Latest "New" Facts/Material added to this Site
- There is NO Free Speech in Alberta, Canada
- The Demons Secret Covenant
- PROOF Humans were here 135,000 years ago and building structures over 10,000 years ago
- ILLUMINATI MEMBERS that ARE influencing “you” Today
- Christians in Canada and the USA EPHRAIM & Manasseh Israelites are living in EGYPTIAN HELL of a Police State HELL
- You are NOT allowed to make a living= TYRANNY Truth for you to know from Mr. E. Bear's Bear Notes
- Proof of the Exodus from the “REED SEA” not the Red Sea
- YOU have be surveilled/INVESTIGATED by your Government and given a "THREAT SCORE RATING" just like they do in China.
- Current Facts on Friday April 5 for April 15 Currency Reset.
- God has created things that are "INFINITE" such as the Mandelbrot Sequence
- Fractals keep changing "FOREVER"!!!!!!! The Mandlebrot Set God's creation is "INFINITE"!
- 5G "WILL" HARM you. Excellent FACTS that "YOU" must understand!
- How to choose a Marriage Partner
- Amazing photos of Modern-day Israel.
- The BLASTPHEMOUS words of the Poops
- Footage of the 40 foot high Rock that Moses struck, to supply water for 2 million Israelites, in the Sinai Desert
- "MANDATORY" CHIP Being SETUP NOW in all Countries (but Sunday Worship will be the MARK)
- Your every word IS like a water drop and water "ALSO" has a memory.
- The Satanic Pedophile Guild That Runs The Government
- Now they are using Nuclear Cooling Towers to put Moisture into the sky for Weather Modification.
- Phone calls from your Head
- They can read your Mind, and even have a car that applies the brakes when you just "think" about applying the brakes.
- Do NOT be afraid of Giants OR Demons BECAUSE Giants & Demons are sitting ducks for TRUE Christians. They are UNarmed compared to us.
- Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda blueprint for Globalist Government"
- Trump IS CAUSING The Beast to Form
- Pray that Trump gets off their hook
- 10 Ways you are being WATCHED by the Government
- We ARE in the beginnings of a Military poLICE State
- We "ARE" being TAKEN OVER by the NWO SURROUNDING Christians with phony laws claiming Bible Words/values are hate speech.
- PROOF they are using DEW Lasers to burn down California to get them off the choice land & TO stack and pack the residents later in FEMA Camps
- There is “STILL” child sacrifice to Satan in our CULTture by the elite financial MANAGERS at the TOP highest LEVELS.
- Conversation with a man with a 200 I.Q.
- Put this film OVER your computer screen to stop the blue light that can lead to LOSS OF VISION
- Possibility Hadron Collider can produce Dark Matter for DESTRUCTIVE wartime usage of GAMMA RAYS to DEFEAT the USA
- God's MAGNIFICENT Creation of Munchkin tiny cats
- BETTER Engines for people in The World Tomorrow (in addition to Free Energy Engines)
- If you invent “ANYTHING” that WORKS better than what already is sold, YOU WILL BE KILLED.
- Everything you are told is a lie. Planes did NOT cause the Twin Towers to Collapse
- The USA Congress is NOT the USA Congressional Congress.
- "YOU" (both men and women) are being STERILIZED
- "YOU" "ARE" suffering and don't realize it
- Radiation levels at Fukushima has reached 530 Sieverts per hour
- PROOF they FAKE the TV News
- Aborted babies used to flavour your food
- The Truth about Islam
- UN Flat Earth hidden right in front of your eyes.
- Master Plan for EVERY Major WAR & "TODAY'S" WORLD DOMINATION was written out in 1776
- The great Airplane Fuel HOAX
- Everything you know is A LIE
- Jet engines do NOT run on fuel
- Codes to know “IF’ you are buying GMO POISON
- A Loving God has programmed even Animals to save other animals
- Thorium should be used in Reactors, but they "want" URANIUM/Plutonium so they can MAKE Bombs.
- Under an Ionized Sky= YOU are being prepared for a “global village” lockdown
- Public Schools MUST have the "WORST" EDUCATION so that the future workers can be dumbed down
- Muslim men have been brought into every Christian country
- Proof you have been DUMBED DOWN
- Proof the Shadow Government exists
- The elite are PREPARING to make war on us
- Buy a gun you COWARDS. God hates the COWARDly. Rev 21:8
- Police, Courts and Judge, city Councilors etc. "ARE" ALL racketeering private CORPORATION EMPLOYEES.
- Chinese Stealth Invasion of the USA "IS" in progress
- God's Enclosed Flat Earth Investigation - Full Documentary [HD] Parts 1-12
- You MUST "Know" your enemy re Harassing angels/demons.
- The Catholic Church still TORTURES its nuns, See 38 minutes
- BlackOUT the Movie-Do YOU know what to do?
- YOU need to MOVE into a group For YOU to survive the coming CHAOS before we go to Jordan.
- George Washington SETTING UP the Satanic USA= Baphomet the DEVIL
- USA is the main KINGDOM OF SATAN-Proven by the FACTS
- Patent proof spraying you with Aluminum
- The "REAL" Satanic occult Don Drumpf Trump
- The Elite are NOW setting up the infrastructure to CUT OFF Christians' HEADS!
- Visual Proof the elite 1% NWO are WEAKENING/killing us NOW
- At CERN 3 Scientists were VAPORIZED while trying to open a DIMENSIONAL PORTAL using 1,800 extra super magnets CAUSING 100,000 TIMES MORE GRAVITY THAN THE EARTH ITSELF!
- Ultimate fake news but used to MOCK YOU PRIOR TO when you are REALLY beheaded in Rev 20:4
- The "TRUE" planned HISTORY of the "CROOKED LEADERSHIP" of the USA and the World, that has been conspiring against We The People since the 1900s.
- "WRITTEN" PROOF that citizens will be disarmed COMPLETELY, and you will be under the control of the United Nations.
- STOP saying it's the gun's fault, knife's fault, or the car's fault for shooting or mowing down people; or next we'll have to restrict/ban cars and knives.
- Drugging little children "IS" INSANE
- Reverse speech of televangelists
- PROOF that the Florida shooting is "ANOTHER" False Flag operation to take our guns like 9-11 was to get us into a phony war.
- Guns save LIVES=200,000 lives saved each year, and citizens kill twice as many criminals as cops.
- Classical civilization was NOT destroyed by the German Huns, Goths, and Visigoths.
- You MUST watch this to KNOW reality re the "hidden government" that rules you.
- OUT OF CONTROL corrupt poLICE have put whistleblowing citizens into mental institutions.
- Everyone's subconscious speaks in UTTERED reverse speech Proof at 20:20.
- Vaccines cause Inflammation your Brain & Spinal Cord.
- Real Leaders of the World displayed in a graph hierarchy.
- Laboratory IN DEPTH Analysis of the Chemical Trails raining down on us WORLDWIDE when they are in the "Spider Web" form
- NOT gun control but big pharma "DRUG" CONTROL IS NEEDED!
- They are spraying us with NANO PARTICLES so they can put a 3rd strand of DNA in us all.
- American Anthem is Satanic Praise to entwine/JOIN WITH Venus and Bacchus THE Devil.
- The construction of God's WHOLE World/Universe is comprised of "ONLY" electrical properties.
- Football and Hockey AND Soap Operas for women are DESIGNED to distract you from IMPORTANT ISSUES.
- Flat Earth extra anecdotal proof.
- More proof the earth is flat.
- Suppressed Antigravity Inventions and Philadelphia Experiment explained
- The TRUTH was ALREADY broadcast in 1981
- "ONLY" listen to music at 432 Hz TUNING "NOT" 440 as 432 is the "FREQUENCY" that ALLOWS YOUR BODY TO HEAL
- The 'Freeman Sovereignty Movement around the world "DOES" WIN in Court "if" you do everything PERFECTLY.
- CARRY A WEAPON when you are on thin ice, so you WON'T be defenseless
- Cops "LOVE" shooting civilians "JUST" for traffic tickets
- More Police abuse citizens. It isn't 1 bad apple, because they all cover up for each other which MAKES them ALL BAD APPLES.
- The 1% that is in control "IS" NOW killing everyone on earth with CHEMICAL TRAILS
- You will be marked with a purple tattoo as a Bible believer
- Who is CONTROLLING THE WORLD "EXPLAINED" since the Eighteen Hundreds to today is explained for you.
- At 3:30 Trump STATES I am a Mason
- Effects on you from your being irradiated by Cell Phone towers.
- Never talk to police BECAUSE you WILL have MORE trouble than if you stayed silent.
- Determine your personality from this picture.
- Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies WILL BE controlled by the Beast Power.
- 5 G & Wireless Transmitters in front of your Home will HARM YOU. The Mobile Now Act will HARM you.
- Heartbreaking: WHY a starving STRAY cat won't accept food UNLESS IT IS IN A BAG
- You can travel FASTER THAN LIGHT
- Photo PROOF US soldiers are protecting Cocaine/Poppy Fields in Afghanistan
- FDA is "PREVENTING" cancer cures & is a Rogue agency of Rogues=A Gestapo of 100,000 Federal Agents that PREVENT your health
- Exposing that the FDA "IS" PREVENTING your Health
- Twitter Programmer admits to Banning/Disappearing Postings=Shadow Banning Accounts that talk about Religion
- Pope's "bent" cross IS used by Satanists to represent the Antichrist, NOT Christ
- The 1% Elite "ARE" KILLING US as 2017 had the GREATEST NUMBER of man-made KILLING EVENTS
- Reactor "SCRAM" Massachusetts Nuclear Reactor running with EMERGENCY Diesel Generators Friday January 5, 2018.
- Artificial Intelligence as of November 2017. See Sophia the robot lecturing and interacting at 9 minutes
- The United Nations "IS" NOW positioning for the takeover of the United States
- The Republicans "AND" THE DEMOCRATE are totally all corrupt using INSIDER TRADING as PROVEN by the FACTS
- The Six Stages of Religious Persecution
- New USA Zumwalt-Class Destroyers
- Amish Medical Treatments
- Tesla's statement about Einstein's E=mc2
- The elite are POISONING YOU/depopulating you RIGHT NOW with packaging poisons.
- Get in TOUCH with God's creation
- 12 manmade "UFOs" to know of, so you cannot be deceived by the arriving "false" messiah
- PROOF that the Internet is censored in the USA
- EU GPS System will interfere with the USA's Military GPS System
- FEMA Re-Education Camp Manual
- Directed Energy Weapons "ARE" destroying the West Coast California.
- ALL Satanic Governments "ARE" spraying Aluminum on you
- How God "SPOKE" the world into existence.
- Proof Faster than Light Black Budget Antigravity Technology is Real.
- 10 WAYS your Government is Killing you.
- Worms and Metallic filaments ARE pouring down on you
- Best picture of where Korea is
- The Dumbing Down of our Children
- 200 PROOFS that the Earth is NOT NOT NOT spinning but is flat and stationary
- How NASA "fakes" everything
- The Shadow Government RULES the USA
- The Photon holds the code for life
- USA $ Fiat currencies in a hyperinflationary collapse against Bitcoin
- Dinosaur horn PROVES evolution is a phony theory
- Fear and RESPECT God because God "HAS" killed an estimated 25 Million
- CERN causing miniature black holes could be causing the Mandela Effect.
- Our reality of that which we see is NOT the entirety of reality. Thus proving a Spiritual Dimension at 10:00.
- Explanation of what Cern is REALLY DOING!
- Do NOT NOT NOT put any money in your bank
- Bigfoot Information FRIGHTENING yet entertaining
- A synthetic gene is going to be PUT INTO your own DNA via Vaccines
- You are NOT allowed to live off the Grid
- Give a man a badge and a gun and he can do whatever he wants to a Christian
- The Government MURDER of 2 citizens (wife and son) on Ruby Ridge
- California fires are ENGINEERED because you can't melt glass at 2,800 degrees in a 1.100 degree forest fire
- The Satanic Elite "ARE" KILLING everyone who could expose their lies
- The History of Gun Control- History "WILL" repeat itself
- To Obey Christ Jesus you MUST Buy a Gun
- The bond between an animal and its caregiver & human friend
- You "ARE" SURROUNDED by the gOD Saturn, everything AROUND YOU is depicted as Saturn
- TO COG PROPHECY: Genetically modified SOLDIERS= Joel 2 is "NOW" being fulfilled!
- Most Isolated "warm" place to live that speaks English
- Household Items you can use as a Weapon to defend yourself from a Home Invasion.
- Magnetic brain stimulation reduces belief in God
- How to setup your bugout escape location to be safe from animals
- They ARE tricking you again to focus on the wrong events. Mr. Bear is the ONLY preacher who knows what is going on!
- They are putting Frequencies INSIDE YOU to make you think a certain way AND feel a certain way
- YOU are CARRYING a LUCIFER representation IN YOUR POCKET= the all-seeing eye
- PROPHECY of what will HAPPEN in THE FUTURE=The 1% Elite are playing you like a fiddle
- Vietnam War has NOTHING to do with defending the USA Homeland
- How police can illegally Arrest you & put you in a PSYC WARD for NO REASON
- You carry MOLOCH the owl gOD ON YOU wherever you go with the all-seeing pyramid eye and the words New World Order on the other side of the dollar bill.
- Dinosaurs and Humanoids (not Adam's people) Coexisted: They lived together, 65 million years ago.
- Oil in the earth is NOT created from dead plants and dead dinosaurs.
- 40 Truths “YOU” do not know
- DAILY Venezuelan RIOTS against the USA puppet government of President Nicolas Maduro.
- Manipulating the Weather "EVIDENCE"
- Historical pictures of USA made UFOs & Nephilim UFOs.
- USA made flying saucer with triangular shape= TR3.
- SATANIC Merkel putting hiding flag.
- Proof your leaders are insane PROGRAMMING/telling children to tell Muslims: My country belongs to you Muslims
- Muslims KILL you IF you speak out and your Government leaders have gone CRAZY.
- Schools TEACHING boys to dress up as girls and girls to dress up as boys.
- Our Leaders made a deal in 1995 to bring in Muslims
- The value of today's dollar is 4 cents.
- Muslims are randomly KILLING & SHOOTING so many people in Denmark, that Denmark had to call its ARMY out to patrol streets.
- Executive Order 13603 states they will take away your FOOD and CAR, your WATER and your MEDICINE and send you to a WAR.
- The True Cause Of Eclipses; Real Footage - Flat Earth
- Moon proved to be IN "FRONT" OF the CLOUDS
- Jews who changed their names.
- 10 “PROOFS” of the flat earth.
- William F. Dankenbring pastor and founder of Triumph Prophetic Ministries died.
- The ZigZag eclipse path is IMPOSSIBLE= the path HAS TO BE straight=NO zigags. Here is the Flat Earth CORRECT DIAGRAM
- USA has been at WAR for 222 years= 93% of the time since 1776
- 2 total Eclipses during coming 7 years= The Sign of Jonah
- YOU are being "POISONED" and don't know it.
- 10 hidden satanic symbols on USA currency bills
- ACTUAL high altitude balloon video “VISUALLY PROVING” the
earth is FLAT
- People who you look up to that were HORRIBLE people
- YOU know NOTHING about the World, HERE is what you NEED to KNOW:
- There are NO Jews in Israel, only Satanic Talmud following Khazars
- There are no Jews in Israel & Seipherot Tree Count is Babylonian Gnosticism
- You CAN get away from them, proven by this video.
- The earth is flat “NOT” round
- You have to pay 97 TAXES=PAYING HALF of everything you earn=you ARE A SLAVE
- Scientific Proof That The Earth Does Not Rotate
- Actual PICTURES of Fairies & Fairy Skeletons
- Since 1936 foods that "YOU" eat have NONE of the "necessary" life sustaining/giving MINERALS
- Do you foolish 21st century people really feel qualified to discuss ANYTHING about the 1st Century WAYS.
- 256 year old man
- There are NO JEWS in Israel, only POLISH KHAZARS.
- At the second of conception an instantaneous communication link between a human being and God is created.
- How to stay out of the FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
- GIANTS: The Smithsonian: We Destroyed the Skeletons of Giant Humans
- Scientific PROOFS that the earth is flat.
- The twin towers were blown up (by previously implanted bombs)
- How to Avoid FEMA Camps
- The war on terror is a WAR ON “YOU”.
- Global Warming “IS” a Hoax
- Chart of “WHO” REALLY runs this world:
- PROOF that there was NO INTERFERENCE by Russia in the election. PERIOD.
- Depopulation & FEMA Camps
- Six Deceptions Needed for Agenda 21 that you have been fooled by, and the list of evil things they are NOW doing to you.
- Free Electricity for you=10,000 Watts continuous power out of the Aether/air
- DNA Confirms Fallen Angels Mated With Humans!
- Executive Orders that take away your Property, and location of FEMA Camps
- Multiple Suns Rise OVER Halifax Nova Scotia Feb 4, 2015 NIBIRU Approaches
- Elite Prepare for Planet Nibiru- Construction of Fallout Shelters Intensifies- NASA in Denial
- At 26 minutes PROOF that Blood is falling/being SPRAYED on you from the sky!
- Chemtrails are designed to CHANGE HUMANITY “INTO” ANOTHER SPECIES
- How Doctors put you on a child abuse list if you question them. ANOTHER" Vaccine disaster Horror story of a Vaccine DAMAGED healthy child
- YOU could be USED as a GUINEA PIG and NOT be told. This is a free pass for big pharma to use all of us as GUINEA PIGS
- Doctors KILL over a ¼ Million people EACH year.
- How to SURVIVE the Chemical Trails sprayed on you daily
- Visual PROOF that Grand Canyon has 10 year old Pyramids inside.
- God MADE the coolest looking Frog ever.
- Secret Government Devices: Touchless Torture Ch 6/9 Techno Torture Devices
- HAARP locations REVEALED
- Exposing the FDA-The FDA Drugs have KILLED “MORE” people than all the Wars combined.
- The TRUE “FACTS” about SUPPRESSING THE CURES for Cancer. The Forbidden Cures!
- Bacteria can eat/dispose of NUCLEAR radioactive waste
- I told you so- before Trump was elected that it is 2 Satanic groups that are fighting it out
- This “IS” what your city in going to look like.
- Satan’s plan “IS” through immigration to ruin the purity of the DIFFERENT races.
- Fantastic Map of Jerusalem "AND" Temple in 1st Century
- The Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion
- HAARP is used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism.
- "Terrorists Are US" WAKE UP sheeple: 7 Countries the USA planned to destroy including Syria
- Jesuits "ARE" in control of the Catholic church today & nearly ALL of our Leaders were & are Satan worshipers
- Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL about "Illuminati, Satanism, & Pedophile Rings," IN your GOVERNMENT!
- The Mandelbrot Set: The more you break a line the longer it gets. An incredible mathematical formula explaining fractals and geometry!
- CIA has infected ALL Apple Macintosh Computers and your I-phone via spying implants outside the hard drive, so that it cannot be removed.
- World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer was abused/tortured by police in Pasadena California USA
- Detoxifying Chemtrail Pollutants & Nuclear Fallout
- How to neutralize Radiation/nuclear waste at 9:30 minutes
- Chemtrails Exposed by Doctors, Physicists, Pilots, Bio Chemists
- Trump KEEPS ALL THIS SHITE GOING ON=Trump "is" BUILDING USA DEBT by another 10 TRILLION to 30 TRILLION to get us invaded by China for NON-PAYMENT
- The LAST SECRET/3rd Secret of Fatima.
- Proof that NASA "IS" planning to kill YOU. Everyone MUST hear this.
- Scaler energy These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy the zero-point energy
- VACCINE campaign to scare people
- The “REAL” History of WWI caused by the Khazars
- Visual “PROOF” Michelle (Michael) Obama has “balls” and a “penis”.
- Michelson Morley Experiment “proves” the earth is stationary; and that there “IS” an Aether necessary for light to travel in.
- We have our own “flying saucers”= the TR3B 600 foot Antigravity Spacecraft
- Nasa Hoax: Thrusters In Vacuum Proven Impossible With Math
- Demolishing Einstein's "theory" of Relativity
- The “MANIPULATION” of “YOU” citizens.
- The Quantum Physics of Spirituality.
- Temple Architectural Plan
- Temple Tour & Tour of Jerusalem’s Holy Sites
- The cause of “EVERY” WAR in the last 100 years was because of “FAKE NEWS”
- Strategic Relocation & the New World Order tricks to fool you
- The USA and Canada "IS" under SLAVERY/Oppression but some of "THE REST OF THE WORLD WAS FREE"!
- Must Gather Together in Townsend.
- No matter that Trump was elected, 90% of you will still be killed.
- There “WILL” BE Civil WAR in the USA.
- Everything you are told is WRONG about Adam’s family.
- More information on 666 Trump
- Trump’s 86 Lies.
- The TRUTH about Abraham Lincoln.
- SOUL/SPIRIT COOKING is done by Hillary Clinton
- Dangers of Chemtrails
- Demon “Possessed” & MENTALLY ILL Women
- The News is READ by presTITUTES
- Vaccines containing the nagalase enzyme protein IS responsible for alarming increases in childhood cancer and autism.
- Proof that “YOU” ARE a Terrorist
- How to repair your Credit Card
- 4 WAYS the Illuminati will trick you into “THINKING” Christ has returned.
- Pope Francis Worships Lucifer at Easter Mass
- Trump “IS” a Satanist. Here is “MORE” ACTUAL PICTURE “PROOF”:
- Their Timing "IS" collapse BEFORE XMAS= Say GOODBYE to the good Life after Black Friday.
- Blaming President Assad for the deaths in Syria is another USA LIE
- Science “PROVING” the Illuminati “ARE” killing you with Chemtrails
- Do "NOT" eat bread or pasta.
- How “THEY” alter the computers’ election results.
- As of November 4 2016 Paris Agreement, we are Governed by the UN.
- 61 Top Bankers MURDERED in 14 months
- YOU are NOT allowed to Know, about Continuity Of Government according to the USA scheming Senators
- Pat Buchannan is a member of the most powerful Satanic group
- Why they “HATE” US
- Wonderful facial expression of trust that God gave His creatures
- Intravenous Chemotherapy is toxic.
- Most cancer patients die “FROM” chemotherapy RADIATION, NOT from cancer.
- Brain damage possible from children’s Vaccine
- We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public "BELIEVES" is FALSE. By Willian Casey
- Leave a false trail=learn these TACTICS starting at 6:40
- Americans “DON”T” elect the president. The Electoral College does.
- Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church
- The World’s Leaders “ALL” want to depopulate the planet by 90%.
- Free Electricity for all people in the world.
- Elections are All a SHAM, PHONY STAGED SHOW.
- Trump is WORSE than Hitlary
- From the book: Secrets, Lies and Democracy:
- How they will open the “BOTTOMLESS PIT”
- Explanation of Space and Time=ALL of time has ALREADY BEEN created.
- THE Great Deception of Man's History : Illuminati NWO Freemason Antichrist UFO Alien Demon
- Enumeration of Conspiracy Facts
- Financial Martial Law WILL take your Retirement Pension Account!
- They can turn you into a class of SLAVES.
- The Voice of God Weapon of Deception.
- Illuminati for Dummies
- The Government Satanists ARE planning to starve us into submission.
- PROOF Wal-Marts “ARE” being converted into Prison Camps! Welcome to Nazi Germany
- Pokemon is Satanic and stands for Pocket Monster and Polyworld to mesmerize your enemy
- Monsanto is DESTROYING people lives.
- Memorize this SO YOU CAN HELP during the 1000 years.
- What Nano Aluminum particles in Chemical Trails are DOING to your MIND.
- Chemtrail devil pilots, have their Transponders turned off.
- Take the TIME to read this “IF” you REALLY want to understand the Real Satanic World.
- NOTHING has changed in PHONY WARS in 300 years.
- List of 50 DEAD/Murdered people that were involved with the Clintons
- Cops’ daily attitude is to KILL YOU> Here is photo PROOF:
- “NOT” Accidental 61 dead Bankers, 76 dead Scientists all in 25 months. NOT. They were all MURDERED by the Shadow Government for not co-operating.
- Nothing on TV News is correct or factual.
- Smart Dust particles to Kill “YOU” causing Cytokine Cascade causing your immune system to turn against you.
- How the elite “CREATE” the herd mentality in you.
- Nanites have been sprayed on “you”.
- Nearly 1,200 citizens MURDERED by USA Police in 2015. Count of murders in each State.
- Tuning the A on your instrument to 432 Hz (NOT 440 Hz), creates Harmony with the Universe.
- Mandela Effect
- 7 Prong/Fronts ATTACK against the USA and Canada by Russians and Chinese.
- How it will be done to kill 90% of Canadians and Americans.
- CERN is turned on to cause people to become unstable.
- We will pay people to build roads WITHOUT governments
- Government STEALS “MORE” MONEY from you than the criminals.
- The SECRET of NIKOLA TESLA (HD) – The Movie
- Einstein’s “theory” of Relativity is entirely wrong & there is NO “Vacuum Void”, & that everything is ENERGY. FIRST was ENERGY “then” matter.
- NEAR MISS 2016 Spent FUEL FIRE at ANY USA REACTOR will dwarf the RADIATION in Japan
- We’re dealing with a Power Structure of leaders who are clinically INSANE.
- "HOW" to KNOW if you are a Girl or a Boy
- You must MUST "MUST" SEE THIS "HOW" you have been TRICKED
- Satanic Bloodlines CONTROL the World
- New World Order that will be worse than Hitler’s New World Order
- Micro Nukes & Thermite used on 9-11
- Proof of "HOW" and "Why" ALL Wars are caused!
- Agenda 21 They’re MURDERING us NOW
- PROOF the RICH Elite "ARE" moving the USA into Communism
- See what Love Yah CREATED
- We ARE in TOTALITARISM NOW. They murdered author of this movie-Crowley & his family.
- Heart attack gun used since 1970s
- RESIST= Don't let SATANIST Muslims "LIE" to you
- Politicians ARE facilitating an INVASION, not humanitarianism
- Wal-Marts and Schools fitted with Guard Towers to become Detention Roundup Centers
- Understand the "LEVEL" of Evil that "IS" coming upon Christians: The NDAA ACT states Christian DISSENTERS "CAN BE" LOCKED IN a FEMA Camp, KILLED, & FM 41.39 your home will be LOOTED by Chinese & Russian Troops
- Our Satanic leaders will deliberately provoke and deliberately lose the first part of WWIII
- Homer Simpson “Predicts” Mass of the Higgs Boson Particle, “years” before it is discovered.
- Proof our World “IS” SATANIC
- Conspiracies- Titanic:The Ship That Never Sank
- The Titanic "WAS" an Inside Job
- CERN meltdown cover up
- CERN Accident could have damaged over100 Cyclotrons on earth.
- Cern Particle Colliders- Portal_ Strange deaths associated with CERN Global Scale Theoretical and Applied Gravity/Loop Quantum/Many Worlds/ Proof of Parallel Universes
- A completely NEW view of our Galaxy!
- Russian nuclear warheads have been powering USA reactors!
- Detax Canada
- Producing More Energy than it Consumed
- Free Energy Explained
- Batteries that never go dead
- The real cause of Fukushima
- YOUR Leaders are ALL "SATANISTS", actual photographic visual proof.
- Shroud of Turin is a Fake
- The Sun is not what we have been told
- "Best" UFO Sightings
- Nephilim Annunaki and the Sumerian giant skeletons
- Martin Luther King Junior, the Drum Major.
- The Complete Idiots Guide to the New World Order.
- A Winter Soldier speaks out how your Illumanati Satanist Government Leaders "ARE" your enemy.
- Visual "PROOF" your corrupt Government is arming itself "INSIDE" the USA to make WAR on "YOU".
- Passover-the FUTURE
- GOD Particle perhaps found that creates Matter!
- Agenda 21 for Dummies
- Lucifer HAS been planning THIS for 70 years
- The 90% culling/KILLING of the World has "STARTED"
- USA Internment Camps for those who disagree with the Beast
- Mind Control Parasite
- Canada Admits - Alien Technology Operated by the USA
- Hymn - The Church has one Foundation
- They’re DEMONS want to possess you.
- Best UFO sightings of August 2013.
Bible Mirror Articles
Obedient Church of God Pakistan newest MEMBER pictures
Sermons Videos
236.) click here for Sermon of
> August 17,
2013 All wars are Banksters Wars: Best Summation= Best "OVERVIEW" PROOF ever!
Sermons Audios