Latest "New" Facts/Material added to this Site
There is NO Free Speech in Alberta, Canada
The Demons Secret Covenant
PROOF Humans were here 135,000 years ago and building structures over 10,000 years ago
ILLUMINATI MEMBERS that ARE influencing “you” Today
Christians in Canada and the USA EPHRAIM & Manasseh Israelites are living in EGYPTIAN HELL of a Police State HELL
You are NOT allowed to make a living= TYRANNY Truth for you to know from Mr. E. Bear's Bear Notes
Proof of the Exodus from the “REED SEA” not the Red Sea
YOU have be surveilled/INVESTIGATED by your Government and given a "THREAT SCORE RATING" just like they do in China.
Current Facts on Friday April 5 for April 15 Currency Reset.
God has created things that are "INFINITE" such as the Mandelbrot Sequence
Fractals keep changing "FOREVER"!!!!!!! The Mandlebrot Set God's creation is "INFINITE"!
5G "WILL" HARM you. Excellent FACTS that "YOU" must understand!
How to choose a Marriage Partner
Amazing photos of Modern-day Israel.
The BLASTPHEMOUS words of the Poops
Footage of the 40 foot high Rock that Moses struck, to supply water for 2 million Israelites, in the Sinai Desert
"MANDATORY" CHIP Being SETUP NOW in all Countries (but Sunday Worship will be the MARK)
Your every word IS like a water drop and water "ALSO" has a memory.
The Satanic Pedophile Guild That Runs The Government
Now they are using Nuclear Cooling Towers to put Moisture into the sky for Weather Modification.
Phone calls from your Head
They can read your Mind, and even have a car that applies the brakes when you just "think" about applying the brakes.
Do NOT be afraid of Giants OR Demons BECAUSE Giants & Demons are sitting ducks for TRUE Christians. They are UNarmed compared to us.
Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda blueprint for Globalist Government"
Trump IS CAUSING The Beast to Form
Pray that Trump gets off their hook
10 Ways you are being WATCHED by the Government
We ARE in the beginnings of a Military poLICE State
We "ARE" being TAKEN OVER by the NWO SURROUNDING Christians with phony laws claiming Bible Words/values are hate speech.
PROOF they are using DEW Lasers to burn down California to get them off the choice land & TO stack and pack the residents later in FEMA Camps
There is “STILL” child sacrifice to Satan in our CULTture by the elite financial MANAGERS at the TOP highest LEVELS.
Conversation with a man with a 200 I.Q.
Put this film OVER your computer screen to stop the blue light that can lead to LOSS OF VISION
Possibility Hadron Collider can produce Dark Matter for DESTRUCTIVE wartime usage of GAMMA RAYS to DEFEAT the USA
God's MAGNIFICENT Creation of Munchkin tiny cats
BETTER Engines for people in The World Tomorrow (in addition to Free Energy Engines)
If you invent “ANYTHING” that WORKS better than what already is sold, YOU WILL BE KILLED.
Everything you are told is a lie. Planes did NOT cause the Twin Towers to Collapse
The USA Congress is NOT the USA Congressional Congress.
"YOU" (both men and women) are being STERILIZED
"YOU" "ARE" suffering and don't realize it
Radiation levels at Fukushima has reached 530 Sieverts per hour
PROOF they FAKE the TV News
Aborted babies used to flavour your food
The Truth about Islam
UN Flat Earth hidden right in front of your eyes.
Master Plan for EVERY Major WAR & "TODAY'S" WORLD DOMINATION was written out in 1776
The great Airplane Fuel HOAX
Everything you know is A LIE
Jet engines do NOT run on fuel
Codes to know “IF’ you are buying GMO POISON
A Loving God has programmed even Animals to save other animals
Thorium should be used in Reactors, but they "want" URANIUM/Plutonium so they can MAKE Bombs.
Under an Ionized Sky= YOU are being prepared for a “global village” lockdown
Public Schools MUST have the "WORST" EDUCATION so that the future workers can be dumbed down
Muslim men have been brought into every Christian country
Proof you have been DUMBED DOWN
Proof the Shadow Government exists
The elite are PREPARING to make war on us
Buy a gun you COWARDS. God hates the COWARDly. Rev 21:8
Police, Courts and Judge, city Councilors etc. "ARE" ALL racketeering private CORPORATION EMPLOYEES.
Chinese Stealth Invasion of the USA "IS" in progress
God's Enclosed Flat Earth Investigation - Full Documentary [HD] Parts 1-12
You MUST "Know" your enemy re Harassing angels/demons.
The Catholic Church still TORTURES its nuns, See 38 minutes
BlackOUT the Movie-Do YOU know what to do?
YOU need to MOVE into a group For YOU to survive the coming CHAOS before we go to Jordan.
George Washington SETTING UP the Satanic USA= Baphomet the DEVIL
USA is the main KINGDOM OF SATAN-Proven by the FACTS
Patent proof spraying you with Aluminum
The "REAL" Satanic occult Don Drumpf Trump
The Elite are NOW setting up the infrastructure to CUT OFF Christians' HEADS!
Visual Proof the elite 1% NWO are WEAKENING/killing us NOW
At CERN 3 Scientists were VAPORIZED while trying to open a DIMENSIONAL PORTAL using 1,800 extra super magnets CAUSING 100,000 TIMES MORE GRAVITY THAN THE EARTH ITSELF!
Ultimate fake news but used to MOCK YOU PRIOR TO when you are REALLY beheaded in Rev 20:4
The "TRUE" planned HISTORY of the "CROOKED LEADERSHIP" of the USA and the World, that has been conspiring against We The People since the 1900s.
"WRITTEN" PROOF that citizens will be disarmed COMPLETELY, and you will be under the control of the United Nations.
STOP saying it's the gun's fault, knife's fault, or the car's fault for shooting or mowing down people; or next we'll have to restrict/ban cars and knives.
Drugging little children "IS" INSANE
Reverse speech of televangelists
PROOF that the Florida shooting is "ANOTHER" False Flag operation to take our guns like 9-11 was to get us into a phony war.
Guns save LIVES=200,000 lives saved each year, and citizens kill twice as many criminals as cops.
Classical civilization was NOT destroyed by the German Huns, Goths, and Visigoths.
You MUST watch this to KNOW reality re the "hidden government" that rules you.
OUT OF CONTROL corrupt poLICE have put whistleblowing citizens into mental institutions.
Everyone's subconscious speaks in UTTERED reverse speech Proof at 20:20.
Vaccines cause Inflammation your Brain & Spinal Cord.
Real Leaders of the World displayed in a graph hierarchy.
Laboratory IN DEPTH Analysis of the Chemical Trails raining down on us WORLDWIDE when they are in the "Spider Web" form
NOT gun control but big pharma "DRUG" CONTROL IS NEEDED!
They are spraying us with NANO PARTICLES so they can put a 3rd strand of DNA in us all.
American Anthem is Satanic Praise to entwine/JOIN WITH Venus and Bacchus THE Devil.
The construction of God's WHOLE World/Universe is comprised of "ONLY" electrical properties.
Football and Hockey AND Soap Operas for women are DESIGNED to distract you from IMPORTANT ISSUES.
Flat Earth extra anecdotal proof.
More proof the earth is flat.
Suppressed Antigravity Inventions and Philadelphia Experiment explained
The TRUTH was ALREADY broadcast in 1981
"ONLY" listen to music at 432 Hz TUNING "NOT" 440 as 432 is the "FREQUENCY" that ALLOWS YOUR BODY TO HEAL
The 'Freeman Sovereignty Movement around the world "DOES" WIN in Court "if" you do everything PERFECTLY.
CARRY A WEAPON when you are on thin ice, so you WON'T be defenseless
Cops "LOVE" shooting civilians "JUST" for traffic tickets
More Police abuse citizens. It isn't 1 bad apple, because they all cover up for each other which MAKES them ALL BAD APPLES.
The 1% that is in control "IS" NOW killing everyone on earth with CHEMICAL TRAILS
You will be marked with a purple tattoo as a Bible believer
Who is CONTROLLING THE WORLD "EXPLAINED" since the Eighteen Hundreds to today is explained for you.
At 3:30 Trump STATES I am a Mason
Effects on you from your being irradiated by Cell Phone towers.
Never talk to police BECAUSE you WILL have MORE trouble than if you stayed silent.
Determine your personality from this picture.
Bitcoin and all other crypto currencies WILL BE controlled by the Beast Power.
5 G & Wireless Transmitters in front of your Home will HARM YOU. The Mobile Now Act will HARM you.
Heartbreaking: WHY a starving STRAY cat won't accept food UNLESS IT IS IN A BAG
You can travel FASTER THAN LIGHT
Photo PROOF US soldiers are protecting Cocaine/Poppy Fields in Afghanistan
FDA is "PREVENTING" cancer cures & is a Rogue agency of Rogues=A Gestapo of 100,000 Federal Agents that PREVENT your health
Exposing that the FDA "IS" PREVENTING your Health
Twitter Programmer admits to Banning/Disappearing Postings=Shadow Banning Accounts that talk about Religion
Pope's "bent" cross IS used by Satanists to represent the Antichrist, NOT Christ
The 1% Elite "ARE" KILLING US as 2017 had the GREATEST NUMBER of man-made KILLING EVENTS
Reactor "SCRAM" Massachusetts Nuclear Reactor running with EMERGENCY Diesel Generators Friday January 5, 2018.
Artificial Intelligence as of November 2017. See Sophia the robot lecturing and interacting at 9 minutes
The United Nations "IS" NOW positioning for the takeover of the United States
The Republicans "AND" THE DEMOCRATE are totally all corrupt using INSIDER TRADING as PROVEN by the FACTS
The Six Stages of Religious Persecution
New USA Zumwalt-Class Destroyers
Amish Medical Treatments
Tesla's statement about Einstein's E=mc2
The elite are POISONING YOU/depopulating you RIGHT NOW with packaging poisons.
Get in TOUCH with God's creation
12 manmade "UFOs" to know of, so you cannot be deceived by the arriving "false" messiah
PROOF that the Internet is censored in the USA
EU GPS System will interfere with the USA's Military GPS System
FEMA Re-Education Camp Manual
Directed Energy Weapons "ARE" destroying the West Coast California.
ALL Satanic Governments "ARE" spraying Aluminum on you
How God "SPOKE" the world into existence.
Proof Faster than Light Black Budget Antigravity Technology is Real.
10 WAYS your Government is Killing you.
Worms and Metallic filaments ARE pouring down on you
Best picture of where Korea is
The Dumbing Down of our Children
200 PROOFS that the Earth is NOT NOT NOT spinning but is flat and stationary
How NASA "fakes" everything
The Shadow Government RULES the USA
The Photon holds the code for life
USA $ Fiat currencies in a hyperinflationary collapse against Bitcoin
Dinosaur horn PROVES evolution is a phony theory
Fear and RESPECT God because God "HAS" killed an estimated 25 Million
CERN causing miniature black holes could be causing the Mandela Effect.
Our reality of that which we see is NOT the entirety of reality. Thus proving a Spiritual Dimension at 10:00.
Explanation of what Cern is REALLY DOING!
Do NOT NOT NOT put any money in your bank
Bigfoot Information FRIGHTENING yet entertaining
A synthetic gene is going to be PUT INTO your own DNA via Vaccines
You are NOT allowed to live off the Grid
Give a man a badge and a gun and he can do whatever he wants to a Christian
The Government MURDER of 2 citizens (wife and son) on Ruby Ridge
California fires are ENGINEERED because you can't melt glass at 2,800 degrees in a 1.100 degree forest fire
The Satanic Elite "ARE" KILLING everyone who could expose their lies
The History of Gun Control- History "WILL" repeat itself
To Obey Christ Jesus you MUST Buy a Gun
The bond between an animal and its caregiver & human friend
You "ARE" SURROUNDED by the gOD Saturn, everything AROUND YOU is depicted as Saturn
TO COG PROPHECY: Genetically modified SOLDIERS= Joel 2 is "NOW" being fulfilled!
Most Isolated "warm" place to live that speaks English
Household Items you can use as a Weapon to defend yourself from a Home Invasion.
Magnetic brain stimulation reduces belief in God
How to setup your bugout escape location to be safe from animals
They ARE tricking you again to focus on the wrong events. Mr. Bear is the ONLY preacher who knows what is going on!
They are putting Frequencies INSIDE YOU to make you think a certain way AND feel a certain way
YOU are CARRYING a LUCIFER representation IN YOUR POCKET= the all-seeing eye
PROPHECY of what will HAPPEN in THE FUTURE=The 1% Elite are playing you like a fiddle
Vietnam War has NOTHING to do with defending the USA Homeland
How police can illegally Arrest you & put you in a PSYC WARD for NO REASON
You carry MOLOCH the owl gOD ON YOU wherever you go with the all-seeing pyramid eye and the words New World Order on the other side of the dollar bill.
Dinosaurs and Humanoids (not Adam's people) Coexisted: They lived together, 65 million years ago.
Oil in the earth is NOT created from dead plants and dead dinosaurs.
40 Truths “YOU” do not know
DAILY Venezuelan RIOTS against the USA puppet government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Manipulating the Weather "EVIDENCE"
Historical pictures of USA made UFOs & Nephilim UFOs.
USA made flying saucer with triangular shape= TR3.
SATANIC Merkel putting hiding flag.
Proof your leaders are insane PROGRAMMING/telling children to tell Muslims: My country belongs to you Muslims
Muslims KILL you IF you speak out and your Government leaders have gone CRAZY.
Schools TEACHING boys to dress up as girls and girls to dress up as boys.
Our Leaders made a deal in 1995 to bring in Muslims
The value of today's dollar is 4 cents.
Muslims are randomly KILLING & SHOOTING so many people in Denmark, that Denmark had to call its ARMY out to patrol streets.
Executive Order 13603 states they will take away your FOOD and CAR, your WATER and your MEDICINE and send you to a WAR.
The True Cause Of Eclipses; Real Footage - Flat Earth
Moon proved to be IN "FRONT" OF the CLOUDS
Jews who changed their names.
10 “PROOFS” of the flat earth.
William F. Dankenbring pastor and founder of Triumph Prophetic Ministries died.
The ZigZag eclipse path is IMPOSSIBLE= the path HAS TO BE straight=NO zigags. Here is the Flat Earth CORRECT DIAGRAM
USA has been at WAR for 222 years= 93% of the time since 1776
2 total Eclipses during coming 7 years= The Sign of Jonah
YOU are being "POISONED" and don't know it.
10 hidden satanic symbols on USA currency bills
ACTUAL high altitude balloon video “VISUALLY PROVING” the
earth is FLAT
People who you look up to that were HORRIBLE people
YOU know NOTHING about the World, HERE is what you NEED to KNOW:
There are NO Jews in Israel, only Satanic Talmud following Khazars
There are no Jews in Israel & Seipherot Tree Count is Babylonian Gnosticism
You CAN get away from them, proven by this video.
The earth is flat “NOT” round
You have to pay 97 TAXES=PAYING HALF of everything you earn=you ARE A SLAVE
Scientific Proof That The Earth Does Not Rotate
Actual PICTURES of Fairies & Fairy Skeletons
Since 1936 foods that "YOU" eat have NONE of the "necessary" life sustaining/giving MINERALS
Do you foolish 21st century people really feel qualified to discuss ANYTHING about the 1st Century WAYS.
256 year old man
There are NO JEWS in Israel, only POLISH KHAZARS.
At the second of conception an instantaneous communication link between a human being and God is created.
How to stay out of the FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS.
GIANTS: The Smithsonian: We Destroyed the Skeletons of Giant Humans
Scientific PROOFS that the earth is flat.
The twin towers were blown up (by previously implanted bombs)
How to Avoid FEMA Camps
The war on terror is a WAR ON “YOU”.
Global Warming “IS” a Hoax
Chart of “WHO” REALLY runs this world:
PROOF that there was NO INTERFERENCE by Russia in the election. PERIOD.
Depopulation & FEMA Camps
Six Deceptions Needed for Agenda 21 that you have been fooled by, and the list of evil things they are NOW doing to you.
Free Electricity for you=10,000 Watts continuous power out of the Aether/air
DNA Confirms Fallen Angels Mated With Humans!
Executive Orders that take away your Property, and location of FEMA Camps
Multiple Suns Rise OVER Halifax Nova Scotia Feb 4, 2015 NIBIRU Approaches
Elite Prepare for Planet Nibiru- Construction of Fallout Shelters Intensifies- NASA in Denial
At 26 minutes PROOF that Blood is falling/being SPRAYED on you from the sky!
How Doctors put you on a child abuse list if you question them. ANOTHER" Vaccine disaster Horror story of a Vaccine DAMAGED healthy child
YOU could be USED as a GUINEA PIG and NOT be told. This is a free pass for big pharma to use all of us as GUINEA PIGS
Doctors KILL over a ¼ Million people EACH year.
How to SURVIVE the Chemical Trails sprayed on you daily
Visual PROOF that Grand Canyon has 10 year old Pyramids inside.
God MADE the coolest looking Frog ever.
Secret Government Devices: Touchless Torture Ch 6/9 Techno Torture Devices
Exposing the FDA-The FDA Drugs have KILLED “MORE” people than all the Wars combined.
The TRUE “FACTS” about SUPPRESSING THE CURES for Cancer. The Forbidden Cures!
Bacteria can eat/dispose of NUCLEAR radioactive waste
I told you so- before Trump was elected that it is 2 Satanic groups that are fighting it out
This “IS” what your city in going to look like.
Satan’s plan “IS” through immigration to ruin the purity of the DIFFERENT races.
Fantastic Map of Jerusalem "AND" Temple in 1st Century
The Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion
HAARP is used to terminate or manipulate would-be dissidents of global capitalism.
"Terrorists Are US" WAKE UP sheeple: 7 Countries the USA planned to destroy including Syria
Jesuits "ARE" in control of the Catholic church today & nearly ALL of our Leaders were & are Satan worshipers
Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL about "Illuminati, Satanism, & Pedophile Rings," IN your GOVERNMENT!
The Mandelbrot Set: The more you break a line the longer it gets. An incredible mathematical formula explaining fractals and geometry!
CIA has infected ALL Apple Macintosh Computers and your I-phone via spying implants outside the hard drive, so that it cannot be removed.
World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer was abused/tortured by police in Pasadena California USA
Detoxifying Chemtrail Pollutants & Nuclear Fallout
How to neutralize Radiation/nuclear waste at 9:30 minutes
Chemtrails Exposed by Doctors, Physicists, Pilots, Bio Chemists
Trump KEEPS ALL THIS SHITE GOING ON=Trump "is" BUILDING USA DEBT by another 10 TRILLION to 30 TRILLION to get us invaded by China for NON-PAYMENT
The LAST SECRET/3rd Secret of Fatima.
Proof that NASA "IS" planning to kill YOU. Everyone MUST hear this.
Scaler energy These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy the zero-point energy
VACCINE campaign to scare people
The “REAL” History of WWI caused by the Khazars
Visual “PROOF” Michelle (Michael) Obama has “balls” and a “penis”.
Michelson Morley Experiment “proves” the earth is stationary; and that there “IS” an Aether necessary for light to travel in.
We have our own “flying saucers”= the TR3B 600 foot Antigravity Spacecraft
Nasa Hoax: Thrusters In Vacuum Proven Impossible With Math
Demolishing Einstein's "theory" of Relativity
The “MANIPULATION” of “YOU” citizens.
The Quantum Physics of Spirituality.
Temple Architectural Plan
Temple Tour & Tour of Jerusalem’s Holy Sites
The cause of “EVERY” WAR in the last 100 years was because of “FAKE NEWS”
Strategic Relocation & the New World Order tricks to fool you
The USA and Canada "IS" under SLAVERY/Oppression but some of "THE REST OF THE WORLD WAS FREE"!
Must Gather Together in Townsend.
No matter that Trump was elected, 90% of you will still be killed.
There “WILL” BE Civil WAR in the USA.
Everything you are told is WRONG about Adam’s family.
More information on 666 Trump
Trump’s 86 Lies.
The TRUTH about Abraham Lincoln.
SOUL/SPIRIT COOKING is done by Hillary Clinton
Dangers of Chemtrails
Demon “Possessed” & MENTALLY ILL Women
The News is READ by presTITUTES
Vaccines containing the nagalase enzyme protein IS responsible for alarming increases in childhood cancer and autism.
Proof that “YOU” ARE a Terrorist
How to repair your Credit Card
4 WAYS the Illuminati will trick you into “THINKING” Christ has returned.
Pope Francis Worships Lucifer at Easter Mass
Trump “IS” a Satanist. Here is “MORE” ACTUAL PICTURE “PROOF”:
Their Timing "IS" collapse BEFORE XMAS= Say GOODBYE to the good Life after Black Friday.
Blaming President Assad for the deaths in Syria is another USA LIE
Science “PROVING” the Illuminati “ARE” killing you with Chemtrails
Do "NOT" eat bread or pasta.
How “THEY” alter the computers’ election results.
As of November 4 2016 Paris Agreement, we are Governed by the UN.
61 Top Bankers MURDERED in 14 months
YOU are NOT allowed to Know, about Continuity Of Government according to the USA scheming Senators
Pat Buchannan is a member of the most powerful Satanic group
Why they “HATE” US
Wonderful facial expression of trust that God gave His creatures
Intravenous Chemotherapy is toxic.
Most cancer patients die “FROM” chemotherapy RADIATION, NOT from cancer.
Brain damage possible from children’s Vaccine
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public "BELIEVES" is FALSE. By Willian Casey
Leave a false trail=learn these TACTICS starting at 6:40
Americans “DON”T” elect the president. The Electoral College does.
Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church
The World’s Leaders “ALL” want to depopulate the planet by 90%.
Free Electricity for all people in the world.
Elections are All a SHAM, PHONY STAGED SHOW.
Trump is WORSE than Hitlary
From the book: Secrets, Lies and Democracy:
How they will open the “BOTTOMLESS PIT”
Explanation of Space and Time=ALL of time has ALREADY BEEN created.
THE Great Deception of Man's History : Illuminati NWO Freemason Antichrist UFO Alien Demon
Enumeration of Conspiracy Facts
Financial Martial Law WILL take your Retirement Pension Account!
They can turn you into a class of SLAVES.
The Voice of God Weapon of Deception.
Illuminati for Dummies
The Government Satanists ARE planning to starve us into submission.
PROOF Wal-Marts “ARE” being converted into Prison Camps! Welcome to Nazi Germany
Pokemon is Satanic and stands for Pocket Monster and Polyworld to mesmerize your enemy
Monsanto is DESTROYING people lives.
Memorize this SO YOU CAN HELP during the 1000 years.
What Nano Aluminum particles in Chemical Trails are DOING to your MIND.
Chemtrail devil pilots, have their Transponders turned off.
Take the TIME to read this “IF” you REALLY want to understand the Real Satanic World.
NOTHING has changed in PHONY WARS in 300 years.
List of 50 DEAD/Murdered people that were involved with the Clintons
Cops’ daily attitude is to KILL YOU> Here is photo PROOF:
“NOT” Accidental 61 dead Bankers, 76 dead Scientists all in 25 months. NOT. They were all MURDERED by the Shadow Government for not co-operating.
Nothing on TV News is correct or factual.
Smart Dust particles to Kill “YOU” causing Cytokine Cascade causing your immune system to turn against you.
How the elite “CREATE” the herd mentality in you.
Nanites have been sprayed on “you”.
Nearly 1,200 citizens MURDERED by USA Police in 2015. Count of murders in each State.
Tuning the A on your instrument to 432 Hz (NOT 440 Hz), creates Harmony with the Universe.
Mandela Effect
7 Prong/Fronts ATTACK against the USA and Canada by Russians and Chinese.
How it will be done to kill 90% of Canadians and Americans.
CERN is turned on to cause people to become unstable.
We will pay people to build roads WITHOUT governments
Government STEALS “MORE” MONEY from you than the criminals.
Einstein’s “theory” of Relativity is entirely wrong & there is NO “Vacuum Void”, & that everything is ENERGY. FIRST was ENERGY “then” matter.
NEAR MISS 2016 Spent FUEL FIRE at ANY USA REACTOR will dwarf the RADIATION in Japan
We’re dealing with a Power Structure of leaders who are clinically INSANE.
"HOW" to KNOW if you are a Girl or a Boy
You must MUST "MUST" SEE THIS "HOW" you have been TRICKED
Satanic Bloodlines CONTROL the World
New World Order that will be worse than Hitler’s New World Order
Micro Nukes & Thermite used on 9-11
Proof of "HOW" and "Why" ALL Wars are caused!
Agenda 21 They’re MURDERING us NOW
PROOF the RICH Elite "ARE" moving the USA into Communism
See what Love Yah CREATED
We ARE in TOTALITARISM NOW. They murdered author of this movie-Crowley & his family.
Heart attack gun used since 1970s
RESIST= Don't let SATANIST Muslims "LIE" to you
Politicians ARE facilitating an INVASION, not humanitarianism
Wal-Marts and Schools fitted with Guard Towers to become Detention Roundup Centers
Understand the "LEVEL" of Evil that "IS" coming upon Christians: The NDAA ACT states Christian DISSENTERS "CAN BE" LOCKED IN a FEMA Camp, KILLED, & FM 41.39 your home will be LOOTED by Chinese & Russian Troops
Our Satanic leaders will deliberately provoke and deliberately lose the first part of WWIII
Homer Simpson “Predicts” Mass of the Higgs Boson Particle, “years” before it is discovered.
Proof our World “IS” SATANIC
Conspiracies- Titanic:The Ship That Never Sank
The Titanic "WAS" an Inside Job
CERN meltdown cover up
CERN Accident could have damaged over100 Cyclotrons on earth.
Cern Particle Colliders- Portal_ Strange deaths associated with CERN Global Scale Theoretical and Applied Gravity/Loop Quantum/Many Worlds/ Proof of Parallel Universes
A completely NEW view of our Galaxy!
Russian nuclear warheads have been powering USA reactors!
Detax Canada
Producing More Energy than it Consumed
Free Energy Explained
Batteries that never go dead
The real cause of Fukushima
YOUR Leaders are ALL "SATANISTS", actual photographic visual proof.
Shroud of Turin is a Fake
The Sun is not what we have been told
"Best" UFO Sightings
Nephilim Annunaki and the Sumerian giant skeletons
Martin Luther King Junior, the Drum Major.
The Complete Idiots Guide to the New World Order.
A Winter Soldier speaks out how your Illumanati Satanist Government Leaders "ARE" your enemy.
Visual "PROOF" your corrupt Government is arming itself "INSIDE" the USA to make WAR on "YOU".
Passover-the FUTURE
GOD Particle perhaps found that creates Matter!
Agenda 21 for Dummies
Lucifer HAS been planning THIS for 70 years
The 90% culling/KILLING of the World has "STARTED"
USA Internment Camps for those who disagree with the Beast
Mind Control Parasite
Canada Admits - Alien Technology Operated by the USA
Hymn - The Church has one Foundation
They’re DEMONS want to possess you.
Best UFO sightings of August 2013.
Bible Mirror Articles
Obedient Church of God Pakistan newest MEMBER pictures
Sermons Videos
236.) click here for Sermon of
> August 17,
2013 All wars are Banksters Wars: Best Summation= Best "OVERVIEW" PROOF ever!
Sermons Audios