Flat Earth
Thorium should be used not Plutonium
Jets Run on Free Energy not fuel
All wars are started using staged LIES and Oil is not a fossil fuel
They send you a picture of PLUTO, that looks like the cartoon character Pluto including the bump on his head.
Lying to you that McCain was a war hero
NO gravity BECAUSE It is DENSITY or else balloons would sink to the bottom of the ocean
Debunking a Century of War Lies
Schools are in Chaos
Chemists discover how blue light [from your computer screen and phone] “SPEEDS” BLINDNESS
Today's music can relax you. NO NO NO ALL" music "today" is HARMING you because "TODAY'S" musical tuning is at a harmful 440 Hz instead of pre 1939 calming lower 432 Hz.
The satanic Governments are telling you Radiation Levels are safe when Radiation on US & Canada West Coast has increased by 300 PERCENT!
Lead paint is actually GOOD. It blocks the MICROWAVE TOWER RADIATION from coming into your home.
Oil is not a fossil fuel
What Capitalists “REALLY” do TO YOU and your Jobs. God’s system is the ONLY system that is fair.
Chem Trail "ARE" Real Empirical PROOF they are Spraying you. Pilot forgets to turn off Chemtrail while landing
The LIES and phony DENIALS re Chem Trails (Chemicals Being Sprayed "ON" you from the sky) when everyone can SEE them in the sky above us.
YOU are a Maritime Admiralty SLAVE
Who you elect runs the Country-But Political Leaders do "NOT" run your Country
Everything you are told is a lie. Planes did NOT cause the Twin Towers to Collapse
The USA Congress is NOT the USA Congressional Congress.
PROOF they FAKE the TV News
Master Plan for EVERY Major WAR & "TODAY'S" WORLD DOMINATION was written out in 1776
The elite are PREPARING to make war on us
PROOF that the Florida shooting is "ANOTHER" False Flag operation to take our guns like 9-11 was to get us into a phony war.
Vietnam War has NOTHING to do with defending the USA Homeland
Executive Order 13603 states they will take away your FOOD and CAR, your WATER and your MEDICINE and send you to a WAR.
USA has been at WAR for 222 years= 93% of the time since 1776
The war on terror is a WAR ON “YOU”.
The cause of “EVERY” WAR in the last 100 years was because of “FAKE NEWS”
There “WILL” BE Civil WAR in the USA.
NOTHING has changed in PHONY WARS in 300 years.
Proof of "HOW" and "Why" ALL Wars are caused!
Russian nuclear warheads have been powering USA reactors!
Professional Political Prostitutes: Your Politicians "are" fronts for Corporation Propoganda/misinformation for "their" financial gain, power, and control: The "TRUTH" about the "phony wars" on Cancer, Aids, and Bio-Terrorism and Terrorism. Your "lack" of knowledge could kill you. How they use these subsitute phony wars, instead of war that destroys their Banksters/Industrialists' cities, and still make money on "phony wars". In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism-Full Length Documentary. PROOF your Government created the man-made Viruses of Aids and Ebola, etc.. Your satanic leaders are following Satan's instructions to kill us humans. Listen to this "CONCLUSIVE" EVIDENCE!
There “WILL” BE Civil WAR in the USA.
Visual "PROOF" your corrupt Government is arming itself "INSIDE" the USA to make WAR on "YOU".
Details for World War III were planned out in 1871
The coming Nuclear War(S) will be worse than this!
Old Trees/Christians just grow stronger day by day: Wars are for "NOTHING" but profit. Old Trees/Christians "ARE" going to SMASH this Satanic system with Yah. No one in the World can defeat us.
We NEVER went to the Moon
Oil is NOT from Dinosaurs as you were taught in school
UFO’s DON’T come from outer space. They come from right here on the earth.
The Nephilim and Demons have UFOs and
we ACTUALLY also manufacture UFOs such as the TR3
How to STOP cancer.
GMOs are safe-NO