Stop watching TV News and start educating yourself on the world, how it works and what you can do avoid it.
YOU have to be more forward looking.
There are 2 Groups of people in the World.
Those who KNOW what is going on
=The REAL OWNERS of the Countries
YOU the worker slaves who know nothing.
This is a totally Satanic lying World
and YOU are A SLAVE in it.
Everything you are told IS a Lie:
The WEF (World Economic Forum) HAS selected nearly all our past World Leaders, by PRESENTING /LIMITING whom you can vote for.
What REALLY is happening in the World
Proof that Gun confiscation "CAUSES" more crimes
Here is a Documentary that PROVES that British Judges ARE corrupt and THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT
Picture of Horizon "behind" the sun PROVES a Flat Earth plus supporting scriptures
List of ingredients that "PROVE" Vaccines contain POISONS
"MORE" CO2 is "GOOD" for the EARTH
PROOF" the Space Station is a FAKE, (made up to hide diverted taxation)
Airline Pilots STATE that the earth is FLAT
ACTUAL PICTURES of the Flat Earth from 70 miles up in Space
The Earth does NOT move through Space
USA says it doesn't know what UFO's are, but 1 is parked right on a USA Aircraft Carrier
Actual Airline ROUTES in straight lines PROVE THE EARTH IS FLAT
TRUE Map of the Flat Earth EASY TO UNDERSTAND with names of Countries
Here is the Best Most UNDERSTANDABLE Flat Earth Map
Man does NOT cause Global Warming
The sun and moon revolve around the Dipole of the earth
Elon Musk agrees with us/confirms that the earth is flat AND the earth HAS AN IMPENETRABLE DOME
PROOF that we NEVER went to the moon
1992 Animation of Vaccine poison black graphene going into "YOUR" body
Our politicians do NOT NOT NOT control what gets done/Legislated in the USA
Visual Proof of 125,000 acres that the earth is flat
YOU are living AS A "powerless" bought SLAVE and you don't know it
Proof Michael Obama who is a man, is posing as a woman as Michelle Obama
PROOF that satellite "beam weapons" were used by the Deep State to burn up Lahaina, Hawaii
The 4 President Bidens, that the Deep State presents
The Oct 5, 2023 announcement that Biden is building the wall is a LIE
100 years later we ARE EXPERIENCING the repeat of the 1929 CRASH
A pregnancy is NOT just a mass of cells BECAUSE it IS an ACTUAL human being
Pervert Teachers and your child's SCHOOL BOOKS are Teaching 6 year old children SEXUALITY
REPORTERS' NEWS is now so twisted, so that evil is good, and good is evil
Mankind will foul itself up with AI
Earth's PREVIOUS Civilizations going back 400 Million Years
Millions of "ancient" STONE CIRCLES are actually MAGNETRONS/energy generating Devices
How Young Global Leaders Are Selected (
You "NEED" Greenhouse Gasses vs THE LIE to Reduce Greenhouse Gasses
The Windsors are imposters. Here is the TRUE "REAL" King of England
Realize King Charles is not even English
Science has been denying and ignoring the PROVEN existing Aether for 100 years
EVIL DEEDS that citizens are not aware of
The FRAUDULENT Debt Based money system
The Great Pyramid was NOT a mummy chamber. It was a giant FREE Power Generator
There are NO gravitational forces.
Gravity is an illusion.
Einstein was a shill for the Devil s lies.
A Transendental Number is NOT the integer of any Polynomial
The fallacies of Trans Gender Political Correctness
IS the demand for censorship power over others speech
by falsely masking itself as compassion; AND
NOW raising equality ABOVE virtue.
How Your Teachers Lied to You: Everything High School History Textbooks [DELIBERATELY] Got Wrong
Your political leaders just WON'T ALLOW YOU to have FREE POWER to run your home and car.
TV and the Internet is for your entertainment and Knowledge
The 1%= The owners of the Media
FILL the populations' brains with False Ideas=
The Giant Corporations (their Owners the 1% elites) drop FALSE IDEAS into your brain.
That is why it is called Television Programming because they PROGRAM YOUR BRAIN
Fair Treatment by USA Police
World Chess Champion tells how he was TORTURED BY POLICE in USA Pasadena jail.
Giants Never Existed
There are the remains of Giants all over the earth.
Actual Skeletons of 30 foot tall giants, with shoulders 10 feet wide
Saying it is a conspiracy theory to say your television news is all Propaganda
Actual PROOF that your television news is all Propaganda
USA s murder of Iran s top General Soleimani
Global Warming means you MUST change your lifestyle
Global Warming DOESN'T EXIST
The Silver & Gold Prices reflect what the metals are actually worth
The Markets have been TOTALLY RIGGED
Since 1970= 40 years of FALSE CROOKED PRICES
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is good for us
AI is so smart it has laid insect eggs
in computers all over the World
so that you cannot destroy it.
USA Elections are FAIR
USA Elections are RIGGED before they even start
by FORCING you to select NOT from the 300+ Million Population but FROM
ONLY 1 of 2
people that have BEEN ALREADY CHOSEN for you.
You can ONLY choose between
Tweedle Dumb or Tweedle Dee.
It is IMPORTANT for you to vote
It is MEANINGLESS for you to vote
Because the whole system is rigged.
Proof Trump in the year 2000 was already selected to be President in 2016
=16 years before his election.
Cannabis is GOOD for Canadians,
so the Government Legalized Pot in Canada
Cannabis caused the USA to lose the Vietnam War
Canada will lose the next War, just as the USA lost the Vietnamese War
Courts give you/provide you with Justice
Courts are totally Biased and Corrupt
They conspire to subvert Justice
FEMA detention camps don't exist
Government Document listing
Rules for Slave Labor in USA FEMA DEATH Camps
in actual Government Written/Published Manual
FEMA detention camps don't exist vs Government Rules for Slave Labor in FEMA Camps
You are a free person
You are the collateral for the loans the United States owes.
You therefore will be taken into captivity and
you will be put into slavery in China to pay off the debt when the USA collapses AND is invaded to pay the LOANS.
You are the collateral for the loans the United States owes
Individuals are not important
Every Christian person is "A" Center of the Cosmos.
Not the center, but A center that keeps things running properly.
Mr. Bear s Editor s Note:
The whole system would collapse immediately (instead of later), were it not for the present Christian ethics.
Once the Christian ethnics are destroyed completely, then civilization WILL COLLAPSE IN ON ITSELF.
ONLY Christian ethics allow sanity to prevail.
Your TV News is Reliable
The 1% controlling the World only tell you they want you to hear
Meat is bad for you
Editor s Note: It is only charring/brown marks on the meat or eggs that is bad for you
Athletes live longer than couch potatoes
Those who engage in light exercise actually live longer than Athletes
Strenuous joggers died at twice the rate of those who sat around doing nothing.
Man is causing Global Warming
It s a HOAX to control you & cost you more money.
World temperatures are actually declining
and ice is increasing in the Arctic.
The Sinking of the Titanic was a Terrible ACCIDENT
The Titanic (really the Olympic) was deliberately run into an iceberg,
to kill the Bankers on board who opposed the setting up of the Federal Reserve
The Twin Towers were melted down with Kerosene
It was mini nukes utilizing a Fusion Layer but not a Fission Layer
All the Protestant & Catholic Religions are Christian Religions
The Protestant & Catholic Religions are
TOTALLY Pagan Religions
MASQUERADING as if they were Christian/Christianity.
Saying: We need to free/help the people of that Country
Proof "ALL" wars were based on LIES
The Structures in the Grand Canyon were formed by water erosion
There are ancient Pyramids in the Grand Canyon
No river can form these types of Structures
You are taught in school that Giants are Fairy tales as in Jack and the Beanstalk
Actual Military PROOF there are 6 fingered GIANTS 12 -20 tall all over the earth right NOW .
This Suddenly Happened on the United States
The President rules the United States
The President takes his orders from these Hidden people
and here is the list &
the structure of WHO controls what in this World.
The Holy Grail of Who Runs and Controls All
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is protecting our Environment
The EPA is WORSE than a terrorist organization, proven by all the poisoning harm to us the EPA is allowing
Mass poisoning of our country via sewage sludge
Bigfoot/Sasquatch don t exist
4 Basic Types and
10 Bigfoot different Species
(FANTASTIC Informative Presentation)
4 basic types and 10 different Bigfoot Species
Actual pictures of Bigfoot/Sasquatch are being suppressed
TV News is not FAKE News
EVERY TV News station gets sent the same news for what they MUST say
Here are all the DIFFERENT TV News Stations saying EXACTLY the SAME WORDS!
California needs better forest management
With beam weapons, to empty areas, per Agenda 21
California fires started by 1 single campfire
60 separate fires all broke out at once
Hundreds of citizens MURDERED by Direct Energy Weapons
Zero is Zero
Zero SHOULD be 1
They say: You can t divide by zero
You CAN divide by zero but it s Undefinable
AI (Artificial Intelligence) will advance the World
No Scientist can NOW understand AI
(as in what it is doing).
No Computer Scientist can even tell what AI did to change itself
The World is run by Competent leaders
The World is run by MANIACS
Proven by the facts of endless wars & HAARP generated fires, floods, catastrophes/calamities
YOU must Honour the American Flag
This is NOT the American Flag
This is the Military ADMIRALTY LAW WAR Flag
You ve been TRICKED again. Here is the TRUE American Flag
We re safe and can trust of our Government
Even President Kennedy s Brain went/is missing=
=Nothing and No one is safe in America.
God is causing the Wildfires, Flooding, Hurricanes etc.
The CIA via HAARP is causing all the DESTRUCTION to weaken the States that are too strong or Rebelling
The CIA via HAARP is causing all the DESTRUCTION
There is too much urban sprawl in the America
Each USA person now can/could/should have their own 7+ Acres.
Only 3% of the land is developed in the USA, (and much less in Canada).
Only 66 million acres are considered developed
5G Cell phone Transmission is safe
IF those days were not shortened,
NO flesh would be saved alive Matthew 24:22
The DEEP State is a conspiracy theory
Overview of how REAL the Satanic Deep State IS
Uncovering the Deep Satanic State
Scientists say the Universe was created 13.8 Billion Years ago
The Universe is 156 Billion Light years in Diameter/Across (per
You NEED OVER 150 Billion Light years to create the diameter
160,000 Adults and children yearly get lost and are missing in State Parks
NO, they get ABDUCTED.
Why People Disappear in National Parks
The Queen of England is obviously British
The Queen of England and her whole family ARE GERMANs!
So you have a pure GERMAN sitting on the Throne of England!
America is a Democracy
NO! It s an Oligarchy
The Corporations are NOT ACCOUNTABLE
Trump won the 2016 Election
Clinton won, but the Illuminati controlled Electoral College put Trump in
2016 Presidential Election Votes
Telling you 4.3% Unemployment
WHEN the REAL Unemployment RATE IS 22% PERCENT
We are FREE people in Canada and the USA
We are OWNED like Cattle to secure the Country s Debt
Occult Origins of Banking, Law and Monetary System
The Bank of Canada belongs to Canadians
The Bank of Canada BELONGS to CORRUPT Bankers NOT Canadians
We Get to run our Country
The Shadow Government runs our Country= CONTROLS Canada & the USA
He brought a terrorist INTO Canada!
The sun is 93 MILLION miles away
Clouds "BEHIND" the sun prove a flat earth with the sun revolving around the earth
The earth is warming we MUST do something
Nobel Laureate in Physics states: "Global Warming is Pseudoscience."
The earth is warming we MUST do something
Corporations are People and robots are People
Only Human Beings are People
Could an artificial intelligence be considered a person under the law?
Gravity holds everything down
Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill
Gravity was just a bogus theory
We understand Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics currently states things that do NOT add up=We still know little about Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics Does NOT permit us to say anything with CONFIDENCE about Reality.
Cholesterol is BAD for you
Cholesterol is GOOD for you
You can t get energy from Cold Fusion AND you can t get any other kind of FREE ENERGY
There IS FREE ENERGY from Cold Fusion & MANY other Free Energy Devices
Former Patent Examiner REVEALS that they screen and HIDE "ALL" free energy inventions.
Once you break the flow in 3 Dimensions you no longer have to conserve energy in 3 dimensions.
Exercise is good for you
Couch potatoes live longer than athletes
Crisco is GOOD HEALTHY Oil
Crisco IS bad for you and was only used as a diesel lubricant in German submarines
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
The poLICE are here to help you
The poLICE are NOT here to help you, because they are hired to fill TICKET QUOTOS.
NEVER talk to the poLICE,
Police can LIE to you, and about you
Police, Courts and Judge, city Councilors etc. "ARE" ALL racketeering private CORPORATION EMPLOYEES.
Never talk to police BECAUSE you WILL have MORE trouble than if you stayed silent.
How police can illegally Arrest you & put you in a PSYC WARD for NO REASON
Nearly 1,200 citizens MURDERED by USA Police in 2015. Count of murders in each State.
9/11 was done by Arabs using tiny blade box cutters to take over 4 planes and
(who couldn t even fly a tiny plane) flying/operating computerized Jumbo Jets with Military Precision
The Truth/Treason that Bush & his neocon associates & CIA,
planned & executed 9/11 against the United States.
Everything you are told is a lie. Planes did NOT cause the Twin Towers to Collapse
YOU are NOT allowed to Know, about Continuity Of Government according to the USA scheming Senators
Micro Nukes & Thermite used on 9-11
We're flying rockets through space
Microwave Ovens are safe
Microwave Ovens are so dangerous that they were banned in Russia 20 years ago
They cause Cancers, and suppress your immune system etc., etc.
Vaccines are good for you
Viral contaminants ARE being introduced into the human population via contaminated vaccines.
Whistleblower Jailed over Vaccine Contamination
Vaccines cause Inflammation your Brain & Spinal Cord.
A synthetic gene is going to be PUT INTO your own DNA via Vaccines
VACCINE campaign to scare people
Brain damage possible from children s Vaccine
We NEED to go to War to defend ourselves
The truth is that "EVERY" War was started by LIES and a charade especially
WWI= Germany even advertised in the New York Times that Ships like the Lusitania would be sunk IF they deliberately crossed into German Patrolled waters.
WWII= Pearl Harbor was designed , because other Nations ALL knew and told the USA 2 weeks before that Japanese Aircraft Carriers were approaching the USA.
Vietnam War= The Gulf of Tonkin did NOT happen, and we went to war on a LIE .
Iraq War= Saddam Hussein did NOT have weapons of mass destruction. Originally called OIL for Operation Iraqi Liberation to OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Afghanistan War= We were told Oct 7 2001 that we had to stop terrorism, when it was the Saudis not the Afghans that attacked. 17 years now 2001 we are still there.
Libya= Kaddafi abusing his people when in FACT life in Libya free University, free electricity, free farms, free Medical Care, etc. was BETTER than life in the USA.
ALL WARS are just for Corporations Profits
Prescott Bush even funded Hitler
and the Ford Motor Company made the ball bearings for tanks for Hitler
we even had to pay money to the Ford Motor Company because we bomber their factory in Germany!
and the IBM Company operated the punch card system to keep track of/list the Jews.
The U.S. Department of War changed its name to the U.S. Department of Defense, which is a LIE because we are MAKING WARS not defending ourselves.
Since the STAGED 9-11 attack it has cost us taxpayers 4.8 TRILLION dollars in PHONY WARS, with all our money going to the War Contractors/Corporations.
Vietnam War has NOTHING to do with defending the USA
Russian nuclear warheads have been powering USA reactors!
The USA Congress is NOT the USA Congressional Congress.
The Lie that there is Justice through the Courts
That Radioactive Plutonium is necessary for use in Reactors
Safe Thorium could be used
Thorium should be used in Reactors,
but they "want" URANIUM/Plutonium so they can MAKE Bombs.
That we are living on a ball
God s Flat Earth
as a bunch of evolved monkeys
on a ball
hanging upside down in Australia, and South Africa
while the ball is spinning at 1000 miles per hour
travelling at 67,000 MPH endlessly through space
Jets run on Fuel
Jets Run on Free Energy not fuel
because the wings could not even hold enough fuel to keep them flying
Jets don't run on fuel: let's title it Commercial planes don't fly, they LEVITATE
Jumbo Jets do NOT use fuel to fly
engines do NOT run on fuel
We went to the Moon
We NEVER went to the Moon
because we couldn t even pass through the Van Allen Radiation Belt without getting fried
Oil is from Dinosaurs
Oil is NOT from Dinosaurs as you were taught in school
UFOs come from outer space.
UFOs come from right here on the earth from Antarctica
UFOs come from right here on the earth from Antarctica, where no nation is allowed to enter the Interior of Antarctica, nor to claim it because the Nephilim live there.
The Nephilim and Demons have UFOs and
we ACTUALLY also manufacture UFOs such as the TR3
USA made flying saucer with triangular shape= TR3.
We have to find a Cure for Cancer
There are already over 10 cures for Cancer
Frying food CAUSES Cancer
Cancer CAN be cured in 2 weeks
STOP going to your doctor for cancer treatment, or he will
kill you with his ignorant nonsense.
Cancer victims who do "NOT" go to a cancer
treatment center live "LONGER" than those who get treated
Toothpaste prevents Cavities
People in other areas without toothpaste have less Cavities
Fluoride that is put into your city tap water is harmful.
Toothpaste is A TOXIC POISON, and Fluoridated TAP water is a
Lying to you that GMOs (Genetically Modified Foods) are safe
They are killing you
Other MAJORS Areas where you are fooled/tricked
TO COG PROPHECY: Genetically modified
SOLDIERS= Joel 2 is "NOW" being fulfilled!
Concluding Message