Doctrine (Specific Articles)
REASONS we TO COG do not believe in the Talmud
KNOW YOUR ENEMY= The Jesuits are behind EVERYTHING "NOW", and have been for the last 500 years
No Church but TO COG "knows" what the 10 Beast KINGDOMS are to be!
EVEN non-Christians KNOW that Sunday is a PAGAN DAY
Saying "Merry Christmas" means you are saying "Merry DEATH"
The Cowardly are THROWN INTO HELL
"YOU" are now DEAD
Reflect/MEDITATE on this
Explanation of the World's "Collective body" of False Religions
David's "SLING" Weapon was POWERFUL
Pakistan Pentecost 2024
REVIVAL in the USA starting January 2026
If native American Indian people did not pay gold dust to Columbus, Columbus cut off their hands
Identity of the Anti-Christ
"You" deserve Death if you approve of Sodomy
The Bible classifies Jesus's/Yahushua's genealogy as being from "fair" people
Words to say in our prayer to Father
What the Mark of The BEAST?
Everyone is COMMANDED to read "THIS" by verse 27
Answer to: "Where did God come from"
The World will be divided into 10 Sections= 10 Kings' Kingdoms
We don't fight in armies unless God Himself tells us
Noah's Ark discovered on Mr. Ararat via Ground Radar Scientific PROOF
How David KNOCKED OUT Goliath
Don't vote for the lesser of 2 EVILS, because then you are still voting for EVIL
Know the "cohort" Generations
"Ark Of The Covenant "FOUND
Don't Protest
Do NOT use AI chatbots
The Ark of the Covenant is under the Crucifixion Site BECAUSE Yahushua's Blood has to cover the West Mercy Seat to RATIFY the New Covenant
Christ arrives in 2033 There has to be 3 years ADDED ON to the last 2000 years of 30 A.D. Crucifixion to 2030
30 A.D. is the only year POSSIBLE to be the Crucifixion year
Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea
YOU have the Mark Of The Beast right "NOW": Mark on Hand and another "Separate "Mark on Mind explained
GOD with HIS POWERFUL voice, SPOKE SPOKE SPOKE the Universe into Existence
Men STOP covering your head with women's Prayer Shawls
How to prepare for Pentecost
God does NOT forgive those who do not Repent/change from their wrong ways
Clear reasons why there is NO lunar sabbath= only the 7th Day Sabbath
Goats are running the USA and always have been
PROOF 10'+tall Giants ruled us during Noah's day 4000 years ago.
Actual Visual presentation of the Site of the Red Sea crossing
The LAST GREAT DAY is the 7th Day of the Feast, therefore Shemini Atzaret is NOT the LAST GREAT DAY
NO "LUNAR" Sabbath allowed PROOF POSITIVE that the Sabbath "IS" on Saturday because the Romans associated the Jewish Sabbath with their Saturday
Your SAVIOUR'S Name is NOT NOT NOT Jesus
This is what makes TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) DIFFERENT from ALL the OTHER Churches.
Detailed Time FRAME showing EVENTS That Happen during the last YEAR of the 7 years AND the length of EACH Event
14 page Article on Pentecost
Realize Mary went to the tomb on a different Sunday a week later after preparing His body on Saturday/Sunday morning, This is the RE-DISCOVERED answer to the 3 Days & 3 Nights.
You ministers STOP SAYING that Jesus took the Passover. Here is the Scriptural "PROOF" Jesus did NOT celebrate the Passover during His last year on earth.
Wild Barley in Israel is ripe as of March 15, 2018= no Adar 2/no 13th month
Angelic Malfeasance of not governing the World properly caused God to take away eternal life from some of the Angels.
Names of God's Months
The NTBMO Night To Be Much Observed AFTER SUNDOWN which is the START of the 15th day has NOTHING to do with eating/having Passover on the 14th.
The "full" account of the Flood of Noah.
God's 1st & 2nd Temples were in the City of David "NOT" on/by the Dome of the rock.
Even the people who have left churches are now A CULT OF 1
God "WILL" THROW ' you into the Lake of Fire for "your" adding a Turkey gOD day to HIS 7 Days of Thanksgiving during the Feast OF REJOICING? TABERNACLES.
The Israelites and Paul NEVER had Passover at the evening "beginning" the 14th"before" the lambs were slain! You don't have to be crazy to DISobey God BECAUSE your minister will TEACH you HOW TO BE CRAZY!
PROOF POSITIVE that the Sabbath "IS" on Saturday.
Luciferian Agenda of your President and Prime Minister
Gentiles Thanksgiving: Corrupting God's Faith by celebrating Pagan Holydays/Do "NOT" DUPLICATE an existing Feast of God
It is God s Day of many
God's 613 Commandments
When to start the Pentecost "count".
Your church is Antichrist against God.
40 "ERRORS" of TPM that destroyed Bible Truth;
That caused the
to implement:
The "OBEDIENT" Church of God
Doctrinal Differences between TPM and The OBEDIENT Church of God
To Leaders of Other Organizations
"BEAR" Notes
"YOU" "ALREADY" have the Mark of the Beast on "YOU".
World News Updates
"YOU" Have to "BE" a Model of Christ-You "cannot" live by BREAKING God's Crescent Moon Law, working on Holy Days, all your life
could not/
would not change His Fathers Laws
Please bring false WCG & offshoot Ministers to justice, make an example of them, so that maybe, just maybe, others will "NOT" be hurt as we all have been hurt, by error.
Deciphering & Decoding the 5777 Fig Tree
The 7th day of the Feast "is" The Great Last Day
The Truth about Patton
The Truth about Reagan
Turkey gOD Day
c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
c Lawrence A Nowell
c Lawrence A. Nowell