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We are the
"only" Church
in the Whole World
that is
Work of Herbert W. Armstrong
of Restoring the Doctrines
of the Faith once delivered. Jude 1:3.
Proven by the "FACTS" that we
"ARE" Restoring "ALL" Doctrine. Matthew 17:11. click here>
My job is not “JUST” to give sermons.
My job is to TEACH “MINISTERS”.
We Teach Ministers to "FOLLOW" God's Bible
Our TO COG Train IS "BOUND" for Glory!!
Are "YOU" ready to "Get on Board"
Wake up and give your
head a shake!
This Godly song= Exactly as the song says:
"God's Train don't
carry nothin' 'BUT' the righteous and the Holy".
God's Train don't carry nothin' "but" the
OBEDIENT to God! Rev 22:14
Wake up to "be Obedient" to every jot, so that
"you" can be carried onboard to the Place of Safety and the Kingdom of God by
PS: This train carries only the 1st Resurrection
1st Resurrection people do not have to go
through the Tribulation, "because" they are already OBEDIENT. Rev 12:14
and verse 16.
Could "YOU" be Loved
by the people of the City
Yah gives you to rule?
Click on every following underline
We will be like the Morning dew to you
We Preach "ONLY"
the 1st Century Doctrines
Welcome to
The Obedient, Church of
God will do a "short" (final) work Romans 9:28
How long will TO COG continue to warn you to REPENT of your Disobedience?
Answer: "Until" the cities are laid waste, and without inhabitant. Isaiah 6:11 KJV
I will "STAND" AGAINST the World for you Yahweh, Jesus Christ my "LORD"
Zech 4:10 Who has despised the day of small things?
which we will at Passover 2010
activate and present to the World
as a warning message and Witness to the Nations
with Swords are Arriving!!
As the kids would say: You are all going down,
UNLESS you start to OBEY every jot of God's way/Shop Manual/Bible.
Last Weeks
that follows every "jot/Word" of
This is = You are witnessing
The "RESTORATION" of "all"
things Acts
3:19 = The
"RESTORATION OF" every Word of Yah's
Now "before" we lay down the tenants;
Remember "your" Vow at Baptism that "you" made
to obey,
just as the Israelites Vowed:
... All that The Lord has said we will do, and
be obedient. Exodus 24:7 NKJV
And that includes Yah's/God's Crescent Moon of Genesis
We "MUST" go from darkness
into "LIGHT",
Ergo: "Not start off in the dark" of the black moon,
but "at the light of the Crescent moon".
We "ARE" On The Side of Love, which The Bible States in 1 John 5:3 "IS":
That we "KEEP" His commandments, which include the Crescent moons of
Genesis 1:14. So now enjoy the Gestalt clue: God's way is all about
"LOVE" and Love is Obedience to your
DAD/Father/Yah! Are you Obedient, could little bratty your be loved>> Will
you repent and "Turn your Heart to Yah/God, so that Yah/God can turn His heart
to you and not have to destroy Sodom/this whole earth. Malachi 4:6. Be Obedient,
so that Yah will not destroy Sodom/the Earth, it is up to you to save the earth.
10 righteous people will do it/can save the Planet. Genesis 18:32.
Will you be "1" of the 10, that the whole earth will be indebted to. In
Noah's day there were only 8.
YOU are "necessary" to join this quest with TO
COG, The Obedient Church of God.
You must READ this,
If you "don't" follow the Belt of Truth and "you"
choose not to "REPENT":
1.) If "you" choose not to "TURN" TO GOD your
"Father's" Word of Matthew 5:18 Not 1 jot or tittle shall depart from the
Law till the Kingdom comes.
2.) If you choose not to observe your
Dad's/Father's 7 Holy DAY Feasts
3.) If you choose "not" to follow
your Dad's/Father's Crescent New Moons and instead work on your Father's
Days "YOU" ARE
just like Adam and Eve,
'Cause The UNIVERSE means nothing to "you"!
Click here and listen to the words, 'cause one who walks with Father
"don't want to talk about it" (it hurts me too much) >>
"YOU" ARE rejecting the Son, by not
following The Crescent Moons that the Son showed you to follow. "YOU" do not
want to have fellowship with the Son on His Crescent Moon
Holy Days.
Our Mission Statement:
"Set the Captives Free (of man's ways, and only follow "only" "only" "only" the Bible God Family ways)."
We are starting an Exodus out of man's ways starting in 2010
starting with India, whose population of 1 1/4
BILLION people will exceed China's population. We are now in the process of
translating this site into URDU for India. Click here on flag for
Our Mission is to go to the World's Nations, and Proclaim the coming Kingdom/Rulership of God on Earth. The 2010 Exodus of God's "called" ones/People "out" from
under the "Mark of the Beast" into the God Family Ways now.
This is where "YOU" are "NOW" =
in Satan's power .
We are all just prisoners
here of our own devise Click Here
You were
following God's Crescent moon)
You were Perverted (into
following mans' false calendars)
You were INVERTED too (into
Eve's ways of eating from "2" Trees)
No one CONVERTED you (to
follow "ONLY" God's 1st Century Bible "WAYS").
We can free you.
Follow "Every jot" that we
teach you, and "then" we/Yeshua/Christ Jesus can FREE you.
You are all just "prisoners" here of your own device, by "YOUR"
NOT FOLLOWING God's Commanded Ways, including Crescent Moons, so instead you
work on God's Holy Days. Therefore you are a "Prisoner" of
Satan, by your own device/thought. We can
free you!
Will you want to be freed?
Or do you wish to continue in Sin 1 John 3:4 Transgression of
God's Bible Manual which specifies Crescent Moons. Gen 1:14 to set your days to
come before Him!
Your choice.
You "ARE" a Servant to whom you obey.
New International
Version (©1984) Don't
you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as
slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are
slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to
New American
Standard Bible (©1995) Do you not know
that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience,
you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in
death, or of obedience resulting in
righteousness? | |
Swim Upsteam: OR "PERISH"
"because" smart ass little you, "you" did
"NOT" want to follow
"only" the Bible's Crescent New Moon that Jesus and
Paul followed, and you refused to follow God's 1st
Century Festivals, and little you
refused to receive a love of God's
TRUTH-Bible "WAYS" that you might be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10. You
want "YOUR" own ways, that your stupid uninformed ministers tell you to
"YOU" are "DOOMED"
if "YOU" do
"not" follow the Bible Instruction Manual.
The Bible STATES: Guard 1st
Century Practices/Crescent moons that
Jesus & Paul followed 1 Timothy 6:20 2ndTimothy
3:1-5 Titus1:16 Hebrews 3:18.
Who would "not" enter
His rest = smart ass "YOU" who "dis"obey. Titus 1:16 In "works" "you" deny HIM, being "dis"obedient
Spiritual Healing Links
We are "NOT"
we know how to
Pilot God's Ship
Weekly Sabbath (Saturday) "Live" Sermon
Just dial 1 916 233-0500 then when asked
for your
Conference Call
Code put in 77777#
West Coast 3:00 P.M.; Mountain Time 4:00 P.M.;
Central Time 5:00 P.M.; East Coast 6:00 P.M.
Weekly Sabbath (Saturday) "Live" Computer "Audio" Streaming
West Coast 3:00 P.M.; Mountain Time 4:00 P.M.; Central Time 5:00 P.M.; East
Coast 6:00 P.M.
Click on one of these following
player names (to access the audio player that is on your own
personal computer), so that you can play this "Live" Saturday Sabbath audio
Bi-monthly Magazine: "The Bible Mirror". Click on the
Original "NEW" never before heard Worship Music,
click on Treble Clef:

Upcoming Christian Revival Meeting in your City click
Going to the Feast click on bus
new moon monthly "naked eye"
sightings from Jerusalem Gen 1:14, Ps 81:3, 104:19 Ezek 46:3, Isa
66:23. For this month's sighting click on Crescent
Prophecy 1:
law will be lost from
the priest and counsel from the elders. Ezekiel 7:26 The Prophecy states: The law will
be lost!
"Because": "YOU" refuse to follow God's Laws which include Crescent
you will "WORK" on God's "Holy" Feast Days
this year in 2012.
Again: Prophecy of what
will happen to "YOU":
...weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. James
Disaster will come upon disaster and rumor
will be added to rumor; then they will seek a vision from a prophet, but
the law will be
lost from the priest and counsel from the elders. Ezekiel 7:26 The Prophecy states: The law will be lost!
And "you" are the ones who "deliberately"
are not following God's Crescent Moon timing, and "you" have lost the
and follow God's Way of Life
If "you"
"ALL" the offshoot
of the WCG
don't repent, (you offshoots of the Laodicean Church of Tkach),
Including UCG and LCG
If you "DON'T" START
following Yesua's/God's Crescent
Moons, and
If you "DON'T" STOP BUYING in Restaurants "Profaning"
Yah's Sabbath
causing Restaurant Workers to work on Yah's
"HOLY" Saturday Sabbath,
then "you" shall be put to
death. Exodus 31:14-16.
You will be put to
death via the Tribulation =
the Tribulation you go, because Yah has
Let there be no more
delay. Rev 10:8
made a vow = you "VOWED" to Yah/God at your Baptism, to obey every word in the Bible
and "you"
to Yahveh/God's
In Canada write to:
The OBEDIENT Church of God
1825 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2V 2A4
God's Bible words are sharper than a 2
edged sword
and you "will" fall for
your "dis"obedience Hebrews 10:26, 4:11-12.
The "TRUE" Bible Practices will cut
you to pieces
(you "are" accursed if you change 1
word Galations 1:6-9, & practice a lie Revelations 22:15, and refuse to
follow the Bible Manual "exactly" as it is written Matt 5:18).
"If" you Repent and Live By
"EVERY" word of God, then, you will be saved.
Christ's Sacrifice "only" covers "PAST" sins that are Repented of. Hebrews
You've "NEVER" STOPPED to Reason:
Repent from your Ministers Ways and live
1st Century Way or
There "WILL BE" a price to pay for
6 days ago: Ask Adam/man who now
has to "toil" with weeds for a living. Genesis 3:17
6 days ago: Ask Eve/woman who
now has "pain" in childbirth. Genesis 3:16
The above was just a "warning" from God.
For the USA Office write
The Obedient Church of
P.O. Box 1278
Omak, Washington, USA
1 204 694-8704 Voice
1 204 338-1797
Facsimiles Data (Fax)
Don't think or say we are too hard on
Satan's World because when you "BECOME" one of God's, THIS "IS" the way/"ATTITUDE" of
LOVE that TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) runs on for those who are Overcoming sin 1 Jn 3:4/OBEDIENT to
God. Rev 21:7
GOD will not
"tolerate", nor "deal" with, nor "Allow"
unrighteous/sneaky/disobedient, self-willed
To be
working for
To "Start" your Spiritual HEALING
Lawrence Nowell
Yah has no time left for you to keep DISSING
c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
c Lawrence A
c c
Lawrence A. Nowell