Correspondence Korner
Letters "Sent"-Past Newsletter/E-Mails "Sent" Archives:
Your ANTI-Halloween Night Treat
World War III
barely Averted
Letters "Received" from interested parties:
Why did God save DJT's life in Butler just to let him be killed before Jan 20?
YOU will be "FREED" from your Government's Tyranny
How to save over $100,000 on your 30 year mortgage and cut the payments to just 7 years
Answer to Question: Should one choose Catholicism or Protestantism
Easter (Ishtar) Eggs
Biblical Questions Answered
Say these EXACT words to your congregation= Say: Do NOT NOT NOT take the KILLER JAB.
Buy a g-u-n
The persecution of Christians has ALREADY started
Calendar information showing Rabbis did "NOT" follow the fixed calendar 500 years after Hillel You are ILLEGALLY agreeing to CHANGE GOD'S "SACRED" CALENDAR and "today" Nov 28 2019 is God's Ezekiel 46:3 New Month Day of Worship.
The goose/turkey has "always" been the symbol FOR the heathen gods Amun and Ra Please SEE PROOF read/click on Thankgiving.pdf
Only Mr. Bear UNDERSTANDS what is going on in the World.
Thoughts of revenge toward the person who commits the crime is wrong.
A "star" goes on your crown everytime you help someone prepare to be in God's Family.
RE: understand really means you agree to stand under Admiralty Law FW: Everything is a lie
Last 3 1/2 years and last year of the Day of the Lord
Tuesday July 24th is the FAST Day for you in South Asia starting sundown Monday July 23 FW: Tomorrow for you Tuesday July 24TH is a FAST Day= NO FOOD from sundown July 23rd to Sundown July 24th
Pentecost Service in Asia STARTS at sundown tonight for you and all daylight time during Wednesday May 23 FW: Pentecost for you starts May 22 sundown Tuesday Sundown and all daytime Wednesday RE: How are you
2nd Passover for 2018 is May 1st daytime is the 14th.
RE: Newest FACTS: 5 CITIZENS are being shot down in the streets EVERY DAY. We live in a Nazi Police state
Are you keeping the Passover this year?
RE: They are spraying us with NANO PARTICLES so they can put a 3rd strand of DNA in us all, BECAUSE here are ALL the items that have been found in Chemical Trails
Don't MESS with God's PREACHERS
I didn’t send this reply to you John 2 weeks ago November 16 because I did not want to offend you by correcting you. FW: The Two Swords
Priests refuse to learn. FW: nobody learns the lesson of Atonement that sin will pursue you for your whole life.
"GOD" did NOT command anyone to throw the goat over a cliff.
They forbid you to go to the edge of the Earth.
Best Letter to Members.
Be sure to celebrate WHORE'S DAY tomorrow- The Great WHORE WHO GAVE BIRTH TO ALL THE gODS and gODDESSES in the Spring.
YOU have the Passover mixed up with the Last Dinner.
“IF” it was Sarin, then all the responders would also be dead. YOUR TV NEWS IS LYING, AND TURKEY IS LYING RE: Assad NEVER gassed his own PEOPLE.
The World events are NOT what you have been taught. FW: His job was to MAKE SURE the ship "SANK".RE: It WAS deliberate to KILL the 600 Businessmen on board
YOU will WANT THE New World Order FW: The end result of this Hegelian Dialectic "IS": Once you are exhausted by this phony Good cop/Bad cop then you will say: "PLEASE" GIVE US THE NWO to save us.
Children Praying
Grump and Hillary are 2 wings of the SAME BIRD
Election Information 2016
Muslim terrorist situation
Christian homes burned down in persecution by Muslims 30th to 01 Aug in Pakistan
1000 Muslims attack and burn Christian Village
Christians' homes burned, Christians have no place to live, nor food nor clothes
I like your Church work here in Pakistan
Wormwood: brown dwarf star "IS" approaching
Funerals for "MURDERED" Christians
Pictures of Brethren in Pakistan
Unending Persecution of Christians in Pakistan
Letter from ex TPM member proving Dankenbring did not tell the Truth about an ex-member, and continues to not tell the Truth.
There is "NO" sacrifice for your sins if you do not follow Bible Words on this site
Pray for our Brothers and Sisters whose homes have been burned and relatives have been murdered.
The "Markets" are CROOKEDLY "FIXED". Do "NOT" have anything to do with the Stock Market.
c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
c Lawrence A Nowell
c Lawrence A. Nowell