understand God's Bible, as proven by the fact that your ministers do "NOT" obey God's Bible.


The Obedient Church of God; TO COG is the only church that has the information

to assist you to survive Spiritually and Physically

to get you into Yah's Place of Safety.


Selah-think on that.



The Obedient Church of God; To COG



May 17 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
295.) click here for Sermon of > May 24, 2014  
May 24, 2014

May 24, 2014 - 


Highlight of May 24 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 24, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Iyar 24, 5995
May 24, 2014
Highlights of May 24 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 24, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video click here>


Do you want GOD'S 1st Century Doctrine,
the "added" doctrines/lies of your sinister-minister?
Your minister is a LIAR !
He lies and says he obeys God's Bible.
Then, he "REFUSES" to obey:
Your sinister DELIBERATELY refuses to obey:
1.) Deut 16:16 = 3 times a year
and only 3 offerings a year


2.) Jeremiah 10:2 Learn "NOT" Turkey gOD DAY, Mother gODDESS DAY-Mothers Day, learn not Sky fATHERS DAY-Fathers Day;


3.) You "SHALL" WORSHIP on New Month Day. Ezekiel 46:3


The above "PROVE" your minister is a LIAR.


Plus your minister does not read God's Bible with any understanding "because" Zecheriah 8:19 states that there are 4 fasts to the Lord, but because your sinister does not believe God's Bible, therefore he has NO fasts to the Lord.


Your sinister is a wolf and a servant of the Devil, and your minister causes you to disobey God.
Your churches are DEAD Asleep, and don't know anything-can't even understand the words of Yah's Bible.


Stop supporting Lying Ministers or be DAMNED.
Judgment is NOW on "YOU" who used to be the house of the Lord.
You are DAMED
you continue to follow DISobedient ministers.


REPENT and believe the Bible.



The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



May 24 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
296.) click here for Sermon of > May 31, 2014 New Moon 
May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014 - 


Highlight of May 31 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 31, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 1, 5995
May 31, 2014
Highlights of May 31 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 31, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Do not delve into the Satanic Kabbalah's Seipherot Count.

WE are on the Offensive against all "so called" teachings that are NOT in God's Word.

Click here>

Do a Wednesday Night Bible Study using this missing but recovered May 31st Service that Satan did not want you to hear:

The 10 Seipherot Spheres/Orbs with 22 Channels Are The Devils Words= Not God's Words
It is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good "AND" EVIL.
It is NOT the Tree of Life, because it contains "EVIL"!
It was taken out of the Kaballah, which was written by the Devil.

The Kaballah was written by automatic writing, whereby the priest just holds the pen and the pen writes. Similar to past life regression where the person is allegedly taken back into a past life and if she thinks she once was a Concert Pianist in a past life, even though she cannot play a note today, but while under regression, she can automatically play with the virtuosity of a Concert Pianist, "BECAUSE" it is NOT her that is playing but a Demon that is inside of her. The same is true for the automatic writing of a Priest writing the Kaballah and Zohar that the Kaballah was based on. IT IS "ALL" SATANIC. Good mixed with EVIL.

Have no part of things that are not in the Bible. Because you do not know what you are dabbling in!
What you are dabbling in is SATANISM that the Witches and Warlocks practice to "balance" themselves, by NOT using the Word of God!
Use the Bible's fruits of the Spirit in Galations 5:23; "NOT" the Devils Handbook of Seipherot from the Satanic Kaballah!
Use God's tool the Bible, not the Devil's tool the Kaballah!

Have NOTHING to do with the works of Darkness.
Seipherot is used by Kabbalists to restore man to his higher place.
Thereby avoiding the Sacrifice of Jesus.

Ephesians 5:23
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:23 King James Version.
May 31, 2014 Missing Sermon

that Satan did not want you to hear.




May 31 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
297.) click here for Sermon of > Jun 4, 2014 Pentecost 
Jun 4, 2014

Jun 4, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jun 4 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 5, 5995
Jun 4, 2014
Highlights of Jun 4 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

POWERFUL Uplifting Pentecost Video BROADCAST

filled with re-discovered TRUTHS to cause you to

REJOICE AT God's 2nd Feast Festival Time of 2014.

Brought to you by TO COG- The OBEDIENT CHURCH of God


= Re-Discovered Pentecost TRUTHS Video click here> 

such as:

1.) There are "2" Groups of 144,000.

2.) The 2 Wavesheaves represent the 2 Groups of 144,000 that are waved before The Father.

3.) Yeshua waves the 2 Sheaves before El Shaddai, Yeshua is "not" one of the 2 Wave Sheaves.

4.) Yeshua is the High Priest that waves "HIS" Firstfruits/Us before the Father.

5.) Only we, TO COG, are bearing the Fruit of "every" jot of Father's Way of Life. 

6.) If we were not bearing fruit, then the Bible could not be fulfilled at all! Because there would be no Firstfruit! Because the other COG's (Churches of God are only 1/2 full of Oil= are only 1/2 Obedient.

Click here for the PROOF> 

7.) We the Wave Sheaf will "not" be burned, instead we are presented/waved before The Father. Ministerial study of the Wave Sheaf Offering IS Extremely RARE, but this Important Harvest Ceremony Factors into your VERY ETERNAL LIFE!

8.) Let's see you yearly sprout another bud of grain on yourself by your being obedient to 1 more jot of Father's Law/way of life.

9.) Sprout another bud of grain on "YOUR" Firstfruit Sheaf Body/stalk, of the Firstfruit that you ARE. Become a weightier heavier stalk of good bountiful grain.

10.) 1 Scripture knocks out all the other offshoot COGs (offshoot churches of God)= Not 1 jot can be disobeyed:

Matthew 5: 17 Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah - not until everything that must happen has happened. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (words/commands) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers and P'rushim, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

11.) "We" ARE the FAITHFUL LITTLE FLOCK, while UCG, UCGWA, LCG, PCG, CCOG are all the big flocks, that are unfaithful to God's every word.

12.) The Spirit of God is given to those who obey= follow more Law= given more Oil= Given more Spirit of God. 

13.) Yeshua only had 120 members. Out of the 3,000 2,880 fell away. All that were left were 120.

14.) There are 3 groups at the Marriage Supper:

The Bride,

The Guests

Those who had no works/no wedding garment, who were thrown out of the Wedding Hall.


15.) The Bride is Spotless.

The Guests were spotted but gave their heads in the Tribulation.

The ones thrown out refused to follow every jot and refused to give up "their" lives.


New Topic:

16.) "WE" are the TRUE NWO (New World Order).


17.) We are the Pentecost NWO.


18.) We are the fulfillment of Daniel's dream.


19.) We will break NWO and be the Kings and Priests who will smash the Governments of this evil World.


20.) During the 10 days of Awe we are the ones who with Yah, will SMASH the image of the Beast. "We" the 1st Fruits are going to fulfill the prophecy of Destroying the Beast's System!


21.) We will smash and replace the Iron and the Clay with Yeshua the Rock.


22.) The vision of the Daniel's Beast is explained. Large Iron Teeth means that he Yaps a lot as he devours.


23.) Executive Orders listed, that NOW put you into a cage, like Hezekiah was like a bird in a cage when Jerusalem was surrounded.


24.) Your only hope is Yeshua to put you into the Place of Safety, because the Executive Orders will put you into Work Camps.


25.) The good news is that "all returned to their houses, because we took the leaders jobs away from them.


26.) During the 10 Days of Awe between Trumpets and Atonement, YOU will smash the Presidents, Senators, Mayors, and Councilmen of the World and replace the Governments of the World.


27.) Picture yourself as a bountiful FULL Stalk of Grain, full of righteousness that exceeds your Ministers'/Pharisees' righteousness. For unless you are more righteous than your minister, you will not enter the Kingdom.  For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.






Jun 4 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
298.) click here for Sermon of > Jun 7, 2014  
Jun 7, 2014

Jun 7, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jun 7 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 7, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 8, 5995
Jun 7, 2014
Highlights of Jun 7 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 7, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Broken camera sermon of June 7 click here> 




Jun 7 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
299.) click here for Sermon of > Jun 14, 2014  
Jun 14, 2014

Jun 14, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jun 14 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 14, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 15, 5995
Jun 14, 2014
Highlights of Jun 14 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 14, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

You had better leave your DIS-obedient churches, because you foolish virgins who are only half full of oil



YOU CONTINUE TO PAY tithes and offerings to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday and thereby "CAUSE" men to lose their eternal salvation. You will be damned for 


supporting ministers who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in half the World, as proven by the facts, just like the Poop will be damned for moving God's Sabbath to Sunday. YOU are no different than the POOP AND THE SATANIC CATHOLICS.

Furthermore here is

God's warning Service of June 14 to kill all the Pagan Days/animals

Saul killed everyone but Agag (the king) and the best of the animals. ... Because Saul didn't kill everyone as God commanded, God changes his mind ... Saul can no longer be King. I Samuel 15:9

You MUST kill/stop participating in Sky Fathers Day June 15. 


Come into the safety and protection of TO COG "because" we are the work that is restoring All things as proven by the FACTS .

Deny this, and you are a LIAR, and all liars will be thrown into Hellfire. Rev 21:27 Rev 22:15.

You think this is a joke, and think you can ignore these truths without God punishing you Luke 12:48. REPENT:


We ARE the endtime work of Romans 9:28 which "is" restoring all things, and if you say we are not, then you are a damnable liar.

Because we "have" restored God's test Commandment Sabbath Day in half the World as proven by our Congregation in Pakistan and our affiliates in Australia, India, and the Phillipians.


Wake up. Realize that restoration of God's Bible is NOW in these end times being done by TO COG The Obedient Church of God and no other church.



Service of Sabbath of Sivan 15 - June 14 click here> 


Main Message: Sky Father's Day tomorrow June 15th Sunday is the SATANIC Feast of Litha with Human Sacrifices being done by the Druids and assorted Warlocks, Witches and Masons.



Other Highlights of today's Sabbath Service:


1.) The Menorah has 207 parts.

Your body has 207 bones.

The Menorah's 7 candlesticks represent the 7 Churches.

There are people in the 7 Churches, a NT spiritual body is not of wood nor stone.


The 207 parts of God's Menorah represent the spiritual bodies of His people.


PS: The Symbol of God's People is the Menorah, "NOT" the Star of David.


2.) How to survive the coming pre-Tribulation.

3.) Your government leaders are all Masonic Devils.

4.) The Akhenaten are coming back and the Alien Saviour will be an Akhenaten.

5.) An alien Species NOW controls the leaders of the earth via their Agents the Masons, under the leadership of Lucifer.


Other mind shaking revelations are scattered throughout today's Broadcast, to pull you out of your Rabbithole and let you see the light of God= Do not add 1 thing/DAY Mother goddess Day, Sky fATHERS DAY, TURKEY gOD DAY to God's Bible, because you do "NOT" know what you are doing/adding to your life, you never did the research where these days come from.



Restoring all things;

Proven by the Facts




Jun 14 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
300.) click here for Sermon of > Jun 21, 2014  
Jun 21, 2014

Jun 21, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jun 21 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 21, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 22, 5995
Jun 21, 2014
Highlights of Jun 21 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 21, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

You NEED to "KNOW" what is "REALLY" going on in the World:

"The Pagan Goddess"

ISIS is knocking on Bagdad's door

1.) ISIS is a POWERFUL "gODDESS"/Demon in Iraq    .
2.) We are dealing with Principalities in High Places.
3.) Reporting on Poop Francis's Freudian Slip saying: "In service of your Penis".
4.) When you see all of the "rich bugs" private planes flying into the Denver Airport and lined up, "then" you will know that the Wars will start very shortly.
5.) God gives us the understanding. We "ARE" the little Flock.
6.) You work 3 hours every day of your life to pay the Illuminati.
7.) Richard Armstrong's Death explained.
8.) Why we went into Afghanistan.
9.) The missing Gold is being ingested by the Nephilim, just as we humans take Silver (Colloidal Silver).
10.) They are impersonating aliens.
11.) The demons live in Antarctica.
12.) The USA lost the Antarctic War in 1947, and retreated back home.
13.) They have moved half the Guillotines to Montana.
14,) The USA now ranks as the Worst of the Countries for peace, safety and security way back at number 101. South Korea is a better place to live than the USA.
15.) No jobs, they all have been sent to Asia.
16.) Why are buying Asian cars/rice burners, so that now Detroit is a destroyed.
17.) Rotten Ronnie Reagan signed an order in the 1980s that Christians were to be labeled "DISRUPTERS", and rounded up.
18.) There is no hope until Yeshua comes to save us.
19.) We are here to pull you sheep out of the mud and stop you from celebrating.
Turkey gOD DAY
Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World.
20.) TO COG "IS" the Romans 9:28 Short Work of Witnessing Father's Truth, as "PROVEN" by the above FACTS.
21.) Bride has to be spotless, not covered in spots and filthy a whore going after mans'-Satan's Days.
22.) Grace is a limited period of time for you to repent in.
23.) The Lords Dinner was a going away Dinner, and you  must practice the Going Away Dinner in remembrance of Yah, AND the Passover.for you to be WASHED IN HIS BLOOD.
24.) Open the Gates of Righteousness, where all the Righteous enter in. That is what your Bible states.
25.) Being a Bunker Bunny will not save you, only Yah's every jot and tittle will get you into the Place of Safety.
26.) You are to flee to the Mountain"S" not "the" Mountain.
27.) You will be protected in a Place in the Mountain"S" plural.
Hint: Matthew's Mountain with Mark's Mountain across the street from Matthew's Mountain.
28.) STOP supporting Ministers who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in half the World.

29.) It is just like you supporting the POOP, who moves God's Sabbath Day to Sunday.

30.) When will you Repent and stop supporting men who "MOVE" God's Sabbath Day to Friday?


Come into the Safety and Protection of TO COG-

The Obedient Church of God.


June 21 2014 Sermon #303.



Jun 21 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
301.) click here for Sermon of > Jun 28, 2014  
Jun 28, 2014

Jun 28, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jun 28 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 28, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sivan 29, 5995
Jun 28, 2014
Highlights of Jun 28 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 28, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


The Total Game Plan of:

What is really going on in the Middle East=

1.) CIA using ISIS to terrify us and to set up a Caliphate.

2.) ISIS will be used to crush Syria, which the USA/NWO (New World Order) could not do yet/was not allowed to do by Russia-so USA set up ISIS as a Proxy, to do it for them.

3.) Then after Syria is crushed, then the CIA crushes ISIS.



1.) Syria, 2.) Iran, 3.) Egypt, 4.) Iraq will “all” severely wounded.


Which “THEN” makes the remaining Muslim Nations Band/Join together for safety, thus setting up the King of the South.


Therefore the King of the South (the remaining Muslims band together without active participation of Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Iran),

so that the NWO can come in with many Ships Daniel 11:40 and destroy the King of the South.


In the process everyone wants the NWO to come in/establish itself, to save us.


Repent & Prepare for this NWO's Hegelian Dialectic which simply stated is:

1st Create a problem= ISIS,

2nd Scare everyone with the problem, with all the Newscaster talking heads saying: “What are we going to do, what are we going to do?” Thereby scaring the public.

3rd Then offer the solution which is: Get everyone to support the NWO to solve the problem.


Broadcast # 303

June 28, 2014



Jun 28 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
302.) click here for Sermon of > Jun 30, 2014 New Moon 
Jun 30, 2014

Jun 30, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jun 30 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 30, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tammuz 1, 5995
Jun 30, 2014
Highlights of Jun 30 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jun 30, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Here is the link to the Video>


Subject: The Goths/Huns/Vandals were Germanic who did "NOT" destroy Rome, they just took Rome over and nourished it.

It was the Muslims that destroyed Rome 200 years later.


New Month Day Service

Titled: Our only hope is for Yeshua to return quickly.


All History of the Fall of Rome has been MIS-reported to give cover to Satan’s Muslim Religion.


Since 622 A.D. The Cities of the World have been destroyed by Devil Worshipping Muslims-Islam.


For the past 1392 years the Muslims have been waging Jihad against everyone else.

Muslims have murdered 270 MILLION since 622 A.D.. Muslims believe it is their duty to KILL the Infidel.

Muslims have started 548 Wars since 622 A.D. and have attacked 19,000 Cities,


60 Million Christians

10 Million Buddhists

80 Million Hindus

120 Million Africans


270 Million people have been killed by Muslims.


Now in 2014 the Muslims are still KILLING PEOPLE in Syria and Iraq under the banner of ISIS.


Our only hope is for Yeshua/Jesus Christ to return and stop them.


Broadcast #304 June 30 2014

The Obedient Church of God



Jun 30 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
303.) click here for Sermon of > Jul 5, 2014  
Jul 5, 2014

Jul 5, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jul 5 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 5, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tammuz 6, 5995
Jul 5, 2014
Highlights of Jul 5 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 5, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video Broadcast June 5, 2014 The Obedient Church of God; TO COG.

Click here>


Stop paying ministers to move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World=

It is like paying the Pope to move God's Sabbath to Sunday.


1.) Repent all you Ministers from moving God’s Sabbath to Friday in ½ the World, causing your members to WORK on God’s Sabbath Day.


2.) Repent all you members who support/pay ministers with tithes and offering to move God’s Sabbath to Friday in ½ the World,

causing members to work on God’s Sabbath Day.

Stop supporting MINISTERS who do the same thing as the POPE The Sabbath is God’s Sign on you. Ezekiel 20:20. The Sabbath Law is God’s Seal on you Isaiah 8:16


3.) July 16th 2014 God commands you to FAST Zechariah 8:19. The fast of the 4th month-who said that? God said that.

             July 16th "IS"

The Fast of the 4th Month 17th Day.


My Disciples "WILL" Fast. Matthew 9:15.


Broadcast # 305

July 5, 2014



Jul 5 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
304.) click here for Sermon of > Jul 12, 2014  
Jul 12, 2014

Jul 12, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jul 12 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 12, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tammuz 13, 5995
Jul 12, 2014
Highlights of Jul 12 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 12, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Jul 12 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
305.) click here for Sermon of > Jul 19, 2014  
Jul 19, 2014

Jul 19, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jul 19 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 19, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tammuz 20, 5995
Jul 19, 2014
Highlights of Jul 19 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 19, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video Broadcast click here>


Don't BE a DESPISER of what Is GOOD E.G.: The 4
FASTS of The Lord.

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG
Broadcast # 308 July 19, 2014



Jul 19 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
306.) click here for Sermon of > Jul 26, 2014  
Jul 26, 2014

Jul 26, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jul 26 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tammuz 27, 5995
Jul 26, 2014
Highlights of Jul 26 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church of God;



Video click here>


Highlights of Service:


To All off shoot Worldwide Church of God Ministers:
If you DON'T do "ALL" the Bible's Practices

you are then only 1/2 full of oil

and will be thrown in Hell.



You "have to" feed on "ALL" of God's Words, and not just browse on what you have been taught by men.

All the off shoot Churches of God are MAL-nourished,

only 1/2 full of oil/Bible practices.


They are cutting parts of the word of God from their diet.

You have got to learn to eat "EVERY" Word of God= ALL of God's Bible.

You have got to live by "EVERY" Word of God.

That means the 4 fasts of The Lord. Zachariah 8:19 and

God's New Month Day Ezekiel 26:3.


You only have 1 year left before the 7 years of Tribulation start.

Teaching them to observe "ALL" things.

Psalm 50:5 Gather to me my people [faithful ones].

Gather together into the protection of The Obedient Church of God, which will lead you in safe paths.

There will only be about 240 people in the Place of Safety, because when you divide 144,000 by 6,000 years you arrive at 24 people. 10 years of 24 people per year= 240 people.


Do NOT think that the Bible says to wait for Yeshua to restore all things "before" you start obeying, because:

Hebrews 10:26 states:

If you know what is right, and do NOT do it, there is NO SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SINS, but instead a trip to Hell for you.

REPENT and start following "ALL" things such as: New Month Day on this Tuesday July 29 and the 2nd of the 4 fasts of The Lord on Av 9 (this August). 


Send questions to


New Topic:


The 2 Malaysian Aircraft, the one that went missing and the one that was shot down, were sabotaged "deliberately" by their Illuminati owner. (Malaysian Airline planes have a disquised Giant #33 on their tail. Picture is shown on Video to prove it).


The one that went missing was to steal the technology from the 20 Scientists aboard the plane, who were about to register a patent for a new electronic warfare device for military radar systems. With their disappearance, the Patent was given instead to the Illuminati

The 2nd plane was shot down, because there were 100 Scientists on it, that had the cure for Aids/HIV infection that the Illuminati does not want the cure to be known, because the Illuminati's Georgia Guidestones Number 1 commandment is:


To reduce the World's population to 1/2 Billion via:


Chem Trails Barium and Aluminum causing Alzheimers Dementia,

Fluoroacetic Acid in your drinking water causing 1 in 3 people to have cancer,

GMO's in your food that cause the 3rd generation of mice to die from holes in their stomachs, 

your doctors killing 200,000 of you with drugs, and

chemotherapy shutting down your immune system and killing you, 

pesticides on your food,

hormones in your meat and milk,

antibiotics in you meat and milk, etc., etc..

There is no way to stop them, except for Yeshua to destroy them.


Video picture of Satanist Alister Crowley's Witchcraft Book Cover showing the Kabbalistic 10 Sephirot on its cover.


Israel is deliberately allowing missiles to be smuggled into Gaza because Israel has the technology of Satellite Imaging Devices in the sky to see every underground tunnel going into Gaza. Yet Israel does not close the tunnels. The reason is the Hegalian Dialectic of the New World order by the Masons Shimone Perez and Benjamin Netanyahu which is:

1.) Cause or allow the Problem,

2.) Ramp up an Outcry through the media that: "Something has to be done, MUST be done.

3.) Then provide your solution.


1.) Let the missiles be smuggled into Gaza, and then let the Palestinians shoot the missiles at Israel.

2.) Then let the Media ramp up the problem continually.

3.) Then provide the solution which will be: The New World Order.

Explanation of the I Peter 2:7 Scripture: "Destined" to Stumble:

God does not "destine" anyone to stumble or fail, and be destined to be thrown into Hell.

What the Scripture really says is: "YOUR" actions/DISobedience destines you to be thrown into Hell.

ALL ex-Worldwide Church of God offshoots are destined to be thrown into Hell, because they choose to be DISobedient. They refuse to repent and follow "ALL" of the Ways written in God's Bible and they are therefore only 1/2 full of oil and will be locked out of the Marriage Supper, to be thrown into Hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:42.


Sabbath of God's 4th Month Day 27/

Roman/Julian/Gregorian 7th Month Day 26, 2014
Video Broadcast #309

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



Jul 26 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
307.) click here for Sermon of > Jul 29, 2014 New Moon 
Jul 29, 2014

Jul 29, 2014 - 


Highlight of Jul 29 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Av 1, 5995
Jul 29, 2014
Highlights of Jul 29 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents Father's Av 1 New Month Broadcast click here>


Father's New Month Day
Av 1, 5994
July 29, 2014

Video Broadcast #310

The Obedient Church Of God

e-Mail us at

Home Page:




Jul 29 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
308.) click here for Sermon of > Aug 2, 2014  
Aug 2, 2014

Aug 2, 2014 - 


Highlight of Aug 2 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 2, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Av 5, 5995
Aug 2, 2014
Highlights of Aug 2 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 2, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents Father's Sabbath Message of August 2nd 2014 click here>


"ALL" the offshoot Church of God have been deceived by the DEVIL.

They "ALL" move God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World with the phony IDL (International Date Line).


We TO COG are here to pull you out of your Rabbit Hole of deception.

Both Spiritually and Physically we give you the Knowledge, to give you:

1.)  "Spiritual" Understanding and

2.) "Physical" Understanding of the World also.

3.) Your political leaders are ALL Satanic Illuminati members, who want to KILL YOU.


They are "deliberately" flying the Ebola patients into the USA, in order to KILL YOU!

Symptoms of Ebola at the 1 hour 19 minute point of this Broadcast.


Your leaders like Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, and Stalin were all Illuminati, as was Rotten Ronald Reagan. 

President Ronald Reagan signed the Order for Christians to be rounded up/locked up as "Disrupters".


"ONLY" the Obedient Church of God "KNOWS" the Spiritual Facts and Physical Facts.


Come into the Membership and Protection of The Obedient Church of God

or burn in Hell

as a disobedient brat

as PROVEN BY THE FACTS of your disobeying God's Word. 

Av 5, 5994
August 2, 2014

Video Broadcast #311

The Obedient Church Of God

e-Mail us at

Home Page:




Aug 2 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
309.) click here for Sermon of > Aug 9, 2014  
Aug 9, 2014

Aug 9, 2014 - 


Highlight of Aug 9 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 9, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Av 12, 5995
Aug 9, 2014
Highlights of Aug 9 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 9, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents Father's Av 12 5994 - August 9 2014 Sabbath Broadcast click here>




Re-Discovered Truth:

1.) Jesus/Yeshua was "only" sent to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Matthew 15:24, Romans 15:8.

2.) The Disciples were "only" sent to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Matthew 10:6.


3.) Paul was sent to the Gentiles. Romans 15:18, Romans 15:16.


Anyone who "IS" in God "MUST" FAST.


Fasting increases your Spiritual Awareness.

Fasting is a hunger to DRAW CLOSER TO GOD.


Fasting demonstrates a need for God's help
and causes "FULL" dependence on God.


A clearer and more focused attention onto God.



If you have a sin that you cherish, "then" The Lord will "not" listen to your prayers.

God would "not" listen until David confessed his sins.
Isaiah 66:20.


New Topic:
Spiritual Breathing:
Confess your sin while breathing out.

Then say: God grant me righteousness, while breathing in.


Av 12, 5994

Aug 9, 2014
Broadcast # 312

Come Into the Truth, Safety, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

e-Mail us at

Home Page:



Aug 9 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
310.) click here for Sermon of > Aug 16, 2014  
Aug 16, 2014

Aug 16, 2014 - 


Highlight of Aug 16 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 16, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Av 19, 5995
Aug 16, 2014
Highlights of Aug 16 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 16, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:



Presents Father's Av 19 5994 - August 16 2014 Sabbath Broadcast click here>




1.) Your Smart Meter is harming you.
2.) The USA has invaded 37 Countries in the last 50 years.
3.) List of USA Soldiers' deaths in 3rd World Countries.
4.) How Israel will be divided and
5.) How Israel's Leaders are about to be deceived.


Av 19, 5994 

Aug 16, 2014
Broadcast # 313

Come Into the Truth, Safety, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

e-Mail us at

Home Page:



Aug 16 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
311.) click here for Sermon of > Aug 23, 2014  
Aug 23, 2014

Aug 23, 2014 - 


Highlight of Aug 23 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 23, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Av 26, 5995
Aug 23, 2014
Highlights of Aug 23 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 23, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents Father's Av 26 5994 - August 23 2014 Sabbath Broadcast click here>


I'm here to tell you something to save you:

1.) Dankenbring and his members will burn in Hell, because he refuses to repent and put God's Sabbath back to the 7th Day in 1/2 the World, "until "AFTER" Christ comes back. THAT WILL BE TOO LATE for the members of Triumph Pro, because NOW is judgment on the house of the Lord, "not" after Christ comes back. So Dankenbring and all Hs members will burn in Hell for NOT repenting "BEFORE" Christ returns, because they know the Sabbath has been moved in 1/2 the world. Hebrews 10:26= NO sacrifice for your Sin=burn in hell because you knew the truth and refused to do it. Rev 21:27 Outside is ever Minister that "causes" a lie. and Rev 22:15 Outside is every member who "practices" a lie. REPENT or burn in Hellfire!   

2.) Actual taped words played in Pope's Service saying Lucifer is God the Father.

3.) Actual taped words played with the Kabbalist George Bush Jr. casting a Satanic spell on the USA, reading My Pet Goat (Bathomet) upside down, while the children are instructed to chant:

4.) Shot 6 times-twice in the head for jaywalking. Since when do you shoot people 6 times for jaywalking? (This was "before" the officer heard the report of cigarillos being stolen).
An eyewitness to Michael Brown being shot 6 times, states Michael was pleading for his life with his hands up, when he was "deliberately" shot 4 more times, twice in the head while pleading for his life. It is a LIE that Michael tried to grab the murdering policeman's gun. Michael was 1st shot in the back while running away.
Since when do you have the right to shoot someone 6 times for Jaywalking?


5.) The police are geared up to treat Christians the same way, as disrupters. Ronald Reagan passed a Bill to label Christians as disrupters, and excerpt: The C.I.A. document was addressed to the Pentagon and stated that the (Vatican and all government agencies’) terminology for Christians is "the disrupter’s movement."8 The William Colby document (another of Rome’s documents) proceeded to outline a plan for the arrest, execution, or mental rehabilitation of all disrupters [Christians]."

The above are "FACTS" that cannot be disputed.

Michael Brown "now", Christians are NEXT.


Your only hope is for Yeshua/Jesus to return to stop all this evil of your Ministers and your Government leaders and Po-lice.

Av 26, 5994 

Aug 23, 2014
Broadcast # 314

Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

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Aug 23 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
312.) click here for Sermon of > Aug 28, 2014 New Moon 
Aug 28, 2014

Aug 28, 2014 - 


Highlight of Aug 28 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 28, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 1, 5995
Aug 28, 2014
Highlights of Aug 28 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 28, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God




Elul 1, 5994 - August 28 2014 New MONTH Day Broadcast click here> 




ALL who "refuse" to Worship God on New Month Day will be locked out of the Marriage Supper!

Because they "refused" to make their Wedding Garnment of Obedience to Father's Scripture of Ezekiel 46:3.


I'm here to tell you something to save you:



Hegalian Dialectic:
1.) Create a MONSTER= ISIS
2.) Have the Illuminati Medis's 6 Broadcasters Scare you,
3.) Provide the Solution: "Destroy" the King of the South".


ISIS explained.


Caliphate Explained
Scenario fix Explained:
1.) Create ISIS and just let ISIS run wild, as a "MONSTER".
2.) Wack ISIS with a newspaper when it is a bad dog, but don't kill it.
3.) Get the Islamic Lawyers to tone down ISIS
4.) Then "LET" Isis take over all of the Middle East, and become the King Of The South.
5.) Then USA "Will" come in against ISIS with "many Ships" and take over "All" the Middle East. 

That is our Wisdom/Understanding.

Broadcast # 315

Elul 1, 5994 

Aug 28, 2014

Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

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Aug 28 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
313.) click here for Sermon of > Aug 30, 2014  
Aug 30, 2014

Aug 30, 2014 - 


Highlight of Aug 30 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 30, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 3, 5995
Aug 30, 2014
Highlights of Aug 30 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 30, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God




click here> 




To "ALL" the offshoot ministers of the Worldwide Churches of God:


1.) Just REPENT and Follow every Jot of God's Bible;

2.) Because there won't be 10 different Groups in the Place of Safety, all teaching something different= You won't be there.

3.) If you are only 1/2 full of Oil, doing only 1/2 of the "jots" in God's Bible, you will be thrown out of the Kingdom, where there is weeping and knashing of teeth.


Added pre-Feast "Bonus":

When the USA splits God's City of Jerusalem in two,

God could then split the USA right down the middle from the tip of Lake Michigan down to the Gulf of Mexico.

That is why He put in the Madrid Fault, instead of building a "perfectly" stable Continent.

Broadcast # 316

Elul 3, 5994 

Aug 30, 2014

Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

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Aug 30 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
314.) click here for Sermon of > Sep 6, 2014  
Sep 6, 2014

Sep 6, 2014 - 


Highlight of Sep 6 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 6, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 10, 5995
Sep 6, 2014
Highlights of Sep 6 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 6, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Correct clickable link: 

                               The Obedient Church Of God



Presents the TO COG Elul 10, 5994 -September 6, 2014 SABBATH DAY WORSHIP SERVICE

click here> 




1.) Repent all you offshoots, and get back to the 1st Century Doctrine of the faith "once" delivered!


2.) The "REAL" TRUTH about our lying Leaders.


3.) The real truth of the Illumanati Pyramid of Power. A pictorial graph is shown on camera.


4.) The Heiarchy of the Angels' positions.


5.) The duties of the various Angels' positions.


Elul 10, 5994

Sept 6. 2014
Broadcast Video # 317


Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

e-Mail us at



Sep 6 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
315.) click here for Sermon of > Sep 13, 2014  
Sep 13, 2014

Sep 13, 2014 - 


Highlight of Sep 13 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 13, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 17, 5995
Sep 13, 2014
Highlights of Sep 13 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 13, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

                    The Obedient Church Of God



Presents the TO COG Elul 17, 5994 - September 13, 2014 SABBATH DAY WORSHIP SERVICE

click here> 




1.) We have "NEVER" been a "Christian" Nation from our founding - by the founding fathers who were ALL Satanic Masons.
2.) You were NEVER a Christian, because you still do "NOT" do what the Christians of the 1st Century did!
3.) If you are "not" obeying every jot of God's Bible, then you are obeying the DEVIL!


4.) Principalities Explained: Exousia are Satan's demons personally assigned to you!

Just like God has personally assigned good angels around you/children.


YOU are at war with Principalities.

5.) Another class of Demons is Kosmokratopas= Demons as World Rulers.

6.) Obama, Harper of Canada, and indeed nearly "all" the leaders of the World are Satanists.

7.) Winston Churchill was a Satanist.

8.) The true meaning of the V sign given by Churchill.

9.) Other common Satanic Signs will be shown on camera during Broadcast.


10.) The Obedient Church of God is the only Church on the earth, that is Christian,

as proven by the FACTS that we are the only Church on the Earth, that obeys every jot of God's Bible. The rest are only half full of oil.


Elul 17, 5994

Sept 13. 2014
Video Broadcast Video # 318


Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

e-Mail us at



Sep 13 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
316.) click here for Sermon of > Sep 20, 2014  
Sep 20, 2014

Sep 20, 2014 - 


Highlight of Sep 20 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 20, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Elul 24, 5995
Sep 20, 2014
Highlights of Sep 20 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 20, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents the TO COG Elul 24, 5994 - September 20, 2014 SABBATH DAY WORSHIP SERVICE

click here>




1.)The truth about our Government Leaders as proven my History.

2.) How to turn "Father's/your Dad's" Heart toward you.

3.) No soft drinks with Aspartame in them for anyone, as Aspartame caused deaths.

4.) How people have been killed off since 1918 influenza/Flu Pandemic and 

 How the soft drinks for the Troops in Desert Storm turned into Formaldehyde poison.

5.) How to look after your Physical Temple.

6.) How to look after your Spiritual Temple.

7.) Main Sermon (pre Feast Sermon) Cleaning up your Spiritual Temple: 


What kind of a Temple of God are you?

Are you a pure spotless Temple?


Elul 24, 5994

Sept 20. 2014
Video Broadcast Video # 319


Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

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Sep 20 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
317.) click here for Sermon of > Sep 27, 2014 Feast of Trumpets 
Sep 27, 2014

Sep 27, 2014 - 


Highlight of Sep 27 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 27, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 1, 5995
Sep 27, 2014
Highlights of Sep 27 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 27, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents the TO COG Presents the Tishiri 1, 5995 - September 27, 2014 SABBATH DAY WORSHIP SERVICE

click here> 


Fear God=Obey NOW Before God "Has To" Kill You, because 1 disobedient Satan was enough.


1.) Trumpets is NOT a Happy Day to be glad handing everyone saying Happy Trumpets, because they are "7" Trumpets, not just 1.

2.) There are no Christians in the United States.

3.) There are no Jews in Israel.


Listen to this "COMPLETE" Broadcast to "LEARN".


Trumpets teaches you to FEAR=Obey God's every word/jot, before He is sick of your disobedience.


Tishri 1, 5995

Sept 27, 2014
Video Broadcast Video # 320


Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

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Home Page:




Sep 27 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
318.) click here for Sermon of > Oct 4, 2014  
Oct 4, 2014

Oct 4, 2014 - 


Highlight of Oct 4 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 8, 5995
Oct 4, 2014
Highlights of Oct 4 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 4, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents the TO COG Presents the Tishiri 8, 5995 - October 4th, 2014 SABBATH DAY WORSHIP SERVICE

click here>  


1.) Why they stopped the Silver cure from reaching Africa:
The USA stopped the shipment of Colloidal Silver to Africa because Silver cures the Ebola BUT they want to reduce the population on the African continent because it takes 1 soldier to control 50 people, and they do not have enough soldiers to control the  people on the African Continent.

2.) The same goes for why you have been drinking Flouracitic Acid since 1950 in all your city water supplies, causing you heart disease, and

3.) all the herbicides, pesticides, fungicides on your food that cause cancers, and

4.) the GMO altered food you eat that makes holes in your stomach.

5.) The Vaccines that you take that shorten your life, and indeed kill the babies, and weaken the babies immune system for life.


New Topic:

6.) Tears in a Bottle: Jesus wept, Job wept, Mary Madeleine wept so many tears she washed Jesus' feet with her tears, Peter wept, Paul wept.

7.) The Bible clearly states in Malachi 3:13-17 "A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE" is being written about YOU!

8.) Dead Sea Scrolls words compared to Septuagint's words.

9.) The Septuagint was Jesus' Bible.

10.) You ministers "say" you obey God but you move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World with a phony International 1883 Date Line.

11.) You MUST discern between JUST and LAWLESS ministers.

12.) You are ALL false swearers, because you made a Vow at Baptism to obey God's Bible, but you don't!

13.) The Bride made herself ready and prepared a Wedding Garment of obedience to her husband.

14.) You have no obedience Wedding Garment, therefore you will not be the bride of Christ.

15.) You will only be the guest, or will be thrown out entirely, because you do not have a Wedding Garment of obedience.

16.) And you and your ministers will also be thrown out, because you are only half full of oil,

and worse than that you still refuse to repent and follow the truths restored by The Obedient Church of God 


Tishri 8, 5995

October 4, 2014
Video Broadcast Video # 321


Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

E-Mail us at

Home Page:

Again for Clarity:

It was the custom of the Israelites to PUT TEARS IN A BOTTLE.

4.) Jesus wept, Job wept, Mary Magdelene wept and washed Jesus' feet with her tears.

5.) Even Peter and Paul wept.

Psalm 56:8 Put my tears in your bottle.

6.) You've abandoned your first love of Jesus, and move His Sabbath Day to Friday in half the world.

7.) The Bible clearly states in Malachi 3:13-17 that at Book of Remberance was WRITTEN about YOU as to whether you obeyed.

8.) Comparing the text of the Septuagint with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

9.) God discerns between the just and the lawless ministers who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in half the World.

10.) How do you exalt your father?


By obeying Him by your being a REPENTANT obedient child.

11.) You Ministers are FALSE SWEARERS, BECAUSE YOU MADE A VOW TO OBEY GOD, but you DON'T as proven by the FACTS.

12.) You will be thrown out of the Wedding Supper, because you did not prepare your garment.

`13.) The guests had to have a wedding garment made for them and handed to them.

The Bride MADE her wedding garment.

15.) You will only be a guest and NOT a Bride,

or you may be thrown out of the wedding because you have no obedience, no wedding garment.

Tears in a bottle for you.

You are too hard hearted to have God's Sabbath on the 7th Day in 1/2 the World, and instead don't care and follow a minister who follows a phony International Date Line.


You are all denying God by your Works.



Oct 4 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
319.) click here for Sermon of > Oct 6, 2014 Day of Atonement 
Oct 6, 2014

Oct 6, 2014 - 


Highlight of Oct 6 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 6, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 10, 5995
Oct 6, 2014
Highlights of Oct 6 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 6, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God



Presents the TO COG Tishiri 10, 5995 - October 6th, 2014 ATONEMENT DAY WORSHIP SERVICE

click here> 




1.) You don't give a tithe of the tithe, "because" that tithe of the tithe is taken off the money you "already" sent in. Nehemiah 10:38.


2.) You don't give an offering on Atonement because you are commanded 3 times a year Deuteronomy 16:16

Not 7 times a year.

3.) The 3 times a year are:
i.) The Feast of Unleavened Bread.
ii.) Pentecost
iii.) The Feast of Tabernacles


To Obey is better than to sacrifice. 1 Samuel 5:22.

4.) The Holy Spirit is given ONLY BY the laying on of hands, not by Baptism.

i.) After you are baptized you then must have hands laid upon you beseeching Father to give you His Holy Spirit.

ii.) The Holy Spirit is given only to those who obey. Acts 5:32.

iii.) You can lose the gift of the Holy Spirit in you:

"if" you know what to do right, but don't do right, and keep committing error/sin. Hebrews 10:26.


5.) Main Message:

AT-ONE-MENT Only By the Shed Blood Of Jesus.


Tishri 10, 5995

October 6, 2014
Video Broadcast Video # 322


Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection


 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

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Oct 6 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
320.) click here for Sermon of > Oct 11, 2014 Feast of Tabernacles - Day 1 
Oct 11, 2014

Oct 11, 2014 - 


Highlight of Oct 11 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 11, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 15, 5995
Oct 11, 2014
Highlights of Oct 11 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 11, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:
  • First and last Days of, Holy convocations.

Leviticus 23:35 On the first day

shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.


Leviticus 23:39 on the eighth day

shall be a sabbath.

First Day Holy Convocation with The Obedient Church of God; TO COG, click here:



Oct 11 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
321.) click here for Sermon of > Oct 18, 2014 Shemini Atzeret 
Oct 18, 2014

Oct 18, 2014 - 


Highlight of Oct 18 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 18, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 22, 5995
Oct 18, 2014
Highlights of Oct 18 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 18, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Obedient Church Of God


Presents the TO COG Presents the Tishiri 18, 5995 - October 18th, 2014 SHEMIN1 ATZARET WORSHIP SERVICE

click here>


Truths restored by The Obedient Church of God 


Tishri 22, 5995

October 18, 2014
Video Broadcast Video # 324

Come Into the Truth, Safety, Understanding, and Protection of:

 The Obedient Church Of God

P.O. Box 1278

Omak, Washington, USA 98841

E-Mail us at

Home Page:



Oct 18 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
322.) click here for Sermon of > Oct 25, 2014  
Oct 25, 2014

Oct 25, 2014 - 


Highlight of Oct 25 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 25, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tishri 29, 5995
Oct 25, 2014
Highlights of Oct 25 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 25, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Your Ministers "LIE" when they say they obey God's Bible,

but refuse to follow Ezekiel 46:3 Sabbath and New months.




Oct 25 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
323.) click here for Sermon of > Oct 26, 2014 New Moon 
Oct 26, 2014

Oct 26, 2014 - 


Highlight of Oct 26 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 1, 5995
Oct 26, 2014
Highlights of Oct 26 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


"SEE" the TRUTH:
1.) New Moon Day Rebuttal To Dr. B Thiel PhD. & other Ministers.
2.) The Truth that the Shadow Government that runs the USA is deliberately sending soldiers into Africa to get infected, so that the Shadow Government can reduce the population of the USA down to 90% less people, so that they can control the remaining people,
because it takes 1 soldier to control 50 people:
So out of 322,583,006 people in the USA in 2014 x killing 90% per their own Georgia Guidestones they have to kill= 290,324,705 of us in the USA= They will have to kill 290 Million of us USA people.


3.) "NO" one realizes what is really going on/going to happen.
Isaiah 6:13 states only 1/10th left= 290 MILLION Americans gone (OUT OF 322 million)!

Come into the Safety and Protection of The Obedient Church of God, which will take you to the Place Of Safety.

Because the Bride makes herself read, making a Wedding Garment of SPOTLESS Obedience. 
Video # 326
Oct 26, 2014



Oct 26 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
324.) click here for Sermon of > Nov 1, 2014  
Nov 1, 2014

Nov 1, 2014 - 


Highlight of Nov 1 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 7, 5995
Nov 1, 2014
Highlights of Nov 1 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 1, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The Sukkah "Represents" God's Spiritual Covering over you 
via the Trees of Life/Oil Trees that the Sukkah is constructed from= Feast Of Tree Of Life= IS your Spiritual Covering Booth.

The Proof is: The Exodus 12:37 trip from Rameses, Egypt,


Succoth= Promised Land.

The Re-discovered truth is:

The Sukkah represents your New Testament Spiritual Covering.


The Sukkah "IS" The Feast Of The Tree Of Life.


The Feast should be called: "NOT" Tabernacles


The Feast Of The Tree Of Life.


Therefore you must live in a wooden Hut for 7 Days= The Feast Of your wooden covering The NT Tree/God's HUT Of Life. 
Video # 327

Nov 1, 2014



Nov 1 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
325.) click here for Sermon of > Nov 8, 2014  
Nov 8, 2014

Nov 8, 2014 - 


Highlight of Nov 8 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 8, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 14, 5995
Nov 8, 2014
Highlights of Nov 8 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 8, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

You and your Minister will be thrown into HELL, 
for willfully moving God's Sabbath to Friday,

1.) "YOU" pay money to your minister agreeing to let him move God's Sabbath Day to Friday.

Deny that you are moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World and that makes you a LIAR breaking God's 9th Commandment.

2,) How World War III will start:
3.) The 100th Anniversary of the 1914 WWI is on this November 11.
4.) WW III was planned in 1876.
5.) List of the 10 Groups of the New World Order's SUPER STATES.
6.) Bonus:
The Bar Code prefix that will tell you if your food is GMO or not.
7.) Characteristics of Joshua that allowed Joshua to enter the Promised Land.
SO THAT: you might have a clue about how to enter the Promised Land.


Video # 328
November 8 2014
The Obedient Church of God



Nov 8 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
326.) click here for Sermon of > Nov 15, 2014  
Nov 15, 2014

Nov 15, 2014 - 


Highlight of Nov 15 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 15, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 21, 5995
Nov 15, 2014
Highlights of Nov 15 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 15, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Video on Sabbath of Nov 15, 2014:


1.) Your supporting ministers who move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World, will put you in Hellfire. Rev 22:15 Whoever practices a lie. 


2.) Why "100" lb. Hailstones?


Because God changeth not, so just like in the Old Testament, for your Blasphemy, you will be stoned to death, with 100 lb. Hailstones.


3.) The DECEPTION of the FALSE Alien Saviour Messiah includes his Demons Impersonating Moses & Elijah,

causing you to be fooled by the 1st Beast. and them which dwell therein to worship the "First Beast." He makes fire come down from Heaven= like Elijah did, so people believe that Elijah is backing the 1st Beast. See Rev 13:13.


The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



Nov 15 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
327.) click here for Sermon of > Nov 22, 2014  
Nov 22, 2014

Nov 22, 2014 - 


Highlight of Nov 22 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 22, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Bul 28, 5995
Nov 22, 2014
Highlights of Nov 22 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 22, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


Billy Graham the brush salesman and 33rd Degree Mason was participating in the Monarch Mind Control project.


Graham sleeps with his eyes open, which is a sign of a Demonic MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder, and


Graham, was a damnable Liar telling you just to believe and you will go to Heaven. That is a LIE because the Devils believe James 2:19 and the devils will NOT be in the Kingdom.
Billy Graham is a lying Devil 33 Degree Mason.


Graham preaches a false doctrine of Salvation by Faith only, which will lead you straight into Hell.
Only overcomers will be in the Kingdom, but Graham says you do not have to obey nor develop, He says just believe like the devils believe Christ is Lord.
Just having faith gives you license to sin, because you have to repent to be in the Kingdom.
2.) Turkey gOD Day is not allowed because you are not allowed to add anything to God's Bible Deut 12:32, nor to preach a different way Galations 1:6, 9.
As you heard from the "beginning" is the only way to enter the Kingdom.
You have to REPENT AND OBEY. Luke 3:3.
3.) Whoever practices a lie of Turkey gOD Day will not be in the Kingdom. Revelations 22:15.
4.) Having a 20 lb. Buddah/bird on your table is a SIN, because it represents the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris sprang forth from. Of all the meats why a Turkey?
Because it is Turkey gOD DAY.
It's Turkey gOD DAY because the President pardons a 20 lb. bird.
And you have a 20 lb. bird on your table.


4.) Mathematical proof Yeshua was killed in 33 A.D..
5.) Yeshua lived 2 19 year time cycles and therefore was 38 when he was murdered.
6.) The Devils deception of the Wailing Wall and the Dome of the Rock explained. Hint: The Satanic stone under the Dome of the Rock matches the 11 Western USA States EXACTLY IN FORM..
7.) God's 2 Temples were in the City of David, NOT in Jerusalem.
8.)The Satanic stone under the Satanic Dome of the Rock matches the outline of the Western United States.
9.) 98 % of the people in Israel are Khazarians, and are NOT Jewish.
10.) Khazarians wanted to set up a Country for themselves, so they set up Israel for themselves in 1948.
.11.) Hollywood is Magic Wand wood to cast spells with.
12.) Yellowstone spelt backwards is Wolleystone= Hollystone.
13.) There will be a BAIL IN to take your money out of your Bank Account, because as of January 2014 you are no longer a Depositor but instead have become a Shareholder 4th in line to get paid when your bank goes under.


PS: Patton was murdered because Patton would have destroyed Russia thereby wrecking the Illuminate plan to have Communism to defeat the USA in WWIII, and then bring in the NWO (New World Order) out of chaos.


Video # 330
November 22, 2014
The Obedient Church of God



Nov 22 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
328.) click here for Sermon of > Nov 25, 2014 New Moon 
Nov 25, 2014

Nov 25, 2014 - 


Highlight of Nov 25 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 25, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 1, 5995
Nov 25, 2014
Highlights of Nov 25 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 25, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


For learning the way of the American Gentiles, you will BURN IN HELL per Deuteronomy 4:1-2 Jeremiah 10:2
God's Bible states that if you learn the way of the Gentile in the land (the USA) that you enter, you will burn in Hell.
I didn't say that, God's Bible states that.
And Deuteronomy 12:32 states that you cannot ADD a day to any of God's days.
Only the unspotted from the USA Holidays/World will be in the Kingdom of God. Not those who celebrate with the Turkey gOD 20 lb. Bird Cosmic Buddah/Goose/Turkey on their table that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris sprang forth from.


You REFUSE God's New Month Day, but you run to Satan's Turkey gOD Day, so God will have to burn you up in Hell as a disobedient brat.


Wake up and believe your Bible. Do NOT believe your lying Minister because God states that you are NOT to learn the way of the Americans/Gentiles.


Video # 331
The Obedient Church of God;TO COG



Nov 25 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
329.) click here for Sermon of > Nov 29, 2014  
Nov 29, 2014

Nov 29, 2014 - 


Highlight of Nov 29 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 5, 5995
Nov 29, 2014
Highlights of Nov 29 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 29, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Following every jot of God's Bible distinguishes a Christian from an Antichrist.

It distinguishes the faithful Christian from the Antichrists and

from the foolish virgins who are only 1/2 full of oil.


1.) Today's Sabbath Saturday November 29th, 2014 "IS":

The exact same numerical day (29) "and" the
same day of the week (Saturday) 

of the 6th Year Anniversary of Sabbath November 29, 2008 when The Obedient Church of God started,

independent from Bill Dankenbring over his refusal to stop adding a day to God's Bible.


2.) Therefore you can easily know the real Christian from the phony one.

The REAL Christian obeys every jot of God's Bible.

3.) The phony one hates devotion to "every" 1 of God's Holy Words:


They hate and ignore:

Do not add a day. Deut 4:2,  Deut 12:32.


4.) But God states: Preach no other Gospel/Doctrine than what is in God's Bible. Galations 1:6. :9.

Hold fast to the faith ONCE delivered. 2 Thessalonians 2:15.


5.) This Broadcast outlines "WHY" God had to raise up The Obedient Church of God,

because none of the present ministers/sinisters will follow the Words of God's Bible:

Do NOT add a day to God's Holy Days.

(Purim doesn't count because Purim is "not" a Duplicate day as in 2 days of Trumpets).

Following every jot of God's Bible sets TO COG as the CEO of all the COGs (Churches of God),

by the over 100+ Re-Discovered truths> .

Not to mention the fact that TO COG is the "only" Church in the whole world that does not move God's Sabbath Day to "Friday" in Australia, New Zealand, Philippians, etc., etc.

The Beast's churches MOVE God's Sabbath Day, to change times Daniel 2:21, Daniel 7:25= A SIGN of the coming Ecumenical Religion.

Moving the Sabbath Day is a mark of the Beast, including Idolatry in Revelations 13.


Bottom line:


You Ministers who practice Lawlessness DEPART FROM ME, Jesus says, about those who honour their own "Traditions".  "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' King James Bible

The Mark of the Beast involves COMMANDMENT Breaking,

of ADDING days or MOVING days.

That is the Doctrines of Demons. 1 Timothy 4:1.

Antichrist Ministers wreck God's written Bible words. God's Bible commands you to "NOT" add a day to His Worship Theology!


6.) Bonus Deceiver:

I am a Barack,

I am the Mess----i------ah.


7.) The Obedient Church of God, outlines the precursors of the Antichrist.

We TO COG state that:

If you are not on the cutting EDGE/sword of the Word, you are taking up room and are in league with the Antichrist ministers who do not obey "every" jot of God's Bible.


Video # 332

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



Nov 29 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
330.) click here for Sermon of > Dec 6, 2014  
Dec 6, 2014

Dec 6, 2014 - 


Highlight of Dec 6 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 6, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 12, 5995
Dec 6, 2014
Highlights of Dec 6 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 6, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

The facts of our TO COG Restoring all things PROVE that TO COG "IS" the Romans 9:28 end time short work of God!
Believe the FACTS, and not your lying ministers because:


1.) We have restored God's Sabbath Day in 1/2 the World, because we have over 200 members waiting for the sun to go down tonight, along with affiliates in the Philippians, New Zealand and Australia. The FACTS prove that we are restoring all things including:
2.) The 4 fasts of the Lord Zechariah 8:19,
3.) 3 Feast Pilgrimages a year per Deuteronomy 16:16
4.) New Month Day
5.) Do NOT learn the way of the Germans, French, nor Americans or how they worship their gods (Turkey god).


There is no question as to what the New Month Date is because the  Crescent was "not" sighted on November 23 in Jerusalem which meant that the month ended on the 30th day of Chesvan November 24 Monday.
Which means that the New Moon Day was on November 25th Tuesday (daylight).


2.) Therefore this Sabbath Day today of December 6th "IS" Kislev 12. It is that simple.
Stop confusing and wrecking God's Holy Days with potential visibility nonsense.


3.) All you ministers "stop" writing articles trying to get out of observing God's New Month Day.
Stop writing your Antichrist articles against God's words, and stop preaching your anti-Bible messages against Ezekiel 46:3


Except you be as a little child [accepting what your Father has written in His Bible], you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Luke 18:17.


4.) How to prepare mentally now for the Demonic Deception of the Alien Saviour.


5.) How to recognize the GOOD angels from the Evil angels, plus general information on the 10 "kinds" of species of Angels.


Video # 333
December 6, 2014
The Obedient Church of God; TO COG



Dec 6 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
331.) click here for Sermon of > Dec 13, 2014  
Dec 13, 2014

Dec 13, 2014 - 


Highlight of Dec 13 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 13, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 19, 5995
Dec 13, 2014
Highlights of Dec 13 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 13, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights: 


1.) "ALL" the offshoot Church of God, move the Sabbath to the 6th day Friday, in 1/2 the World. They will all burn in Hell if they do not repent, just like the Poop will burn in Hell for moving the Sabbath to the 1st day.


2.) Billy Graham "IS" a Satanic Devil Worshipping 33 Degree Mason. Stop praising a Devil Worshiper!


3.) Planet X7 explained.


4.) "How" the sun stood still for 12 hours during Joshua's army's battle.


5.) Banned travel Zones to be set up in the USA. Pictorial displaying Zones. 


6.) Frightening World News:


In his yearly address to parliamentarians and dignitaries Vladimir Putin Quote:

"Remember lessons we taught [destroyed] Hitler."

Will anyone in power in the West listen?


7.) List of World Leaders that have been poisoned or killed with Cancer by the CIA, ((who spoke against Bush (USA))).


8.) President Hugo Chavez stated:

"He could still "smell sulphur" left behind by the "devil" George Bush, who had addressed the chamber (annual gathering of International Leaders in New York UN) 24 hours before.


9.) Washington Post released an article with the Headline:

Iranian News Agency says the U.S. is secretly run by Nazi Space Aliens!


10.) 1954 President Eisenhower met with the Demon Valiant Thor, and the USA made a bargain with Satan.



Your only hope is to obey every Jot and Tittle of God's Bible, and come into the protection and safety of TO COG, because TO COG is the only Church in the World that keeps all of God's Commands as proven by the facts at 

Video # 334

December 13, 2014

The Obedient Church of God 



Dec 13 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
332.) click here for Sermon of > Dec 20, 2014  
Dec 20, 2014

Dec 20, 2014 - 


Highlight of Dec 20 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 20, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Kislev 26, 5995
Dec 20, 2014
Highlights of Dec 20 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 20, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

You don't have to pray for "greater" power,

just pray for power to do your task.


Your WCG Offshoot ministers will burn in Hell because they can't see the parallel of:


1.)  Having a 20 lb. Bird on their table on Turkey gOD Day is just like having a Christmas Tree in your house on Merry Death Day.


2.) Just like the Pagans celebrate XMAS DAY to God with a Tree, YOU celebrate Turkey gOD Day to God WITH A 20 LB. BIRD.

It just wouldn't be Turkey gOD DAY without a 20 LB. BIRD Centerpiece. But your ministers are BLIND.

Scriptures are quoted commanding you not to worship God the way that the French, Germans, Italians nor Americans do.


3.) We're here to teach you and all the ministers to repent from pagan Turkey gOD Day and to not have dinners with their relatives on Merry Death Day.


4.) Someone has got to do it.


5.) Someone has got to tell them to STOP moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World with a phony IDL (International Date Line).


6.) God is NOT a Christian.


7.) Don't go to any family Merry Death Dinners like all the Christians do.


8.) You are the Temple of God, so you do not take God to Pagan Merry Death Dinners.


Breaking News Explained:

9.) The "real" reason behind the Sony Kim Jung-Un debacle is to destroy Net Neutrality and bring in censorship of the Internet.


10.) Pastors in Houston, Texas are having their Sermon Notes subpoenaed by the Courts.




No one realizes this but TO COG (The Obedient Church of God).


12.) New Topic:

You are in SLAVERY but don't know it. You should be making $16 to $25 an hour, but you are in "WAGE SLAVERY".


13.) The IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) Union still exists trying to get your wages up, but you never hear about them because their are 6 Corporations that control all the Newspapers, Magazines, Radio Stations, and Television Stations.


14.) The Water of Life is Vanishing, therefore a World WAR starting with India and Pakistan can start at any second.


15.) 650,000 Troops Worldwide are on high alert. Russian Bombers are flying circling daily now off the USA coastline.


16.) Do you know what you could get for Christmas?

Answer: WAR.


17.) Speak up against the Government and you will get Burned alive, just like 11 MOVE members were burned alive, and 76 Branch Davidians in their WACO Church were burned alive.


18.) It's the same pattern. If you speak up, you get murdered. Just like Joe Hill of the Industrial Workers of the World, MOVE, and WACO, all get murdered for speaking out.


19.) FOMC Meeting of December 17 in which Janet Yellin says nothing.


20.) This Deck of Cards can all come down at any second.


21.) On the lighter side:

China just bought the Waldorf Astoria,

 and the Poop said:

Donkeys go to Heaven.


22.) Make sure you have an up to date Passport, so that you can "flee thee hence".


Merry Death Day. HO HO HO, HO HO.

Nations are Preparing for World War.

Nerry (spelt deliberately) ChristMAS=Never XMas nor Turkey gOD DAY.


God is "NOT" a Christian. God is a Netsari.


Christians are "practicing" Pagans.


TO COG is not Christian. TO COG is Netsari, like Jesus and Paul.


Video # 335

December 20, 2014





Dec 20 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
333.) click here for Sermon of > Dec 24, 2014 New Moon 
Dec 24, 2014

Dec 24, 2014 - 


Highlight of Dec 24 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 24, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 1, 5995
Dec 24, 2014
Highlights of Dec 24 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 24, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


1.) You are being DESTROYED for "Lack of Knowledge" because your ministers aren't teaching you everything you need to know.


2.) Christmas Day= Mass=Death Day Witches High Sabbath tonight December 24, when the do Ritual Murders and sacrifices.


3.) Remember Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered on Christmas and other mass murders on Christmas, and 60,000 missing children a year. How can 60,000 children disappear without a trace?


Ritual Sacrifice.


4.) The Demons had a Major Headquarters Conference:

The Demons decided that the best way to deceive all the humans was to set up a Religion that was satanic and call that satanic religion Christianity.


5.) For your Disobedience.

Little baby Jesus is going to stomp you so hard, that your blood is going to squirt onto his clothes.

Jesus is coming back and He is Mad.


Isaiah 63:2-4 VENGEANCE is in His heart. It is "not" "the little Lord Jesus lays down his sweet head".


He is going to stomp you for moving His Father's Sabbath to Friday, just like the Poop moves Fathers Sabbath to Sunday.

So you have got to be stomped to stop you from moving His Sabbath to Friday.


6.) Satan also will be destroyed Isaiah 14:20.


7.) So Satan is now killing you to take "you" with him.


New Topic:

8.) Trees cannot take up water because the aluminum plugs their root nodes.

YOU made the World as a wilderness. Isa 14:17.


9.) You have got to KNOW YOUR ENEMY.

Hitlary Clinton is a Witch, = a practicing Masonic Satanist.


10.) CIA has a heart attack gun that they can point at people and cause a heart attack.


11.) Truths about XMas you never heard of about Xmas and Sinter Clause and Kris Krindle.

How Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was invented in 1939.


12.) Norse gODS were also involved.


13.) Mistletoe was oozing semen. The white sticky goo from the Mistletoe berries was the semen of the gODS.


14.) The fir trees triangular shape represented the false Trinity.


15.) How the Germans first hung food on the tree.


16.) Your Bible states to "hide" yourself. Isa 27:12.


17.) We TO COG teaches you "how" to know your enemy.


18.) Know the Principalities:

Ephesians 6:12 explained to you:

Kosmokataras, and


Archas Authorities Colossians 2:15.



19.) Job 38:4, :7 Nehemiah 9:6:

Old Testament the sons of God were the Angels.

New Testament the sons of God are the humans.



20.) Witches and occultists get more power by inviting/having MORE Demons enter them.

That gives the Occultist more power, because each Demon has special abilities/powers. 


21.) Leaders of the World ask more demons to enter them, so that they can have more power.


22.) Because they are forbidden to take wives, the demons are doing artificial inseminations.


23.) You are being killed daily by the chemicals in the Chem Trails.


24.) The whole world has always been Satanic.

Your Dollar Bill states:

Annuit Coepis: Our Conspiracy has been crowned with success.

Novus Ordo Seclorum: New World Order. 

13 levels on the pyramid

and the capstone is not on it "yet".


That is who you are fighting against= PRINCIPALITIES IN HIGH PLACES.


25.) Bent Crucifix shown on camera.


26.) Christmas night is the night when the most ritual sacrifices take place.


27.) Don't be tricked by "man's" Customs.


Come into the safety and protection and


of The Obedient Church of God.


Video # 336

The Obedient Church of God





Dec 24 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:
334.) click here for Sermon of > Dec 27, 2014  
Dec 27, 2014

Dec 27, 2014 - 


Highlight of Dec 27 2014 Sermon:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 27, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Tevet 4, 5995
Dec 27, 2014
Highlights of Dec 27 2014 Sermon:
Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 27, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


1.) Fundamentals for YOUR LIFE IN 2015


2.) Including How to Celebrate "The Lord's Dinner", and "ALSO" the Passover.


12th Tuesday you have a leisurely Dinner with much food, wine and the Foot washing in remembrance of  Jesus' sacrifice.

13th Wednesday Yeshua was on trial and sentenced at 12 noon.

14th Thursday Yeshua was Crucified at 9 A.M. So you then have the Passover just before sundown the 14th just before the 15th. Standing up you take the Passover Bread and Wine, for protection from the Death Angel, via the remission of your sins.


3.) Explaining how you are being "COOKED ALIVE" as the whole country is covered in Microwave towers.


4.) The end explained to you how the Satanists are going to cook you alive, and stir you up, through the Smart meters, cell phones, Wireless Internet. Attention sick Ministers: Your Wireless Internet can make you sick.


5.) Subliminal messages are on the Television all day long. Therefore DON'T WATCH TELEVISION.


6.) The basis of New Years Day, Janus with 2 faces 1 looking forward and 1 looking backward, the Roman gOD of DOORS AND GATES.


7.) We are proclaiming freedom to "YOU" captives. YOU MUST LISTEN TO "EVERY" WORD of this Video.


Video # 337

Sabbath Dec 27, 2014



Dec 27 2014 Service
Sermon Highlights:

c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell