Video Sermons
Click on Sermon date to scroll to link. New Moon Sermon Links in Fuchsia
1.) Re-Discovered Truth, to help you understand the future:
The 1st Christ (the demonic The 2nd Christ to arrive circa 2020-2021Re our King Yahveh's/Jesus' return:
We are now experiencing"<
Because the 7 years of Tribulation haven't started yet, (as of this writing December 2013) and ongoing "Delays", Yah may "not" return until SeptemberReason for the delays:
The NWO (New World Order) got delayed for 3 months in Libya, (before they could take out Quaddaffi, and take control of Libya).
In June 2012, the NWO was delayed for 1 year by Syria (Syria which has the strongest best equipped Army in the Middle East).
And still ongoing in 2013 in Syria, (especially during November 2013), the USA was not allowed to invade Syria with UN ground Troops.
So there "has been" and is "much" delay!
The King of the South has not even arisen yet!
The script is "already" written in Revelations, but it is just the timing to be altered/fulfilled.
We want Yah to return as soon as possible.
We and the entire creation groan Romans 8:19 waiting for the Saviour of the World Yah, to return and be King of the World, ruling all Nations.
Presently there is an indication that Yah will return in 2021, because:
There should be a Peace Treaty involving Israel in 2014.
That Peace Treaty will be broken 3 ˝ years later in 2018.
Therefore the 2nd 3 ˝ more years must commence/start with the start of the "Great" Tribulation circaTherefore:
September 20th, 2021is the earliest, that Yah our Brother "mathematically"Caveat: But when the tiEditor's Note- Deeper Understanding 301 Level Caveat for Bible Scholars:
Unless those days are cut short, and given back to Satan after the 1000 years, (when Satan once more deceives the world after the 1000 years are ended). Rev 20:7.
Ergo: Those days "must" be cut short, or no flesh will be saved alive. For 90% of the people will be killed before Yah makes his return. Isaiah 6:13.
Remember Revelations "DOES" state that there "will" be delays. Revelations 10:6.
And conversely "unless those days be shortened" no flesh would be saved alive. Matthew 24:22.
The 7 years of Tribulation could/should start in 2014.
The 2 Witnesses could/should start preaching March 20, 2018.
We could/should be gathered into the Place of Safety circa March 20, 2018.
The 3 ˝ year "Editor's Note:
Since Yah's Bible states let there be "no 'more' delay" Revelation 10:6, ergo there has been and will be delays.
And indeed we are now experiencing the delays.
· The bottom line is that NOW as of December 2013 the 7 years have "NOT" started yet, because there
1.) click here for> October 6,
2007 Stating that Yeshua/Christ Jesus will arrive as above
Tevet 12 January
1. The only thing that you will take to the Kingdom is you
mind. Therefore don't let Sinisters change your mind about the Devil Days of
Turkey gOD Day, Sky Father's Day, Mother gODDESS day, moving Yah's Sabbath to
the 6th day in half the world.
Those in Germany who said they were: "Only following orders",
were hung.
2.) Yah/Jesus will "NOT" accep you as His Bride if you don't
"love" Him. Just like a man will not marry a woman if are just marrying him for
what you can "get" from him.
3.) If you don't "LOVE" Yah, He will not marry you.
You must turn your heart!!!
4.) A jarring true "wolf" story for you.
5.) Don't exalt your conscience "above" the Word of
It matters what you belive and practice.
Just following your conscience, instead of following Yah's
Bible, will get you thrown into the Lake of Fire, because you refuse to
If your "Heart" isn't in LOVING YAH, even obedience will not
be enough.
Love is the "Greatest Commandment" on which all of the other
commandments are built.
If you don't have "LOVE" for Yah, you are breaking the
"Greatest Commandment". Therefore you will be locked
Tevet 19 January
Tevet 26 January
YOU will
Die- "Forever"
Armstrong only filled you 1/2 full of Oil
Open Letter to "ALL"
the offshoot WCGs
(To the Worldwide
Churches of God Offshoots)
TO COG's (The Obedient
Church of God's) Apriorism to you:
Apriorism/admonishment to
Devil's Day
You shall
You "cannot"
have Sin "as part of"
"your" Temple!
You will be thrown
Into the Lake of Fire= FOREVER
Satan’s Deception is "not" just in the World,
Satan’s Deception "is" in the Christian WCG offshoot Churches,
now, "TODAY"!
We TO COG (The Obedient Church of God), are clearing the air, for "all" of the offshoot COGS (Churches
of God) so that members can obey God, and stop
Diefying the sinful man Herbert Armstrong.
We are doing this so that members can now obey the writings of
the Bible and not the writings of Herbert Armstrong, when
the 2 writings conflict.
1.) Stop "Deifying" the rapist Herbert Armstrong, because
"Deifying" Herbert causes your members to follow Herbert's wrong writings, as if
Herbert were God.
2.) Confess Herbert Armstrong's Pedophilia of raping his 14
year old daughter Dorothy. Then we can get this festering boil lanced and off of
you, and off of all the WCG offshoots, who are sinning by covering up the
3.) Stop lying about Herbert Armstrong's raping of Dorothy,
because that makes you no better than the Catholic Church Bishops that try to
cover up "their" Priests pedophilia!
That makes you even worse than the Catholic Church, because at
least the Catholic Church came clean and admitted the sin.
You ministers who "continue" to lie about Herbert Armstrong
not raping Dorothy, "WILL" be thrown into the Lake of Fire, "BECAUSE" ALL
liars will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Revelations 21:8. This means "you".
You are not an exception.
1.) Re-set your life "Course" EVERY New Moon Day to have the opportunity to
examine and "RE-Set" your monthly course to the Kingdom, "every" New Moon
2.) How to draw closer to Yah your
3.) How to use the Holy Spirit:
"You" first must turn the wheel, then, after you turn the wheel,
"THEN" the Holy Spirit "WILL" cut in.
4.) It "IS" Nobler to try and fail, than to
do nothing, and succeed
5.) As we age
The weaker we get,
The STRONGER we become.
6.) How much time "each week" do you spend with your "HUSBAND" Jesus.
7.) How to properly SET your next month's COURSE. For your marriage to
8.) "If"
you set your Beacon to any other COG, you "will" crash.
Choose which COG you will follow so that you will not CRASH, by
following "WRONG" Days and Ways.
TO COG "IS" the only Philadelphia Church.
Facts "PROVE":
HWA was only 1/2 full of oil.
Facts "PROVE" HWA was "not" a Philadelphian.
Only 24 people a year will be in the Place of
6,000 years divided into 144,000 people= 24
"NO"Potential Visibility calculations are
You "Must" do it God's way=“What then
is this bleating of sheep in my ears? What is this lowing of cattle that I
hear?” 1 Samuel 15:9
What is this mathematical calculation I hear?
Explanation of "HOW" to be in the Kingdom!
There are 3 Steps:
1.) Called
2.) Chosen
3.) Faithful to "ONLY" the 1st Century Doctrine of the
If you follow the Sinisters/Ministers words/Pronouncements,
you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Get OUT of these Devil Day
will "ALL" have to be thrown into
the Lake of Fire,
they "all" refuse to obey the 4th Commandment in 1/2 the
They all hold God's 7th Day
Sabbath on the 6th Day in 1/2 the
Get out of these Devil churches, who do the will of their
father the Devil.
TURN from your willful disobedience, or you will 'never'
see the Kingdom of God.
And come into the TRUTH and protection of TO COG.
From the mouth of TO COG you shall learn of God's Obedient Way.
Follow the above "very good advice"
or you will burn in Hell,
for your moving God's Sabbath to the 6th
TPM and its members "WILL" burn in Hell, along with
all others who break Yah's Sabbath "Test" commandment. Rev 21:27;
and "everyne" who is part of a group that practices the LIE of
New Moon Day
Friday Adar 1 - Feb 24-12
Your "WAGES" for celebrating God's New Moon Day, are
Eternal Life.
Romans 10:17 AND Faith ONLY comes by "following" the Word of
God, NOT just being "idle hearers".
The only way to escape the coming Tribulation, is to get right
with Yah.
Here are the sins that TPM (Triumph
Prophetic Ministries) and others are willfully DELIBERATELY
continuing & committing:
2.) sKY Fathers Day
3.) RA/Osiris tURKEY gOD Day. Deut
12:32, Galations 1:6 & 9. 4.) Moving
God's Sabbath to the 6th day in half the World.
5.) Hiring and paying workers
in Restaurants on God's Sabbath Days.
6.) Adding potential visibility to God's Bible, and deleting the Bible words requiring 2 Witnesses.
7.) God's people are to dwell in= sleep in Temporary Dwellings or the Feast
of Tabernacles. Hosea 12:9 Leviticus 23:42
8.) Failing to assemble 3 times a
year at the Feast Site. Deut 16:16
9.) Refusing to hold Services on New Moon Day. Isa 66:23, Ez 46:1
Shall worship on New Moons :3 Plural=Nehemiah 10:33
10.) No work on New Moon
Day: "When will the New Moon be over that we may sell
grain?" Amos 8:5.
11.) You are "NOT" to have
Passover in your homes. Deut 16:5-6, but instead "MUST" go
to the Feast Site; the Bible commands it.
12.) TPM has a leisurely Passover
Dinner, while the Bible commands
to eat standing up girded, in “HASTE”. Ex
Causing a lie Rev
21:27. Practicing a lie Rev 22:15.
TPM's sins (especially moving God's Sabbath) are
starting to reach as high as heaven, like the
Pope moving God Sabbath.
TPM like the Pope, will always "invent" a reason to
disobey instructions in God's Bible.
Satan's trick (Now the serpent was more cunning...) has always
been to say: "Did God really say that?" Genesis 3:1 Has God indeed said ...?
You "MUST" start obeying God "now" or IN 900 days "you" willfully disobedient brats will be DEAD:
If "you" don't repent and start following God's Doctrines as
shown to you by TO COG, then in 900 days you'll be
dead in the Great Tribulation.
TPM was/had to be replaced by God with TO COG, The
OBEDIENT Church of God, in order get you to follow the Bible.
God is a Spirit, and those that worship Him
"MUST" worship Him in
spirit and in truth. John 4:24 It matters, the Bible
commands it.
Why TPM was replaced by TO COG (The "OBEDIENT"
What happens when a tool is dull,
and refuses to let itself be sharpened?
Or when a pot refuses to be molded according to the
The Potter will discard that
material, and start with New Material.
Here is the 'past' sequence
of the Potter:
1934 - 1987= 53
years of WCG till Mr. Dankenbring corrected error and took over espousing God's
1987 - 2008= 21
years of TPM till Mr. Nowell corrected error and took over espousing God's
2008 - 2018= 10
years of TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) Days of
Awe completing God's Short Work of Roman's 9:28.
19 year Time
January 7 (man's new year) Herbert Armstrong
starts broadcasting RCG
((The Radio Church of God (WCG)).
1953 WCG goes onto Radio Europe.
1972 Ambassador
Auditorium (God's House) is dedicated.
1991 WCG changes
from the God Family, to the Human Family by banning Mystery of the
Ages saying, God is not a Family, and wrongly
that WCG is "thee" family, thereby leaving Father out of the
picture entirely!
TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) starts broadcasting on Passover
Night, (God's New Year).
Sermon (Every New Moon
Day a "Special" Sermon is given to strengthen our relationship with
Today's Sermon:What God is
You "HAVE"
Your Heart and Your Head "both" have
Proof you have "2" Brains, and Scriptures to back it
1.) 1 Brain is in your Heart's tissues.
2.) 2 the other Brain is in your Head.
Your heart is "not" just a Pump.
65% of your Heart is
made out of Neural cells that transmit "MESSAGES" to
your Brain.
1.) Information is received by your Heart 1st.
2.) "THEN" your heart sends the information to your
3.) Then your heart and head have a WAR, and then you decide
who to follow.
DON'T "HARDEN" your Heart or you will be thrown into the Lake
of Fire. Scripture proves this Sermon.
Why do "you" choose to die in the Lake of Fire?
TURN from your "WICKED" ways.
1.) DIS-obedient little "you", WHY do you "choose" to DIE,
by having the DEVIL'S Turkey gOD DAY?
'little disobedient you', don't want God's Deut 28:32 TRUTH
because "you" are a child of the DEVIL, and your wish is to do the "will" of
your father the DEVIL.
2.) "WHY" do you choose to "WILLFULLY" Heb 10:26= into
the Lake of Fire you will go,
for breaking these 12 Laws of
Here are the Sins
that TPM (Triumph Prophetic Ministries) and others are willfully DELIBERATELY continuing & committing:
2.) sKY Fathers Day
3.) RA/Osiris tURKEY gOD Day. Deut
12:32, Galations 1:6 & 9.
4.) Moving God's Sabbath to the 6th
day in half the World. Just like the Pope moves it to
the 1st day, TPM moves Australia's Sabbath to Friday.
5.) Hiring and paying workers
in Restaurants on God's Sabbath Days.
6.) Adding potential visibility to
God's Bible, and deleting the Bible words
requiring 2 Witnesses.
7.) Refuses to sleep in the Sukkah.
God's people are to dwell in=
sleep in Temporary Dwellings or the Feast of Tabernacles. Hosea 12:9
Leviticus 23:42 Go to Jerusalem and you will see "all" the people sleeping on
their Sukkah balconies.
And if you are in cold Alaska, then pitch a 6' long tent on your bed
and still sleep in a temporary dwelling. That is called "urban" camping. TO COG
members "have" pitched a roomy retangular tent on their bed, when it snowed. TO
COG "follows" Torah.
8.) TPM has a
leisurely Passover Dinner, while
the Bible commands to eat standing up girded, in
“HASTE”. Ex 12:11
9.) Failing to assemble 3 times a year at the Feast Site. Deut
10.) Refusing
to hold Services on New Moon Day. Isa
66:23, Ez 46:1 Shall worship on New Moons :3 Plural=Nehemiah 10:33
11.) Working on New Moon Day. No work on
New Moon Day: "When will the New Moon be over that
we may sell grain?" Amos 8:5.
12.) You are "NOT" to have Passover in your homes. Deut 16:5-6, but instead "MUST" go to the Feast Site; GOD
commands it.
TPM is Causing a lie[s]
Rev 21:27 and Practicing a
lie[s] Rev 22:15.
The end of the Matter! Unless "you" have "HARDENED" YOUR
God "IS" angry, at "YOU"= into Hell you go!
Do you hear the Christians sing? (adaption by Lawrence A. Now-EL).
Do you hear the Christians sing?
Singing a
song of angry men?
It is the music of the
Who will not be slaves to sinning,
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the
There's New Life about to
Tomorrow's World comes!
you join in our crusade?
Who will be "STRONG"! And stand with me?
Pagan Ways and Days;
There is "God's" world you long to see!
Then join in the
That will give you the right, to be free!
Do you hear the
Christians sing?
Singing a song of angry
It is the music of the Christians
Who will not be
slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the
There's a
New Life, about to
Tomorrow's World comes!
Will you give all you can
So that God's banner may
Some will fall and some will live:
Will you stand up and take
your chance?
The blood of the Christians
Will water the meadows of God!
Do you hear
the Christians sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the Christians
Who will not be slaves again!
When the
beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There's New Life, about to start
Tomorrow's World comes!
The Devil's "Disobedient" Goats, and therefore will be thrown into the Lake
of Fire.
4.) "YOU" WILL BE THROWN into the Lake of Fire, for breaking the above 12
requirements of God!
ALL of you TPM, LCG, UCG
have to be burned up in the Lake of Fire.
6.) The "TIME" HAS come, for TPM to REPENT!
7.) TPM needs to worship God in Spirit "AND" TRUTH, or to be cast into
outer darkness with the other disobedient.
8.) TPM "REFUSES" to hold God's Sabbath on the 7th Day in 1/2 the World.
TPM doesn't want the truth, TPM wants the Devil's ways.
burn in Hellfire.
STOP sinning before Passover, this "IS" your LAST WARNING: Adar
16 Sermon.
Brethren and Friends,
In 2007 I told you when the "End" Was.
I am telling you to Celebrate New Moon Day
so that you are
half full of
and RUN OUT of oil,
and are locked out of God's
Fill up on Yah's Doctrine or perish 1/2 full.
Hear God's New Moon Day Sermon and IGNORE IT, AND
YOU hearers who never repent!
Are "YOU" Putting into PRACTICE, the WORDS OF
You are "only" God's "IF" you are "PRACTICING"
Be a
and not just a worthless hearer.
Happy New Year!
Today March 24, 2012 - Abib 1, 5993 is the
1st Day of God's New Year.
God starts the year at the "beginning" of Spring,
not in middle of Winter.
Today's Sermon has information on:
1.) The "real" reason that Lot's wife was turned into a Pillar
of Salt. Clue: She would have been "Incorrigible"
2.) Considerations to make/weigh
"before" you choose Baptism.
3.) The "secret" plan of the "shadow
Government" to "deliberately" forment a war between
the USA/UN and the Arabs.
135.) click here for Sermon of
> March 31,
2012 Subject: Preparation for Passover Body and Blood.
March 31, 2012 - Abib 8,
This Service accentuates
Passover/Communion Preparation for next Friday night April
Today's Sermon has vitally important information "How to take
Passover/Communion in a "Worthy Manner":
But first information on:
A.) The Israelis are monitoring Iran, from inside
Iran, infiltrating Iran with Commandos. This is a "powder keg" that
could explode at any second, but Yahveh is giving us more time, (for the full
number of the Gentiles to be baptized the full number of Gentiles is the
pre-determined number required to complete the Church. Romans
BTW: The Church does not give you God's Spirit at baptism, the
Church beseeches Father for "Father" to give the initiate Father's Holy Spirit
via the laying on of hands. The Spirit is given by the Father, if the Father
answers the Church's prayer.
That means that even if the Minister who baptized you has
fallen away from the truth, your Baptism is still valid, because Father gave you His Spirit, not the Minister. The
Minister merely asked/beseeched Father to give you the Spirit.
Vital Passover information for those "to be Baptized on April 5
and the longtime already Baptized:
B.) Everyone is taking the Passover in an "Un"worthy
1.) You are taking the Passover/Communion in an
"Un"worthy Manner" if you let a Minister beat you over the
head with I Corinthians 11:27-30, and your Sinister gets you to focus on
little you examining yourself, instead of focusing on Christ/Yehsua when you
imbibe/swallow the Bread and the Wine.
2.) When you swallow the Bread and the Wine, you "must" focus on the torn
up body, and the blood running out of Yeshua's body onto the ground.
You must focus on Yeshua's body standing in your place of your body,
taking the penalty of sin for you.
3.) "Unworthily" is an adverb, not a noun. Unworthily describes the action
of "how" you partake, not the actor/person.
To take the Passover worthily you "must" discern the Lords
Body "at" the time you are swallowing the bread and at the time you are
swallowing the wine.
You must "not" be focusing on little you, or else you are partaking of
the Passover in an "un"worthy manner.
You must focus on Christ's/Yeshua's body being
torn to shreds, unrecognizable as a human form
Isaiah 52:14, because his body had all the skin torn from it, by 2 Roman
scourgings. Some men died during just 1 scourging. Yeshua was torn to pieces by 2 scourgings,
and ultimately bled to death on the
stake, from having all of His flesh torn off, so that He
was not even recognizable as a man.
That is what you are supposed to be focusing on when you swallow the
bread, and imbibe/drink/swallow the wine. "NOT" little you, not your own life.
You are to focus on Yeshua.
You have all year, and all of the Days of Unleavened Bread to focus on
This is in "remembrance" of Yeshua. This do in remembrance of "ME", (not of
This is why some of you are weak and ill and
some of you have died last year.
"You" took Passover in an "un"worthy "manner". 1 Corinthians 11:30.
Don't let any Minister beat you over the head
with 1 Corinthians 11:27, and make you focus on yourself
during the Passover Service/Communion, and
make you sick and ill for the next year!
C.) Father is washing you/delivering you via/in
Christ's/Yeshua's blood at twilight between the 2 evenings, just as the 1st day
of Unleavened Bread "starts" after the evening of Abib/Nisan 14 and the start of
Abib 15. Twilight Numbers 9:5.
The 1st Day of Unleavened Bread also starts "after" the evening of the
This is to give you a running start at the "start" of the 1st Day of
Unleavened Bread.
You are cleaned up/purified between the 2 evenings, when you are
cleansed/healed by the Bread/His Body and have your sins washed away
by His Blood, the Passover elements
You are immediately unleavened/deleavened by Father, "immediately" at the
"start" of the Days of Unleavened Bread.
Regarding the Whole Entirety of the Passover Service:
If Father had not designed this Service for you, you would be dead "forever".
There would be no sacrifice applied for your sins.
There would be NO HOPE at all for you.
You have all year to focus on "little you".
Don't "WRECK" Father's Passover
by focusing on little
136.) click here for Sermon of
> April 7,
2012 First Day of Unleavened Bread
April 7, 2012 - Abib 15,
Sermon Highlights:
You were wasting your time, taking the Passover last
There is "NO" sacrifice/forgiveness for your sins. Hebrews
1.) You are knowingly moving the Sabbath to the 6th day Friday in half the World.
are "in" and supporting Churches LCG, UCG, TPM, PCG,
etc., that "ALL" move God's Sabbath
to the 6th day Friday in 1/2 the
You are no better than the
Pope, who moves the 7th day Sabbath to
the 1st day Sunday.
You move the 7th day Sabbath to the 6th day, because
you do not wait for the sunset to reach 1/2 the World.
You "KNOWINGLY" continue to
follow the Satanic International Date Line that jumps
the day ahead between the USA and Australia. "YOU" refuse to wait for God's
sunset. You "know" God's Sabbath Day is the 7th Day, yet "YOU" support organizations that move God's Sabbath Day to the
6th day in 1/2 the World. The same as supporting the
Catholic Church.
2.) Last nights Passover bread and
wine will not and cannot
save "disobedient" you. God states: No
sacrifice for your sins, because you know better than to support the
Pope and "be in" sinful
Come out of her my people:
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not
of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath
remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her
double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to
her double.
Revelation 18
Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Speak ye
comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished,
that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD'S handdouble for all her
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) If we go on
sinning after we have learned the
truth, no sacrifice can take
away our sins.
King James 2000 Bible
(©2003) For if we sin
willfully after we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for
American King
James Version For if we sin
willfully after that we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
American Standard Version For if we sin wilfully after that
we have received the knowledge of the truth, there
remaineth no more a sacrifice for
sins, | | |
3.) You also all year long celebrate the Pagan
because you celebrate:
4.) Mother gODDESS Day. The mother
of all the gODS and gODDESSES.
5.) Sky Fathers Day, the longest day of the year.
6.) Turkey gOD Day, that laid the cosmic egg that Ra/Osiris
sprang forth from.
8.) Then re-take the Passover next month.
9.) You are serving the Devil right
now. Give your head a shake.
10.) There is "NO" Sacrifice for your sins, because you are a disobedient brat.
11.) Doomsday:
The Nation of Israel is threatening MAD (Mutually Assured
12.) 200,000= nearly 1/4 Million missles are now ready to be
launched into Israel.
13.) It is the end of Israel/Israel is a gonner.
14.) Even if you destroy Damascus, you will still lose,
because Damascus is only 10 miles from the Golan Heights, Sidon, Tyre, and Gaza.
All will be covered in radiation from Damascus.
15.) Israel loses, even if Israel attacks. Israel is going
down and now has a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) Policy.
137.) click here for Sermon of
> April 13,
2012 Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread
April 13, 2012 - Abib 21,
"No" Shoats (sheep and goat hybrids)
"No" Geeps (goat and sheep hybrids) allowed.
"You" are either a sheep or a goat.
Stop paying Restaurant workers on God's Holy Sabbath
You should be picketing the Restaurant, to close on the
Sabbath Days.
You should not be paying Restaurant workers to work on the
Sabbath Day.
You should be telling the Restaurant workers "NOT" to work on
the Sabbath Day.
Every offshoot of the WCG allows its members to hire and pay
restaurant workers to work on God's Sabbath Day.
You should be telling the restaurant workers "NOT" to work on
God Sabbath.
Instead you TIP restaurant workers to work on God's Holy
All the offshoot Churches of God are
"GOATS", and their
actions "prove" that they are unteachable "GOATS".
The POS (Place of Safety) will be in 2015.
You cannot be in the POS, if you do not develop the correct
Obedient record "now".
It takes years to develop/inculcate into you
physiche obedient character.
You can't get into the Place of Safety at the last month,
"because" you need to develop righteous character over the "years" of your
Christian growth.
Re Lot's wife:
She was struck down and turned into a pillar of salt, because
she refused to follow Yah's commands.
God could not let her live, or else, everyone in the World
would feel free to "Disobey" "WITHOUT" any consequence.
Stop "paying" restaurant workers to break God Sabbath
Stop supporting Churches that let you pay restaurant workers
on God's Sabbath. This means the :LCG, UCG, PCG. COGTE, TPM, etc.. They all have
said that it is fine to hire restaurant workers to break God's
"YOU" are "just as" evil as the Pope/Poop when you move God's
Sabbath to the 6th Day in 1/2 the World, just as the Poop moves God's Sabbath to
the 1st day.
YOU ARE AS "EVIL" AS THE POPE! This applies to LCG,. UCG, PCG,
COGTE, TPM etc..
Do not make it worse for yourself by LYING that you can move
God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 of the World.
The PROOF that you ARE "EVIL" IS THAT YOU "DO" MOVE God's Holy
Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.
Get OUT of the evil Churches, and come into the Protection of
the Obedient Church of God
April 14, 2012/Abib 22 5993
Highlights of today's Sabbath
1.) "MORE" new USA legislation has been passed to oppress your
2.) Explanation of:
The sins are passed on to the 3rd and 4th
3.) There are "2" Groups of 144,000:
1st group is "only" from the 12 tribes.
2nd Group is comprised of converted Gentiles,
"2" loaves are waved by Yeshua.
4.) How to "not" slip back into your old habits after the Days
of Unleavened Bread.
5.) How to be without spot or blemish in the coming year.
It involves visualizing yourself as God's child, and setting
your goal to act accordingly as God's child.
April 14, 2012 - Abib 22,
April 21, 2012/Abib 29 5993
April 24, 2012
1.) The "2" groups of 144,000.
2.) The "Sealed" ones.
3.) An actual mental "attitude"
towards a way of life of "obeying" every jot of God's Bible.
4.) The Black Pope kills the White Popes.
5.) The Black Pope controls the World.
6.) The only place in Scripture where 666 is
listed as a particular man's actual name.
You have the "Mark of the Beast" on you already, because you
are supporting WCG Church offshoots that move God's Holy 7th Day Sabbath to
the 6th day in one half the World.
Stop causing New Zealand, and Australian members to
This includes LCG, UCG, PCG, COGTE, TPM, etc..
God can't use you anymore, because you are disobedient and
"refuse" to repent/change.
You have the Mark of the Beast on you, because you are moving
God's Holy Sabbath.
And even if you change, but just obey from the head and not
from your heart, you are not saved, because you are trying to fool God with
outward signs, and "NOT" an inward heart change.
It is not enough to just obey from the hand, for you must obey from the Heart.
You have a Harlot's Forehead.
Your heart is also "hardened".
God is not divided.
Only 1 Church whether you like it or not.
At 55 minutes of tape Dankenbring mentioned.
7.) The Seal of
God (at 53 minutes of the
How to be sealed in the Forehead "now".
You get "sealed" WHEN your actions and your deeds symbolize
You will never get sealed when you
are doing it because you have to, but instead:
Because you "want" to.
You have to obey from the heart,
and not just from the head.
If you don't obey from the heart, you are still
toast/eternally dead.
Because you are trying to trick God.
The only thing that is then awaiting you is "Hellfire", for
breaking God's Holy Sabbath, by moving God's Holy 7th Day Sabbath Day to
the 6th Day in one half of the World.
Cry out to God's Holy Spirit to save you from your Harlot's
Forehead, and your hard heart. "AND" YOU must also soften your own forehead and
soften your own heart. The Work of God's Holy Spirit is also an "external"
mental "Seal" on your forehead. Revelations 7:3.
TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) is sealed with the
attitude that we will only follow the Jots of God (not men/not
This is our mental "internal" Seal, on our forehead right
You get sealed when your actions and deeds symbolize your
thoughts, that you are going to obey Father.
The Holy Spirit abides in us only if we "KEEP" His
Thoughts are the "forehead" mark.
Actions are the "hand" deeds.
Your mark on your forehead symbolizes your
Your hands symbolize your actions.
his mark in his forehead, or in his
Revelation 14:9-10
April 21, 2012 - Abib 22,
April 23, 2012/Ziv 1, 5993
April 23, 2012
April 23, 2012 - Ziv 1,
Highlights of God's New Moon Day
Ziv 1, 5993.
(Monday April 22, 2012).
1.) On New Moon Day the gates of God are opened for you to
come and learn and worship, and "none of you show up".
You are going your own way, instead of worshipping
You will have your own way, instead of appearing before
You are working on New Moon Day instead of appearing before
The Gates are opened on New Moon Day so that you can worship.
Ezekiel 46:1-3.
2.) There are 2 "different" events:
The Passover
and The Lord's Dinner (supper).
3.) Last night (on the evening of the new month of Ziv, you
had the Lord's Dinner (supper) as you do every New Moon just as David did, and
all the patriarchs did.
4.) At :34 minutes of the Video:
Are you going to stop worshipping on God's 7th Day Sabbath,
just because you feel like it?
Ergo: Likewise are you going to stop worshipping on God's
commanded New Moon Day, just because you feel like it?
Give your head a shake.
5.) At :35 minutes of the Video:
1 Faith, no ecuminicalism allowed.
6.) At :36 minutes of the Video:
Will the church you are in get you into God's kingdom, when
they are a disobedient church?
Will you church get you into Hell, for being
You have a Harlots forehead.
You also have hardened your Heart.
7.) In 900 days you will be dead along with 90% of the World.
Isaiah 6:13.
8) We should sue Monsanto for:
Genetic Pollution of our food supply.
The truth about "GMO"s.
9.) At :47 Minutes of the Video:
Indoctrination of Palestinian children.
10.) At :49 minutes of the Video:
5 year old "suicide warriors".
A broadcast titled the "Children's Club" on the
official PBC (Palestine Broadcasting Corporation) television channel, is
produced by the PA (Palestinian Authority) Ministry of Education. That broadcast
has 5 year old children singing: "Oh my sister, sing constantly about my life as
a suicide warrior... each and every part of your soil I have drenched with all
my blood, and we shall march as warriors of jihad".
Your tax dollars are paying for this via the US Agency for
International Development giving 1/2 a million dollars in equipment and
training, and more than 6 million in aid from the European Union.
11.) This is allowed in order to carry out the Masonic plan to
forment war between the Arabs and the USA/Israel in order to bring in
rising up of the "King of the South" and the NWO (New World Order) via order out
of chaos.
12.) At :58 minutes of the Video:
On April 19 the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto was attacked and women
and children were murdered by the Nazis.
On April 19 the Oklahoma City bombing took
On April 19 the Branch Davidians in Waco were
murdered/were burned alive.
13.) The whole USA is a prison now, with surveillance
14.) At 1:03 of the Video:
All your typing on your E-Mail messages is sent via a splitter
in the Network to a center called Room 641A for analysis of buzz words,
indicating you are an enemy of the State.
15.) If you want to see Jesus/Yeshua's Army return from a
million miles out appearing as a light in the heavens, you need to stay alive
during the Tribulation.
16.) The untold story of the Jewish Resistance to the Nazis
occupation was that the Jewish civilians who fought as resistance fighters
against the Nazis, lived longer than the Jewish civilian who walked onto the
17.) At 1:26 of the Video:
Another New World Order is coming:
Yeshua's New World Order.
18.) At 1:55 of the Video:
It is not just "obedience", it is obedience plus a personal
relationship with Father and Yeshua.
19.) A 100% "personal relationship" with Father.
20.) Father is not just your God, He is your "best friend"
along with Yahveh/Jesus.
April 28, 2012/Ziv 6 5993
April 28, 2012 - Ziv 6,
Sermon Highlights:
1.) LCG, UCG, PCG, COGTE, TPM, etc., ministers/sinisters
continue to move God's 7th Day Sabbath to the 6th day in half the World, just
like the Poop, moves God's Sabbath to the 1st Day Sunday.
The are all the "Devil's" children.
Their actions "proves" that they "are" deceived by the
Only the Devil would want to move God
Deuteronomy 5:15 "TEST" commandment, one day early Friday in 1/2 the
World, just like the Devil's Pope moves God's Holy Sabbath 1 day late
to Sunday.
2.) TO COG is taking on all the Devil COGS:
LCG, UCG, PCG, COGTE, TPM, etc., who move God's
TO COG will "NOT" stop showing them up for the liars that they
are, saying that they keep God's commandments, when they don't even keep the 4th
Commandment, and blatently "REFUSE" to keep the 4th Commandment in 1/2 the
3.) Environmentalism goes to the Nazi propaganda, "and" early
pagan religion of "Mother" earth.
4.) May Day and Earth Day unmasked as a
High Witches Sabbath.
5.) Kermit the Frog has indoctinated you/brainwashed you, and
even has you thinking "It's good to be "Green".
The devil's Green god has been around in various forms of
environmentalism for 5,000 years.
6.) It's all linked together with the Devils, and Nazis, and
Egyptian environmentalism.
7.) More information next Sabbath, linking Mother Earth
Worship, Prince Philip (George), the Green Movement, and Sesame Street
indoctrination of children, with Satanism from 5,000 years ago, in the
worship of nature/trees, etc..
May 5, 2012/Ziv 13 5993
May 5, 2012 - Ziv 13,
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Ziv 13 5993
Special Message to "all" offshoot WCGs
(Worldwide Churches of God) LCG, UCG, UCGWA, PCG, COGTE,
You must all repent, or your leader can be thrown into
the Lake of Fire for teaching lies Revelations
and you can be thrown into the Lake of Fire, for
"willful" disobedience Hebrews 10:26, for practicing their
lies Revelations 22:15.
May 12, 2012/Ziv 20 5993
May 12, 2012 - Ziv 20,
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Ziv 20 5993
Mother gODDESS Day came from the
Babylonian Mystery Religion.
You will be judged by what you "do".
1.) The 2nd "Sun"day in May is the celebration
of the Great Mother gODDESS, the Mother of all the gODS. "You" can't
practice Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHER'S Day, and Turkey gOD Day and say
you are following Christ, "because" you are marching in Hitler's/Satan's Parade
(of Days). The evidence is piling up against you.
All have sinned, no one is righteous, no not one.
Not a woman, nor a man.
All have committed evil.
Mother gODDESS Day gives the impression that women do not commit
2.) Facts:
It isn't the Government murdering
the children,
it is the mothers.
Wake up!
2.) 50% of all
marriages end in divorce, with children left without the other parent, because
the mother signs Divorce papers.
3.) 10% of all
children are not fathered by the husband, but by an outsider.
4.) Get your DNA checked
so that you today can know who your father "really" is.
5.) Insurance Companies
can't insure you when they use DNA family profiling, because they don't
know the Medical History of your "real" father. 52:11 on
6.) The Catholic Church
adopted Mother Goddess Day/Mother Church straight from Paganism.
7.) Eve got us into this mess,
because she the mother of mankind, deliberately chose the Tree of good and
Participating in/revering Mother gODDESS
3.) The truth about the Queen Mother/Queen of
England that she is the Satanic Head of the Illumanati (Order of the Garter)
over her son Charles.
(Charles said that he wants to be reincarnated as a
virus, so that he can deplete/kill the World's population of 7 Billion down
to just 500 million. This is the family that you are dealing with: A
mother who is head of the worldwide Illumanati, and her son Charles who
wishes he could kill everyone as a virus. That is how she raised her
4.) The Black Pope will kill the White
5.) The 3rd Mystery Secret of
Fatima: The "actual" words read out from the apparition of the
satanic Holy Mother, a demon masquerading as Christ's mother. The Holy Mother.
The Secret explained to you/for
you. Hint: It involves the NWO, the Black Pope, the Illumanati, "and" the
Mother gODDESS Demon "CONTROLLING" the whole operation. Signs and wonders
6.) The
last appearances of the satanic Holy Mother
apparition were on the 13th of every month, "the same" as Mother's
7.) The Black Pope, Illumanati, Masonic political
leaders Shimone Perez, Benjamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama (all Masons) will set up
the NWO (New World Order) Man of Sin after the Black
Pope kills the White Pope.
They will unite/incorporate in every religion
on earth. Just like the White Pope had Shaman and Occultists and Taoists,
Shintoists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc., all as one group in the
Only TO COG (The Obedient Church of God)
understands all of the implications of the above points and the Black
The Mother Church incorporated all of the pagan
days, under the Holy Mother/Mother Church. These days are proven to come from
Babylonian paganism. The true God "smashed" Babylon, but you want to keep
Babylon Mystery Religion alive by your practicing its Pagan Days.
You can't have Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHER'S
Day, Turkey gOD Day, and say you are a Christian, because now you are practicing a "running stream" of Pagan Days in your
Wake up. 3 Strikes (Mother
gODDESS Day, Sky fATHERS Day, Turkey gOD day) "ALL"
go back to Pagan antiquity= 3 strikes against you for "your"
practicing/PARTICIPATING in a Nazi like parade of Pagan days = you are out
of God's Kingdom for your disobedience against Deuteronomy 12:32, Galations 1:6;
9, causing a lie Revelations 21:15, practicing a lie Revelations 22:15. And
Jeremiah 7:18 [mothering] cakes for the queen of heaven.
You have 364 other days to honour your mother. Do
not use mother gODDESS day.
Editor's Note:
And after you are dead and gone it will still be
mother gODDESS day, no matter what little you said. How are you going to explain
that to God on Judgment Day, when the Books are opened, judged according to your
works. Revelations 20:12.
You are judged according to what you "do". Not what
you say.
Mother gODDESS Day came from the Babylonian
Mystery Religion.
You will be judged by what you
May 19, 2012/Ziv 27 5993
May 19, 2012 - Ziv 27,
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Ziv 27 5993
This Sermon will show you how to protect
from the coming Satanic Sky sounds and
Sermon Highlights:
The "Stars" mean something to God's Family,
that is how God's Family set the Sabbath and Holy
But the stars, shadow of God's sun means Nothin' to you WCG
rebelliant Brats.
The "Stars" in the sky mean nothin' to the unconverted, they
average God's Holy Days, and "willfully" change God's Sabbath to the 6th
day from Australia to China, to India, to Pakistan.
can't he find at least 1 child who will obey?
TO COG "IS" the only Church that is
celebrating God's Sabbath on the 7th Day in "all" of the
or die in your Mother gODDESS, sky fATHER, tURKEY gOD day
sins/your sins "ARE" piling up against you!
"AND" no sacrifice for even just 1 unrepentented of sin. Heb
TO COG "IS" the vehicle of Father's Revelations:s1.) Today we
explain the strange sounds occurring worldwide= explained "only" by TO
2.) We herein play for you
the "actual" Satanic sounds worldwide.
3.) Hint:
The Illumanati is developing/perfecting their deception of the sound of the "Last
Trumpet", (along with Sky holograms).
= Deceiving signs and wonders.
4.) Also:
The underground cities being tunneled out, using Laser tools,
"also" emit sounds.
5.) The majority of the sounds coming from the sky are
primitive signs being upgraded to "imitate" God's last trumpet signal.
6.) The Illumanati can't get the sound right
That is delaying their deception plan.
7.) The Illumanati is "also" perfecting "Hologram" sky images
to deceive the Nations, along with the fake trumpet sounds.
8.) Fake sky sounds and fake sky holograms will proceed the
false 12th Iman/Mahdi arrival.
9.) The sounds from the earth, (not the Trumpet sounds
from the sky) are the sounds of the Laser underground excavation of 2 mile by 4
mile cities under Canada and the USA;
where men will hide themselves from the 100 lb. hailstones,
10.) Video begins with important "rant" about how WCG
offshoots cannot participate in the Devil's Days of
Mother gODDESS dAY, sKY fATHERS dAY, tURKEY gOD day,
repent/stop keeping the Pagan Days alive, or Hebrews 10:26 will kill you.
Main Message:
How to survive the sounds of
the next 7 years, and
"HOW" to overcome Depression/Anxiety and Demon
The difference between Demon Possession and
Demon Influence explained by TO COG.
How to stave off the next Demonic Attack of
sounds from the Sky.
Signs and wonders are "now" occurring= Marion
Apparitions and distorted Trumpet sounds
throughout the whole world.
10.) "HOW" TO protect yourself and shut out the
Father's Roman's 9:28 "is" this Broadcast.
An "Angel" will complete TO COG's work, because at 300 members
we are too small to do the whole World. Revelations 14:16.
That is "why" TO COG can preach= because God's angel "will"
finish TO COG's work to the World.
May 23, 2012
May 23, 2012 -
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Sermon Highlights
1.) Just like Saul, you are required to "destroy" all the Pagan Days, of Mother gODDESS Day, Sky
fATHERS Day, Turkey gOD Day.
If you do not destroy the Pagan Days from your life, your crown will be taken away, just the same as Saul's
crown was taken from Saul. Because Saul did not destroy all the pagan
2.) If you try to say you are doing most things right, you are
still then "only half full of oil" so you will be
locked out of the Marriage Supper, and cast into outer
darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
3.) Wake up, "you" have to destroy all
the Pagan Days in your life.
4.) FEMA is advertising for workers in its Prison camps.
5.) Freemasonry is Jewish Magic.
6.) The Synagogue of Satan is the Israeli
Government leadership impersonating the
Jews, and Israeli citizens impersonating the
Jews. These leaders say they are Jews but are not, because they are Kahzars who lived in the Jerusalem area, and took
control under the name Jews. They were just living in
Judea= and were "not" Jews, but now claim to be. They run Israel.
They will not build the 3rd Temple until their Israeli Jewish
Masonic NWO (New World Order) is in place/set up.
Their order of events is:
A.) First set up the NWO.
B.) Then build the Temple
C.) That is "why" the Temple has not been built yet, because they want to
complete/set up the NWO first.
"Then" they will set up their leader the Man of Sin, in place of
Yeshua. They will have Jerusalem as capital of Israel, and Jerusalem as capital
of the World.
The word Jew was never even in the original KJV until it was changed in the
1900 translation. It is the Satanic Kennites/Kahzars who are running Jerusalem
7.) Characteristics of Jesus/Yeshua.
8.) You are to grow up to be a Diety, just like your Father. You will rule
myriads of angels, just like your Father.
Do you not know that you shall judge angels. 1 Corinthians 6:3. You will be
a King and a Priest.
Just as your Father and Yeshua are Kings and Priests.
What a marvellous fantastic future we have ahead of us!
If only you could learn to
kill "all" the pagan days
in your life.
And "not" be like Saul.
May 26, 2012
May 26, 2012 -
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Sermon Highlights
Sermon #146 May 26th 2012 Sabbath
Audio, Sermon only (smaller file for faster
Sermon Highlights
1.) Jesus is arriving tomorrow May 27, 2012 per Ronald
No, He is not.
2.) The secret Rapture is a 19th Century
3.) The World can't be converted on its Death
4.) Israel of old did not exterminate nor drive out all of the
Cannanites from Jerusalem.
5.) The disobedient Israelites kept their enemies alive so
that they could collect a "Tribute Tax" forever from their enemies.
6.) You are not an exception.
7.) Iranians hate the Arabs. And they hate us too as a
8.) The Iranians (Persians) were defeated by the Arabs 1400
years ago. The Iranians will never forget their defeat at the hands of the
9.) Iran has a "racist" drive/bend against the Arabs.
10.) Iranians believe that they are superior to the
11.) Iran will "not" be the King of the
South, because Iran hates the Arabs.
12.) You should be making a minimum of $25 Dollars an hour
today, based on 1955 wages.
13.) Facebook owner Mark Zukerberg profited/made over 1
Billion dollars in 1 day manipulating his Facebook shares, to the detriment of
the people.
14.) Food will vanish off the shelves in December 2012.
15.) Stock up on rice/food, fuel, defense supplies
16.) 49 heads were cut off near the US Mexican border.
This is happening in America, "not" Arabia.
17.) 129 underground cities have been built 1 mile below
18.) 107,000 special rail cars with shackles welded in, have
been constructed for us.
19.) Poem: The Dark Time.
20.) Christ came to stop the pagan practices, but you continue
Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHER'S Day, Turkey gOD Day.
21.) The Synagogue of Satan are the Kennites/Khazars etc. who
say they are Jews and are not.
90% of Israel is "NOT"
Jewish (not from the tribe of Judah, nor any Israelite
They are all Cannanites, foreigners who
infiltrated the Jewish Nation and took it over.
22.) God's Scriptures back this up:
1 Chron 4:21
Ex 12:38 Mixed Multitude/half-breeds.
Num 11:4-6
Neh 13:3 Called themselves Jews in Christ's
Num 33:51-56
Deut 7:1-6
Deut 20:16-18
Joshua 15:63
Judges 1:21
Judges 19:10-12
1 Chron 11:4-9
2 Chron 8:7-8
Ezra 9:1-2 The holy seed has mixed with the peoples
of the lands.
Neh 13:23-29
Ezek 16:1-3 Cannanite Jews is
the Key to understand.
Isaiah 3:8-9 Jerusalem is "ruined":
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is
fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke
the eyes of his glory.
9 ¶ The show of their countenance doth
witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe
unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.
Nearly all of the Mobsters in America were
Bugsy Segal was Jewish;
Myer Lansky was Jewish;
Al Capone was Jewish!
These are the Khazars/Kennites.
The Fake Jews - Kennites - Sons of Cain and
And the Kennites have taken over Israel, and
say they are Jews, but are not. GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
I will make
those who are in Satan's synagogue come and bow at your feet and realize that I
have loved you.
They claim that they are
Jewish, but they are lying. Rev 3:9.
This is the greatest deception ever revealed to
The Obedient Church of God.
90% of Israel is "not" Jewish
(Tape runs out at 2 hours 3 minutes).
If anyone has a full
tape that includes the ending, please E-Mail
May 27, 2012
May 27, 2012 -
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Sermon Highlights
Sermon Highlights
Something Entered into you
re Pentecost
You have something inside you.
1.) Cleansing the House of the Lord since
2008, the start of the 10 years of Awe.
2.) Pentecost: God will now stick with you, via the
Holy Spirit.
3.) The Jews did "not" kill
The Romans did "not" kill
You think there were only 2 groups.
So, who killed Christ?
The Khazars/Kennites.
4.) Khazars/Pharisees who were not of the Tribe of
Judah, they promoted the murder of our Saviour Yeshua.
5.) New Topic:
The Holy Spirit does not click in until "you" turn
the wheel!
6.) Because it is your helper, not your
7.) A work of love, perfected in you.
8.) With God's Holy Spirit in you, fully developed,
then you can have confidence BOLDNESS to hug Father.
9.) He has promised you Victory.
10.) You have the power of the Holy
11.) God's Pentecost Spirit is "INSIDE"
12.) "Now" you have to sow the Holy Spirit of God
"in" your own life.
13.) Remember the tiny speck of a Mustard Seed that
grows 10 feet high. That is "you" spiritually= you must grow 10'
14). Multiply your talents this year. Do something
this year.
15.) You're a living stone.
16.) You are Yah's temple.
17.) Yah is the cornerstone that holds you the
living stone up.
18.) You are a King and a Priest, that will be in
charge of 1 Million angels each (there are myriad's/Trillions of
19.) You can be poor and even have your head cut
off, and still be richer than any human being.
20.) You are rich, rich, rich.
21.) You have the Pentecost Holy Spirit. What a
"FANTASTIC" life/future for you/us!!
22.) Pentecost typifies, the New Beginning of the
New Age of Hope.
23.) Have a wonderful confidence in the future,
after Yah arrives.
24.) What is
= Acknowledgment of the Truth,
No Mother gODDESS dAY, no Sky Fathers dAY, no
Turkey gOD dAY.
No moving God's Sabbath to the 6th day in 1/2 the
Your job for this year is to
"Convict and exhort" people around you [with this
truth]. Titus 9.
June 2, 2012
June 2, 2012 -
"PROOF" by the "FACTS' that TO COG is the Elisha
The "FACTS" PROVE this is an Elisha work.
You MUST kill all the Pagan Days/enemies days in your
If "you" choose to be like Saul, and not kill all the animals,
"you" like Saul, will have your Crown taken away.
June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012 -
"You" don't deserve to know God's Truth.
"So" we won't print it, thereby forcing "you" to listen and
wake up- and Pay Attention or die in your sins, you disobedient
A good tree cannot bear June 17th's 4,000
year old Sky Fathers Day,
your worship of the "Mighty Ones"
are the Transgressors LCG, UCG, etc..
June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012 -
1.) Don't touch he hot stove.
Don't touch the "PAGAN" Sky Fathers Day.
Respect the 1 true Father God!
2.) There "are" a "bunch" of milk-toast offshoot COGs being just like the harlots of the Catholic
church still being disobedient brats by celebrating
the "PAGAN" Sky Fathers Day.
3.) There were Masons in the COG, and we name a top Evangelist
Rank Minister who was a 32nd Degree Mason.
4.) Just like 90% of Israel are "not" Jews, but are
Kenites from the offshoots of Cain, so are the offshoots of the
Come out of the disobedient harlot churches which are the LCG,
UCG, PCG, TPM, COGTE, UCGWA, etc., etc..
5.) There is only one Romans 9:28
Work, and that "is" TO COG - THE
The "FACTS" prove it, because "EVERY" other offshoot WCG moves God's
Sabbath day to the 6th day in 1/2 the World.
June 22, 2012
June 22, 2012 -
Sermon Highlights
The Wrath of God is on "you"
because your disobedient wickedness is
1.) Mother gODDESS Day
2.) Sky fATHERS Day
3.) Turkey gOD Day
4.) Believing in Potential visibility, instead of 2
5.) Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the
6.) Refusing to worship God on His New Moon Day
today. Ezek 46:3
7.) Examples of God wrath.
Wash your garments, and be spotless,
you will be locked out of
the Marriage Supper.
June 23, 2012
June 23, 2012 -
Highlights of Sabbath
Sermon of June
23 2012
(Starting at middle of
1.) In the 1st Century Wedding Supper guests were given a
Wedding garment.
One man refused to put on his Wedding garment/righteous
He was thrown out. Matthew 22:11-14.
2.) TO COG (The Obedient Church of God is giving you Wedding
garments to put on.
3.) A good shepherd leads the sheep to good
A false shepherd leads the sheep to Pagan Days and "False
Sabbath Days: Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHERS Day, Turkey
gOD Day, moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half the World.
4.) Men preferred darkness instead of light.
5.) How can we get you to eat from the Tree of Life, and not
from the tree of evil.
6.) You have to be spotless, = surrender =
give up your Pagan Days.
7.) Kill all the animals/Satanic days in you
8.) OR else you already have the Mark of the Beast on you of
the Beast's Days.
9.) You refuse to change, so into the Tribulation you must
10.) You celebrated Sky Fathers Day this last weekend, but you
refuse to celebrate New Moon Day.
11.) Jesus is not coming to take a
polluted adulterous bride in marriage.
Jesus is not going
to marry a bride who commits whoredome and adultery with Satan's
12.) Jesus is only going to marry a virgin.
You are presently
not fit to be His wife, unless you repent from your Pagan Day
13.) You are a polluted harlot. 2 Peter
14.) Other COGs (Churches of God) are only 1/2 full of oil, so
they too will be kicked out of the Wedding Supper.
15.) Yah/Jesus will not marry a fornicating bride, that only
fornicates 1/2 the time.
16.) You are "not" a complete and pure Spiritual
17.) You must be spotless. 2 Peter 3:14.
18.) You must become a "new" creature. 2 Corinthians
19.) You must become a new being.
20.) The Spirit of God was put into you at Baptism, via the
laying on of hands. Kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the
laying on of hands. 2 Timothy 1:16.
21.) That is the "SAME" Spirit of God that descended on Jesus
like a dove at His Baptism. Luke 3:22.
You must use the Shekinah
Glory, earnest down payment of Holy Spirit given to you at baptism=
Shekina Glory and characteristics of Yah explained that you must emulate, to be a
June 30, 2012
June 30, 2012 -
Highlights of Sabbath
Sermon of June
30 2012
of God's Sabbath Day Service
God's 4th Moon,
9th Day, 5993.
153.) Video Sermon click here>
Audio, Sermon only (smaller file for faster
download click here>
The USA (Ephraim)
will be destroyed
because Ephraim plundered the World,
via it's Banksters, to its invasions and
occupation of all the other Countries of the
July 7, 2012
July 7, 2012 -
Sermon Highlights
God's 4th Moon/Month 16th
July 7 2012
Introduction: "The Sabbath is the Test Commandment
and is God's Revelation 'Mark' on
1.) Sermon Theme: Moving "Forward" in
We TO COG "know" how
to pilot God's Ship of Faith "correctly" through Storms.
2.) The Sabbath is for
worshipping and praising God in song, and not just
3.) When circumstances go against you, use those circumstances to
advance/do even more.
4.) Sparklers from Darren Clarke, Ozelia Welling,
and Melody Pettyjohn.
5.) Saved by Grace through Faith, and doing the
Works in Love to Father.
Grace is a limited period
of time to "repent" in.
July 14, 2012
July 14, 2012 -
Sermon to all Leaders of the various Churches of
Bearing False Witness
Penn State has admitted its cover-up
Wake up leaders of the various Churches of God-
"Don't be worse than the Gentiles".
30+ Proofs that H. A. (Herbert Armstrong)
fornicated with his daughter Dorothy, therefore being guilty of
Today's sin of the Worldwide COG (Church of God) offshoots
is "NOW" the continuing COVER-UP by the leaders of the various offshoot churches of
Attention Leaders: No
more "bearing false witness". Proverbs
19:9. Don't pretend that you are innoocent.
Even God admitted and inspired/published in His
Bible, His leader King David's sin of fornicating with
COG "Top" leaders are covering up, thereby
The 30+ "FACTS" and the Testimony of "more than 2
witnesses" of what Mr. Armstrong personally admitted to them, PROVE that the
leaders of the churches of God are deliberately "BEARING FALSE
Top rank ministers are continuing to BEAR FALSE
WITNESS/LIE about the facts of the case, and are continuing to neglect and
indeed refuse to come clean and acknowledge the Witnesses/facts.
No Minister will be in God's kingdom who
"CAUSES" a lie. Revelations
No more lying and bearing false
At least Penn State has the courage to come
clean about "it's" Sports Leader's sins.
The Gentiles and even the Pope are better than
the Church of God leaders in this venue.
Penn State and even the Pope have not covered up
the sins of their leader(s).
This Sermon is addressed especially to the Living
Church of God minister Rod Meridith who was privy to this information as he was
a top rank minister on the inside of the COG.
Other COGs that this Sermon is especially directed
to are the UCG (United Church of God), UCGWA (United Church of God Worldwide
Association), PCG (Philadelphia Church of God), COGTE (Church of God The
Eternal), and indeed the leaders of "all" the WCG (Worldwide Church of God)
Your LYING defies the
facts of the matter, and indeed insults common sense and the
integrity of the honest Church of God.
The 30+ facts in this Sermon "cannot" be denied,
and your continued denial defies logic.
If you want to call yourself a Church of God,
then you must stop lying.
The Sin is now not Herbert Armstrong's, but
Because you are willfully lying. No more sacrifice
for sin for the leadership of the COG. Hebrews 10:26.
You are lying worse than the
Catholic Church!
At least the Catholic Church has admitted its
Your sin is for "LYING".
Admit Herbert Armstrong's sexual misconduct, clear
the air and move on.
The Catholic Church did, and now Penn State
The Gentiles are more honest than the so called
churches of God. The facts prove it!
Repent and come clean, and you like David will be
forgiven by God.
Keep covering up and
lying, and into the Lake of Fire you ministers will
go, for loving and practicing a lie. Revelations 22:15
Churches of God come clean and be washed by the
blood of Yah, for your years of covering up and lying about the
Repent and become clean (come clean), so that you
can be forgiven.
July 21, 2012
July 21, 2012 -
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 21, 2012
30th Day of God's Fourth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Sermon Highlights:
1.) Only 1 Church in the whole
World is following and celebrating God's Sabbath day on God's Sabbath in
the "whole" World!
2.) Every
offshoot of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God including the Living Church of God
(Meridith), the United Church of God (Luker), the Philadelphia Church of God
(Flurry), Church of God the Eternal (Brisby), Triumph Prophetic Ministries
(Dankenbring) is
celebrating Yah's/God's Sabbath on
Friday in 1/2 the World.
3.) If you
Ministers don't repent all you offshoot Ministers will be thrown into the Lake
of Fire for moving Yah's Sabbath to Friday the 6th day in 1/2 the World,
just like the Poop (Pope) will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for moving Yah's
Sabbath to the 1st day of the week.
4.) Ramadan
just started and is explained for you, so that you can know what you are
dealing with so that you can educate the Muslims.
5.) The
London Olympics should have a terrorist attack, because just like as in
Pearl Harbour novices were put on the Radar Stations, in order to let the
Japanese bombers in, and likewise novices are being put into the London security
apparatus, in order to facilitate the terrorists. This is being done to forment
war to bring in the NWO (New World Order).
6.) Syria,
Lebanon and Iran are set up to be invaded by NATO (N.A.T.O. is the
precursor for the NWO).
Rediscovered Truth:
You have to
pay Yah/God 20% interest on your
unpaid Tithes. Leviticus 27:31.
8.) She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain, when she
using the "true" meaning:
Yah will be Comin' Round the Mountain when He
4 bar guitar Intro.:
He'll be
comin' round the Mount of Olives when He comes.
He'll be
comin' round the Mount of Olives when He comes.
He'll be
comin' round the Mount of Olives, He'll be comin' round the Mount of
He'll be
comin' round the Mount of Olives, when He comes.
He'll be
ridin' a white Stallion when He comes.
He'll be
ridin' a white Stallion when He comes.
He'll be ridin' a white Stallion, He'll be ridin' a white
He's be ridin' a white Stallion, when he
2 bar guitar refrain
We'll all rise up to meet Him when He comes.
We'll all rise up to meet Him when He comes.
Yes, we'll all rise up to meet Him, Yes we'll all rise up
to greet Him.
Yes, we'll all rise up to meet Him, when He
Instrumental Bridge
He'll lock-up that old Red Satan when He
He'll lock-up that old Red Satan when He
He'll lock-up that old Red Satan. He'll lock up that old
Red Satan.
He'll lock-up that old Red
Satan when He comes.
Oh He'll take us to Jerus'lem when He
Yes He'll take us to Jerus'lem when He
Yes He'll take us to Jerus'lem, Yes He'll take us to
Yes He'll take us to Jerus'lem when He
We'll all sing Hallelujah when
He comes.
We'll all sing Hallelujah when He comes.
We'll all sing Hallelujah, "YES" we'll all sing Hallelujah.
We'll all sing Hallelujah when He comes.
Instrumental Bridge
He'll be comin' round-the Mount-of-Olives, when He
He'll be comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives, when He
He'll be comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives, He'll be
comin'-round the Mount-of-Olives.
He'll be comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives when He
Instrumental Bridge
He'll be comin' round-the Mount-of-Olives, when He
He'll be comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives, when He
He'll be comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives, He'll be
comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives.
He'll be comin' round-the-Mount-of-Olives when He
He'll be comin' round the Mountain.
He'll be comin' round the Mountain.
He'll be comin' round the Mountain.
Yah will be comin' round the Mountain, when He
Click here to sing using our words, to cheer yourself up in these troubled times,
and to give yourself "HOPE".
July 22, 2012
July 22, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 22, 2012
1st Day of God's Fifth Month of Av, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
1.) You Ministers for striking God's New Moon Day out of His
Bible, will go to Hell (if you do not repent "NOW").
2.) You can't say you will strike out God's New Moon Day,
but then say that you will celebrate Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHERS Day,
and Turkey gOD Day.
3.) You can't march in Hitler's parade/Satan's parade of days,
and say that you are doing it for God.
4.) You Ministers have saved the best of Satan's days, and
like Saul, you will have your crown taken away from you, and won't be in the
5.) You have 364 other days of the year to honour your Mother,
but not on Mother gODDESS Day, and the same goes for Sky fATHERS Day, and Turkey
gOD Day.
You have 364 other days, but yet you celebrate the Pagan
6.) You don't celebrate on the Satanic Harvest Home Festival,
or you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
7.) Even those who did not know, "will" be beaten. Luke
8.) You can't pronounce a pig clean.
It has always been an unclean pig, and will still be an
unclean pig, whether you say so or not.
9.) Lagtime explained.
10.) Terrorists attack the London Olympics.
11.) Jesuits killed the Pope.
12.) 3 person coffins by FEMA are prepared for
13.) Enjoy your last week of peace now before the
14.) Christians were burned at the stake in the Spanish
Inquisition as recently as 1834= only 179 years ago.
15.) George Bush and Obama are cousins and both are Romans,
tracing back their lineage to Caesar.
16.) The leaders of the USA are satanic Romans, just like the
Romans who killed Christians in the past.
17.) Only a "small" group will be in the POS (Place of
Safety) because when you divide 6000 years into 144,000 you get only 24 people
a year.
18.) 90% of the World will be dead in the next 8
19.) Samaria/America Isa 5:15; 6:11.
20.) Learn how to store live food in your home or even
your apartment where you can make a "root cellar" in your apartment
21.) Learn how to use spices to preserve
22.) We have "2" bodies.
23.) NMD (New Moon Day) is part of the knowledge of God,
and is an extra day to worship on. Sounds like a good idea to me.
24.) Not only are you committing Harlotry by supporting
disobedient Churches, you are paying your Whoremaster which is
the disobedient Church of God, including LCG, UCG, PCG, COGTE, TPM who
move God's Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World, and who whore
after Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHERS Day, and Turkey gOD Day.
25.) Hosea 5:11= the USA is broken.
26.) USA elections are just like changing your underwear. The
bad news is you change with him, and you change with her. They
are all same leaders, on the strings of the Shadow Government.
27.) Kenite Canaanite "converted" Scribes put in/added to
God's Bible, that there are "three that agree in Heaven", and also added
that "these three are one" in 1 John 5:7.
28.) There are 360 Degrees of Masonry and the 360th Degree is
directly under Satan. Most people think there are only 33.
29.) Christians don't Vote. They are Ambassadors.
30.) The only way of winning is not to play ((in the World's
(Satan's) Voting system)).
Besides, God sets up leaders, and you could be voting against
31.) I've got 2 bodies. Anyone that follows TO COG has
been given 2 bodies.
32.) You have got to go with the "facts", and
not what people say.
33.) You have got to go by what their actions
stand for, such as celebrating the Pagan Days, and moving God's Sabbath
day; and not listen to their lie that they are God's Church while they
move God's Sabbath to Friday in half of the World.
34.) I "WILL" follow Him (Yah). Song played to drive
it home/inculcate it into your mind to only follow "HIM".
35.) Some of the characteristics of Yeshua
36.) Yeshua nailed to a stake through His wrists, via
hands crossed above His head, not a cross.
37.) Ministers who "do" stupidly and
disobediently, will be called on the carpet for it.
38.) Such as Ministers willfully going along with
moving God's Sabbath Day to Friday in half the World.
39.) How can you be a Servant of God now that you have
been enlightened, and still move God's Sabbath to the 6th day
40.) King of the South will be in a "RAGE".
41.) It's not the Military Industrial Congress, it's the
"CONGRESSIONAL" Military Industrial Congress.
42.) Deathbed statements of Famous Historical
43.) Your "Crown".
44.) Satan is mad at God, because God didn't show Satan all
His (God's) power, so Satan tried to kick God off His throne.
45.) I'm mentioning this, to "show" that it will be
so wonderful to be in God's Kingdom, with the things that await the
"true and faithful" people of God.
46.) A "mind meld" will probably
replace physical sex in the Kingdom, and will be exquisite in
pleasure and satisfaction.
47.) Even as a heathen you "want" Yah to come back and rule.
48.) Because that is the only way you can have true
"freedom" and security of person.
49.) You do not have any rights or freedom until Yah comes
back. The USA tortures/Waterboards its people. The Geneva Convention
declared that Waterboarding "IS" TORTURE.
50.) Under Presidential "Executive" Orders, any US
citizen can be killed without trial. You "Need" Yah to come back,
because the leaders of the USA are now out of
July 28, 2012
July 28, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 28, 2012
7th DAY
7th Day of God's Fifth Month of Av, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
1.) Ministers who move God's
Sabbath Day to the 6th Day in half the World, are
"CURSED". Galations 1:6, :9.
2.) God loves you,
but God doesn't have to like you.
3.) That is why God won't turn His heart to you unless you
4.) That is why Elisha has to come and turn God's heart to the
children, by getting the children to repent from Mother
gODDESS Day, Sky fATHER'S Day, Turkey gOD Day, and moving the Sabbath to the 6th
day in 1/2 the World.
5.) That is why God states:
If your righteousness doesn't exceed your Ministers'/Pharisees' whitewashed
wall righteousness [your Sinister who is doing all of the above], you will in no way enter the Kingdom
of Heaven.
6.) Everyone just thinks that:
a.) Elisha just has to turn the hearts of the children to
the Father,
b.) Elisha has to turn the heart of the
Father to the children. Malachi
Father doesn't like you little disobedient bratty children, nor does Father
like your disobedient Ministers.
7.) Not only does Father not like
you Ministers (unless you repent from all of the above), you Ministers are vomit material. Revelations
8.) World events: The Guns of August are upon you
9.) The Mid-east Syria war "IS" being started the same way
that World War I was started.
10.) Just like militants invaded Austria, militants (supplied
by the USA/N.A.T.O.) are now invading Syria to start WWW III.
11.) The USA/N.A.T.O. lost the war in Syria this last week
especially during July 23rd to 25th.
12.) Syria could use chemical weapons on the remaining
USA/N.A.T.O. insurgents that are surrounded in Damascus, to drive them
out/kill them all.
13.) The USA/N.A.T.O. would then nuke Damascus, for using
chemical weapons on USA/N.A.T.O. insurgents.
14.) The USA lost, because Russia and China would not let the
USA/N.A.T.O. use air power (like they did in Libya).
15.) The Arabs supplied by Russia and China will unite, and
the King of the South will rise up to attack Israel.
16.) The USA/N.A.T.O. backed down this week= no air power/USA/N.A.T.O. bombing of
Damascus, because Russia has sent in 11 ships of Russian
marines off the Syrian coast, to back Syria. Russia/Putin "WARNED" the USA/N.A.T.O. that
he would not allow air power to be used against
P.S.: But in years hence (now that the USA/N.A.T.O. has lost
this battle):
The next big bluff will be won by the USA/N.A.T.O. when
the USA/N.A.T.O. sweeps through the Middle East like a
whirlwind against the King of the South, and Russia and China back
down. Daniel 11:40.
Sermon: Your Ministers have tricked you into performing the above sins (highlighted
in red), and working on God's Sabbath Day in
1/2 the World, and hiring and paying workers (Restaurant workers) on God's
Sabbath Day, when they should be telling the Restaurant workers to come to
Sabbath Services on God's Sabbath Day.
You must pray for your enemies and
Ministers (and
their staff) to repent so that they could be
in the Kingdom.
Editor's Note:
Tape runs overtime and closing prayer cuts out, due to too
much material.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
July 28, 2012
7th Day of God's Fifth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Sermon Highlights:
Aug 4, 2012
Aug 4, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 4, 2012
14th Day of God's Fifth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
1.) Your Ministers are "Causing" sin.
2.) God did not say that there would be the Worldwide Church
of God with hundreds of offshoots Churches of God in the end time all preaching
something different.
3.) God said that He would raise up a "short" work in the end
time. Romans 9:28.
4.) Armstrong, Dankenbring, Meridith, Luker, Brisby, Flurry,
are "NOT" the short work of Romans 9:28 because they all move God's Sabbath Day
to Friday in half the World, including Australia and New Zealand, and all of
China, and all of India.
You will know them by their fruits.
5.) TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) "IS" the short work of
Romans 9:28 and short means only 10 years as in the Days of Awe.
6.) The Jesuits run
the World and have killed Lincoln, Astor and Guggenheim and Strauss, Kennedy,
Pope John Paul the 1st.
The Titanic was
deliberately constructed to sink as a"death ship"
prepared/built by the
Jesuits, navigated by a Jesuit captain, to kill the 3 wealthiest men in the
World, that opposed the setup of the Jesuit controlled Banks.
7.) There is "NO" hope whatsoever, until Yah SMASHES all the disobedient churches, including the
disobedient Armstrongites, Dankenbring
TPM, Meridith LCG,
Luker UCG, Brisby COGTE,
Flurry PCG, etc., as well as the
disobedient Jesuits.
No other preacher except
Lawrence A. Nowell knows what is going on.
That is proven by the
Acknowledge that no other preacher
except Lawrence A. Nowell knows what is going on!
Or perish as a liar, like the lying Dankenbring
TPM, Meridith LCG, Luker UCG, Brisby COGTE, Flurry PCG
who all say they are following God,
but move God's Sabbath to
Friday in 1/2 the World, just like the Poop moves God's Sabbath to
They all call themselves Ministers of God,
they all do the work of the Devil. It is their
will to do their Father the Devil's will. John 8:44.
You are of your father
Devil, and
your will is to do your father's
The proof is in the Facts of what they do, not
what they say.
Quit whoring after the POOP and the offshoots of the WCG that
move Yah's Sabbath Day...
And worse than that: Quit supporting
and paying your Whoremasters for moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half the
If you stop paying them, maybe they would take
notice and repent.
They are all Satanic, including the child molester Herbert W.
Armstrong who raped his daughter Dorthy for 10 years H.A. never denied raping
Dorothy: That is a fact. If you were accused of raping your daughter you would
deny it. And the acorn does not fall to far from the tree as his lying
son Garner Ted Armstrong raped and/or fornicated with over 200
Ambassador College girls.
Wake up you sleepers!!!
WAKE UP! There is now only
one short Romans 9:28 work in Yah's Bible
which "is" TO COG (The Obedient
Church of God)
proven by the facts, and those facts prove
that all the rest are liars.
This is proven by the facts that ALL
the offshoot WCGs celebrate or allow the days of the pagan
gODS, and gODDESSES: Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHERS Day, Turkey gOD
They have 364 other days to use,
yet they "insist" on using the "EXACT" particular
They were to "utterly destroy" the Pagan Days
Indeed they use the Pagan Days and encourage others to do so
THEM. I Samuel 15:28
and the people spared Agag and the best of the
sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was
good, 1 Sam
WCG offshoot Sinisters are
"un"willing to utterly destroy "all"
the Pagan Days.
Look in any Encyclopedia and you will see the "ORIGIN"
of these Pagan Days.
God had clearly commanded in 1 Samuel 15:3, that "EVERY" ox and sheep, camel and donkey
[Pagan Day]
was to be destroyed also, and Saul didn’t do this.
"YOUR" Crowns will be take
away from all of you,
just like Saul's Crown was taken
God’s heart was broken over Saul’s
disobedience. Your Sinisters are now boldly going their own way in
disobedience to God.
Rebellion is as the
sin of witchcraft, and
stubbornness is as
iniquity and idolatry. I Samuel 15:23
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being
king.” I Samuel 15:23.
Wake up people
Stop paying
Tithes to Pagan
Day whoremaster Ministers/Sinisters
who encourage you to whore
after the Devils Pagan Days.
Maybe then the LCG, UCG, PCG, COGTE, TPM,
etc./Sinistry will REPENT
BUT it may be too late for
The Lord has torn the
Kingdom of Israel from you
today, and has given it to a neighbour of yours
who is better than you. 1Samuel 15:28.
For YAH will "not
relent. :29
Sermon Highlights:
Aug 11, 2012
Aug 11, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 11, 2012
21st Day of God's Fifth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
1.) Billy Graham is a Satanic Devil
worshipping 33rd Degree Mason, who worships the
"Light Bringer" Lucifer as his gOD.
 Billy Graham promotes the LIE that we will
all go to Heaven. When in fact no one has gone to Heaven but Yahveh. The dead
are in the ground awaiting their resurrection.
For Spiritual Healing to know God's Truth click here>
No man is ever going to go to Heaven, nor has any man
ever gone to Heaven except He who ascended (Joh 3:13) to Heaven-Jesus.
2.) Bill
O'Riley is a Satanic Devil Worshipping/Lucifer worshipping Mason and
a loud mouthed lying trickster and bully.
These are "not" great men, nor are they
Christians, like Bill Dankenbring said.
They are insane
Luciferians and bullies.
3.) Shawn Hannity is a Satanic Devil
worshipping/Lucifer worshipping 32nd degree Mason.
So is Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimone Perez, Obama all 32nd and 33 Degree Satanic
They are all Satanists, who believe Lucifer is the bringer of Light.
They will all burn in the Lake of Fire if they don't repent.
The "continuing" Deceit and Lying by the WCG Offshoot Churches of God
4.) You ministers must stop "
bearing false witness" by lying about Herbert, saying Herbert
did not commit incest with his daughter Dorothy.
You ministers MUST
"bearing false witness":
Learn your commandments especially God's (9th
Thou shalt not bear false witness... Exodus 20:16.
You who teach the Law, wilfully "break" God's Law (9th Commandment bearing false
when it serves your
purpose "to lie" bearing false witness!
5.) Herbert admitted in Court under Oath, that he raped and fornicated for 10
years with his daughter Dorthy. Herbert answered: "Sometimes I haven't been as
close to God as i should have been".
6.) Herbert "NEVER" DENIED raping and fornicating with Dorothy for 10
At least Herbert didn't lie.
todays WCG offshoot Church ministers "LIE" about it.
The proof is in the FACTS
(Not what they lie about).
Herbert never denied raping and fornicating with Dorothy
for 10 years,
LCG, UCG, and COGTE especially "LIE"
self-evident truth.
7.) Love truth. Zechariah 8:19 [not lies].
8.) Attention Ministers et al: S
If you do not have a love of the Truth you will be burned up in Hellfire. 2
Thessalonians 2:10.
These "Black Magic/
LYING Women/CHURCHES will make a lying Devil out of
You will start repeating their
Substitute the word "churches" in place of Woman click here>
They cast their
spell on you: "Turning your heart into stone". Instead of turning your heart to
value TRUTH. Only the TRUTH will set you free from the guilt of LYING about
And THEY "will" cause "you" to lie, about Herbert's
9.) Romney is a Satanic Mormon. Mormons believe in the demon Moroni=
Moroni — the "resurrected prophet" who gave the Book
of Mormon plates to Joseph Smith — was really an angel of Satan.
Mormons are
"NOT" Christians
Mormons believe
Christians are their enemies. Mormons despise Christians.
2.) Mormon leaders were Satanic Masons. The founder Joseph Smith and his
family were Masons who lived by the tenents of Freemasonry. The father
Joseph Smith Sr.
was a
documented member in upstate New York. He was raised to the degree of
Master Mason
on May 7,
1818 in Ontario Lodge No. 23 of Canandaigua, New York.
His older son Hyrum Smith was a member of the Mount Moriah Lodge No. 112,
Palmyra, New York.
3.) Mormons teach that God was born by another gOD.
Mormons teach that God
was just a man on another planet.
5.) God is just another exalted "man".
6.) God is married and God has a wife.
7.) God and his wife have spirit babies.
8.) We all used to live in Heaven.
9.) You must provide the paperwork to prove you are giving 10%, or you won't
be allowed in their Temple.
10.) You must be baptized for the dead.
11.) Mormons believe Joseph Smith restored the truth.
12.) Mormons believe that Mormon Spirit Missionaries come down to you.
13.) Mormons wear "magic underwear" that they
believe will protect them.
Mormons believe that
the phony Book of Mormon is superior to God's
15.) Mormons believe that Jesus wasn't born, but
was the brother of the Devil.
16.) Mormons believe that Jesus was married to 3 women: Mary
Magdalene, Martha, and the other Mary of Bethany.
17.) Mormons believe that there are 3 Heavens. 1
for criminals, 1 for Buddists, and 1 for Mormons.
Wake up: Mitt Romney is a Mormon/Satanist.
Mitt Romney is also a "Vulture" Capitalist who in the past
destroyed Companies,
broke the Companies and sold the pieces.
Like a car, you can make money if you sell the pieces,
piece by piece, and destroy the car.
Money is their drug, and
they can never get enough,
Christians don't vote. We are Ambassadors, Ambassadors for Christ.
Ambassadors don't vote.
The Last Temptation of Christ
The movie, "The Last Temptation of Christ" was based on one of
the oldest Manuscripts, which said that Mary was bethrothed/married to
The secular reader gets it all mixed
You are bethrothed to Jesus, and I am bethrothed to Jesus.
Just like the Manuscript states.
We as Christians (with God's Spirit in us) "know" we are
bethrothed to Yah
and indeed we are Yah's Bride.
Secularists don't have a clue
and get it all wrong,
as if Mary was "physically" married to Christ,
while in fact Mary was "spiritually" married to Christ/Yah,
just like you and I are.
5 hour
"Breaking News"
Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney's
Running mate.
You heard it here first
1.) Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney support trillions in budget-wrecking tax cuts for
2.) That will weaken the recovery, to pay for those Tax cuts for
3.) That will result in Tax hikes on the Middle Class.
4.) That will result in deep cuts on Education.
5.) According to Harvard economist Jeffery Liebman, Paul Ryan's budget plan could cost the U.S. more than
1 Million jobs.
6.) Ryan's extreme budget plan would only benefit the wealthy.
7.) Middle-class families could pay thousands of dollars mor a year in taxes,
to help fund the tax cuts for the millionaires.
8.) To pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest, Paul Ryan would have to gut
middle-class security=
9.) Cutting Pell Grant scholarships for nearly 10 million students.
10.) Cutting clean energy investments by 19%.
11.) Slowing scientific and Medical research.
12.) Eliminating tens of thousands of grants.
13.) Paul Ryan's plan would end Medicare as we know it.
14.) Paul Ryan's plan would turn Medicare into a Voucher
system, costing seniors $6,350 more
dollars per person per year.
15.) Ryan would privatize
Social Security, subjecting seniors' retirement
security to the Stock Market to be gobbled up.
16.) Ryan voted against the
Ledbetter Fair Pay
Ryan is
a walking nightmare, and a disaster for
the middle class worker and senior
Editor's Note:
A Riddle wrapped in an Enigma
This Editor believes that the Republicans are
"deliberately" throwing the election so that the New World Order Obama can get
in. Because no one who wants the common people's votes would advertise
destroying all the benefits to the common man, unless they "wanted" to lose,
to "let"/cause Obama to
So that Obama can then move on to lead the Western half of the NWO (New
World Order).
The Evil doers all waxing worse and worse, and more and more
deceitful. 2 Timothy 3:13 Bad men and imposters will wax worse and worse.
for Yah to
Sermon Highlights:
Aug 18, 2012
Aug 18, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 18, 2012
28th Day of God's Fifth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
1.) Change your "Evil Way":
Evil LCG (Living Church of God),
Evil UCG (United Church of God),
Evil UCGWA (United Church of God
Worldwide Association),
Evil PCG (Philadelphian Church of
Evil COGTE (Church of God the
Evil TPM (Triumph Prophetic
Here are the "Facts" to Prove you are EVIL:
Stop moving God's Sabbath 7th Day to the 6th day in 1/2 the
Stop your Mother gODDESS day.
Stop your Sky fATHERS day.
Stop your Turkey gOD day.
Stop bearing "False Witness" about Herbert not raping his
daughter for 10 years.
2.) Since God "put up with 10 years of
Herbert raping his daughter Dorothy",
"and" since Herbert was the "spiritual" head of the
therefore the name of this planet is:
Planet of the "RAPES".
3.) This evil is mentioned because "NOW" you are 'MORE" guilty "BY" the evil of your "bearing false witness" you LYING
4.) Unconverted King Cyrus was used by God to set up the
"physical" temple (2nd Temple) and "un"converted tin man (siding salesman)
Herbert was used by God to set up the "spiritual" temple in 1934.
5.) There is way too much information throughout this
Video and about "YOUR" personal growth to type here, so listen to the
As Herbert is dead, but you are still
"YOU" STOP bearing false
witness like Penn State covering up= your lying
about Herbert's incest.
Or you also will be judged by God as a
All liars=
YOU have a place in the "Lake of Fire". Rev
21:8; 21:27; 22:15.
Sermon Highlights:
Aug 20, 2012
Aug 20, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 20, 2012
1st Day of God's Sixth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Sermon Highlights:
Aug 25, 2012
Aug 25, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Aug 25, 2012
1st Day of God's Sixth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
TO COG is God's end time Romans 9:28 that God raised up to
"Set the Record of Truth Out"
You "MUST" Have a
Love of
the "TRUTH"
to get
all the COGs
(Churches of God) to Repent and "STOP" stop moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2
the World.
...them that perish, because they have not received the love of the
truth that they might be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10
All the churches of God are
causing God's people
to gather sticks/work on God's Sabbath Day in 1/2 the
(by using Satan's 1883 International Date Line instead of
waiting for the sun to set).
or you will be thrown in Hell
with the Poop
who moves God's Sabbath to Sunday,
just like
"little you" moves God's Sabbath to
You will be put into the Lake of
Just like the
God doesn't break His own Law and judge1 person
differently from another.
Here is another TO COG (The OBEDIENT Church of God) "DYNAMITE" Revelatory Service:
1.) The Truth about Armstrong's right hand man, in charge of the whole
Church "inner" Structure, Stan Rader the Jesuit.
2.) The Truth about Dr. Hoeh's real life.
3.) The Truth how Dr. Hoeh lobbied for and set up Joseph W.
Tkach Sr..
4.) List of ministers who connived for ecumenicalism to change the WCG to
Catholic harlotry by putting in Joseph W. Tkach Sr..
5.) Proofs Ambassador Hall was/is Masonic, and most Churches of God
"meet" in the
Devil's Temples of Masonic Halls. Even Armstrong's 1st Business office was in a Masonic
6.) All the McNairs are Masons.
7.) The Truth about the UCGWA ethics contract that Ministers must sign, to agree to "NOT" follow God's Bible, but to follow the "amplifications" of the UCGWA.
Your "ONLY" Hope is
to listen to TO COG and:
Strap yourself to every jot and tittle of God's Bible, without
any changes/amplifications.
Your Doctrines, practices and days must be exactly the same as
the Philadelphian Church of the 1st Century, with no gentile days added in.
Learn not the way
of the gentile of Turkey gOD DAY COMING up.
Strap yourself to God's Bible just like Ulysses strapped
himself to the Ship to not be captured by the "Siren Songs" of the Sea (multitude of jabbering preachers).
Follow only God's Bible.
If it is not
in God's Bible, then
"DON'T" use it.
Sermon Highlights:
Sep 1, 2012
Sep 1, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 1, 2012
13th Day of God's Sixth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
How to get pulled into God's
Sermon Highlights:
1.) Since the Nephilim 14' giants were eating humans in the
Days of Noah,
and the Bible states that the trouble will
be even "greater" than in the Days of
Ergo: Satan is fattening up the Americans so that his Nephilim
can have a feast feasting on human flesh.
2.) Standards for building a Sukkah/Feast of
3.) Exegesis vs Eisegesis explained.
II Timothy 2:15 demands you to use "Exegesis".
Using God's method of Exegesis, therefore there is no
potential visibility of the Cresent Moon allowed, because Exegesis only allows
for "only" the actual text to speak/determine the instruction. Hence there MUST
be 2 human Witnesses to sight the Crescent.
4.) A lying Minister will change the term "dwell" in the
Sukkah, (which is the same as "dwelling" in the United States and not just
spending time in the United States), that minister will use lying Eisegesis to
try to state that "dwelling" means just to spend time in. As per the Orthadox of
Israel, they all dwell in the Sukkah by "living" in the Sukkah, as in sleeping
and eating in the Sukkah for 7 days. That is God's Law.
5.) Sermon:
Like the Dove, you can only find rest in the Ark.
We find rest for the soles of our feet, by walking in Jesus'
the same way that the Dove found rest for its feet in the
The Ark also represents the correct "RE-DISCOVERED"
interpretation of Colossians 3:3 for your life to be "hidden in Christ Jesus"=
just as the dove found safety hidden only in the Ark. Locked into God's Ark, so
that others outside could not get in. Just as the "door was shut" on the Ark,
the door is shut in Revelations on the 5 Virgins (church members) that did not
have enough oil/Holy Spirit:
1.) Father had
the Dove decending on
Noah's Ark, to bring Noah the proof/promise of "safe" harbor/dwelling in
the Ark.
2.) Father poured out His Spirit/via
like a Dove on Yeshua via the Dove descending on Yeshua.
Jonah means Dove.
So that the Dove was for 3 days inside the Great "special" Fish that God created
to bring Jonah to Nineveh the most populous city of the ancient
Assyrian Empire to save the whole Country.
So God saved the City of
Nineveh by sending a "Dove" (Jonah) to Nineveh.
Father calls you by "His"
Spirit/decending upon you at the Laying on of Hands at your Baptism, and
puts you into the safety and protection of TO COG The Obedient Church of God as
His short Romans 9:28 work.
There is "no other Church" in the World
that is keeping God's Sabbath Day on God's 7th Day in the "whole"
God's Sabbath Day is God's "sign/mark" on
All the other churches are "refusing" to allow
God to put His "sign/mark" on them.
The Spirit is given only to those who obey. Acts
I John 3:24 Those who obey "live in" His
"Only" TO COG keeps God's
SabbathTest Commandment
out of all the churches in the whole
TO COG "lives" in God's Ark of Obedience of the
secret of Colossians 3:3 and
is "hidden" with Christ in God.
... and "YOUR" life is hidden
"WITH" Christ in God.
You are hidden in Father's Arc of
Will you believe your eyes,
or will you believe your minister/sinister's lies
saying that they are also obedient when the proof before your eyes is that they
are all disobediently moving Father's Sabbath Day to Friday in half of the
Will you believe your
eyes or your minister's
Sermon Highlights:
Sep 8, 2012
Sep 8, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 8, 2012
20th Day of God's Sixth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Lying ministers in/of the Churches of God. Lying 101.
Sermon Highlights:
Sep 15, 2012
Sep 15, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 15, 2012
27th Day of God's Sixth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of September 15 2012 Sabbath
1st Birthpang
for the
King of the South's Set-up!
This Sermon unveils and discusses the
Illumanati's Master Plan, and inside this Sermon (under the right of
"Fair Use" Doctrine) is the full uncut, unedited, 13:51 minute "Video Trailer" that is responsible for
the burning of the Embassies in the Middle East; that fulfills
the Illuminati's (Albert Pike's) 1876 plan to "forment" hatred between the West and
the Moslems, to start the basis for World
War III.
Sermon Highlights:
167.) click here for Sermon of
> Sep 18,
2012 Feast of Trumpets
Sep 18, 2012
Sep 18, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 18, 2012
1st Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of September 18 2012 Sabbath
Feast of
Daytime September 18 2012 Service
It is the
YEAR of Trumpet(S),
not the Day of 1 Trumpet
Sermon Highlights:
Today's current events leading "up" to the Day of
Trumpets/Day of the Lord.
1.) First the Jesuits stir up the Moslems throughout the
World, by trashing their prophet Mohammed with the present Video.
2.) This causes their UNDEFEATABLE "Madi" to arise
and encourages the Moslems to set up the King of the South.
3.) The Moslems attack anything American in the Middle East
including Israel.
4.) The NWO King of the North sweeps through the Middle East
and kills their Madi and devastates the Middle East.
5.) The Muslims then realize their Madi and Mohammed are
6.) Then Petros Romanos the new White Pope comes on the scene,
but won't obey the Black Pope (Jesuits). The Black Popes
(Jesuits) kill Petros Romanos just like they did Pope John Paul I, but
Petros Romanos not only rises again to life from his deadly
wound, but "now" teaches a "non"-traditional Catholic
Universal Doctrine of a 1 World Religion to stop all this strife and
bring peace for the Arabs, and indeed Religious peace and harmony to the
As a resurrected man with a new "non"-traditional Catholic
Universal Doctrine, the resurrected "new" Petros Romanos, also convinces the
World of his "new" 1 man Religious doctrine.
7.) The Moslems/Arabs who have no one to believe in (because
their Madi has been killed by the King of the North), and who now
find themselves defeated by the King of the North, and without a
spiritual leader, now realize Mohammad was a fraud. The Moslems now convert to
the "New" Catholic (Universal) Order because their own prophet was false and is
now dead.
Indeed the "whole" World marvels at Petros Romanos, and seeks
World Peace through Petros Romanos to unite all the religions of the World so
that there can never be war again.
That leads up to the Day of Trumpets/Year of
Yeshua is a warrior King who will kill 200 MILLION men, with
the blood being/rising 5 feet high and 200 miles long.
It will take 6 months to pick up all their bones.
Ministers are causing you to "miss" 1 year of events, by
having think Trumpets only lasts 1 day, when in fact Trumpets lasts 1
200 Million men are killed on the Army
and an additional 2 Billion of you are killed in the
9/10 of the earth's people are killed, leaving only 1/10 of
people alive. Isaiah 6:13.
All the land will become thorns and briars.
Stop sinning by using an averaging calendar, when God's Bible
state that you "must" have 2 Witnesses= not an averaging calendar.
List of the 7 Modern Day churches of Revelations.
The Jews are only the "clerks" of God's Law, and not the
writers of God's Law.
The Jews cannot add and averaging calendar and delete the 2
witnesses from God's Bible.
Explanation of the 364 days of the Feast of
All 364 days explained.
Hint: Most Trumpet Days are 30
days long.
PS: The Ruler of Ammon (Jordan) will escape, = not you, so if
you are counting on Petra, you are out of luck.
All other Denominations ESPECIALLY the LCG (Living Church of
God) are practicing lies, and only TO COG is the Philadelphian Church. The facts
prove it. Outside "are"
Revelations 22:15 All who are practicing a lie, SUCH AS:
Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World "and" such as the Living Church
of God doing that plus using an averaging Calendar, instead of using 1 click of
the computer to see the correct date. Even the averaging calendar must rely on
the Crescent Moon to get its averages.
Therefore stop moving God's Holy Days 1-2 days early or late
thereby practicing a lie and Revelations 21:27
states: There shall be by no means enter it that causes a lie. Any employer
would fire any employee that would average our company's holidays,
and start 1-2 days early; and so would God.
Stop using an averaging calendar, and go on the Internet and
click to see the correct day, so that you do not work (pick up sticks) on God's
Sabbath Holydays, or you will be put to death. LEARN TO "FEAR" GOD.
Editor's Notes:
1.) Regarding 1 minister saying to rejoice on
Nehemiah 8:9-10 "only" applies to the group of people who
had rediscovered the Law, and should rejoice in rediscovering God's
"BUT" regarding the actual future Day of
The Bible states that the Day of the Lord
is a day of Darkness and gloominess of devastation and Wars. Joel 2:2
"A day full of
Barnes' Notes on the
Bible A day of darkness and of gloominess - o: "A day full of
miseries; wherefore he accumulates so many names of terrors. There was inner
darkness in the heart, and the darkness of tribulation without. They hid
themselves in dark places. There was the cloud between God and them; so that
they were not protected nor heard by Him, of which Jeremiah saith, "Thou hast
covered Thyself with a cloud, that our prayers should not pass through" Lamentations 3:44. There was
the whirlwind of tempest within and without, taking away all rest, tranquility
and peace. Whence Jeremiah hath, "A whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth injury,
it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The
anger of the Lord shall not return, until He have executed it" Jeremiah 23:19. ... "Clouds and
darkness are round about Him" Psalm
5:18 Woe to you who long for the day of
the LORD! Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness,
not light.
1:15 That day will be a day of wrath, a
day of distress and
anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and
2.) Regarding Offerings 7 times a
God's Bible states to bring an offering 3 times a year
Deuteronomy 16:16, not 7 times a year.
Are you going to follow God's Bible words, or a man.
3.) Re-Discovered Truth,
to help you understand the
The 1st Christ to arrive circa 2016 will be the
"false" Christ.
The 2nd Christ
to arrive circa 2019 will be the "real"
Yeshua is going to kill 200
Million soldiers, "plus"2 Billion civilians.
Yeshua is a God of War/a Man of War who will kill
200 Million men.
Wake up, and FEAR YESHUA, and Obey in
Matthew 24:21 For then there
will be
great distress, unequaled from the beginning
of the world until now--and
never to be equaled
The Feast of Trumpets is NOT a day of rejoicing-the Day of
Atonement is a day of rejoicing.
FEAR GOD on Trumpets (and
Sermon Highlights:
Sep 22, 2012
Sep 22, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 22, 2012
5th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of September 22 2012 Sabbath
Sermon Highlights:
The Good Die Young
1.) Explanation of "why" the good in the World die young.
Yah/Yahveh/God "spares" people who are
"kind" people, from the coming Tribulation.
2.) 301 level: What will happen to "YOU" and "WHEN":
3.) You "CAN'T get in through the Back Door in the last 10 days of Awe!!!
It is a "LIE" that you have 10 days of Teshuba to repent in from Trumpets to
You "can't" develop the character in 10 days.
You "meet" Christ/Yah IN THE AIR on TRUMPETS.
That is 10 days "BEFORE"
Therefore the "called" are "JUDGED" "BEFORE" the 10 days of
Awe/Atonement. "Period".
Wake up!
"NO" repenting during the 10 days, because you are already
JUDGED and raised "on" Trumpets,
"BEFORE" ATONEMENT. Period. Stop listening to Jewish
4.) We, TO COG have
"MORE" Truth
than Armstrong.
5.) The list of the Truths/ "FACTS" prove it.
We "TO COG" have over "20" Restored Truths, Armstrong only had
18. FACT.
Believe your EYES, not ministers'/sinisters
Humbly, we "ARE"
God is using TO COG to perform "HIS" Romans 9:28 Work.
(unless you do "not" want to
believe your "eyes").
TO COG is the Romans 9:28 Work, before your
Write down "all" the 20+ Restored Truths listed
in this Sermon,
then follow TO COG,
into Yah's Kingdom,
in "your"
unbelief of the TRUTH, following sinisters'
continuing 1972 lies.
169.) click here for Sermon of
> Sep 27,
2012 Day of Atonement
Sep 27, 2012
Sep 27, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 27, 2012
10th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of September 27 2012 Sabbath
Sermon Highlights:
Sermon Highlights:
1.) You will know "who" is the "false Christ" because the "false Christ" does
"NOT" have nail prints in his hands.
2.) Thousands of citizens of Spain surrounded the Madrid Parliament-Occupy
Congress because of:
No Medical care.
No home.
Left out on the street.
Spain is going to be "worse" than Greece.
The World collapse to bring in the NWO is
happening at an "accelerated" rate now.
3.) The USA is Terrorizing Pakistan with Drones by:
killing people without trial,
by killing rescuers, (20 minutes after killing the people): Killing
rescuers is a "WAR CRIME";
killing people at funerals.
4.) Other Countries now "Hate" the USA, and they have reason after our
Banksters/we destroyed the World's economy.
5.) The 7 Trumpets could raise in pitch, with each successive trumpet heard
in the sky.
6.) The volume of the 7 Trumpets could raise 10 times louder.
Editor's Note:
The Beast Power will have its "own" Haarp Trumpets sounding to fool the
people in 2015.
7.) The 10 Days of Awe are for setting up God's Governments in every nation
and city of the Earth.
8.) The 10 Days of Awe are "NOT" for repenting, because you were already made
a Spirit being on Trumpets.
9.) Scriptural Proofs that there is "NO" Rapture.
Obey every jot and tittle, because you are not just saved by
Grace, because otherwise there would be no Tribulation to get you to repent and
11.) 1 Corinthians 2:7-18 We [TO COG] impart "Wisdom". The facts prove it. We
are the Romans 9:28 short work of God.
12.) John 13:7 What I am doing you don't understand. Later you will
13.) Present your bodies as spotless "living sacrifices" to Father.
14.) Jeremiah 10:23 Other ministers "won't" direct you into
"ALL" the commands of God, and therefore they will cause your death!
15.) 1 Corinthians 3:19 We catch the belligerent ministers in their own
craftiness, of their approving
Mother gODDESS Day,
Sky fATHERS Day,
Turkey gOD Day,
allowing their members put people to work in Restaurants on God's Sabbath
Days instead of telling the Restaurant workers to come to services and stop
working on God's Sabbath Days,
ministers moving the Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World.
16.) The facts show these ministers to be lukewarm "vomit material". The
Revelation 3:16
World English Bible
because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my
17.) No one else is preaching obedience to God
TO COG (The Obedient Church of God) is
18.) 1 Peter 1:13 Gird up your loins.
:15 ... be holy in all your conduct.
Happy At One Men if indeed your ways are at one with Yah's ways
and example.
walking in the Devil's
Mother gODDESS Day, Sky Father's Day, Turkey gOD
hiring restaurant workers on Sabbath days
moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.
if you want to have
At One Ment with Yah.
Sep 29, 2012
Sep 29, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Sep 29, 2012
12th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of September 29 2012 Sabbath
September 29th 2012 Service
Tishri 12 5993
Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
Scientific "Proof" that your
perception of "time"
is speeding up
from 1980 to 2013 (from 7.8 cycles to 12 cycles).
in this Sermon an overview of all the
Churches of God deliberately still walking in the Devil's ways:
walking in the Devil's
Mother gODDESS Day, Sky Father's Day, Turkey gOD
hiring restaurant workers on Sabbath days
moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World.
you want to be in
God Kingdom
Sermon Highlights:
170.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 2,
2012 1st Day of Feast
Oct 2, 2012
Oct 2, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 2, 2012
12th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 2 2012 Sabbath
By The Obedient Church of God
of God
and 130+ in total
The Obedient Church of
Armstrong only had 18
Do not learn the way of the
nations, ...
Learn not according to the ways of the Gentiles. Do not learn the way of the Gentile. Jeremiah
[Pagan inspired/rooted Days "ARE" the way of the
Galations 1:6.9 You are accursed if you preach any
other ways!
You have to kill all the animals [Pagan Days] and
not keep the best Pagan Days, or the Kingdom will be taken away from you just as the
Kingdom was taken away from Saul, when he saved the "best"
of the animals [Pagan Days]. 1
Sam 15:19, 23.
... "the LORD, he hath also
rejected thee from [being]
1.) Do NOT partake in the pagan
Mother-goddess Day spring Festival of Mothers Day, the Mother of all the gODS and
2.) Do NOT partake in pagan
Sky Father’s Day,
the fATHER of the
sky, when God said that "HE" the true God laid the
foundations of the firmament, "not" the Sky fATHER false deity. Sky fATHERS DAY
leading to the summer solstice longest day of the year, just
like Xmas is the shortest day of the year.
3.) Do NOT partake in pagan
Turkey-god Day, of
the goose on your Dining room table, that gave its life for its young, that
laid the
egg that Ra/Osiris sprung from, that the
President of the United States pardons.
4.) Do NOT
move God’s Sabbath to Friday in half the world (West of the International Date Line that man put in in 1883).
5.) Do NOT hire/
put people to work God's Sabbath Day by going to a restaurant, instead of telling the people to "stop" working
on God's Sabbath Day and to come to Services.
You refuse to appear 3 times a year before God. Three times a year you must appear before God, not just once. Deut
7.) There are 3 Holy Day offerings to God,
not 7 Holy Day
offerings. Deut 16:16.
Otherwise every Sabbath 52 times a year you would be giving an
every 52 Sabbath Days of the year, you appeared before God.
8.) For the
correct third tithe years, you count from the
"year of release.", not from your date of Baptism.
9.) In a seven year period, you pay third tithe on
the third and sixth years and then have the seventh year of release before
starting to count again.
Then you do not pay 3rd tithe on the 1st year, you wait for the
3rd year and then the 6th year, and then you again have a year of release,
to start counting three years from the year of release.
10.) You have the Last Dinner/supper/remembrance
of Yah (it is not
the Passover) as often as you ye drink it, ye do this
in remembrance of Me = at least when we all get together:
= three times a year as we all meet together per Deuteronomy
11.) The 3 times a year you are to travel to a place ordained by God. Deuteronomy 16:16's the
1st evening of the Days of Unleavened Bread/Passover
1st evening of Pentecost, and the
1st evening of Tabernacles when you are all together.
Editors Note: How can you wash each others feet, if you are not
all together?
12.) The
Footwashing is 3 times a year, as we all meet
together 3 times a year.
13.) The 3 times a year for Footwashing is on the:
1st evening of the Days of Unleavened Bread, the
1st evening of Pentecost, the
1st evening of the Feast of Tabernacles.
14.) The Lord’s last dinner/supper is not the Passover.
Yah did not do 1
thing against His Father's Law (or else you cannot be
saved if Yah changed the Passover Day).
Do NOT confuse Yah's last dinner/supper with the Passover.
15.) The Passover
bread and wine is taken standing up in
Haste=you shall eat it in haste. is taken in "Haste".
Exodus 12:11.
16.) The Kiddish and
footwashing is done leisurely at the entirely separate days
of the Lord's last dinner/supper= "NOT" on the
Do NOT average God’s Holy Days by using the apostate
358 A,D. Hillel II calendar of the Fourth Century. Because then you are 2 days
early 1 day late, 2 days late 1 day early, like you are this year in 2012 1 day
early, which means that you work on God's Holy 1st Day of the Feast, and leave 1
day early, and work on God's Holy 8th Day. It only takes 1 click of the computer
to see the "correct" sighted day, so why don't you want to click on your
computer to see. Answer: Because you are misled by your Sinisters, who are
following their father the Devil, and it is their will to do the will of their
father the Devil. You are of your father the
devil, and your will is
to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has
nothing to do with the truth.
John 8:44.
There are no Jewish Postponements of God's
Holy Days which rabbis added to God’s true calendar.
Do NOT celebrate Pentecost on Monday, nor Sunday.
Sivan 5, 6, or 7 is Pentecost as HWA rightly celebrated it on
Sivan 5, 6, 7 from 1934-1937. Herbert Armstrong changed God's Pentecost from
Sivan 5, 6, 7 to a Monday Pentecost in 1937 because he started counting from the
weekly Sabbath instead of counting from the Unleavened Bread Day Sabbath.
Count 7 "weeks", not 7 Sabbaths.
We must start counting from the day after the 1st Day of
Unleavened bread "because" we are not to be just sitting idly around to the
weekly Sabbath doing nothing. Count 7 weeks,
"not" 7 Sabbaths.
21.) There are 2 groups of 144,000.
22.) The 1st group of 144,000 comprises a mixed multitude
Israelites "and" Gentiles (such as Rahab the harlot), and is from the time of
Adam to the 7th Trumpet when Yah arrives.
23.) The 2nd group is of Israelites "only" from the 12 tribes, and
these twelve tribes of Israel, go through the tribulation.
24.) The 12 tribes of Israel wash their robes in the Tribulation
25.) The 2 wave sheaf loaves held up before Father by Yah,
represent the "2" groups of 144,000.
26.) There were 14 tribes, not 12 because Ephraim and Dan are
missing in Revelations 7.
27.) There are 80 Books of the Bible that you are to use= not 66.
The original 1611 King James Version had 80 books.
28.) There will only 100 or a very small group in the Place of
Safety, because
when you divide 6,000 years into 144,000 you only get 24 people a
29.) It is the "MANNER" in which you take the Elements, "NOT" your
"being" worthy.
Don't let any minister beat you over the head with I Corinthians
11:9 because unworthily is an adverb which describes
the "MANNER" of the partaking of the Elements. Unworthily is
"NOT" a noun, and therefore does not describe the "person".
30.) Two witnesses must see the Crescent moon in Jerusalem each
new month of God’s calendar. Using "potential visibility" is a sin breaking
God's Law of having 2 Witnesses.
31.) You must celebrate New Moon Day as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
David, Jesus, and Paul did. Ezekiel 46:3.
32.) The Jews do not have the right to change God's Laws, by using
an averaging Calendar. The Jews are only the "clerks" for God's existing
33.) If you use an averaging Calendar, you end up working of God's
Holy Feast Days.
34.) At the Feast of Tabernacles you do urban camping in your
hotel room using a tent.
I will make you live in tents "again" as you did during your
appointed festivals. Hosea 12:9. My people will dwell in tents. You purchase a
tent and dwell in a tent on your hotel room bed or floor, just like the
Israelites did.
35.) During the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles we dwell in
a temporary dwelling, and not just spend a little time there each day. We sleep
and eat there.
36.) We have to get right with God "before" Trumpets. You can’t
wait and repent during the Ten Days of Awe (between Trumpets and Atonement)
because it will be too late, because you are made a spirit being on
37.) Judgment is now "today" upon the called of God (House of the
Lord) for us who will be in the 1st Resurrection. Therefore we are being judged
every day. The rest of the World will be judged during the 100 years of Isaiah
38.) The Day of Trumpets represents "one year of trumpets" when
the events are analyzed in Revelation: 30 days of one, 30 days of another, 5
months of another, etc. The events add up to 364 days or one year.
39.) There are ten "groups" of nations, not just 10 kings, that
will form the Beast Power.
40.) The 1st Christ to arrive will be the "false" Christ.
41.) The 2nd Christ to arrive circa 2019 will be the "real"
42.) The 1st Christ to arrive in the Holy Place and proclaim
himself to be a God, will "not" have nail prints in his hands.
43.) Jonah means "dove," which later was the Holy Spirit that
descended upon Jesus at His baptism, and was the way that even Noah was shown
the way.
Dove was sent to assist Noah.
Jonah/Dove was sent to save Nineveh.
Dove was sent to assist Yeshua.
44.) The two witnesses are the "two bears" that will tear the
world apart for mocking God’s way of life.
45.) It is the Khazars who are the Jews of the synagogue of Satan
who were grafted into the tribe of Judah who are not Jews and who are not
46.) H. Armstrong who set up the Spiritual temple was unconverted,
just as Cyrus who set up the Temple was unconverted.
47.) H. Armstrong was also the worthless Shepherd that stripped
the hooves off the fat sheep, by buying himself a 10 million dollar jet, 1
million in art, solid gold knives and forks (even the movie stars don't have/buy
solid gold dinner knives and forks), gold plates, gold everything, Stuben
crystal, a Mansion, the finest imported wood paneling on his walls, while the
members did not even have their own building to meet in.
48.) The "Fat" Sheep that Herbert stripped, were the sheep that
sold their houses, and then Herbert bought himself a 10 million dollar jet.
49.) Armstrong did "not" help the weak sheep in his congregation.
Armstrong disfellowshipped/threw out the weak sheep in his congregation.
50.) Armstrong fulfilled the prophecy of the "worthless shepherd
perfectly" because Armstrong could not use 1 arm and was blind in his right eye:
"What sorrow awaits this worthless shepherd who abandons the
flock! The sword will cut his arm and pierce his right eye. His arm will become
useless, and his right eye completely blind." Zechariah 11:17 And in duality
Armstrong's right hand man Garner Ted, became completely useless, a fornicator,
and had to be thrown out.
51.) Armstrong's 1st office was in a Masonic Building in Eugene,
52.) Most of the halls that Armstrong had his churches meet in
were Masonic Halls, (and still are today). This is because the Jesuit Stan Rader
was in charge, and Armstrong condoned meeting in the Devil's halls.
53.) You cannot meet in the Devil's Masonic Halls to serve the
Living true God.
54.) The leader of the Living Church of God, Roderick Meredith,
was of the Satanic Order of DeMolay/a young Masonic group.
55.) The Devil is alive and well in the LCG (Living Church of
God). 7 members were murdered during services in the Living Church of God,
proving the Devil is active in the LCG.
56.) The people murdered in the Living Church of God were a
foretaste of the Pope murdering people, "because":
Terry RATSman the murderer, and the
Pope RATZinger are type and anti-type.
57.) The Catholic Pope is a "zinger" of a rat compared to demonic
Living Church of God RATSman.
58.) The LCG is the fulfillment of Revelations 3:1 Sardis: John's
Letter to the church in SARDIS
You are thought to be alive, but you are dead. ...
you have "a name" that you are alive,
but you are dead. ... I have not found your deeds completed in the
sight of My God.
59.) The LCG leaders "refuse" to repent of their sins listed in
points 1-20 = 20 "blatant" truths of God's Bible the LCG is breaking, but lying
and saying they are Philadelphian because they hold a piddley 18 while missing
the mark by 20!
60.) The "Black" Popes kill the "White" Popes
if a White Popes try to change anything.
61.) Leaders of Israel are Masons.
Netanyahu is a 33rd Degree Mason and
Shimon Perez is a 33rd Degree Mason.
Obama is a 32nd Degree Mason.
62.) Jesuits are running the whole World.
63.) Stan Rader who was in charge of the old Worldwide Church of
God was a Jesuit plant.
64.) Because Herbert Armstrong was guilty of committing
incest/raping his daughter Dorothy for 10 long years, therefore "BY THEIR FRUITS
YOU SHALL KNOW THEM=he was not converted because you can't be converted and for
ten years be raping your daughter.
65.) Herbert never denied raping his daughter Dorothy. In fact
Herbert admitted it, by stating when cornered in Court, and elsewhere, that:
"Sometimes I wasn't as close to God as I should have been". If you were accused
of raping your daughter you would deny it, not say that you weren't as close to
God as you should have been.
66.) Nearly all the churches of God are liars bearing false
witness about Herbert's immorality, just like Penn State did to cover up
Sanduski's immorality.
That makes all the Church of God ministers "FALSE WITNESSES".
67.) When the "two witnesses" are killed, seven thousand of the
Illuminati die instantly.
68.) God spoke the world and the Universe into existence the same
way a person uses a voice recognition program: a person speaks and a printer
prints. By speaking you can make ink words on paper come into existence.
God used the principles of Physics just like you use the
principles of Physics to speak words onto paper.
69.) The 10,000 Holy Ones that Christ arrives with are 10,000 from
the 1st Earth age of Atlantis.
70.) There are 57 types of aliens, of which 3 types are different
sized "Greys".
71.) The Greys have been troubling mankind for the last 4,000
72.) Men will hide themselves in the ground and the rocks of the
earth; men have built underground cities, and some have been hollowed out two
miles across. Though they dig into Sheol, From there will My hand take them Amos
73.) Those who fly up to the Space Station to hide from Yeshua,
they will be brought back. Amos 9:2 And though they ascend to heaven, From there
will I bring them down.
75.) The booklet "1975 in Prophecy" by Herbert Armstrong was not
wrong. It takes forty years to get through the spiritual wilderness= 2015.
76.) You are only Jewish if your mother was a Jew, because if your
mother was a Jew half of you has got to be Jewish. Because people sleep around
with foreigners, you are only Jewish if your mother was Jewish, because your
father could be anybody.
77.) The Scripture says there will be seven women to one man,
means there are seven churches to one Christ.
78.) Princess Diana was of the line of David, that from which the
scepter shall not depart.
79.) Princess Diana was murdered on the ancient sacrificial altar
spot of Pont de L’Alma (under which there is now the tunnel in which she was
murdered on the 13th pillar). Diana was sacrificed in the tunnel De L’ Alma that
is the location of an ancient sacrificial site, an ancient pagan temple placed
on an energy line and dedicated to Artemis/ Diana Goddess of the Moon.
80.) Princess Diana was buried on an island where Royalty "only"
bury their dogs. The island is in an ornamental lake known as The Round Oval
within Althorp Park's gardens. THEY'VE BURIED DIANA ON DOG ISLAND a graveyard
for animals only. Headstones marking up to five animals were removed to make way
for her. That is "how" God "Line of Judah" is really thought of by the Royals
from Germany.
81.) An Eternal flame is used to mark any ritual murder, including
JFK's eternal flame.
82.) An Eternal flame is used to mark the murder of 3,000 at
ground zero
83.) It is a mocking of God's Holy Spirit: When the Holy Spirit
came on the first Pentecost after Jesus was on earth, the flames of fire were
plasma speakers where flames can talk.
84.) Because of the "evil" angels who might attack her, a woman
must keep her head covered when she prays. She shows she is obedient to her
husband, Yeshua and Father, and therefore the evil demons leave her alone. That
is what the Bible means when the Bible states: Because of the Angels. 1
Corinthians 11:10.
85.) A man does not need to wear a prayer shawl because he can
speak to Father man to man and not have to hide under it or in it, as the Jewish
men do when they use the prayer shawl.
87.) The correct punctuation for what Jesus said to the thief when
they were being crucified is, "Verily I say to you today, thou shalt be with me
in Paradise."
88.) Because Jesus said to Mary: "Do not touch Me, because I have
not ascended to the Father", "this" proves Jesus wasn’t in Paradise on the day
he bled to death on the cross because 2 days later He said to Mary: "Do not
touch me for I have not yet ascended to my Father in Heaven". He still had to
ascend to His Father in Heaven. Therefore the thief would "not" be in Paradise
"today".The thief will be in the second resurrection and have an opportunity to
be in God’s Kingdom (Paradise).
89.) Ambassador Hall and its grounds were built on the basis of a
Pagan Occult Temple,
with the fountain in front forming equating to the penis and
vagina of the edifice.
90.) Ambassador Hall has a "secret room" in its ceiling, exactly
like the Masonic expensive halls.
91.) The Supreme Court building in Jerusalem is built identically
as an Occult Temple.
92.) You can know the month and week of Christ's return because
you can count down the 7 years once they start with the Daily Sacrifice.
93,) The Bible does "not" say that you cannot know the "week" or
the month of Christ's return.
The Bible says that you cannot know the "day" or the "hour".
94.) The reason is that you have not sighted God's Crescent Moon
yet and since Christ arrives on Trumpets (the 7th trump) and Trumpets starts at
the 1st Day of the month of Tishiri, ergo since we "haven't" sighted the moon
for the month of Tishiri 2019, we cannot know the day or the hour.
But you can know when the week is, once the 7 years starts,
95.) There is 1 wild card though in Revelations 10:6 ...that
there should be no more delay, ergo there will be a delay.
96.) The false Christ arrives at 666 which is the Tripartite
structure of the of Rev 6:12; 9:13; 11:14; 16:12. :
6th Seal
6th Trumpet
6th Bowl
97.) The true Christ arrives at the:
7th Seal,
7th Trumpet,
7th Vial
98.) Regarding the upcoming elections, Christians do "not" vote,
because we are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, and have no part of this world
of Satan.
99.) God sets up rulers, and therefore you could be voting against
God's choice.
For there is no authority except from God; and those
that exist are set up by God. Romans 13:1 He removes kings and sets up other
kings. Daniel 2:21.
God allows the meanest toughest
rulers to be set up, in order to prove to all the Heavenly Hosts, that even when
the meanest toughest craftiest earthly ruler is in power, the system will still
collapse in on itself, just like the Roman Empire did.
Therefore God gives free reign to all the evil rulers, to watch
Communism fail, Fascism fail, Democracy fail, so that everyone knows that "only"
God's way of love via Theocracy works.
Editors Note:
More points to be added as time permits, but suffice to say the
1st 20 points on this list of 100 points of understanding, "OUTNUMBER"
Armstrong's 18 points!
many wish to still follow Armstrong's errors instead of God's Bible.
Wake up and give your head a shake, and follow the
truth or perish.
The Truth "will" set you free, but many choose to be
"willfully ignorant".
Chose Truth so that you do not
was not wrong in 1972
40 Years in the
Spiritual Wilderness = 1972-2012=
2012 "IS" the Endtime year
Before Yeshua/Christ Jesus arrives in 2018-2019
Julian Calendar time
The "GREAT" Tribulation starts
2014-2015 Julian time
1975 in Prophecy + Moses' 40 years=
2015 is when we will be in the
Place of Safety
like Mr. Armstrong said, plus
this writer's understanding of
40 years of
Just the same as it was for the Israelites
who could "NOT" enter for 40 years!
1975-2015=40 years
Here is the "original" Booklet printed in 1956 titled
"1975 in Prophecy"
by Herbert W. Armstrong
1975 in Prophecy + Moses's 40 years=
This writer has grown in every jot and
tittle of Yah's Bible that he could find over the last 50 years.
This writer has been rewarded with
as stated in Proverbs 2:7
For He stores up sound wisdom for the
you should now listen to/follow the teachings of
For "ONLY" TO COG follows every
"jot/Word" of Yeshua/Christ.
Here are 34 other points of Understanding
that TO COG has that few if any other Church
Rediscovered truth of/for the Obedient Church of
This is what makes The Obedient
Church of God the
of all the Churches of
for these vital points are virtually unknown
to nearly all of the other Churches.
1.) God "did" divorce Israel and remarry another, for God now
has a new bride which includes Gentiles as his bride.
2.) There are 2 groups of 144,00. See and compare Rev 7:4 &
Rev 14:1
3.) The 2 loaves of "Leavened/raised" wheat bread of the Wave
Sheaf offering, are held up by Yeshua = not any other Priest.
4.) The 2 loaves of "Leavened/raised" wheat bread held up to the
Father on Pentecost are the 2 groups of 144,000.
5.) Satan tried to drown Jesus and all His Disciples "all" at
once, just like a plane crash. Matthew 6:25.
6.) The International Date Line is supposed to be at the East
Border of Israel at the Euphrates, not in the middle of the Atlantic
7.) All the churches of God west of the International Date Line
are celebrating God's Sabbaths on the wrong day =
All Sabbath keepers west of the International Date Line are
keeping the wrong Sabbath day.
8.) All the churches of God are breaking God's Sabbath by not
using God's Preparation Day to cook their Sabbath food on Friday.
9.) The Sabbaths are the mark of God on you. Exodus 31:13.
10.) Never "ever" pay money at Restaurants for hiring workers
and buying food on Yah's Sabbath Days after Sabbath services, or you are
"breaking" His sign on you.
11.) Never use Potential Visibility when sighting the Crescent
moon in Jerusalem to determine the start of Yah's month.
12.) All offshoots of the WCG (Worldwide Church of God) are
celebrating Yah's Holy Days 1-2 days early = on the "WRONG" days by using the
Apostate Hillel II calendar. Proper timing observance of Yah's Sabbaths, results
in Yah putting His mark on you, as a Sign between you and He.
13.) Yah's Sabbaths are a "TEST COMMANDMENT. Numbers
14.) Yah's Sabbaths are a "Perpetual Covenant" you make with
Yah. Exodus 31:17.
15.) The Kieographone ((list of charges against you was nailed
to the Tree (cross)), not God's Laws.
16.) You are to take the Passover elements in a worthy "MANNER",
even though you are "UN"worthy. I Corinthians 11:29.
17.) Passover has always been on Nissan 15 not Nissan 14, and
Jesus grew up keeping the Passover on Nissan 15, and Jesus stated that He never
ever did anything against His Fathers law. Therefore the Last Supper of Nissan
14 was just that: A last "supper". It was NOT NOT NOT the Passover. The Passover
was the next day, Nissan 15. Or else Jesus would not have qualified to give you
eternal life by His holding Passover on the wrong day!
18.) God's people Are to "dwell in" = sleep in Tabernacles for
the Feast of Tabernacles. Hosea 12:9 Leviticus 23:42.
19.) Dwell/sleep in real tents (small tents on your Hotel Bed
during the Feast of Tabernacles (Huts)= Urban Camping inside where it is warm,
to inculcate into your mind that you are a Temporary Dwelling.
20.) Only men are required to come to Yah's Feast (though women
are allowed). Deuteronomy 16:16.
21.) People need to shut up and obey Nebuchanezzar (Obama)
Jeremiah 27:7 , or God could kill you. :8. Obama is Nebuchanezzar.
22.) 3 American cities in the USA will be nuked. The bear had 3
ribs in its mouth. Daniel 7:5
23.) The USA/Israel will nuke Damascus. Isaiah 17:1
24.) After the USA/Israel blows up Damascus, 1 million Arabs
that are "now" living "inside" the USA will go wild and will attack the USA,
25.) By 2013 the USA will be broken Isa 7:8. 1948 + 65 years=
26.) In 1967 Israel's winning the War + 40 years= 2007 + the 10
years (days) of Awe +10 = 2017 =
10 years of trouble = the US started falling apart in 2007,
because the 10 years of Awe started in 2007.
27.) Only 1/10 will survive after the Tribulation. Isa
28.) The USA's National Anthem is originally from Devil/Baal
worship using the song and melody: "To Anacreon in Heaven",
Bacchanalia with its lyrics "And long may the sons of Anacreon intwine the
myrtle of Venus with Bacchus' vine."
29.) The Wizard of Oz movie is a mockery parody that demeans
Jesus and His family:
Jesus (The Lion of Judah) as the Cowardly lion,
Joseph of Arimathea (who was a 1st Century tin merchant) as the
Tin Man,
Jesus' brother James (Martin Luther called James a book of
Straw) as the Straw Man,
Dorothy is a parody of Jesus' Mother Mary, who has a child that
crushes the witch's /Satan's house.
30.) Jesus was rich rich rich as in wealthy wealthy wealthy
(because remember the Kings of the East gave Jesus Gold = a great
(Jesus gave up all his earthly riches to His family, and went in
faith, out on the road, with His disciples).
31.) Woman is the wrong interpretation of Zechariah 5:7 It
should say "fire"
32.) Basket should say rocket.
33.) The "Flying Scroll" of Zechariah 5:1 is "not" a scroll at
all, but a nuclear missile, because in verse 7 it is covered in "lead" as a
nuclear warhead is encased in lead so that the workers on the assembly of the
missile do not die, and woman is mistranslated and should be translated as
"fire" as in rocket engines, and lifted up the basket= rocket between earth and
heaven. Zechariah 5:9.
34.) Trumpets is coming up, and TO COG (The
Obedient Church of God) is one of the only Churches of God that will "not" be
glad handing and smiling on the day of Trumpets, because the day of Trumpets is
7 Trumpets of Devastation and Terror.
In conclusion, we are not afraid of controversy by stating
these 34 points for:
Smooth runs the water
where knowledge is deep.
October 2th 2012 Service
Tishri 15 5993
Sermon Highlights:
172.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 3,
2012 2nd Day of Feast
Oct 3, 2012
Oct 3, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 3, 2012
16th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 3 2012 Feast
1.) There is "NO" free Press.
All the Media is controlled by the Illumanati inspired
2.) If any Presenter speaks the truth, he is taken off the
3.) Actual true reporting of Witnesses stating:
"Bomb" blasts/explosions on 9-11 brought down the
4.) Explanation/Revelation that the "JESUITS" ARE controlling
the World.
5.) How the NWOs (New World Order's) "Agenda 21" has already
been set up since the 1990s and is being implemented "right now" if front
of your eyes, except you do not know it.
October 3rd 2012 Service
Tishri 16 5993
Sermon Highlights:
173.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 4,
2012 2nd Day of Feast
Oct 4, 2012
Oct 4, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 4, 2012
17th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 4 2012 Feast
The Final Blood Sacrifice of
God's Feast Day 3 Feast Sermon
1.) Ark of Covenant "found" 20' under the Cross, in a
2.) Earthquake at/after Yeshua's bleeding to death,
created a crevice for Yah's blood to flow into.
3.) Yeshua's precious Blood flowed down the
the "RIGHT" side of the Mercy Seat of the "ACTUAL" Ark of the
2000+ years before the Levites were only "allowed" to sprinkle blood on the
"left" hand side of the Mercy seat,
so that:
Yah's Blood on the "right" side of the Mercy
the "final" Blood Sacrifice,
that completed the Perfect Sacrifice for you and I.
Our human blood has 46 chromosones.
Yah's Blood on Father's Mercy Seat showed "only" 24
That proves/means
23 chromozones from Mary and 1 "Y" choromsone from "God" the
This is the end of the 3rd Day of the Feast, so appropiately,
we TO COG pronounce these facts of
Yah's Blood for your Redemption
after 3 Days and 3 Nights of "THIS" Feast.
Further/next watch for
The Angels' instruction is that
The actual "ORIGINAL" 2 Tablets of Stone/10 Commandments,
will be presented to the people of the Earth
On the "exact" day that the Beast says that you must worship
This "IS" God's Prophecy from TO COG
Then on
the "Actual" 10
Commandments= in their "ORIGINAL" Stone,
will be presented to the
little you has no
to continue to
with your
all your Pagan Days
not to mention
moving God's Sabbath to
in Half of the World.
INTO the Tribulation
you go LCG and other dead
October 4rd 2012 Service
Tishri 17 5993
Sermon Highlights:
174.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 5,
2012 4th Day of Feast
Oct 5, 2012
Oct 5, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 5, 2012
18th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 5 2012 Feast
Sermon Highlights:
1.) How to debate Romney.
Election humour.
2.) " Jesus Wife" Papyrus Coptic script is a
4th century clumsy forgery.
3.) Rediscovered Doctrine on our prayers:
i.) Intercessory prayers (when you pray
for "others"), that is
sweet incense rising to Father's nostrils that pleases/delights Father,
because it reminds him of the character of His Son Yeshua, whom you are
ii.) The prayers are mingled with the incense of the great
iii.) "Returning" fire to earth is a symbol of "answered"
Take Revelations 8:3-4; and combine it with Revelations
5:8. ... gold bowls filled with incense, which are the
prayers of God's people.
Father "answers" the prayers of His Saints, and lightnings and
fire and earthquakes attack the earth.
Editors Note:
This also "marks" the end of man's evil age.
4.) Names of "great" angels listed.
5.) Fantastic prophecy/understanding in Sermon:
World Council of Churches since
1948 has been and will be used to bring in/enable the Beast
Power, like Hitler used the Lutheran ministers to lead the people of
Germany to fight for him.
Althaus, a Lutheran theologian of renown in Germany, warmly
greeted the rise of Hitler. He wrote that, "The Protestant churches
have greeted the political turning point as a
gift and miracle of God" ('Die deutsche
Stunde der Kirche', p.5). Many times Althaus explained to Christians his
preference for the Third Reich over the former Weimar Republic. "We Christians know," he stated, "that we are bound by
God's will to the
promotion of National Socialism, so that all members
of the people will be ready for service and sacrifice." ('Kirche and
Staat', p. 29)
6.) You ministers are causing your members in Australia and New Zealand and
indeed every country West of the United States all the way round
the World to Jerusalem, to be beaten with
stripes for keeping God's Sabbath on Friday. Luke
12:46. That is how serious the minister's
disobedience to God is= causing Christians to be
beaten with stripes by God. Repent you Sininster.
7.) The COG ministers are leading their people into Hell, like
Hitler misled the people of Germany.
The COG ministers are "worse" than
because they are "destroying the Saints' Eternal Life"
and not just the Saints' physical life.
Wake up and realize that it "is" your Minister that is causing you to
worship on Friday in 1/2 the World, and is causing
you to celebrate mOTHER gODDESS DAY, sKY fATHERS DAY, and tURKEY
gOD DAY, which "are"
as Pagan as Xmas and Ishtar/Easter. All these days
have been around for 4,000 years going back to the gODS and gODDESSES and
RA/Osiris in Egypt of the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Osiris sprang
from, whether your minister says so or not.
Your minister "can't" say it is wrong to celebrate
Xmas because of its Pagan roots, and then tell you its ok to celebrate turkey
gOD day with its pagan roots. It did not just pop into Governor Bradford's head,
because he celebrated for 3 days "exactly" the same as the Pawnee Indians
celebrated for 3 days and sacrificed a virgin to the turkey gOD. And all day
long on the American stations they are celebrating the Harvest Home festival.
When your minister is dead these days will still be
pagan days.
Wake up. Your minister is stealing your Eternal
life from you!
October 5rd 2012 Service
Tishri 18 5993
Sermon Highlights:
175.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 6,
2012 5th Day of Feast
Oct 6, 2012
Oct 6, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 6, 2012
19th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 6 2012 Feast
Highlight of October 6 2012 Feast
for your Eternal Salvation
before we have to mark the Disobedient
who are KILLING you Forever
1.) "How" to be a
2.) Qualities of a Saint.
3.) You are a Priest "and" a King.
4.) Rediscovered Truth: Revered Levites of old were
only "priests", but "YOU" are a priest
"AND" a "KING!!!
5.) If, IF, "IF" only you are faithful to every jot
and Tittle, so that you are filled with 100% of the Oil of GOD's Temple.
6.) No more dis-obedient Minsters/Kora Levites COGs
7.) "Obedience" to Father, "TOTAL" Revelation 21:27, 22:15 "IS"
the "only" WAY He will make you a King.
herself in fine linen, shining and
the fine linen being the righteous actions of God's people.
Rev 19:8.
Today is a HIGH Day,
and therefore
we preach
"ONLY" the
October 6rd 2012 Service
Tishri 19 5993
Sermon Highlights:
176.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 7,
2012 6th Day of Feast
Oct 7, 2012
Oct 7, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 7, 2012
20th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 7 2012 Feast
Highlight of October 7 2012 Feast
Highlights of October 7 2012 Feast
Why do ministers just
bash the messenger, and "never" discuss the
messenger's message?
Galations 1:6, :9. You [ministers] are
accursed if you preach any other ways!
You have to kill all the animals [Pagan Days] and
not keep the best Pagan
Days, or the
Kingdom will be taken away from you just as the Kingdom was taken away from
Saul, when he saved the "best" of the animals [Pagan
Days]. 1 Sam 15:19,
... "the LORD, he hath also
rejected thee
from [being]
1.) Do NOT partake in the pagan Mother-goddess Day spring
Festival of Mothers Day, the Mother
of all the gODS and gODDESSES.
2.) Do NOT partake in pagan Sky Father’s Day, the fATHER of the sky, when God
said that "HE" the true God laid the foundations of the firmament, "not" the Sky
fATHER false deity. Sky fATHERS DAY leading to the summer solstice longest
day of the year, just
like Xmas is the shortest day of the
3.) Do NOT partake in pagan Turkey-god Day, of the goose on
your Dining room table, that gave its life for its young, that
laid the egg that Ra/Osiris sprung from, that the President
of the United States pardons.
4.) Do NOT move God’s Sabbath to Friday in half the world (West
of the International Date Line that man put in in 1883).
5.) Do NOT hire/put people to work God's Sabbath Day by going to a
restaurant, instead of telling the people to "stop" working on God's Sabbath Day
and to come to Services.
If now that you "know" that you have to wait for
God's sun to set "before" you start God's Sabbath in Australia and New Zealand
and indeed all the countries to the west of the phony 1883 IDL (International
Date Line) and you "refuse" to wait for God's sun to set to start the Sabbath,
INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE YOU GO, because Hebrews 10:26
states you have NO SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SIN.
If we go on
sinning after we have learned the truth,
no sacrifice can take away our sins. GWT.
For if we sin
willfully after we have received the knowledge of the
truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins. KJV
You "ARE" sinning willfully when you know that the sun has "NOT"
set, and you start God's Sabbath Day on Friday in
Australia, and 1/2 of the other countries of the World. That is a fact and you
cannot deny it. And if you ignore it you are still guilty, because you "know"
about it. Repent or be damned. For whoever practices a lie is thrown out of
the Kingdom. Rev 22:15.
That is "why" the minister attacks and name calls the
messenger, and "NEVER" discusses/answers the 20+ points of Doctrine, because he
cannot defend his wrong position, so he attacks and name calls the messenger and
hides the truth from his sheep.
A "true" follower of God shows fruits of Repentance,
and does not ignore the truth, and bash the messenger.
The fig tree that was cursed by Yah, had no
Repentance is "your" fruit. Every tree that does not
bear repentance, is cut down and cast into the fire.
Matthew 3:8 Bring forth fruits
"proper"/worthy for Repentance.
Iran war could be started on the night of the
The USS Enterprise could be sunk to get Americans
to support the war.
Turn the rocks into pebbles, turn the pebbles into
Let's bomb bomb bomb, bomb-bomb Iran.
The war with Iran, will cause the decimation of
Iran, and the rise of the King of the South.
Iran will not be part of the King of the South,
because Iran will be blown up and powerless, along with Syria.
New Topic/Train of Thought
to expand your horizons
for the next year to think about.
This following information (unlike the above) is
"NOT" necessary for your salvation,
so you do not have to worry about it,
but it "is" necessary for you to be aware of
other intellectual schools of thought,
that this writer has know about for the last 30
but had to keep quiet because of meanspirited
ministers in the COGS who are so unteachable.
We saved these intellectual treats for you for the
end 6th Day of the Feast to coincide with the 6,000 years
of "Adamic" man:
1.) Pre-Adamic men are revealed via Scriptural
support as living 72,000 years ago.
1000 Generations x 70 years/Generation= 70,000
years. Psalm 105:8 1 Chronicles 16:15. The Torah was given to the 1000th
Generation. The 1000th Generation is comprise of the 974 "Generations" that
passed before Adam was made in the image of God, plus the 26 Generations
from Adam to Moses. 974 + 26= the 1000 Generations that God refers to in His
Bible (or else cross the words 1000 Generations out of your
Editor's Note:
Adam was a "special" type of man, because he was
the only one made in the "express" image of God.
Pre-Adamics were created in our image, but Adam was
created in God's image.
2.) The 24 Elders are from the pre-Adamic creations
and are "not" the 12 Disciples and not the 12 Leaders of the 12
tribes, because the 24 Elders are alive in Heaven now, but the
12 Disciples and 12 Leaders of the 12 tribes have "not" been
raised from the dead yet.
3.) The 10,000 Holy Ones of Jude 14 and
Revelations 19:14:
i.) Are not angels, because the 10,000 Holy
Ones are clothed in "white linen", not angel feathers and wings. White
linen is symbolic of "righteous deeds" of Saints (pre-Adamic Saints)
that arrive with Christ= pre-Adamic Atlantian men. As in Atlantis now
sunken under
the "Atlantis/Atlantic" Ocean.
ii.) These pre-Adamic men comprise the Armies "IN"
Heaven (therefore they cannot be the Saints, because these men are "already"
"IN" (not "of" Heaven). Revelations 19:14.
iii.) Ergo the army is "not" comprised of any
Saints on earth, because these are "coming" on white horses, from horses that
are "IN" Heaven, "already" "IN" Heaven.
iv.) These men (without wings) need
horses to get around because they have no wings because angels do not need
v.) "AND" come down "from" Heaven "before" the
Saints are raised from the dead, so they are "not" present day Saints, because
these riders are coming with Christ to slay the earth's armies and to free the
Saints and to meet the Saints in the air with Christ.
vi.) If you were to wrongly try to say that we
present day Saints are the 10,000 Holy Ones, then the horses in Heaven would
have to come down from Heaven with no riders.
vii.) There is 1 more point, but because of past
chiding in the WCG all the way back to the 1980s from those who "know so little,
about so much", that 1 point will wait until the appropiate time. A good player
does not show all his cards, in order to identify and trap the
4.) Scientific proof is given that
the past human nuclear war 12,000 years ago ("not" the angelic war
from 1+ Billion years ago), has 12,000 year old human bodies "fused" into
the molten rock. Picture shown on camera of the skeletal remains of the 12,000
year old bodies "fused" into the "radioactive" molten rock.
5.) Even Oppenheimer stated/knew that his was "not"
the 1st Nuclear Bomb on this earth.
6.) The Pyramids are giant electrical generators,
that provided "free" energy to the inhabitants of the earth 12,000 years
7.) There are sunken 12,000 year old cities all
over this earth, under the oceans.
These topics may be continued
on the 7th Day of the Feast due to popular demand, and if time permits,
after we deal with the Spiritual Matters of the coming 7th Day of the
October 7rd 2012 Service
Tishri 20 5993
Sermon Highlights:
177.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 8,
2012 7th Day of Feast
Oct 8, 2012
Oct 8, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 8, 2012
Tishri 21 5993
God's Great Last 7th Day
21st Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of
1.) The "7th" Day of God's Feast "IS" the Great Last Day,
because that was when the water oblation ceremony was, and that was when Yeshua
stood up saying that He is the water. The 8th day is the 8,000th year, but Yah
takes over on the Great Last Day of the 7,000th year.
2.) Another Re-discovered truth by TO COG:
You are to say "Thanks" for you meal,
"after" you have eaten it and are full, "NOT"
before. Deuteronomy 8:10. Or cross Deuteronomy 8:10 out of
your Bible.
3.) The true real Bill Dankenbring "killed" his brother's dog
Smokey, after I had bought a Doghouse, toys for Smokey, and even a made a sign
saying Smokey's Salvation Retreat. Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man "cares" for
his animals, and Smokey was Bill Dankenbring's inheritance from his brother Bob,
but Dankenbring "killed" Smokey.
Dankenbring also killed-Disfellowshipped R.F. in Australia,
because R.F. waited for the sun to go down before starting God's
4.) The true real Capitola Dankenbring would not feed the cat
Midnight, and would not even let Midnight Cat sleep in the garage in the
wintertime. Mr. Midnight Cat died on Johnson Creek Road, because he had to
travel cross the road to get any food.
Accapella Song in tribute to Mr. Midnight Cat, to teach others
of Proverbs 12:10 where God commanded us to take care of the animals under our
control, not kill them.
Capitola would not even let the squirrel have nuts from the
trees, when she could afford all the nuts she needed.
When you treat God's creation with contempt, you are hurting
FATHER, because Father even looks to see if a sparrow
The creation is God's, and we
are to be Stewards and trustees of His creation, not
When the "TRUTH" IS SPOKEN, then and only then,
can the character of the person be known.
5.) "Plan 2000"
is explained how they plan to kill 90% of the helpless people of God's
earth. Yah will stop these monsters.
Our only hope is to have a
"Loving" Yeshua return and save
Highlight of October 8 2012 Feast
Highlight of October 8 2012 Feast
October 8rd 2012 Service
Tishri 21 5993
Sermon Highlights:
178.) click here for Sermon of
> Oct 9,
2012 Shemini Atzeret
Oct 9, 2012
Oct 9, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 9, 2012
Tishri 22 5993
Shemini Atzeret
22nd Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of
Highlight of October 9 2012 Shemini Atzeret
Highlight of October 9 2012 Shemini Atzeret
Your 8th "Fill
The Tree
of Life
Shimini (8th) Atzeret (Fill up with
(before you go back into the world again)
1.) TO COG gives you "Spiritual" oxygen, but the
world is killing you with hardly any "physical" oxygen:
Normal 21 % earth Oxygen Levels on planet earth are
hitting dangerous lows of 6 % in smog that cannot sustain life, a 12 % level is
causing sickness and disease, the current general 19.5 % level is causing your
heart to be over working/over pumping trying to get Oxygen to all your
2.) Salted with Fire has 2 meanings!
3.) The Bible
"Starts" with the
Tree of Life Genesis 2:9, and "Ends" with the
Tree of Life. Revelations 22:2.
4.) The Tree of Life now returns.
It is 1 mile round, because its root and branches
go under and above "both" sides of the huge River of Living Water.
5.) The 12 "Fruits" of the Tree of Life
The "Leaves" of the Tree of Life explained.
The leaves of the Tree will be for the healing of
the nations:
The Tree will be greater than the Tower of
Hint: Everyone will speak the "same"
Welcome to the World Tomorrow
The True NWO
(God's New World Order).
October 9rd 2012 Service
Tishri 22 5993
Sermon Highlights:
Oct 13, 2012
Oct 13, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 13, 2012
26th Day of God's Seventh Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 13 2012 Sabbath
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 13, 2012
Tishri 26, 5993
The Obedient Church
of God
Highlights of October 13
2012 Sermon:
causing you to go into the Tribulation,
by "their" CONTINUED
Teaching you
to God's Commands/Way of
1.) Moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half the
2.) Celebrating tURKEY god Day.
3.) Celebrating mOTHER gODDESS DAY.
4.) Sky fATHER'S Day.
5.) Refusing to appear before God 3 times a year. Deuteronomy
6.) Refusing to eat and sleep in a tent/Succah for 7
7.) Hiring people to work for them (Restaurant workers) on
God's Sabbath Day.
These denominations are the 5 foolish
virgins who will be LOCKED OUT of God's Kingdom.
If "YOU" are in these disobedient denominations you
"WILL" be LOCKED OUT of God's Kingdom.
Re-Discovered Truth:
On the other side of the Gulf are the Obedient, who will be
given an even greater Heart. Psalm 119:32
I will run the course of Your commandments.
For You shall "ENLARGE" my heart.
Do "not" turn aside from God's Deuteronomy 12:32 law of
not adding days to your life.
Jeremiah 2:10. Do not learn the way of the Gentiles, yet your
Sinisters tell you it is fine to have your tURKEY gOD Day, mOTHER gODDESS
And he who didn't know "WILL BE BEATEN". Luke
7 stages of Truth:
1.) Avoidance.
2.) Resistance.
3.) Apathy.
4.) Thinking about it.
5.) Acceptance.
6.) Preparation to plan to apply it.
7.) Actual "APPLICATION" of the Re-Discovered Truth= coming
into the safety and protection of TO COG, and out of the disobedient
the churches are all still stuck in stage 1 AVOIDANCE for
the last 2 years.
Why? Because they "are" the 5 foolish virgins=
So into the Lake of
Fire or Tribulation they go.
They put themselves there by "THEIR" 7+ points of
Rebellious Disobedience.
YOU shall perish
because you would not be Obedient. Deut
The only solutions is
coming into the safety
October 13rd 2012 Service
Tishri 26 5993
Sermon Highlights:
Oct 18, 2012
Oct 18, 2012 -
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 18, 2012
1st Day of God's Eighth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlight of October 18 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 18, 2012
God's New
Moon Day Service
(For you to draw closer to
Chesvan/Bul 1, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of October 13 2012
How to have a 1 to 1 Relationship
with your Brother Yah.
Build your Faith via your "RELATIONSHIP" WITH YAH, as your Brother.
Your RELATIONSHIP with Yah is more
precious than GOLD!
You will be able to "Touch" and hug Yeshua and He will HUG YOU
(just like a brother would).
Editor's Note: Much better than Thomas who put his finger
into the nailprints in Yah's hands.
So learn "How" close you are to Yah NOW, as "you"
WALK in His Footsteps "NOW"
IN YOU NOW= that is "HOW" close you are to Yah.
(if you are an OBEDIENT servant).
October 18rd 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Oct 20, 2012
Oct 20, 2012 -
Highlight of October 20 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 20, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 3, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of October 20 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 20, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 3, 5993
The Obedient Church of
Highlights of October 20, 2012
1.) Orion meteor shower is happening this Sunday
early in the morning.
2.) In 2000 a comet announced Russia's Vladimer
Putin's election/stepping on the stage.
3.) In 1986 the "Plain Truth" had Halley's
Comet on its front cover, and the Plain Truth writers didn't know/didn't
have a clue about what they put on the cover and wrote about! They never even
mentioned Herbert W. Armstrong.
Halley's Comet announced the death of Herbert W.
Armstrong, but no one in the WCG knew that except 1 person: =this present
day TO COG writer.
4.) On November 29th, 2008 there was a conjunction
Venus (love),
Jupiter (Jupiter, The Bringer of Jollity ((I Vow
Thee, My Country (YAH's COUNTRY))),
and the Moon (light, THE Light of the Re-discovered
truths of TO COG );
when 1 man stood up for his convictions (learn
not the way of the Gentiles' Turkey gOD Day of Ra/Osiris Harvest Home Festival
on all NPR stations) regardless of the consequences.
And here is the
Smiley Face
in the heavens on that day/night (notice how the
"position" of the Crescent forms a perfect smile:
In High School one teacher would say: Here comes Lawrence
with a big, smiley grin.
The day/after services circa 5:00 P.M. Nov 29,
2008 Lawrence was killed spiritually by Bill Dan
kin bring, (the day of the conjunction). This marked the beginning
of TO COG, because TO COG was the only alternative to have access to
the "truth" that would now go out only from TO COG, because all the other
churches refused to follow the correct Holy Days and Dan kin bring refused
to stop celebrating the "best" pagan days, like Saul saved
the best animals and was dethroned.
New Topic:
When the time comes for you= how to survive the
Beast's Police:
5.) FLEE! Don't just sit in your house. The Bible
"COMMANDS" you to flee, not just sit in your house.
That way you will still be alive to "see" Yah
arrive in the Heavens.
6.) You want to see Yah, arrive in the sky, so stay alive, and
literally flee from the police, so that you
don't get your head cut off (so that you can see Yah arrive and witness to
7.) How can you vote for a nut case that wears
"Magic Underwear",
and believes in the devil Moroni!
8.) Explanation of how The New World Order has been
hammering the World for the last 200 years, and is
nearing completion in the next 8 years circa 2019.
9.) The New World Order
explained in detail of the
elite Oligarchy.
No matter who you vote for, they are all controlled
by the "Puppetmasters" of Satan's
10.) The Ministers/Sinisters in the offshoot COGS
know so little about so much.
They move God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World,
they hire Restaurant workers on God's Sabbath
instead of telling the Restaurant Workers to stop working and come to Services.
They celebrate Mother gODDESS Day,
Sky fATHER'S Day,
Yah to return,
that is
the "ONLY" way
there will "ever" be fairness for
= freedom from the Oligarchy.
October 20rd 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Oct 27, 2012
Oct 27, 2012 -
Highlight of October 27 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 27, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 10, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of October 27 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 27, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 10, 5993
The Obedient Church of
Highlights of October 27, 2012
October 27rd 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights from the October 27, 2012
1.) GCI (Grace Communion International) formerly WCG leadership
EXPOSED stating and we quote their own paper:
"The days we meet on for worship don't
matter for salvation"... . page 1 paragraph 3.
That is an outright lie because
Deuteronomy 10:12 states: "This is what God "requires" of you.
Exodus 31:13 states: "My Sabbaths you
shall keep, for it is a SIGN
between you and ME throughout your generations"... :17 it is a
John 14:15 If you love me you will KEEP My
:21 God will manifest Himself in you
"if" you keep His Commandments!
:23 We will make our home with him,
Therefore the converse is:
God will "NOT" make His home in
you if you do not keep His Sabbath Commandment.
If you follow what GCI states, then according to
the Bible:
God will "NOT" make His home
with you. WAKE UP and believe your Bible!
2.) The evil foolishness of the CGI/WCG is examined in light of
their GCI (Grace Communion International) leadership stating that you can
celebrate Halloween if "you" want to.
"Hallo"ween is Ancient Satan Worship
as a Covenant with Death and
Editor's Note of Re-Discovered Truth:
3.) Only
"God's" Name is to be Hallowed. You pray "Hallowed" be "Thy" Name!
Not any man's name, nor any man invented day such as "Hallow"
ween. No day can be proclaimed "HALLOWED" by man.
That is blasphemy.
Hallowed Evening is "NOT" Hallowed at all.
It is an obscene Satanic Evening.
4.) Proofs from recognized leading sources,
that Samhein "is" directly from the Druid and Witches "HIGH" Satanic
5.) The Catholic festival of "All Saints Day"
perpetuated the pagan Samhein of November's eve.
Today in the year 2012 Satanists throughout the
World will perform Human Sacrifices on Halloween of adults and children, and
also of animals. It is too terrible to even speak about all the things the
Satanists, Witches, and Warlocks do on Halloween Night.
6.) The truth of Apple Bobbing revealed.
Hint: It is a Baptism into the waters
of the Devil.
Apple Ducking:
The apples represented the "Souls", in the Cauldron
of Regeneration (just like the symbolism of your Church Baptism water) with the
Lord of the Dead gathering dead souls to regenerate those who had been condemned
to inhabit animals for the past year. By Dunking/pushing down the
Apples/Souls into the water
7.) Demons "DO" go
into/enter animals, the same way that the Demons went
into the herd of swine.
8.) The children dress
up as wandering spirits in skeleton costumes, children IMITATING THE DEAD, the same way that in past times you
tried to fool the Demons by dressing up as a fellow disembodied wandering
spirit, so that the real wandering spirits would not recognize and harm
9.) You placate the Demons with
food. That is the "actual" symbology;
if you are foolish enough to
give out candy on Halloween.
10.) The pumpkin
represents the "severed head",
therefore you have severed heads all around your neighbourhood on all the
porches, the same way as "real" severed heads were placed on
11.) Halloween/Hallowed evening is
TOTALLY Satanic, and you must not have anything to do with the acts of
Darkness. Acts 19:19; Ephesians 5:11.
12.) Lists of Scriptures are given proving you are
"NOT" to have anything to do with Halloween.
By participating in a "Hallow" Evening, you are WORSHIPPING SATAN, whether you say so or
You will be ever learning and never coming to a
knowledge of the Truth.
1 Corinthians 10:21 You cannot eat the Halloween treats of the Devil and
later have Yah's Bread and Wine.
You cannot be partakers of the Table of Devils and the Lord's
That is how "Serious" this is.
And you cannot have a Church get together on
Hitler's birthday
and say it is harmless fun.
You are marching in Satan's
parade of Satanic Days if you have a party of "any"
kind on Halloween night.
The Scots assembled marriage minded people for
divination games on this evil night.
I Repeat: Do NOT give out treats on Halloween
you are part of the Table
of the Devil.
That is how serious this "IS"!!
Wake up you sleepers, and give your head a shake,
or PERISH in Hell.
Nov 3, 2012
Nov 3, 2012 -
Highlight of November 3 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 3, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 17, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of November 3 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 3, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 17, 5993
The Obedient Church of
Highlights of November 3, 2012
November 3 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of November 3, 2012
3 days from
now free
to be
the New World Order-The U.N.
The Beast
Daily Sacrifice should start before June 20,
Like the Penn State Executives, WCG Ministers of the 1950s to
1986 should be indicted and put in Jail
1.) Endangerment of a child.
2.) Failing to report the crime of Herbert
raping his daughter Dorothy for 10 years.
3.) Falsifying reports and lying and bearing false witness. Breaking God's 9th Commandment
about bearing false witness. The 9th Commandment is a
probition on any false statement.
Herbert "never" denied raping Dorothy. Herbert
admitted it, by stating: "Sometimes I have not been close to God, as I should
have been".
Herbert admitted it.
But your Ministers and their staff writers "LIE" and deny
and indeed continue to "LIE".
All liars will have
their place in the Lake of Fire. Rev 21:8 That
is how serious it is. Your COG ministers are recidivist hardened liars
as evidenced by the facts, so into
the Lake of Fire they will go, because they refuse
to, and continue to neglect and refuse to tell the
truth, and are hardened liars. The facts and their verbal statements and their
writings prove that they are recidivist liars.
Nov 10, 2012
Nov 10, 2012 -
Highlight of November 10 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 10, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 24, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of November 10 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 10, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 24, 5993
The Obedient Church of
November 10 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
God gave Obama a dream the same as God gave Nebuchadnezzar a
The parallels of both dreams is amazing.
Obama is Nebachadnezzar.
If you voted for Romney, you voted against
God, because God sets up leaders. Daniel 2:21.
Nov 16, 2012
Nov 16, 2012 -
Highlight of November 16 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 16, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of November 16 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 16, 2012
The Obedient Church of
November 16 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of November 16 2012
1.) The
return of the Nephilim.
2.) Mount
Herman's name means the "Mount" of The
3.) The
Oath was by 200 fallen angels to band together to corrupt the genome of
4.) Why does the U.N. has an outpost on Mount
Hint: It is a "Stargate" to meet and "plot"
with the Nephilim.
5.) Overview of the characteristics of Yah, of His
obedience to Father, and those characteristics should be yours
Nov 17, 2012
Nov 17, 2012 -
Highlight of November 17 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 17, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of November 17 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 17, 2012
The Obedient Church of
November 17 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
The offshoots of the 1986 WCG are
"all" 1972 liars and pirates of the 1972 doctrine who refuse to grow in grace and Knowledge.
Indeed they "REFUSE" to grow in
Knowledge/Re-discovered Bible Doctrine.
They/you (if you are one of them) will "NOT" be in the 1st
Resurrection and YOU will have your head cut off in the Tribulation. Into the
Tribulation you liars go, because you refuse to grow in Knowledge and you
are the ones who support liars.
Dynamite Sermon
1.) Why
will you have a Turkey on your table on Turkey gOD Day?
Having a
"Turkey" Centerpiece on your table "PROVES" that the Day is for the Turkey
That is
just the same as having a Christmas Tree in your house on
Christmas Day.
2.) The
Turkey gOD that is revered for giving it's life for it's
3.) The
Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris spung
4.) The
"truth" how "Anonymous" stopped the Republicans from flipping the 2012 election
TO COG was
right (as stated on November 3rd) that the Republican machine would try to flip
the election results as they did in 2004. But "Anonymous" put in a Firewall to
stop the Republican computer tunnel rats.
The actual
words of "Anonymous" are read to you.
200 Million man army of Martial Artists from China and Japan etc.,
mentioned to you again. It will be hand to hand combat in the Valley of Megiddo,
or else there cannot be a river of blood as high as a horses bridle 4' high if
nuclear weapons were used.
200 Million men are even ready now, before the 7 years
6.) 43
Trillion Dollar Lawsuit filed against the USA.
7.) General
Petraeus was removed so that the Generals cannot take over the corrupt USA
Government. Former Ambassador John Bolton said that General Petraeus’ testimony
this morning ‘put this dead cat right on the White House’s door step,” referring
to Petraeus’ revelation that the CIA had included that it was a terrorist attack
by an Al Qaeda linked group.
8.) The
Bible states that there will be 5 "Types" of
And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers. King James Bible (Cambridge
isn't any safety in Stupidity.
You must
know what is going on in the World
Spiritually (Turkey gOD Day)
Physically in "failed" attempts to corrupt the 2012
There is
safety in the Knowledge of TO COG.
Nov 24, 2012
Nov 24, 2012 -
Highlight of November 24 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 24, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of November 24 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Nov 24, 2012
The Obedient Church of
1.) The 5 foolish virgins/Churches ran out of oil/Obedience in
2.) The 5 foolish virgins/Churches are trying to run on 40
year old oil/Disobedience 2012 -1972= 40 years.
3.) The 5 foolish virgins/Churches haven't filled up with
oil/Obedience for 40 years.
4.) The 5 foolish virgins/Churches haven't filled up
with oil/Obedience since 1972.
5.) They ran out of
so they will be thrown out of the Marriage
November 24 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Dec 1, 2012
Dec 1, 2012 -
Highlight of December 1 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 1, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of December 1 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 1, 2012
The Obedient Church of
YOUR sinFULL Church is Transgressing God's Laws.
That is an undeniable FACT.
Read Deuteronomy 16:16.
1. ) REPENT and stop "DOING" EVIL:
I.) YOUR ministers "ARE" LIARS who oppose God's
This "IS" PROVEN by their
Don't you try to deny this FACT or you are also a LIAR> And all LIARS "WILL" be in the Lake of Fire. Rev
21:8> all liars, shall
have their part in the lake which burneth with
fire and brimstone: which is the second
There is NO
He who did not know
Luke 12:48.
"YOU" Ecuminicalists "WILL" be BEATEN with STRIPES.
II.) Stop moving God's Sabbath to Friday in half of the World,
causing your members in Australia and New Zealand etc., to Work on Yah's 7th
III.) Stop telling members to celebrate "TURKEY gOD
IV.) Stop telling members to celebrate Mother gODDESS
IV.) Stop telling members to celebrate Sky fATHER'S
VI.) Stop telling members "not" to celebrate God's New Moon
Day in opposition to Ezekiel 4:3.
YOUR ministers and members of those
ministers, YOU are so EVIL.
They "ARE" transgressing the words of Yah's Bible, and YOU are
paying them to transgress Yah's Bible.
And you also refuse to follow the words of God's
Who is right, little you or GOD'S BIBLE!
READ God's Bible and STOP YAPPING.
Follow God's Bible and STOP YAPPING against GOD's
2.) Anonymous "stopped" the Republicans
from "FLIPPING" the election VOTES for Romney (JUST LIKE last time in 2004 the
evil PUBLICANS/the Publican machine "did" FLIP the peoples votes against John
Kerry-because the Exit Polls said so)
and that's the only reason Romney did not get in= Because
Anonymous kept the election
results Honest.
Any stupid minister that says
has been brainwashed by the
Elite 5 Corporation's that control "all" of Network TV.
New Topic:
(How the USA will end and you will go into slavery!)
3.) The correct interpretation of how the USA will be part of the
1.) The USA, Britain and France "WILL" be in the Beast Power,
along with the EU.
Again for clarity: The USA will be in the Beast
2.) But "while" the USA, Britain, and
France "ARE" in the Beast Power:
They will be the 3 Horns, that will be
Plucked up at the instigation of the Little Horn (the
3.) That is "HOW" the USA, Britain, France, (et al/Israel)
will be destroyed
December 1 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Dec 8, 2012
Dec 8, 2012 -
Highlight of December 8 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 8, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Highlights of December 8 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 8, 2012
The Obedient Church of
You Ministers need to be re-baptized
because you cannot understand
God's Bible
1.) You shall go to Headquarters for 3 Feasts per
Deuteronomy 16:16:
i.) Feast of Unleavened Bread,
ii.) Pentecost,
iii.) Feast of Tabernacles.
2.) You "shall" worship on New Moon Day Ezekiel
3.) Lights shall mark days. Genesis 1:14. "NOT"
man's phony International Date Line, that moves God's Sabbath to
4.) Mother gODDESS DAY.
5.) Sky fATHERS DAY.
6.) Turkey gOD DAY. Deut 12:32 Do NOT add a day.
Gal 1:6, 9. Do not preach anything different from the 1st Century.
Everything you wanted to know about
but were afraid to ask!
Christmas tree:
Trunk is the Penis.
Ball ornaments are the Testicles.
Tinsel is the
Wreath is the Vagina.
Christmas goes back 4,000 years= 2,000 years
before Yah/Jesus.
December 8 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Dec 15, 2012
Dec 15, 2012 -
Highlight of December 15 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 15, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
On New Moon Day and God’s 7th Day Sabbath = A
“High” Day
Tevet 1, 5993Dec 15, 2012
Highlights of December 15 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 15, 2012
The Obedient Church of
The Ministers who make
changes to God’s
Bible ARE your ENEMIES.
They are stealing your Crown.
“They” are causing you to sin.
There is something rotten in “Denmark” = in
the COGs that refuse to follow:
1.) Deuteronomy 16:16 You must travel to 3 Feasts a Year,
but you refuse to travel to God’s 3
Feast of Unleavened Bread
Feast of Weeks
Feast of Tabernacles
2.) In half the World all the COGs you refuse to have God’s Sabbath on the 7th day, and
instead follow a phony 1883 International Date Line, that causes God’s Sabbath
to be on Friday, just like the Pope moves God’s Sabbath to Sunday.
3.) You refuse to follow God’s
New Moon Day command in Ezekiel 46:3 to
4.) You celebrate Mother gODDESS Day.
5.) You celebrate Sky fATHERS Day.
6.) You celebrate Turkey gOD Day, the “exact” same day
festival that the Egyptians celebrated to their gOD Osiris/Ra.
7.) You are “NOT” to add a day to God’s “Feast of
Ingathering”, just the same as you shall not have 2
Pentecost Days 1 month apart.
God curses nations and people for
just like the Jews received curses in the
“physical wilderness”, you will receive curses in the Spiritual wilderness, that
will put you into the Tribulation.
Stop the madness of disobeying God’s Bible.
Other Highlights:
Because Moses struck the rock twice,
Yeshua/Jesus was beaten/scouraged twice. That is why Father was so angry with
The shooting of 20 children and 7 teachers: If
all the teachers had guns, the children and teachers would still be
Foths and Goths explained.
The more you watch Corporation News, especially
Fox News, the stupider you will become.
December 15 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Dec 22, 2012
Dec 22, 2012 -
Highlight of December 22 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 22, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Tevet 8, 5993Dec 22, 2012
Highlights of December 22 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 22, 2012
The Obedient Church of
Your ministers are victims of seducing
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
This is "PROVEN" by the "FACT" that they
move God's 7th Day Sabbath to the 6th Day Friday in half of the World.
This is a "FACT" and cannot be denied by them or
They refuse to ignore the phony 1883 International Date Line.
They refuse to put God's Sabbath back to Saturday, where it was in
They are seduced by the Devil.
You ministers are seduced by the Devil, and that is proven by
the "FACTS".
Because just like the POOP, "you" move God's Holy Sabbath
God's Sabbath Day is a "TEST" Commandment
for God to put "HIS" Mark on you. Ezekiel
And your lying ministers will not allow God to put His mark on
So into the Tribulation you all go to have your heads cut
your lying minister refused to allow God to put "His" 7th Day
Sabbath Mark on you.
Hallow My Sabbaths, that they may be a
sign between me and you... Ezekiel 20:20.
Your lying minister prevented you from receiving
God's Godly Sabbath Day Mark of Protection
on you,
because you tithe to organizations
and belong to organizations that OPPOSE GOD'S Seventh Day
Sabbath in half of the World. That is a fact, proven by the facts, and
cannot be reputed by your sinisters' empty lying words.
YOU "ARE" the 5 virgins who will be thrown out of the Kingdom.
Repent and come into the safety and protection of TO COG (The
Obedient Church of God) so that you are not thrown into the Lake of Fire
for breaking God's Sabbath in half the world = you ARE the 5 Virgins who will be
locked out into outer darkness because the Lord does NOT know you, as you
anticipate his arrival because you do not have the oil of Obedience. You
unprofitable servant. Matthew 25:30.
The moment of truth is NOW, you don't have the oil of
Obedience to light your way, and the Master states "I do not know you". Matthew
You see, you are a servant of God alright, BUT you are an
unprofitable servant of God, because you refuse to follow your Master's command
of Genesis 1:14 that Lights will mark Days, not phony
International Date Lines, that move God's Sabbath 1 day
"early" to Friday. Just like the POOP moves God's Sabbath 1 day
"late" to Sunday. God doesn't know the POOP and God doesn't know you, because
you are disobedient just like the POOP. Both of you change/move God's Sabbath
If you say you don't, then you are "also" a LIAR, and all
LIARS will have their place in the Lake of Fire. Revelations 22:15.
21st explained.
It is "now" the New Age of the
That is what happened December 21st = A door was
opened for the Serpent.
Just like the Serpent deceived Eve, "NOW" the
Serpent will deceive the whole world with the false Christ.
Light forming Apparitions/Spirits are "already"
being seen above buildings.
Sacrifice of 20 "elementary" school
young, "young" children slain/sacrificed just as children have always been
sacrificed at this time of year.
Another psy-ops man in a mask, not a deranged man.
The deranged man/patsy was in the car, just like the Theatre "masked"
The people running this world are "more" evil than you think or
They got the children to cast a spell on you using "lesser
magic", to enforce/predict/shove in your face 9-11 as it occured.
The people running the Government are Masonic and totally
On 9-11 the children were given a
"chant"/spell to cast as they read from "My Pet Goat"
Plane Must Hit Steel, Plane Must. This is evil lesser magic.
(A kite in military venacular is a "radio
controlled" plane).
You are dealing with evil deceptive lying Presidents, and you
are dealing with satanically deceived ministers in the COGs.
Realize how evil your minister is:
For him to approve of moving God's Sabbath
Day to Friday in half the world.
Things are worse than you think.
Therefore you must Come into the safety and
protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God, whom Father has given the ability to
understand all things. Understanding
specifically that your
Sinisters are keeping you out of the Kingdom, by telling you to be
"Dis"Obedient and support them as they approve of moving God's Sabbath Day to
Friday in half the world, so that Father cannot put "His" mark on
Come into the safety and
protection of TO COG
The Obedient Church of
December 22 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
Dec 29, 2012
Dec 29, 2012 -
Highlight of December 29 2012
Come into the safety and protection
The"Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 29, 2012
The Obedient Church of God
Tevet 15, 5993Dec 29, 2012
Highlights of December 29 2012
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Dec 29, 2012
The Obedient Church of
Highlights of December 29, 2012 Sermon:
1.) All of you lying ministers who
say you are Philadelphians, but refuse to have God's weekly Sabbath on the 7th
Day in half the World need to be
re-baptized, so that you can obey God.
2.) You "members" of these lying ministers will be marked along
with the lying ministers.
You and your ministers WILL BE MARKED, before God, by TO COG
(The Obedient Church of God).
3.) We are not playing around any more.
We are going to start MARKING ministers and their members, as
God's Bible commands us to.
4.) We follow God's Bible and God's Bible COMMANDS US TO MARK
those who walk contrary to God's Bible Romans 16:17.
Mark those who have
rejected Bible truth. Mark those who are in direct conflict with the
Bible's 7th Day Sabbath in 1/2 the World:
You are commanded to mark them, and "them" means mark the ministers and the
minister's members.
We are going to Mark them before God, as the Bible commands us
to do.
5.) We are not going to be an enabler of your
You "WILL" BE brought to God's
attention at His throne as being disobedient
unrepentant ministers and members.
You members will be MARKED for supporting disobedient
You members are the problem.
Just like George Bush could not have invaded Iraq all by
himself, but needed the military soldiers/members to back him,
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for backing these "DIS"obedient
"YOU" are backing "DIS"obedient ministers, who are preaching against God's
7th Day in 1/2 the World, by their knowingly using the phony 1883 International
Date Line, which is causing 1/2 the World to work on God's Sabbath day.
This is a FACT, whether you say so or not, and we are going to
take this matter to God's throne, for God to deal with you. Just like the
foolish people (men and women) who went to war to fight in Iraq. George Bush
could not have invaded Iraq all by himself, and these "DIS"obedient ministers
cannot exist all by themselves.
6.) YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for supporting these "DIS"obedient
ministers/sinisters with your tithes.
God's Bible commands us to MARK "YOU" members who walk
disorderly, by your tithing to ministers who move God's
Sabbath Day to Friday in 1/2 the World.
7.) You, YOU, "YOU" are the problem, just like Bush could not
invade Iraq all by himself, but needed supporters.
"YOU" are not going to get away
with your EVIL support of "DIS"obedient
We will not be silent, and allow you to claim to be members of
God's family, while you willfully support ministers who BREAK God's 7th Day
Sabbath in 1/2 the World.
You must STOP supporting ministers who break God's Law!
8.) God's MARK on your hand and between your eyes=your Forehead.
Deuteronomy 6:8.
A sign that the Lord's Law may be in your mouth. Exodus
Sabbath Sign on you. Ezekiel 20:20.
God's "Sabbath Sign" is NOT on your "DIS"obedient
"Dis"obedient Sabbath breaking
God's sign is not on
God's Sign is "NOT" on
you support/tithe to the Sabbath Breaking
9.) The Talmud explained, and some of its lying passages
referenced, that state that when God's Bible disagrees with the Talmud, that the
Talmud is correct and God's Bible is wrong!
10.) Sparkler given by Ozelia Welling how you and must be a
Witness like Joseph was to all of Egypt.
11.) 450 million rounds of hollow point 40 caliber ammo, have
been purchased by "Homeland Security" to kill you.
In war they do not use hollow point because they want 4 men to
carry out 1 wounded man, thereby taking 5 men out of action.
But "Homeland Security" wants to kill you outright, by using
hollow point ammunition to kill you immediately, so that you do not have due
process of Habeas Corpus.
12.) The "Fiscal Cliff" is just a distraction and a subterfuge
for the Bankster conglomerate of the Federal Reserve saturating the money supply
and causing the real collapse.
13.) The 1929-1933 crash was "DELIBERATELY" caused by increasing
the money supply, and then contracting it. Proof that the 1929 crash was "NOT"
an accident, but was "DELIBERATELY" caused so that the Banksters could buy up
all the companies for pennies on the Dollar.
14.) These "boom and bust" cycles have "always" been caused by
the Banksters, for their own profit.
15.) "NO" celebrating Catholic Saint Sylvester's Eve the night of December 31.
You don't know what you're doing. You
don't know what you are celebrating!
You're marching in Hitler's/the
Devils parade of days and
you don't know it!
16.) "NO" celebrating the Feast of the
PAGAN gOD Janus, on the morning of January 1
at 12:00 A.M.
17.) God's year starts in March when all the flowers and
plants and new lambs/animals are born. "NOT" in the dead of winter!
December 29 2012 Service
Sermon Highlights:
c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
c Lawrence A
c c
Lawrence A. Nowell